Negative Bathroom energy

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Negative Bathroom energy

Post by firetopaz » Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:59 pm

I live in a very old farm house that didn't have indoor plumbing when it was built.  They removed the central chimney and placed the bathroom there.  Unfortunately, it also is opposite the front door and very small.  If you came in the front door you would be standing in a small hall looking at the bathroom door.  I find the energy in there claustraphobic and usually have to leave the bathroom door open cuz I feel smothered and heavy in there.  It doesn't help much {leaving the bathroom door open}  and because I don't really know a lot about this subject I was hoping someone might give me some advice.  Is there anything I can do?  Not like I can move the toilet around.... :smt100   Thanks for any advice you can give.  Gotta be something...

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Re: Negative Bathroom energy

Post by RoseRed » Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:58 pm

firetopaz wrote:Not like I can move the toilet around.... :smt100   Thanks for any advice you can give.  Gotta be something...
hahaha!!! that made me giggle!

I have the same kinda thing - when i am in the bathroom I get a cringy feeling and I just want to get out as soon as I can. So I am interested in what some of the more knowledgeable have to say about this...

I remember reading somewhere that putting down the toilet seat is one of the things that make it more Feng Shui... :smt017

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Post by firetopaz » Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:43 pm

hmmm...  It does feel better with the toilet seat down...

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Post by alee » Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:42 pm

how long have you had this situation?

my guess is people in the house will suffer some health problems related to lower body parts.

keep the toilet door shut at all times.

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Post by CityHunter » Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:53 am

Hi, firetopaz.  Your situation is indeed bad but nothing that cannot be remedied.  First, you need to update us if you wake up for no particular reason between 1am and 5am especially on Tuesdays and Fridays.  Next.  You need to determine what compass direction the said water closet / bathroom / comfort room is.  

What remedies have you also done lately and have they proven effective even if just a wee bit.  RoseRed is correct in stating that the toilet seat should be kept down when it, the toilet, is not being used PLUS close the door.  Another secret that a lot don't share (especially on New Age ones) is using a plant to kill the negative chi that is generated and contained in the WC/CR/bathroom.  

Now, having the bathroom located in a place that is easily seen from the main door is also bad.  Hence, the best and easily done remedy is by closing the bathroom's door.

You should also evaluate if the toilet is in the auspicious or inauspicious are of the owner of the place.  If its in the inauspicious one then the project of remedying the negative influence brought about by the chi coming from the bathroom is much easier to solve.  

Going back to the plant, just in case you are curious and as you are in a farm, you just need to place a cactus inside the CR.  You are not to place it anywhere else inside your home not unless you can say for certain something is causing you to wake up and usually have bad dreams between 1am and 5am.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:14 am

Hi Cityhunter, what's the deal with the waking up between 1-5am? I used to have that problem before I moved. I had to get up at 4:45am but almost always woke up sooner, often from bad dreams and in cold sweat!

How do you feel about a gold fish "living"in the bathroom? No seriously! I mean it!

Thank you!

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Post by CityHunter » Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:09 am

Hi, PetraVanilla :)  1am to 5am is basically the period most of us are asleep thus our physical self is recharging while our subconsciousness is awake - this is why those reflective surfaces near and/or around one's bed is bad.  Per experience, since I do audits and advises professionally, when someone wakes up for unknown reasons during the said time especially if its with 3am and 4am things are really bad for the subject.  Its time to bring out the big guns as most ordinary feng shui remedies will not work.

From 12am to 5am the presence of the those unseen forces are strong.  Especially on Tuesdays and Fridays and on periods when there's no light from the moon (New Moon period).  3am is the exact opposite that Jesus died on the cross.  This may be questioned and subject to many debates but take note that numbers that are present not only in the Bible but in other old books and teachings are the same.  

I'm no demonologist so I can't explain things fully.  Again, if one wakes up for no reason or after having a bad dream or can't sleep around the said period then something is introducing seriously negative chi to the subject(s).  Remember, feng shui states that our luck is made up of Divine Luck, Man Luck and Nature Luck.  The first and the last play heavily when we recharge our batteries.

Remedy for such would depend on the subject's willingness to cooperate and to what extent his options are.  It would also depend on the degree of his situation.  

This is why checking out a place and even an object is very important before one takes it even if its brand new.  Cleansing then blessing should be followed no matter how much clearance has been given over it - its better to be sure than to be sorry.

As for a goldfish in the bathroom this is the first time such a question has been asked to me.  My opinion on that would be depending on the layout and situation.

