do you have a favorite myth/legend?

Discuss age old myths here. Are they facts or are they fiction?

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Post by sunmystic » Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:25 pm

MacLir you are a very advanced student of this stuff :) you are you know :)

Your words about the two sides about stuff (the male sender and female reciever) was something that I had never thought about. I am at the place where the Divine Mother and the Divine Father are in "a perfect love embrace." And this place is the entrance into the Divine. Recieving is also giving and giving is also recieving (I am sure that you understand what I am trying to say :) because it is hard to put into words).

Understanding the recieving part of things is crucial relative to this Divine Door. I am inclined to not allow the recieving to be a gift of the sending, which is why I have been hung up at this door :) . So anyway MacLir your words about that (in another topic) were extremely helpful to me! Things are beginning to go nicely now :) . I love your wisdom!

love you,


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Favorite Myth

Post by scarabcameo » Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:43 am

This isn't as much a myth as a tale, but I love the story of the shoemaker and the elves, and wish my elves would finish my projects overnight

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Post by MacLir » Fri Nov 20, 2009 5:08 am

In this post I want to bring a topic from one of my most favorite movie ever: "Beauty & The Beast".
    To begin, start by imagining that the story is happening inside us. There are two main characters, one is the most attractive--The Beauty, the one that attracted almost our whole attention--all the persons inside us, and the other is The Beast, the animal. Animals live mainly on their automatic mechanism, their physical abilities--on contrary with us humans, that using reason, our mind. Egyptian deities were often depicted also with animal forms to symbolize the specific power that they have. So, The Beast in "our world" is the hidden power, the abilities that still untamed; somehow we know or believe that we have it, but we don't know how to control or use it. To make it simple, it is our dream, hope, ambition, etc, that is still unfulfilled, a tremendous--but chaotic--power that raging inside us.
    A little deviation from our topic; speaking of Egyptian deities, it reminds me to Sphinx, an animal with human head. It symbolizes Science, Magick, the power(animal body) that had been revealed & available(human head). A famous psychic, Edgar Cayce made a prophecy that somewhere around 1997, the Science of Atlantis(which is far more sophisticated than ours & beyond our comprehension) would be found at the feet of The Sphinx. Years have passed since then, & still nothing has been found there. I believe it's the mistake of the interpretation. The feet means a beginning. So, the interpretation should be: around 1997, The Science of Atlantis was starting to emerge. And as Edgar Cayce has predicted, we began to know--& use--digital players, cellular phones, compact discs,internet & Nano-Technology around that era. Humanity seems entering a whole new era, a new dimension of reality. Shri Sathya Sai Baba also added, that the year 1999 is the beginning of The Golden Age.
    There's a joke that I heard from someone not long ago. If someone from primitive area came to a big and modern city, and see many people around him using cellular phones, especially  with hand-set, he may thinks, "Are those people crazy? Who are they talking to?". He may also thinks that there are many shaman, witch doctors, who can communicate with spirits because many are talking to unseen person.
    Now we're also heading to 2012, the end of the Mayan calendar, that for some means Armageddon--the end of the universe--like the movie that's on the peak right now: "2012", but I do not agree. For me, the year 2012 would be the time when the whole system of the universe change; just like a change of a system of government or like the time when Industrial Revolution started. And, I believe it already has begun, with the what so called global warming. In my country which has only two seasons, rainy season now started late. How about yours?
    Yes, the global warming/climate change is caused by humans, but let's see it this way: our body--& even mind--& everything around us are made of atoms(energy) & atoms also made up physical forces that determine how celestial objects move & act. So, the change on the movement of celestial objects would change us & our environment....or, should I say the other way around? Let each one decides. It's not my duty to decide it. I just simply hold to the words of wisdom from Thoth/Hermes Trismegistus: "As above, so below".
    Back to the track. In the story, Belle has been boring with her life & is desiring for something new. When she met Beast, she found something new, something interesting, though it felt unpleasant at the beginning. Isn't it just like what we feel when we start to wanting something, especially something hard to get? When we're wanting something seems impossible to get, we often want to let go & forget, but the urge, the passion, "The Beast", won't yield that easily.
It is a great struggle that can be won only after The Beast dies, resurrected to human form, & be united with The Princess, "The Beauty"; the moment when we are no longer unable to fulfill what has became our desire. Weakness turns into power.
    What I have explained is just a simple help to gain understanding from the story & how to use it for spiritual development. And the method of visualizing the story to be happening  inside ourself is a way to discover the hidden mystery(the "Sod"/Mystery in Pardes) of any sacred story. But that's not all, that visualization technique can also be used for pathworking. I would discuss about it in my next post.
    I will conclude this post with my another interpretation of a prophecy, this time from Nostradamus: The year 1999, seventh month, 9th day
                                                                                                                                                   From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
                                                                                                                                                   To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
                                                                                                                                                   Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.  
    So, at July 9th, 1999, many people were staring to the sky, but nothing happened. The mistake is on the word 7th month. Originally, the 7th month is September, from Septem in Roman or Sapta in Greek. Because of Julius Caesar, followed by Oktavianus Augustus that wanted to be deified, September has became the 9th month, 'till now. For the month has to be added by 2, so must the date & the year. As result, we get September 11th, 2001. Almost everyone knows what had happened that day, The Day That Shook The World.
    That prophecy is related to this quatrain: Ruin for the Volcae so very terrible with fear,
                                                               Their great city stained, pestilential deed:
                                                               To plunder Sun and Moon and to violate their temples:
                                                               And to redden the two rivers flowing with blood.      

    There is a place or precisely a country which is known as The Land Of Two Rivers, that is Iraq, with its rivers: Euphrat & Tigris. We know what happened to it not long after the September 11th.

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Post by sunmystic » Sun Nov 22, 2009 9:42 pm

"Ruin for the Volcae so very terrible with fear,
                                                              Their great city stained, pestilential deed:
                                                              To plunder Sun and Moon and to violate their temples:
                                                              And to redden the two rivers flowing with blood."

the above is actually talking about Paris and France. And Iraq is just getting started :) the kings of the east have not actually started moving yet :)

But cool post MacLir!



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The Dying god myth.

