Spirttalk... need your inputs please......

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Spirttalk... need your inputs please......

Post by cedars » Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:44 pm

Dear Spiritalk,

I was giving Reiki treatment to a client of mine this afternoon and while I was working on her crown chakra, I sensed the presence of a female energy around me - I sensed it was my client's deceased mother.  I asked her if she was her mother and she said yes. I heard my same voice answering me in my head. Then I invited the spirit to assist me in the healing of her daughter and I sensed she went towards her feet while I was working on the crown.
Then, my conscious mind thought I needed to prove to my client that it was her indeed mother with us; so I asked the spirit entity to give me evidence to tell her daughter as to who she really was. She showed me a poodle dog and the month of September as being time for anniversaries/birthdays and so on.

After the treatment, I told my client that I felt the presence of her mother and she agreed immediately that she felt the same too and that we were both working on her. I was still not satisfied. I needed feedback and a positive one at that. I asked her about the poodle if it meant anything to her and she said yes. Then I asked her about the month of September and she said there are so many things in that month......

I know the evidence was not very strong to make a case for a spirit presence, but my client did feel or sense that there was another entity - that of her mother's- in the room.

Please tell me this is not my imagination..... I would have loved to have made contact with my client's mother while giving her Reiki and I would take that as an honour to be accompanied with another spirit's helping hand.

My client left satisfied with the treatment and promised to come back for another one.

I will appreciate your thoughts and inputs on this experience of mine.

Thank you.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jul 24, 2009 5:38 pm

Boy do you have trust issues!  LOL  She was confirmed and the evidence was good.  What more could you expect?  I have been confirmed with less.  

When we are doing healing treatments, we are open to the spirit and it is a time we are so out of the way it is easy for spirit to come in.  I am so glad the mother was interested enough in what you were doing to aid not disrupt - it can happen.

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Post by cedars » Fri Jul 24, 2009 5:45 pm

Thank you spiritalk
Yes, sometimes when it comes to mediumship or spirit contact, I have been known to have trust issues. But thank you very much for your words of encouragement.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Mon Nov 02, 2009 5:24 am

I had a similar experience to Cedars' during a long distance Reiki session with a friend. I saw in front of my "inner eye", as I call it, a second pair of healing hands that looked very beautiful and female to me... and I felt a presence that was authoritative, sort of like a teacher, but friendly and not threatening. I was quite startled at the time, because I had never heard of such a thing, and realized that there was a spirit presence, none of which I had ever encountered, but I continued what I was doing. I talked to my friend about it right afterward, and he wondered if it could have been a female spirit he had seen in a dream and/or a vision before. He wanted to know more, but that wish was not granted, I sensed her one more time later, but wasn't able to communicate. Days later I read in a book that it is a somewhat rare occurrence to see a 2nd pair of "helping hands" as they called it, and an indicator that a spirit guide is joining in the session.

Now the interesting thing is that she didn't seem like the spirit of a deceased but rather like a higher being with higher powers and of a protective nature. When I talked to someone else about this experience, we got to talking about guardian angels. Per my angel reading, one of my guardian angels is Gabriel who is said to have female powers and appearance. Now I am wondering if I saw and sensed my guardian angel as she joined my Reiki session... do you think that is possible, too, Spiritalk? Besides, Gabriel also happens to be my friend's guardian angel by day of birth...

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 02, 2009 6:51 pm

Angels and the mythology surrounding it has many and varied experiences to do with their powers, etc.  I am really not into going there.  My beliefs in angels is they come where we are in dire need, appear human, then disappear after the event.  

Another experience I have with angels is that I have one that works with me when a 'stuck' spirit needs to be rescued.  They work in those realms a lot.

Seeing a second pair of hands is more common than you may think.  I know I have seen (felt) it and so have many people in my work.  It is showing the spirit guide that is working with you.  Just the other day a spiritual healer told us he felt his hands belonged to someone else - they were larger and lighter in color.  I have had the same experience.

"Now the interesting thing is that she didn't seem like the spirit of a deceased but rather like a higher being with higher powers and of a protective nature."  You would really have to explain this to me?  We have the material vibration which we function within while on the earth plane.  And we have the spirit vibration (available on earth as well as a whole separate realm of existence) but suggesting something else again has me stymied?