There are 3 types of protectors that one can use.  Take note of my advice to use plants.  This is the first level.  The next would be the use of animals where your goldfish fits in.  There is nothing wrong in using a goldfish as a protector against negative chi BUT I don't advise using such as it has a higher life than that of a plant.  However, if the demand could be justified then it'll be different.  Although it should be the black one and not the bright colored ones that be used.  Dogs are more effective as a means to protect oneself from harm.  Not only against robbers but also against effects of negative chi.  

Time and time again I've encountered cases wherein their pets died to save their master(s).  The requirement though is that there must be a bond between the animal and owner.

The last and most seriously forbidden yet effective deterrent against negative chi is Man.  Yes, Man.  Some old Chinese families here who are very well-to-do will be spotted with their homes lined up with poor folks living on the streets in shacks outside.  This is one of those rarely heard and even more rarely shared technique - the dark side of feng shui.

Such "sacrifices" is without question going to give you serious negative points in your karma but not a lot dwell on that aspect until its too late.  People who have been used as "sacrifices" will note that they will have miserable lives no matter how much effort they do not unless they move to a new location.  Obviously, the rich one will not tell them that but instead keep them around by giving them some "gifts" such as food or a bit of help every now and then.  

Still a student of Jyotish but what my late guru friend told me is that once past 4am it should be okay as that's when he does his mantras then (although there are spirits who usually bother him while he does this at his apartment).

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Post by PetraVanilla » Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:34 pm

Cityhunter, thanks for your info. Well I moved out of that house where I was living with my Ex. I had been sleeping a lot in the living room, head facing north most of the time, based on the fact that he didn't like to wake up when I had to go to work. Part of the reason why I could not stay with him was because he has untreated bi-polar tendencies, even though at times I wondered if there were bad spirits or negative energy around him. I felt better after trying to feng shui the house, but it didn't help on the relationship aspect and the fact that his anger changed his facial expression in a scary way. These days he's got a girlfriend who claims to be psychic and told him there were spirits of 2 people at the north end of his 5 acre property (the house is in the south end) that used to live around there and who were killed or murdered. But she also said that they were not going to come into the house because there was something about my Ex that kept them away. I thought it was very strange. I am very sensitive when it comes to energy changes, I successfully practice reiki for myself and friends and I have had premonitions before I got the call of my grandma having passed, before the bad Seattle earthquake in the 90s, both my kids gender and names when it was much too early to know, 9/11 and several occasions where I knew someone would call before they did, to name the most significant. I am a strong believer in God and Jesus and I pray a lot. I consider myself Christian and very spiritual, but I don't go to church.

My apartment now has the front door in the north, on the 2nd floor, the kitchen in the northwest, my kids room in the northeast, hallway in between, which enters into the living room behind the kitchen in the southwest. The bathroom is between the kids room and bedroom, opposite the kitchen breakfast bar. It has 2 doors I try to keep closed.  One facing the kitchen, like  said and one the open walk-in closet at the north end of my bedroom. My bedroom is in the southeast, my bed faces south, used to face east. I think I slept better when it was facing east, but my dreams are much more vivid since I faced my bed south. I have a baqua mirror at my bedroom window to deflect the poison arrow from a house antenna  from another home. I have crystals hanging in the living room and in the kitchen (the latter mainly to slow down chi in that narrow space). I have quite a few aquariums and fish in my place. Mostly because my bf works with aquariums. They are in the living room, bedroom (I know that is not recommended but I have not much of a choice at the moment, it will likely change, soon), one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom. Funny as it sounds, Sushiyoshi the goldfish was somewhat displaced into the bathroom and not supposed to be a cure. It was my first fish and he and I have a bond - he even does tricks for me - I don't want to sacrifice him! If I put an actual plant with him, will that sort of protect him? Oh and I have an African water frog I have to find a place for... where should I put him?

Also, my bf decided we should redecorate the living room and the couch moved from the west to the east. The TV which we don't use much ended up on the west kitchen counter, next to the microwave and a fish bowl. A desk went into the southeast corner and he moved my love/relationship corner I had established in the southwest corner before I met him to the west and his anole (lizard) tank in its place so the anoles get some sunlight. What meaning have lizards in feng shui, anyway? I am sorry I have so many questions, but I am so confused because everything seems out of balance now, my relationship seems to break, because I am finally starting to stand up for myself and my finances, while my finances seem to improve ever since. (Oh, I did place a "slow" turtle cure at the backend/balcony of my home, recently, 3 turtles facing away from the house to slow wealth from flowing out, which seems to help).