Post by Mysticandrogyne89 » Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:41 pm

It has come to my knowledge that when the death of a deity is represented in some shape or form( Dionysos, Attis, Osiris) , it is a symbol of a form of sacrifice and nearly immediate rebirth.
In all three cases , said gods are either castrated , dismembered in some fashion for they appear to pose a threat against some other beings, or as punishment.

And from their blood, or their corpse, a tree or a plant emerges so that a virgin( coinkidink anyone?) will consume it and give birth to a new being.
Or in the case of Osiris, he can be restored as a god of the dead after his former glory as a Solar god.
In summary, the masculine is taken into the feminine and granted a new life; so should we travel to the unconscious side and regain something lost or forgotten within ourselves( to the womb, the underworld, etc). Insomuch that I think as we delve into myths of rebirth, death, voyages of the mind and the soul are made each time to discover our true nature.
Hanged Man.

feel free to look this up. ^^
bon chance.


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Re: The Dying god myth.

Post by sunmystic » Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:46 pm

Mysticandrogyne89 wrote:It has come to my knowledge that when the death of a deity is represented in some shape or form( Dionysos, Attis, Osiris) , it is a symbol of a form of sacrifice and nearly immediate rebirth.
In all three cases , said gods are either castrated , dismembered in some fashion for they appear to pose a threat against some other beings, or as punishment.

And from their blood, or their corpse, a tree or a plant emerges so that a virgin( coinkidink anyone?) will consume it and give birth to a new being.
Or in the case of Osiris, he can be restored as a god of the dead after his former glory as a Solar god.
In summary, the masculine is taken into the feminine and granted a new life; so should we travel to the unconscious side and regain something lost or forgotten within ourselves( to the womb, the underworld, etc). Insomuch that I think as we delve into myths of rebirth, death, voyages of the mind and the soul are made each time to discover our true nature.
Hanged Man.

feel free to look this up. ^^
bon chance.

Hi Cam :) and wecome to Mystic Board. I can see that you will never be boring, which actually is cool :)

Cam makes a point here Rhuto :) what do you think :) ?

love you :)


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Post by MacLir » Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:24 am

sunmystic wrote:MacLir you are a very advanced student of this stuff :) you are you know :)

Your words about the two sides about stuff (the male sender and female reciever) was something that I had never thought about. I am at the place where the Divine Mother and the Divine Father are in "a perfect love embrace." And this place is the entrance into the Divine. Recieving is also giving and giving is also recieving (I am sure that you understand what I am trying to say :) because it is hard to put into words).

Understanding the recieving part of things is crucial relative to this Divine Door. I am inclined to not allow the recieving to be a gift of the sending, which is why I have been hung up at this door :) . So anyway MacLir your words about that (in another topic) were extremely helpful to me! Things are beginning to go nicely now :) . I love your wisdom!

