I want to quit smoking

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I want to quit smoking

Post by mariemullyuk » Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:46 am

Right Ive tried stopping smoking by going cold turkey, having patches, using zyban [drug], playing with a rubix cube, chewing gum, going on walks, reading 'how to stop smoking' books and listening to hypnosis cd's over a five year period.

The nicotine replacement stuff did nothing, nor did the books and I smoked while I walked and smoked while I chewed gum. The hypnosis cd's made me want to smoke more and so did the drug zyban. I really want to quit and am thinking about saving up so I can go to see a professional to be hypnotised.

The cd's did nothing so I'm a bit dubious. The cd was from a leading hypnotist who has a really good standing [98% success rate] and is quite famous. He's done tons of books and cds and one of his books helped my mum lose weight.

Does it really work? Can anyone be hypnotised? I'm starting to think I'm one of a few bunch of people who can't be.

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Post by seadrenea » Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:02 pm

I went to a group hypnosis to stop smoking about 10 years ago. I quit for 3 years then started up again. I recently quit with the patch. The hypnosis is an iffy thing. I felt my determination that my $30 would not be wasted was more of a factor because we were really financially strapped. Like spending $45 a week wasn't bad enough.
I never was quite sure if I was actually hypnotised at all.
The worst part of quitting is what to do with the time you are no longer using to smoke. Start by writing down each time you light up, why you lit up, how long you took to smoke it, and if you planned to light up or was it spontaneous. Then add this up and decide how to fill this time with healthy things like walking, reading, sewing, puzzels, anything but eating! Then try the patches again.
Understand the "whys" and you can change! :smt003

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Post by ravenuriel » Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:21 pm

hypnosis works for the smoking cessation.
but your therapist has to do follows with you which most dont.. which drives me crazy..
smoking cessation is process.. its not a 30 minute fix.

you intl. have 3 appts.
plus homework..
and follow up calls.. for 3 weeks.

you can also use E F T
for smoking cessation

if you have a true desire to stop smoking... let me know.

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Post by Amethyst-Jen » Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:14 pm

I quit smoking 2 months ago using hypnosis.  It's not easy and it's day to day, but I don't have the cravings I used to and it's a lot easier to just not think about it.  It's very tough when I'm drinking, because that's when I smoked the most but thankfully I don't drink that much.  Overall it hasn't been too bad.  I miss it, but I feel a lot better, smell better, I can breath better, taste, etc.  

and yes, the $150 I spent for an hour was worth it AND one of the reasons I will never go back to smoking, I don't want to flush that down the drain ;)

Second reason is my grandmother is THRILLED and SO proud of me for quitting that even though I miss it, I couldn't let her down like that.  THAT is a good motivational tool.  The love of a family member.

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Post by Aegeus » Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:49 pm

I quit smoking with the help of amethyst. It helps over come physical dependencies. It translates from the greek amethystos; sober or not drunken. It also stimulates the pituitary gland which effects other glands in the body.

The body naturally produces an equivalent of nicotine. In smokers the body gets the effect it needs from nicotine and stops producing the natural equivalent thus creating a dependence. Amethyst helps stimulate the gland to begin producing the natural equivalent again.

Smoking is also grounding, and it is masculine energy. Working with the crystal will help to be more grounded and have more masculine feminine balance.

Also you have to quit the same way you started, gradually. I quit by smoking less and less slowly. My friend who had smoked for 5 year quit by will power and smoking less and less gradually. Every time he had a cigarette he said to him self I don't care if this is the last one I smoke, and eventually one of them was his last.

Remember to have lasting results change has to be gradual. There is a little hump while the body adjust to begin producing what it needs rather then smoking it, and have less gradually lessens this and amethyst helps stimulate the gland to speed up the adjustment.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Sat Oct 03, 2009 5:38 pm

Botswana Agate is a much better crystal to use for stopping any addiction, especially smoking :)

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Post by ConfusedMind » Mon Feb 08, 2010 12:32 pm

want to quit smoking? it's so easy. don't believe? just count how many time you have given it up. may be that you took to it again but there is no denial that you left it.

i suggest do not think what you cannot do. if you want to stop smoking, then stop it. why trying other things? this shows the shallowness if your wish and the strengthlessness of your will.

just make yourself think that you are not smoking just because you have decided it.

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