I hope you can give me some tips on what to change and what to keep... THANK YOU!!!

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Post by CityHunter » Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:21 am

Hi, PetraVanilla :)  Feeling much chi from your message.  This usually happens when someone pours out their heart in what they write.  Also speaks that you have potential yet to be fully tapped - no wonder you are not only just able to "feel" these unseen ones (he he, for the lack of a better word I label them as "d'anothers" after a popular movie here) but also practice Reiki.

You have down pat the basics of feng shui thus can't input much else in that.  What you do need to add though to improve things is to address the limitations you are blessed with.  This is usually best discovered using chart readings and/or meditations.  

Ha ha.  Nice to note that you like animals and so too your boyfriend :)  That is good as people who are able to be kind to animals tend to be generally so too with people.  Makes great stress relievers too.   Yup, adding a plant to where your goldfish(es) are will help in protecting them.  Its just like chess.  The pawns get sacrificed first not unless you gamble with your officers.  

Fish especially those in aquariums are best kept outside or if they have to be inside they should be on the left side of the door - inside looking outside.  Feng shui states that if its on the right side of the door - again, inside looking outside - it will influence the father in the family to have extra-marital affairs (or another girlfriend in your case).  It may also influence the kids to defy their parents' advices and grow up to be irresponsible citizens.  

Thus, the problem then arises in your situation as your boyfriend works with aquariums and it'll surely be a heated debate if you ask those be situated elsewhere.  What you can do then is remedy it by using plants, making sure that the path leading to your main door has filters and cleanse your place as often as you could - minimum of once a week at least.

As for the frog, best to keep it as near the main door as much as possible and control it with a plant.  Just like the money frog it, your frog, will draw in all the chi that is in the area.  That is good if your neighbors are all well-to-do despite the economic crisis we are all in presently.  But, that is usually not applicable to most of us and again if you dispose of that frog your boyfriend might take offense.  Thus, to keep your relationship in order do what remedies that you could using basic feng shui - I'll give the ultimate remedy later.

For lizards, they are said to be similar to dragons.  You know that dragons cannot be displayed in a Dog's home thus if your sign is that of a Dog best to place them outside.  

Let's focus first on your ex- as this lesson will apply to your relationship now too.  Not sure how deep you are into the paranormal but here we have what we call "sabit" or riders in English.  These are either spirits, elementals or demons (yes, demons) who are attached to the subject and feed off on his life force or chi.  Think of them as energy and emotional leeches.  Some may have one but most have either 2 or 3 and sometimes even more.  I don't yet have the gift of seeing these like those who are gifted with such sight but they are said to come too in various forms.  Some are scary and some are said to look like even those Pokemon creatures.  

There is a strong probability that your ex- has such on him.  This is even more so if he has a lot of vices and is extremes in his changes of moods.  Have you tried using Reiki on him?  How was it?  Did something try to block you from successfully treating him or not?

Now, taking these lessons from your ex- and applying it to your present situation is very important.  As you can use the experience and knowledge you have now to improve your present relationship.

Your homework then is to first look back to the past events in your life.  Write down those good and bad moments and see if there is a cycle in things.  Then, highlight those that often appears may it be good and bad then check the sector using the Eight Mansions Formula.  Enhance or remedy depending on the situation.  Use Reiki not only on yourself to cleanse your chi but also those with you.

Lastly, strengthen further your connection to Him.  Its okay that you do not often go to Mass.  Ha ha.  I do that too as I don't like our priests here who tend to give political speeches instead of lessons to improve one's spirit and faith.  

As for the ultimate remedy, there should be an altar facing directly the main door.  It doesn't have to be a special one.  It could be a simple desk with your Bible on it where you would pray every morning and evening.  Take note that as its an altar it has to be regarded sacred thus you shouldn't allow anyone to place their cellular phone or such on it while its being charged.

Almost forgot, for the plant in your bedroom make sure it has to be the one with fat broad leaves not the spiky or thin ones as that would make both of you "hyper."

Do update me on your developments and if you have questions still :)  Ha ha.  Need to post a bit more to activate the program given here.  Getting tired of doing things by the long hand method already :P

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Post by PetraVanilla » Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:50 am

Cityhunter, LOL on the lizards, I have 2 dragons (my daughter an me) a monkey (my bf) and a goat (my son) here, no dogs... and 5 lizards =). The lizards are in the southwest, south being associated with fire. May that be the reason why I have become quite forceful in my home and relationship in the last few days? unfortunately that didn't help the relationship. My bf and I have not talked much since we made the changes and after a fight about finances.