love you,


    Glad to hear my experience can be useful. I also have to thank you for your topic has given me a way to convey what I have learned in spiritual path. I believe that everyone is a star(as was said by Aleister Crowley), so a technique can be useful to some but not to others. So, if it works, by any means use it! But if not, discard it! Every technique is unique, so with mine; & there might be person/s who has/have the same uniqueness that can be helped by my experience. That's why I felt pity if what I have learned just vanished after my physical existence ended. I don't feel comfortable to publish it in books.
When I began my quest of spirituality, I could hardly found any book about it, and if there was any, it would be very expensive--not like today, with internet available, many topics of spirituality can easily be found & taken, with small amount of money. Also my Guru helped me, taught me & gave me Initiation without any price. Based on that, I want to help those who has spiritual thirst by cheap, inexpensive & easily available way. Jesus said, "You have received it for free, then give it for free". I happened to think about making a blog, but I don't know what to write or where to begin. Beside, I'm not good to be a writer.
I had been thinking about it 'till I saw your topic, & I thought it can become a channel for my purpose. So, once again, thanks a lot!
    Now as I said previously, this time I want to talk about Pathworking. Some also called it Inner Journey, Spiritual Journey, or Shamanic Journey--those are the most common names. But I'd rather choose my own term to be the nearest explanation, that is Journey Into The Realm Of Mind. Mind is the Jiva, Soul, Ru'ach, Ruh, Spiritus, etc(N.B: I know those terms has to be used with some kind of classification, but in the moment I'm just using its general meaning). The mind is something that known, tangible only to the person who owns it. It exists but cannot be perceived by anyone else.
    So The Spiritual Realm, The Faerie Realm, or whatever you want to name it, is very close to us. It is in our mind. And here is the mistake that most of the beginners in Pathworking made--including me. A very common question is "Is it real?". Depends on what you think reality is. Scientists said that humans use--if I'm not mistaken--only about 5% of their mind capability. It's just like watching a movie with only 5% of the screen visible.
The other said that to do Pathworking, one must already has the ability of Astral Projection. Based on my experience, Pathworking is one thing while Astral Projection is another different thing. Whilst Pathworking means travelling into the realm of mind, Astral Projection means using your mind's body to travel. It is better, but doesn't mean that without Astral Projection ability you cannot do Pathworking. The difference is, in Astral P. your emotional side/emotional body plays in full capacity.
    Another mistake is 'to have everything on the spot'. Say, you're doing Pathworking to find teachings from a spiritual teacher. You want your teacher give the teachings right there, in that moment, instantly. I made that mistake too.
The Spiritual Realm is the mirror of our everyday physical reality, as said in Faerie teachings: The Green World(our everyday reality) minus the shadow-self(our incomplete perception) equals Faerieland. So, rather than expecting my answer to come instantly in Faerieland, I'm expecting it to come in everyday reality. Often it came through flash of thought/s. An example for this is when Sir Isaac Newton found the Law of Gravity. Had not he ever seen an apple--or whatever thing--fallen before? Why it had to be an apple? I cannot explain it in scientific way, but in spiritual way, it because the Law of Gravity was shown to him in Spiritual Realm, so it happened that way in physical reality.
    And about this "mirror", it's not like when you see a Unicorn in Faerieland, you will see it as well in everyday reality. This is an example of how it should go(I got it when I was reading American Webster's): (The God)Hypnos is the brother of (The God)Tanathos, son of (The God)Nyx. So sleep(Hypnos) is similar to death(Tanathos), & they both are expressions of the same thing: darkness(Nyx/Night). I found this technique of interpretation useful too for interpreting sacred scriptures.
    My circumstances & situation--from back then 'till now--has provided me little chance to spare any time or place for meditation, ritual or anything. But I realize that it is the way The Goddess taught me--just as I had explained above. That way, I could find a unique way. I once read that Enochian Magick as was being used by The Golden Dawn can also be performed in Astral Realm; & to be able to perform it in Astral Realm, one must first do the ritual inside the mind. Coincidentally, I have used almost the same method. My practice of Pathworking can be done anywhere & anytime because I practice it the same way as when I am daydreaming. But if you want to spare a particular, special time for practice, then it's allright. However, my Faerie teacher warned me of using "The Three Door Methods"(that is visualizing door/s to enter the Spiritual Realm--I'll explain this later) or 'the story-line method' with daydreaming. She gave not the exact reason, but it seems because imbalance could occur, because those methods cannot be separated with Grounding technique. I, myself still spare a little amount of time everyday to use those two techniques.
    Take "Beauty & The Beast" for example. 'The story-line method' implies visualizing oneself to be inside the story, accompanying the main character from beginning until the end of the story. Reading this, some might think, "Using such story for Shamanic Journey? You must be kidding me!" No, I'm absolutely not. For in Faerie realm, there are no such things as time & space, therefore there are no limitations at all. Anything could happen & exist there. You can even use the story like Batman, Superman, X-Men, whatever you wish. Those stories exist in physical realm, then they must first have existed in energy realm.
    To enter The Faerieland(The Spiritual Realm), one can use 'The Three Doors Method'. First, relax yourself. I will do this by breathing deeply & slowly, or simply by telling myself to relax. Then, visualize yourself to be in a green meadow. Do not see yourself like watching a movie character, instead feel yourself to be there. Those who ever played virtual games must have been familiar with this. Now in front of you is a mound. While you walk toward it, you notice something different on a particular area of the mound. When you get close, you see that instead of grass, moss is growing on that spot. Realizing that it's a door, you tug it to open the door. Inside, there's a tunnel of densely packed earth with circular shape as the door, sloping abruptly downward. Follow the tunnel until you meet another door of weathered oak. Strange convoluted pattern carved upon it. Open it & pass within. The tunnel now is damp & of glistening rock, & steam seems rising from them. Deep subterranean rumbles echoing beneath you. Press on downward 'till you find a door made of white gold. Strange pattern like 2 schematic tree carved upon it. As you watch, the tree seems moving, while the door itself seems moving & melting as if it were white hot. Take courage & open it to enter Faerieland.
    That is just a method, you can use it or leave it. You can also use only the main theme instead of following the whole story, that is the three doors(moss, wood, metal) and the circular paths sloping abruptly downward. The method is just a tool for the mind to play with, to impress the mind which doubting the realness of the practice--that's why, though any Pathworking can be done with eyes either open or close, it is better to practice the 'three door method' with eyes closed. Actually, because Spiritual Realm is inside your mind, you can go there simply by imagine it. The important thing is, feel yourself to be there, do not look at it as you're watching a movie.
    If you don't want to follow any story at all, then you can follow your heart. When you want to go to Spiritual Realm, just intent yourself to be there, see whatever you see, hear whatever you hear, etc. But, if you want to go to specific location, say the four quarters(in Faerie teachings it is called The Four Cities(Gorias, Falias, Murias, Finias), The Four Elements In Wicca, etc; & it's just somekind of metaphore, an explanation of The Four Forces that shaping the universe, that is Strong Nuclear Force[Air], Weak Nuclear Force[Fire], Electromagnetic Force[Water] & Gravitational Force[Earth]) to increase your spiritual power, then you must put the symbol as theme. E.g If you want to go to The City of Gorias(The Element Air), then place air as main framework in your mind.
Another helpful symbols as follow :
Air(Spring, Morning, Birth, Beginning, Creating)
Fire(Summer, Noon, Summit, Mature, Durability)
Water(Autumn, Dusk, Love, Bonding, Old)
Earth(Winter, Night, Change, Death, Nothingness)
    From what I have experienced, Shamanic Journey is a powerful yet practical technique. It can be done anywhere & anytime with significant result. In my practice, I feel it a little less powerful only to Mantra Yoga, because a Mantra can be very simple, very short, yet produces the same result.

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Post by sunmystic » Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:15 pm

MacLir wrote:
sunmystic wrote:MacLir you are a very advanced student of this stuff :) you are you know :)

Your words about the two sides about stuff (the male sender and female reciever) was something that I had never thought about. I am at the place where the Divine Mother and the Divine Father are in "a perfect love embrace." And this place is the entrance into the Divine. Recieving is also giving and giving is also recieving (I am sure that you understand what I am trying to say :) because it is hard to put into words).

Understanding the recieving part of things is crucial relative to this Divine Door. I am inclined to not allow the recieving to be a gift of the sending, which is why I have been hung up at this door :) . So anyway MacLir your words about that (in another topic) were extremely helpful to me! Things are beginning to go nicely now :) . I love your wisdom!