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Post by PetraVanilla » Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:09 pm

My friend had been seeing this girl in dreams and visions and thought she may be the spirit of a deceased, up until we had the Reiki experience... that's why I was wondering... was thinking out loud so to speak =)  

Maybe there was yet another entity present with my friend at the time, because he mentioned "feeling her presence" often. If it was a stuck spirit, it would then make sense if my guardian angel appeared, after all. LOL ok ok I stop...

I am convinced I have seen/met my guardian angel in form of an old lady at least twice,but those stories belong elsewhere... what forum thread do you think I should that on?

But yes, I think I am getting your point, Spiritalk. My spirit guide and teacher it is, I know that, whoever she is in reality... maybe I'll find out down the road sometime...

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Post by cedars » Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:17 pm

I feel you want to believe that this entity was your guardian angel. And, what is wrong if it was the spirit of a deceased person?

It could be that it was your Reiki guide...... what does it matter who it was? The important thing is that you had the presence of spirit helping you in healing that other person. I don't think the healee should be so fussy in accepting or rejecting who helps you and them in the healing process.

If you want to believe the other entity was your guardian angel, then so be it. I also believe what spiritalk said about angels in our life appearing to us in the form of living beings.
Are we now being fussy as to who comes in to our aid in time of need? It is a blessing, so let us welcome them, as long as they are of higher level spirit entities and not lower level entities.


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Post by PetraVanilla » Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:34 pm

cedars wrote:I feel you want to believe that this entity was your guardian angel. And, what is wrong if it was the spirit of a deceased person?

It could be that it was your Reiki guide...... what does it matter who it was? The important thing is that you had the presence of spirit helping you in healing that other person. I don't think the healee should be so fussy in accepting or rejecting who helps you and them in the healing process.
cedars wrote: Are we now being fussy as to who comes in to our aid in time of need? It is a blessing, so let us welcome them, as long as they are of higher level spirit entities and not lower level entities. :)
Are "we" patronizing a bit here? Not being fussy.... welcome any help, living being or spirit being... =). Nothing wrong with that! Don't mind me giving back a bit, Cedars, I don't mean to offend - just letting you know that I feel that that comment was unnecessary. I do recognize the blessing and wish just as many blessings in the world to good people that do good work in channeling healing energy to people like you!

And I meant angels in form of a person when I referred to having met my guardian angel... so I am fully convinced on that - more on that later in applicable thread...

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Post by cedars » Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:23 pm

I was not being patronising at all.

From the onset you seemed to want to believe that your healing companion was one of a higher vibration spirit rather than the spirit of a deceased person, almost discarding the idea of ever being assisted by a spirit who used to live on the earthly realm. That's all.

I am not a good flyer when it comes to travelling, and one day before boarding the plane I sent distant healing for my flight. The flight was awful in terms of turbulence and my illogical fear of that. There was a lady sitting next to me who comforted me during that short flight and took my whole attention away from the flight and my silly fears... Her presence next to me was so comforting that I was convinced she was an earth angel sent to me to help me alleviate my fears. I was grateful for her presence next to me and no matter what anyone says, I believe she was in the seat next to me for a reason.

The title, the label of the entity is really not so important.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:08 pm

It is amazing how life affirming our experiences become when we work with spirit.  Before the word spirit was available in common language, all was considered angels.  After all, the church had accepted this strata of existence.  

In my experience we have many strata in spirit realms from the stuck near the earth plane, to the animal in a darkened realm, to realms similar to earth to greet us when we arrive and from where our loved ones and spirit guides communicate, to elevated teachers.  There are those who believe there is a realm of ascended masters (whatever that may mean) and certainly Jesus and those following a spiritual path (Ghandi and Mother Teresa comes to mind) will be in a brighter lighted realm.

Beyond it all, from inspiration from spirit to our own inspirations, is our understanding of God.  It can be something or someone worshiped in whatever way we choose - but it is the ultimate source to which we may all strive to return in our growth in light and love (spirituality).

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Post by PetraVanilla » Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:08 am

Spiritalk, you couldn't have said it any better... !!! What an inspiration!

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