My kitchen fish are to the left of the door and some on the right, almost aligned with the front door but shielded by a corner. I have a little rooster statue facing the front door to avoid infidelity.

I will get some plants asap. I have an unused plant hook almost above the lizards, might that help with anything?

I think I'll put the frog on the kitchen counter closest to the front door. That way the kids get to see it more and it's the best I can do.

An altar facing the front door is pretty much impossible, but I have a cross hanging in the side of the hallway. Is that ok?

Also explain the 8 mansions formula to me, please, as I am unfamiliar with that. Thank you

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Post by PetraVanilla » Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:13 am

Oh I forgot to comment on the thing with my ex... yes the demon thing sounds quite plausible, especially when I think of other things that have happened in my childhood. (My mom had to endure spirit attacks after doing automatic or free-writing that even followed her to the states where she lived on my old property, but that's another story - I hope). I offered to send Reiki before because my Ex started suffering from the beginnings of arthritis in his knees and isn't even 40 yet, but he declined. Reiki does not work if he rejects it...

On the other hand I had a friend who contacted me one night because of severe poltergeist activities in his home on the other side of the country. I didn't know anything better than to pray with him and send him Reiki while on IM to remove his anxiety and back pain the attacks brought on and to protect him and his family from harm. Not only did his back pain diminish but the poltergeist stopped throwing things and choking my friend within about 15 minutes and there was nothing but a little noise for about 3 days. 3 days later the poltergeist resumed some activity but at a lesser level. I then advised my friend to try and find out what the spirit seemed to want and I found out a lot by asking targeted questions regarding recent changes in the home and my friends past relationship with the spirit (seemed like it was his father in law). He proceeded to give the spirit opportunities to communicate and told the spirit that he understood why he was upset and that he could now leave in peace. He hasn't heard much from the spirit since as far as I am aware.

It seems much easier to help other people than myself with Reiki etc, and that frustrates me at times... I do Self-Reiki occasionally, but the energy seems much much stronger when I send it to someone else. I even have on occasion displayed what my Reiki master calls a scanning ability which enabled me to see a silhouette-type version of friends who had an ailment, with sort of a tear in their aura that I attempted to fix with Reiki. When I asked my friend where exactly the site of pain was, my perception exactly matched it. That happened twice. The 1st time with a friend who had never heard about Reiki, the 2nd time with a friend who had introduced me to Reiki and tested me based on my account with the 1st friend.

I think I have an idea... maybe I should see if I can meditate and get into a state where I can scan my apartment for energy glitches and treat feng shui cures with Reiki for greater results... hmmm... only problem is that I feel highly uncomfortable lately and have a hard time staying in an alpha state...

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Post by CityHunter » Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:41 am

Hi again, PetraVanilla.  I suggest you don't do meditation first until you have cleanse your place.  Its not easy nor safe to do to try to scan your place as even if you are experienced in this kind of stuff you may face something new which you aren't prepared for.  Ha ha.  Take that from me who has to learn it the hard way.

You are correct that sometimes using Reiki to heal oneself isn't easy.  Which is why its best to do it in a place where there are lots of plants.  For plants are also living things and if you attune yourself to them they can act as powerful helpers.  Even more so if you pray and ask for divine assistance.  You will notice that if you do so you aren't as exhausted when you don't do it.

Spirits come in many forms and it isn't easy to narrow them down.  Just as Pres. Reagan said to Premier Gorbachev then, "We trust but verify."  The same should happen here.  Do not let your guard down if the first finding says it is someone you know.  Remember, there are more maligned beings out there who are able to manipulate energy to make things appear as to how they like it to appear so.  Including taking the guise of someone you know.

On the probability that it was indeed her father-in-law, do remind her to pray for his soul this Feast of the Dead (not sure if you celebrate it there too though).  Just like in Ghost Month and the period dedicated for good spirits we need to pray for them that they may rest.  This is one key ingredient which a lot of so-called feng shui advisers tend to forget in sharing to others or try to profit from :P

The best gauge to determine if there is an unusual housemate with you is determine the cold or hot spots, use your lopan to detect them and note the behavior of your animals and even fellow housemates (the living ones and not the unusual ones we are looking for).  Plants are good detectors and not just as remedies.  In fact, in seriously plagued places a lot of cacti will help in negating such energies but the serious ones will kill it easily though.  