love you,


    Glad to hear my experience can be useful. I also have to thank you for your topic has given me a way to convey what I have learned in spiritual path. I believe that everyone is a star(as was said by Aleister Crowley), so a technique can be useful to some but not to others. So, if it works, by any means use it! But if not, discard it! Every technique is unique, so with mine; & there might be person/s who has/have the same uniqueness that can be helped by my experience. That's why I felt pity if what I have learned just vanished after my physical existence ended. I don't feel comfortable to publish it in books.
When I began my quest of spirituality, I could hardly found any book about it, and if there was any, it would be very expensive--not like today, with internet available, many topics of spirituality can easily be found & taken, with small amount of money. Also my Guru helped me, taught me & gave me Initiation without any price. Based on that, I want to help those who has spiritual thirst by cheap, inexpensive & easily available way. Jesus said, "You have received it for free, then give it for free". I happened to think about making a blog, but I don't know what to write or where to begin. Beside, I'm not good to be a writer.
I had been thinking about it 'till I saw your topic, & I thought it can become a channel for my purpose. So, once again, thanks a lot!
    Now as I said previously, this time I want to talk about Pathworking. Some also called it Inner Journey, Spiritual Journey, or Shamanic Journey--those are the most common names. But I'd rather choose my own term to be the nearest explanation, that is Journey Into The Realm Of Mind. Mind is the Jiva, Soul, Ru'ach, Ruh, Spiritus, etc(N.B: I know those terms has to be used with some kind of classification, but in the moment I'm just using its general meaning). The mind is something that known, tangible only to the person who owns it. It exists but cannot be perceived by anyone else.
    So The Spiritual Realm, The Faerie Realm, or whatever you want to name it, is very close to us. It is in our mind. And here is the mistake that most of the beginners in Pathworking made--including me. A very common question is "Is it real?". Depends on what you think reality is. Scientists said that humans use--if I'm not mistaken--only about 5% of their mind capability. It's just like watching a movie with only 5% of the screen visible.
The other said that to do Pathworking, one must already has the ability of Astral Projection. Based on my experience, Pathworking is one thing while Astral Projection is another different thing. Whilst Pathworking means travelling into the realm of mind, Astral Projection means using your mind's body to travel. It is better, but doesn't mean that without Astral Projection ability you cannot do Pathworking. The difference is, in Astral P. your emotional side/emotional body plays in full capacity.
    Another mistake is 'to have everything on the spot'. Say, you're doing Pathworking to find teachings from a spiritual teacher. You want your teacher give the teachings right there, in that moment, instantly. I made that mistake too.
The Spiritual Realm is the mirror of our everyday physical reality, as said in Faerie teachings: The Green World(our everyday reality) minus the shadow-self(our incomplete perception) equals Faerieland. So, rather than expecting my answer to come instantly in Faerieland, I'm expecting it to come in everyday reality. Often it came through flash of thought/s. An example for this is when Sir Isaac Newton found the Law of Gravity. Had not he ever seen an apple--or whatever thing--fallen before? Why it had to be an apple? I cannot explain it in scientific way, but in spiritual way, it because the Law of Gravity was shown to him in Spiritual Realm, so it happened that way in physical reality.
    And about this "mirror", it's not like when you see a Unicorn in Faerieland, you will see it as well in everyday reality. This is an example of how it should go(I got it when I was reading American Webster's): (The God)Hypnos is the brother of (The God)Tanathos, son of (The God)Nyx. So sleep(Hypnos) is similar to death(Tanathos), & they both are expressions of the same thing: darkness(Nyx/Night). I found this technique of interpretation useful too for interpreting sacred scriptures.
    My circumstances & situation--from back then 'till now--has provided me little chance to spare any time or place for meditation, ritual or anything. But I realize that it is the way The Goddess taught me--just as I had explained above. That way, I could find a unique way. I once read that Enochian Magick as was being used by The Golden Dawn can also be performed in Astral Realm; & to be able to perform it in Astral Realm, one must first do the ritual inside the mind. Coincidentally, I have used almost the same method. My practice of Pathworking can be done anywhere & anytime because I practice it the same way as when I am daydreaming. But if you want to spare a particular, special time for practice, then it's allright. However, my Faerie teacher warned me of using "The Three Door Methods"(that is visualizing door/s to enter the Spiritual Realm--I'll explain this later) or 'the story-line method' with daydreaming. She gave not the exact reason, but it seems because imbalance could occur, because those methods cannot be separated with Grounding technique. I, myself still spare a little amount of time everyday to use those two techniques.
    Take "Beauty & The Beast" for example. 'The story-line method' implies visualizing oneself to be inside the story, accompanying the main character from beginning until the end of the story. Reading this, some might think, "Using such story for Shamanic Journey? You must be kidding me!" No, I'm absolutely not. For in Faerie realm, there are no such things as time & space, therefore there are no limitations at all. Anything could happen & exist there. You can even use the story like Batman, Superman, X-Men, whatever you wish. Those stories exist in physical realm, then they must first have existed in energy realm.
    To enter The Faerieland(The Spiritual Realm), one can use 'The Three Doors Method'. First, relax yourself. I will do this by breathing deeply & slowly, or simply by telling myself to relax. Then, visualize yourself to be in a green meadow. Do not see yourself like watching a movie character, instead feel yourself to be there. Those who ever played virtual games must have been familiar with this. Now in front of you is a mound. While you walk toward it, you notice something different on a particular area of the mound. When you get close, you see that instead of grass, moss is growing on that spot. Realizing that it's a door, you tug it to open the door. Inside, there's a tunnel of densely packed earth with circular shape as the door, sloping abruptly downward. Follow the tunnel until you meet another door of weathered oak. Strange convoluted pattern carved upon it. Open it & pass within. The tunnel now is damp & of glistening rock, & steam seems rising from them. Deep subterranean rumbles echoing beneath you. Press on downward 'till you find a door made of white gold. Strange pattern like 2 schematic tree carved upon it. As you watch, the tree seems moving, while the door itself seems moving & melting as if it were white hot. Take courage & open it to enter Faerieland.
    That is just a method, you can use it or leave it. You can also use only the main theme instead of following the whole story, that is the three doors(moss, wood, metal) and the circular paths sloping abruptly downward. The method is just a tool for the mind to play with, to impress the mind which doubting the realness of the practice--that's why, though any Pathworking can be done with eyes either open or close, it is better to practice the 'three door method' with eyes closed. Actually, because Spiritual Realm is inside your mind, you can go there simply by imagine it. The important thing is, feel yourself to be there, do not look at it as you're watching a movie.
    If you don't want to follow any story at all, then you can follow your heart. When you want to go to Spiritual Realm, just intent yourself to be there, see whatever you see, hear whatever you hear, etc. But, if you want to go to specific location, say the four quarters(in Faerie teachings it is called The Four Cities(Gorias, Falias, Murias, Finias), The Four Elements In Wicca, etc; & it's just somekind of metaphore, an explanation of The Four Forces that shaping the universe, that is Strong Nuclear Force[Air], Weak Nuclear Force[Fire], Electromagnetic Force[Water] & Gravitational Force[Earth]) to increase your spiritual power, then you must put the symbol as theme. E.g If you want to go to The City of Gorias(The Element Air), then place air as main framework in your mind.
Another helpful symbols as follow :
Air(Spring, Morning, Birth, Beginning, Creating)
Fire(Summer, Noon, Summit, Mature, Durability)
Water(Autumn, Dusk, Love, Bonding, Old)
Earth(Winter, Night, Change, Death, Nothingness)
    From what I have experienced, Shamanic Journey is a powerful yet practical technique. It can be done anywhere & anytime with significant result. In my practice, I feel it a little less powerful only to Mantra Yoga, because a Mantra can be very simple, very short, yet produces the same result.
MacLir you should explain to folks that they never go through a door and then shut it behind themselves. If they do they "will" experience intence panic :) ! Based on my experience with what you are talking about.

And if one continues through Faery Land (which guys is real :) and a beautiful place with beautiful people in it) one will eventually come to a place of darkness and fear, the Christian bible calls it the "Shadow of the Valley of the Death." After passing through that place one then begins to ascend upwards. The first place you come to is paradise and then the first of the seven levels of heaven. Which is as far as I have been.

Cool post MacLir!



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Post by MacLir » Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:41 am

There's something that I forgot, that is about returning to physical reality. When you want to end your adventure, you can choose between two methods: The longer method is to trace your way back. The shorter method is by visualizing a silver chord from your navel(your visualized body's navel) that connected to your physical body's navel; then vizualize the chord is retracted so fast, pulling you 'till you merge with your physical body. For either way, stamp your feet to the ground afterward.
These are the grounding method that I spoken of. You can omit this if you do the practice in 'daydreaming style'. For the silver chord, some like to visualize it in the beginning of their journey. Me, myself prefer this one. If you choose this method, you don't need to always visualize that chord all over your journey. Just visualize the chord then move your intention from it(don't visualize it dissapearing). I feel annoyed too if I have to see a chord following me all over the place, so I just simply assuring myself that it is there--though it's not visible.
    By the way, it's an interesting go upward, ascending to higher planes. I shall try it in my practice. In Buddhist teachings, it is also said that every single creature is climbing the Bodhi Tree.
There is also a practice called Rising On The Planes, to develop the Body of Light, Astral Body, or whatever you want to name it. You can practice it by sitting or lying down, close your eyes(this time is a must!), & visualize you are outside your physical body. Then, rise upward through the ceiling, to the sky, & even to outer space. Keep on rising until you feel enough, then proceed with the Grounding technique.
    About the door, if the door is closed, then open it. Just remember not to lock it(just kidding!). If you had ever read the story--or seen the movie--"Alice In Wonderland", when Alice wanted to pass through a small door, the shrinking potion & the key apppeared just like that when Alice needed it. It's the same thing with Shamanic Journey. Actually, the story Alice In Wonderland was derived from Shamanic Journey, or to be more precisely, from Qabalistic Shamanic Journey. The story is full of Qabalistic symbols that can be useful to those who learn Qabalah.
Speaking of Qabalah, you can also do Pathworking using Qabalistic way. Qabalists use Tarot(Major Arcana) to enter the Faerieland. Each card represents a path in Qabalistic Tree of Life[there are many subject about this on the net, those who are interested can google it using keyword: Qabalistic Pathworking]. But for our purpose, it is enough to pick any card that you like. After memorizing it--don't be serious, you need not to go into the details--visualize the landscape of the card & enter it.
    But as I said before, you can use anything to enter Faerieland--The Spiritual Realm.
I remember another account about Heaven & Faerieland; from the story of Thomas Rhymer, also well-known as Thomas of Erceldoune, a prophet/sage of Wicca. Thomas got his "call" when he was lying under a Hawthorn tree(this tree plays an important role in Faerie Wicca). He saw a beautiful woman riding a white horse, that later would identified herself as Queen of Elfland(Faerieland). He asked Thomas to join her to her homeland. Thomas agreed, & The Faerie Queen took Thomas behind her. On their journey, they rest for a while in a garden just before entering Faerieland. While Thomas was lying on her lap, she showed him 3 roads--some said 3 while the others said 5--in front of them. The three roads are the road to Hell on one side & the road to Heaven on the other--these two roads are doubled up in the 5 roads versions, while in the middle is the road to Faerieland. I think it is natural, for what the so-called Faerieland is energy--including the dimension of energy--& energy can be molded into bad or good things, Heaven or Hell.
I once read a story in an old magazine, about a samurai who came to visit a Zen monk. The samurai asked to be taught about Heaven & Hell. After thinking for a moment, the monk said, "A fool, ugly person like you want to learn about Heaven & Hell? You got no chance!" Received that kind of answer, the samurai--filled with anger--began to draw his katana & said, "You'd better take your words back, or..." he has not completed his sentence when the monk said: "That is Hell". Realizing the monk's words, he slowly redrew his katana--his anger dissapeared, & the monk continued, "Now...That is Heaven".
I know some might underestimate the 'daydreaming style', but the important thing is, whatever method you use for Pathworking, always keep in mind to not let negative toughts, feelings, or emotions dictating you in your visualization, 'cause if you do, your practice is no more than a mere daydreaming, & even worse, the negativity that you brought there would certainly materialize as bad things, bad luck, etc, in everyday reality. Remember, Faerieland is the dimension of energy, of atoms, the substance that made every single thing.
    That's why not long ago in this forum, I read a post from a woman who was in deep trouble--I hope she has already found happiness now. She was also interested in Faeries. I tried to give some comforting, encouraging words for her. But I did not give any technique like I wrote here. Why? Because I don't want these techniques become some kind of a way to escape from reality, or even to make her condition worse. I had been in same situation too, so I know how the mind always inclined to fill the Pathworking with negativity. Like when I was feeling sad, I brought that sadness to Faerieland. Though from that kind of experience I realized that Faerieland is the mirror of my reality & vice versa. But, to bring your sadness to Faerieland is as the same as to make sad things happen in your life.