There are 2 things you are to note when you scan your place.  First, focus on creating a shield around yourself and reinforce that with strong prayers.  I use the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra but not sure if you are open to such options though (I'm Roman Catholic yet employ Hindu prayers when the special need arises as I've proven them effective even against the blackest magic yet I've encountered).  Second, never confront or fight them on your own.  Especially those with red, all black and yellow eyes.  Those are demons.  Especially if you detect something foul smelling for no reason.  You are to ask Him to send you His angels (and saints if you are open to such) to protect you.  

You may find yourself in what I call the Twilight Zone when you try to detect these beings.  Take note that they have the upper hand there as they are natives of that dimension.  You will be offered tempting gifts at times which you are to decline at all costs.  Think of it as like that test of Luke Skywalker in Star Wars - ha ha, they got a lot of their content from Indian tales and religion.

Lastly, no matter how evil those may try to influence your chi and home you can defeat and drive them away (can't destroy them though as they have to wait for His Second Coming).  From experience they just get driven back to Hell.

Sorry if this is sounding too weird for common feng shui principles but just sharing what should really be.  There's no way someone who calls himself a feng shui adviser can really help someone if he doesn't take into account all things that affect the subject.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Wed Oct 28, 2009 7:57 pm

Cityhunter glad to hear from you so soon. last night I found out that my kids are sleeping in their perspective unlucky (my daughter at my home) or five ghosts (my daughter at my Ex's house) and total loss (my son at my home) and health (my son at my Ex's) directions and I was wondering why my daughter had a steady decline in school lately!!! So I am trying to change the direction in which they are sleeping today and redecorate the room. It won't be easy, but hey that won't keep me from changing things.

I studied up on Feng Shui again last night and was compelled by one site to paint a picture of a vase full of water in the moonlight. I ended painting it on a window sill, with the full moon shining on it, from the sky above the ocean, and 2 peonies laying close to it. According to the site moonlight charged water in a vase dispels anger and so does a painting of it. I uncluttered my bedroom, put two brass sculptures of cranes, my rose quartz mandarin ducks and 2 candles in the SW corner of the bedroom. Then I placed a moonstone egg to enhance love and bring together quarreling lovers again, there as well. I also placed my drawing in the SW corner of my bedroom and my bf and I actually talked a bit more this morning.  
I put the frog in a keeper on my kitchen counter just a bit ago. I also due to lack of live plants put some silk ones in the bathroom, above the toilet for now and gave my goldfish some loving attention. My bf left to work a bit at the hospital where he services fish tanks, which he had neglected a bit.

When you talked about demons with red eyes I was shocked, I had a dream last night and one thing that appeared was a friend who walked past me with sort of a mask on that had red blinking eyes. I told him how ridiculous it looked and he was rather angry about that... that friend is actually a friend of my ex I don't like much and who has a very negative and dark past that had him stay in prison for a while... very interesting... yes iI know that they disguise gives me goose bumps! (I need to tell you about my mom and her experience sometime, once I get this somewhat straightened out here...) A few nights ago, before we started talking, and before all the communication with my bf seized, I felt a black shadow, a presence, in my bedroom, I was snuggling up to my sleeping bf at the time, but even that didn't help. I prayed and finally fell asleep. I am afraid that since spirits usually look for the weakest person that my bf might be more affected than me. He isn't weak, but very emotional and had a very unsettling childhood. I will keep researching and applying feng shui cures and pray alot, before I attempt anything else.

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Post by CityHunter » Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:21 pm

Hi, PetraVanilla.  Its good to hear that despite the challenges that have been presented to you that you haven't given up.  That you've taken the bull by its horns and steering it to the right path :)  Ha ha, my late guru friend will have fits as his approach is different - very much like aikido instead.  

To continue on.  The measures you have done for your daughter and to your room will indeed help much.  I'm not much of an advocate of sculptures and such as most of those that I help are from the C and D classes here :P  Quite depressing but handling those gives you much experience that cannot be absorbed when helping people who are better off.  You as well as I know that the bedroom is one of the most important places that need to be enhanced and controlled in feng shui.  Any wrong features here will greatly influence those who use it even if its just for a little while.

Paintings or drawings are indeed as effective as the real thing PROVIDED they have been done during a positive mood, mindset and objective.  It'll even be more powerful if its children who did it - which is why treasure those drawings your kids make.  Of course display only those that are of the positive image and not anything warlike.