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Post by sunmystic » Wed Dec 30, 2009 7:35 pm

MacLir wrote:There's something that I forgot, that is about returning to physical reality. When you want to end your adventure, you can choose between two methods: The longer method is to trace your way back. The shorter method is by visualizing a silver chord from your navel(your visualized body's navel) that connected to your physical body's navel; then vizualize the chord is retracted so fast, pulling you 'till you merge with your physical body. For either way, stamp your feet to the ground afterward.
These are the grounding method that I spoken of. You can omit this if you do the practice in 'daydreaming style'. For the silver chord, some like to visualize it in the beginning of their journey. Me, myself prefer this one. If you choose this method, you don't need to always visualize that chord all over your journey. Just visualize the chord then move your intention from it(don't visualize it dissapearing). I feel annoyed too if I have to see a chord following me all over the place, so I just simply assuring myself that it is there--though it's not visible.
    By the way, it's an interesting go upward, ascending to higher planes. I shall try it in my practice. In Buddhist teachings, it is also said that every single creature is climbing the Bodhi Tree.
There is also a practice called Rising On The Planes, to develop the Body of Light, Astral Body, or whatever you want to name it. You can practice it by sitting or lying down, close your eyes(this time is a must!), & visualize you are outside your physical body. Then, rise upward through the ceiling, to the sky, & even to outer space. Keep on rising until you feel enough, then proceed with the Grounding technique.
    About the door, if the door is closed, then open it. Just remember not to lock it(just kidding!). If you had ever read the story--or seen the movie--"Alice In Wonderland", when Alice wanted to pass through a small door, the shrinking potion & the key apppeared just like that when Alice needed it. It's the same thing with Shamanic Journey. Actually, the story Alice In Wonderland was derived from Shamanic Journey, or to be more precisely, from Qabalistic Shamanic Journey. The story is full of Qabalistic symbols that can be useful to those who learn Qabalah.
Speaking of Qabalah, you can also do Pathworking using Qabalistic way. Qabalists use Tarot(Major Arcana) to enter the Faerieland. Each card represents a path in Qabalistic Tree of Life[there are many subject about this on the net, those who are interested can google it using keyword: Qabalistic Pathworking]. But for our purpose, it is enough to pick any card that you like. After memorizing it--don't be serious, you need not to go into the details--visualize the landscape of the card & enter it.
    But as I said before, you can use anything to enter Faerieland--The Spiritual Realm.
I remember another account about Heaven & Faerieland; from the story of Thomas Rhymer, also well-known as Thomas of Erceldoune, a prophet/sage of Wicca. Thomas got his "call" when he was lying under a Hawthorn tree(this tree plays an important role in Faerie Wicca). He saw a beautiful woman riding a white horse, that later would identified herself as Queen of Elfland(Faerieland). He asked Thomas to join her to her homeland. Thomas agreed, & The Faerie Queen took Thomas behind her. On their journey, they rest for a while in a garden just before entering Faerieland. While Thomas was lying on her lap, she showed him 3 roads--some said 3 while the others said 5--in front of them. The three roads are the road to Hell on one side & the road to Heaven on the other--these two roads are doubled up in the 5 roads versions, while in the middle is the road to Faerieland. I think it is natural, for what the so-called Faerieland is energy--including the dimension of energy--& energy can be molded into bad or good things, Heaven or Hell.
I once read a story in an old magazine, about a samurai who came to visit a Zen monk. The samurai asked to be taught about Heaven & Hell. After thinking for a moment, the monk said, "A fool, ugly person like you want to learn about Heaven & Hell? You got no chance!" Received that kind of answer, the samurai--filled with anger--began to draw his katana & said, "You'd better take your words back, or..." he has not completed his sentence when the monk said: "That is Hell". Realizing the monk's words, he slowly redrew his katana--his anger dissapeared, & the monk continued, "Now...That is Heaven".
I know some might underestimate the 'daydreaming style', but the important thing is, whatever method you use for Pathworking, always keep in mind to not let negative toughts, feelings, or emotions dictating you in your visualization, 'cause if you do, your practice is no more than a mere daydreaming, & even worse, the negativity that you brought there would certainly materialize as bad things, bad luck, etc, in everyday reality. Remember, Faerieland is the dimension of energy, of atoms, the substance that made every single thing.
    That's why not long ago in this forum, I read a post from a woman who was in deep trouble--I hope she has already found happiness now. She was also interested in Faeries. I tried to give some comforting, encouraging words for her. But I did not give any technique like I wrote here. Why? Because I don't want these techniques become some kind of a way to escape from reality, or even to make her condition worse. I had been in same situation too, so I know how the mind always inclined to fill the Pathworking with negativity. Like when I was feeling sad, I brought that sadness to Faerieland. Though from that kind of experience I realized that Faerieland is the mirror of my reality & vice versa. But, to bring your sadness to Faerieland is as the same as to make sad things happen in your life.
Cool post MacLir :) ! I did and experienced what you are sharing back in my early thirties and I did it as a yogi mystic as apart of my training. I did not know that it was apart of wicca stuff or Kaballa for that matter. It is interesting how different systems share alot of the samethings. Another funny thing is that I did the pathworking under the guidance of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. That was back before they handed me over to Shiva for Siddha yogi training. And now they have handed me over to Rhuto for him to civilize a wild yogi master :) . I love how things are sometimes :)

love you MacLir!


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Post by MacLir » Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:06 pm