The only gems or such that I have are mostly rough cut ones but rose quartz and moonstone indeed promotes love and controls/absorbs stress.  Even more so if its formed into a positive form such as your crane and egg.  I do have a tiger's eye PiYao and gave back to my wife my jade Horse (she's a Goat thus she should have it more than I do) but tend to use more blessed religious objects lately - part of the need in my kind of work and the dangers that I face.

BTW.  DO NOT GET A DIAMOND IF YOU ARE OF THE ARIES SIGN.  Forgot the whole reason why but it has something to do with conflicting elements.  Its jyotish though not feng shui.

On the part of your message where you describe that demon eyes the chi that I feel is of heightened danger.  I strongly suggest you do the following.  Check out first if there's a drainage - the outlet where the gutter on the street empties to - is aligned to your main door and/or window(s).  Applies too if you have a balcony or such at your place.

Next, if you are into plants I also strongly recommend that you place cacti on the four corners of your home outside.  Any of the cacti variety will do.  Doesn't have to be an expensive one.  If you are not into plants or your space wouldn't allow it you instead paint the reversed swastika.  Do note that the swastika used by the Nazis is angled and is for evil purposes.  The correct one is not like that.  The reverse one is for love and understanding while the one that looks like the Nazi one but of the correct form is for strength and wisdom.  You can use an ordinary permanent marker for that - used that on the drainage cover outside our main gate :P  No choice as its the local government who designed that despite our protests.

You are correct that if you are strong in your defenses the dark forces will target those that are close to you and find their weak spots.  The same can be said with karma.

What you can do to protect them is first cleanse then shield your home from such.  You are to improve your defenses by using a combination of feng shui that you know, energy healing like Reiki and prayers/meditations to improve the chi not only of your home and selves but the general atmosphere of the area.  Its best that you avoid eating meat - especially red meat - once a week to cleanse yourselves.  In jyotish what they do is fast on a certain day - just during the daytime - to further their cleansing methods and address problems.  

I think I mentioned this before but for situations that are serious what I ask people to do is place a bowl of rock or sea salt under their bed or somewhere near their bed for those who sleep Japanese style.  Jasmine also helps negate negative energies.  Here in the Philippines I ask them to use sampaguita flowers placed on windows and doors or at least beside their bed - if they don't have allergies to it.  Very effective and cheap too although some parts find it hard to get such as not a lot grow them anymore :P

When you use gems or such to protect yourself it can effectively handle problems and attacks - such as psychic or energy attacks - only to a certain level then they shatter.  Best against dark forces so far is black tourmaline or schorl.  Quite expensive though and hard to find too.  No idea yet if black diamond is the best (ha, can't afford it anyway).

I mentioned that I use blessed religious objects in my work.  I had some people who attended an event I hosted hold it in their closed fist while they look at a picture of a really haunted house (an old Spanish-era house that the Japanese used here to rape women and murder them after using them along with other locals who didn't like them during the Second World War).  For those who have a gift or the ability to sense more the unusual they narrated that the cross - it's a small St. Benedict's cross - got warm or even hot and one even said it moved like a cellular phone on vibrate mode.  

The reason why I shared that is because not only does such positively warn you of something dangerous in the area but will also begin protecting you.  I have my "guinea pigs" pray first - they recite the prayers according to what religion they have although I didn't have some hold the cross if they aren't Catholic or Christian but just casted a protective shield to extend to them - before taking a look at the pix.  

There is nothing to fear this dark ones no matter how fearful they may appear to be.  If you are strong in Him and are bonded strongly with your loved ones you can defeat them with His aid.  Take that from me who has survived and won against them - although battled damaged on several occasions :P

Not sure what cleansing method you use but its best if its a combination of three.  Use salt, incense and loud prayers with either ringing of a bell or use a singing bowl (although what I usually do is bring along an electronic player programmed to play mantras - reason why my old PDA and the hard disk where I stored the video file went kaput after exorcising a place).

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Joined: Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:07 am

Post by CityHunter » Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:32 pm

If you are to sense a foul smell, unusual coldness or hotness and the hairs on your body standing up or getting this weird heightened danger feel you are advised to recite the Apostles' Creed ASAP - as you mentioned you're a Christian and our version of it is very much the same.  Best if done in Latin but ordinary English will suffice for most encounters.  You are to finish it until the "Amen" part and should not falter no matter what.  You can also use it as an opening prayer when you do Reiki and casting the Circle of Holy Light to shield yourself and your love ones.

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