Wild yogi? An interesting term. But I heard that all Yogis are crazy. A Yogi said, if you live in Eastern country, & say something different from the majority point of view, you might certainly be executed. If you live in Western country & do the same thing, you will get even worse, people will call you crazy. But if you do that while you live in India, the land of the Yogis, the land of crazy people, you will be worshipped as a god--like Siddhartha Gautama.
    I have here a story about how crazy a Yogi is. This is the story of Tilopa & Naropa. The names so familiar for those who learn Tantra. For those who doesn't know, Tilopa was the teacher(Guru) while Naropa was his student. From them Tantra emerged in Tibet as we know today.
    For some, this story is only a legend. But I wonder if any man can really make real distinction between fact & legend. Our thoughts are energy & energy exists in dimension different from ours--the 3 dimensional world. Thats why in occult & spirituality there is the term "thoughtform". Any thought that we have/make will become an entity, a thoughtform--in its own world, & have its own life. The more thoughts--whether from ours or other people--added into it, the more it will grow, bigger & stronger. Ancient quote said, "When the worshippers are gone, the God/dess is dead".
    The example--a tragic example unfortunately--for this is from the great actor Heath Ledger. A story developed about the cause of his suicide is The Joker has posessed him. That's not surprising for me, nor it is impossible. The dramatic style of rituals were & are often employed in Magick & Occultism. It is used to invoke the God/dess, so the practitioner would become what he/she invoked of. Whether the artist aware about this or not, the result is certain. Also, from the thoughts of many writer & film-maker who created The Joker Character, & those who read & watched it, The Joker has become a living entity, a living being in a world that cannot be grasped by ordinary humans.    
    Now, lets get to the story. I hope anyone who read it can give comment or opinion about what is the exact meaning behind it. I will give my own interpretation later.
This is the final story when Naropa finished his study of Tantra. It began when the chief of the village--where they lived in--gave them invitation, perhaps for a wedding party. Tilopa had something to taken care of, so Naropa went alone. When it was the time to leave the party, the chief gave Naropa a piece of cake for his Guru.
    Having received the cake, Tilopa ate it voraciously. After he ate all of it, it appeared that he still wanted more. He said, "What a delicious cake, I wish there's still more..." Seeing his Guru wanted it badly, Naropa said that he would go back & ask for another piece of cake to the chief of the village.
    But after he ate the second piece of cake, Tilopa still had not enough. So, Naropa went back for the second times. Still, Tilopa wanted more. Naropa went back again to the party site, but this time he thought, "I have asked twice, it would be shameful if I ask again." So a thought came into his mind, why he not just steal it? He came stealthily to the house & stole a large cake.
    When he gave it to his Guru, Tilopa was very happy, "What a large cake!!! You really are a good student Naropa!" "But tell me, tell me how you can get a cake this large?" Ashamed, Naropa answered, "I stole it, Guru..."
Naropa was ready to take punishment, but what came out from his Guru's mouth shocked him, "You stole it? You really stole it? Great!!! Very great!!! Now you can steal already. That's the only thing that I haven't taught you. That's it, all your lessons are finished, you are graduated now!"
    So, your comments please?

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Post by MacLir » Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:40 am

Hmmm...., no one gave any comment. Perhaps Tilopa was realy a madman that his views doesn't even make any sense. And if I give my comment, then I'd be just as mad as he was.....

Anyway, promise is promise, so here's mine:
    I remember a story from John 8:1-11. I'll put the quotation here--I took it from & I hope I'm not violating the copyright.

1 Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.

2 And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them.

3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,

4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.

5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.

9 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?

11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

    Some said the woman is Maria Magdalena(Mary Magdalene). The question is, why did that mass of people dismiss themselves? On another occasion, Jesus was discussing the law "Thou shalt not killeth". And he once also said, "Even those who hate their fellow human being or said to other fellow human: "Profane!", should also be taken to the court law."
    When discussing the law "Thou shalt not commiteth adultery", he said, "But anyone who sees a woman & wanting her, has already commited adultery with her."
    For me, the point is as this: The Law  of the Supreme Mind(God or whatever name you called It), cannot be described literally only; and the Jews--especially the religious leaders--in the first story realized it.
The Pardes method is something common among them. Its origins is from Qabalah, but there's a deep relationship between Kaballah & Judaism. It is said that when Moshe(Moses) was receiving Torah(The Ten Commandments) & Judaism along with it, God also gave him the secret teachings of Qabalah. While Judaism is meant for the common people, The Holy Kaballah was strictly confined for the spiritual elders, including the prophets. Now, for those who doesn't know about Pardes, I'll give a short explanation.
    Pardes is an abbreviation of Persha, Remez, Derash, Sod, representing 4 levels of interpretation. Actually, it is some kind of advance science. See it this way: When you see, say, a flower, what you see is the physical manifestation, the Persha. But the flower composed of substances that exist in dimension called Remez in Kaballah--in today's science, perhaps it is the dimension of molecules. The Remez contains of Derash within it; and finally, the originating substance of everything, the Sod--the Atoms(The Undivided)--is what has made Derash--& everything.
    I'll set the easiest example here, that is from Shiva, The Lord/God of Destruction. Those who doesn't understand will think that it is strange, as so did I long, long time ago, how such a terrible character, The Destructor, being worshipped as a God.
    That's for those who sees only on Persha level: Destruction.
    Try to see deeper. A Sculptor, when he is making a statue, isn't he doing destruction to the stone? The house that we have, it got it's wood from 'destructed' trees. No creating without destructing. So, destruction in the level of Remez is: Creating.
    Creating & destructing is the continous process in the whole universe. We call it(the Derash level): Transformation(Change).
    For the last level, the core of everything, you will see that everything is none else than transformation, inter-exchange of energy. But--I'll give a little hint here--for the purpose of Magickal act--for manipulating energy, you have to find out where or what is peculiarly showing the energy of transformation.
Take for instance the body. Among all part of the body, the hair represents perfection, & perfection means wholeness. In wholeness nothing is static, there will always be eternal change. So, the hair, the top of the head, the 7th chakra, represents transformation, the seat of Shiva. For Magickal ritual, one can use hair, staring at a picture of the Crown(Sahasrara) Chakra, or by using accupressure technique on specific spot on feet or palms that connected to the Pineal Gland(the gland that is connected to Baihui(Pai Hui), the topmost point of the head).
NB: Because hair is connected to perfection, no wonder there are religious rules about it. One rule states that the hair of women must be covered, another states it is the man's, yet another one says the hair must be grown long, while other says it has to be cut thoroughly. That's the physical level, for in the deeper levels, there are no difference between those rules. The main point is, do not let one's self keep damanding for perfection, for there would be no perfection in physical dimension.
My translation for the rules: Woman's hair must be covered - We don't need perfection. Man's hair must be covered - We don't strive for perfection. The hair is cut thoroughly - We realize nothing is perfect in physical reality. The hair is grown long - We see everything around us as perfect.  
    So speaking of stealing, stealing that we know is only in physical level. We must going deeper. What does the word stealing means? It means taking something that doesn't belong to you. So, not only robber or stealer, but everyone of us steals everyday. Say I'm walking in a shopping centre & see a car being sold--a car that I still cannot afford of, but I want it: doesn't it mean I'm stealing already? That car is not mine, but I already have owned it in my mind.
    No wonder Jesus said that anyone who fall in love is comiting adultery, because when someone is falling in love he/she already feel united to the one that he/she loves, but who still has not became hers/his.
    In the case of Naropa, he was different. He stole the cake for Tilopa's sake. Tilopa didn't ask him to get the cake, he volunteered. When he felt ashamed to ask for another cake, he could make excuses. "The party is over", or "They didn't bake the cake anymore", or anything he could thought of. But no, he didn't do that. Naropa just did what he intended to do, like a soldier following order. There was no feeling or emotion involved--like in military said : No thinking. Can you make what other people want turns into what you want? It is common to hear someone committed crime for the sake for the loved ones--but actually,  in turn, that person did that only for him/her-self. But how many times did you hear someone committing crime for the sake of an unknown stranger?
    Anyone who has comprehended Pardes would see that in Sod there's no difference between the law of killing, stealing, the need to respect your parents, all ten of them; for if only we can see Atoms, then there are no things, no shapes in all the universe, only Atoms.
    So that's all from me. There might be those who disagree with my point of view. But please don't get angry, 'cause I'm just a madman who is as mad as Tilopa, remember?

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Post by kunoichi » Fri Apr 23, 2010 3:25 am

I must say that I really enjoy the odd little myth that I came across from two cultures. It's probably a myth about the eclipe, I guess, but it's this:

Ancient Egyptian version:

The gods Horus and Seth had fought over who should inherit the throne of Egypt. The high council of the gods, the holy Ennead, tried to negotiate a peace, but the gods of the council came to blows and the audacious god Baba even mocked the sun god Re, saying, “Your shrine is empty!” When no one served in the temples of the gods, it meant that the gods were no longer taken seriously. Baba could not have said anything more injurious; Re promptly lay down on his back, and his heart was sore…The Ennead was angry with Baba and rebuked him, ‘Go away: you have committed a very grave crime’, and everyone went to their tents. Re remained on his back, sulking in solitude. Then Hathor, the goddess of sexuality and birth, went up to Re. She stood before him and uncovered her nakedness: Re burst out in laughter, rose and returned to the council.

Japanese version:

One day when the goddess Amaterasu was weaving the gods’ clothes…Susanoo made a hole in the roof…and threw down a piebald horse which he had already flayed….The goddess Amaterasu was terrified and hid in a rocky cave of Heaven, blocking the entrance with a boulder. The world was plunged into darkness….The goddess Ama no Uzume decked herself out with different plants…and then mounted a tub turned upside down which was placed outside the entrance to the cave. She began to dance…Carried away by divine ecstasy she took off all her clothes, and the eight hundred myriads of gods all roared with laughter. The Sun goddess hearing… the burst of laughter from the gods…came a little way out if the cave. Then a rope was stretched in front of the cave to prevent Amaterasu from going back into it, and once more the world was lit up by the rays of the Sun goddess.

It's interesting it's found in two cultures so far apart... not that the sun deity hid from the world and had to be lured out, but that in both cases the deity was lured out by a goddess doing a strip tease!!

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Post by MacLir » Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:42 am

After i finished reading the story, one question arise in my mind: Why is it so important, so special? The striptease, what had made it so special to the gods? i really like kimono, & to see a beautiful Japanese girl in kimono stripping herself in front of me is very, very, very wonderful indeed!!!
    But that if it happened to me, a human. The Gods? They are not three dimensional creatures, so neither they are bounded by time nor space. They can see naked women anywhere & anytime. So, there must be something beneath the story.
    Amaterasu is one of my beloved Goddess. The other two are Goddess Dana & Goddess Liberty--yes, that Goddess whose huge statue is in the Liberty Island, New York. And the story that you told is very familiar to me. And i already have revealed the hidden meanings behind that story, when i went to Faerieland & asked my inner teacher--perhaps i will relate this technique of mine in one of my later post.
    Quite a while after that trip(i don't remember how long), when i was doing my daily business, the song Beauty & The Beast appeared in my mind. It's not something unusual though, to have a song pass through your mind in certain occasions. But that time, my attention was attracted to the first words in the song: "Tale as old as time".
    From those words, a realization came to me, that the story of Amaterasu, as any other spiritual stories--including Beauty & The Beast, must have it's true meaning as old as time, something that happens from eternal past until eternal future, forever.
    Amaterasu represents the energy of "light", that is materialization--& realization, invention, anything related. Materialization of what we wanted will never appear while we're still wanting, still curious. And while a beautiful Japanese girl still wears her kimono, i certainly am curious to see  behind that kimono. For addition, that's also what happened when the people of Yishrael(Israel) was still wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. They were curious & longing to see the promised land. See, different story, but same meaning.

NB: The Israelites was A PRINCE when they lived in civilized country--Egypt. But they felt they did not belong there, THEY HAD NO LOVE THAT MADE THEM BE CURSED TO BECAME THE BEAST. They want something else, freedom, JUST LIKE BELLE(THE BEAUTY) WANTS MORE THAN JUST PROVINCIAL LIFE--ORDINARY LIFE. The Israelites was wandering 40 years in wilderness JUST LIKE THE BEAST WAITING IN ABANDONED CASTLE HOPING FOR SOMEONE TO LOVE HIM. It was when they finally enter The Promised Land, THE BEAST FINALLY UNITED WITH THE BEAUTY. And The Beast must die first, which means the Israelites' were no longer search for homeland--their life as adventurer/wanderer has ended.
Thus we have seen how the story Beauty & The Beast is "as old as time". When that story of the Israelites happened, the story of Beauty & The Beast also occured in spiritual realm--in Faerieland.

    As long as we're in physical reality, the 3 dimensional reality, we can never be free from curiosity & searching. That's why in Tantra, the highest stage of spiritual development, the perfection being called as Mahamudra. Mudra means movement, can also means money, & it also means anything that brings pleasure. So, simply said, Mahamudra is the stage of free act. Humans have free will, but not free act. Only when a son of man reach the stage of Mahamudra, s/he can do anything that the heart wants. But I think that highest stage cannot be reached when one  still inhabits phiysical body, because the physical body is limited to the physical(3 dimensional) reality.

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Post by kunoichi » Sun Jun 06, 2010 10:20 am

Thanks for sharing that, MacLir!

There has been a discussion that such a thing as how the deity strip tease results in sacred laughter, and the fact may not be the tease itself, but that it could be in relation to the laughter that it provokes, which then sets everything aright - the sun comes back out to shine on the world below, and all is well with the world.

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