Negative Bathroom energy

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Post by PetraVanilla » Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:45 pm

I drew the picture of the vase in moonlight with lots of intention and lots of positive thought about improving my relationship situation! maybe I'll take a photo of it and show you =) (- My daughter wouldn't believe I used crayons to do it, haha!)

I believe in following my intuition and before I left home to pick up my kids from school cleansed my apartment with salt while praying for protection from all evil and harm (when my bf was gone). On my way back from getting the kids, I stopped by a store and got Jasmine (something told me especially jasmine would be good, maybe got your vibe there early lol), Sandalwood, Patchouli and Opium incense and a brass bell for further cleansing. Also a wind chime for the front door to ring in better opportunities, which should help with money and a career I currently don't have. I already have one on my balcony in the back.
I do have a peach colored rock salt candle holder next to my bed =).

I wear hematite on my left wrist and have a string of hematite in the car and by the front door. It seems to always help get people out of my home when they start to get nasty =). They suddenly get this funny expression and then leave quickly - worked with my Ex one time!

I asked my Ex to at least change the position of her bed and he said he would. In my place I can only change both kids' beds to face West, which is my son's health direction and my daughter's personal development direction, better than the other bad stuff! I can still direct them to sit in their success  direction when doing homework...

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Post by PetraVanilla » Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:55 pm

I will do what you suggested. Thank you... BTW, what is your profession? Are you a priest or exorcist or simply a Feng Shui consultant/geomancer? You have no idea how much I appreciate all your input!! You can tell that I am extremely eager to learn all that I can. I am actually a Scorpio in the Western Zodiac, Dragon in the Chinese one, and if you throw curiosity, creativity (drawing, writing and singing) and a knack for the paranormal, metaphysical and philosophical into one pot, with the need for more knowledge than most people can handle, you get me! I am pretty intense as you can tell, and people either figure out how deep I am and keep talking to me or are repelled. I am glad you keep talking... =)

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Post by CityHunter » Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:21 pm

Ha ha.  Just an ordinary feng shui adviser who got more than he bargained for when he went into such kind of work - when I was a kid I wanted to be a ghostbuster (after that movie) and didn't realize it'll be granted.  Ha ha.  Which is why be careful what you wish for :D

Scorpio and a Dragon too.  No wonder the chi I feel from your messages is strong.  Ha ha.  Take note I'm of the Dog sign yet often able to work with Dragons.  Do keep yourself interested in such just be warned not to try something not unless you really do know all its pros and cons.  Most Dragons that I know become successful sooner or later.  

As you said your finances - same here but thinking of going into marketing some gems as some tend to shy away from professional feng shui help thinking it'll be expensive :P - and relationships need to be addressed focus on the toilet/comfort room/water closet, dining room, kitchen and bedroom.  Did I mention already the do's and dont's with stairs?  No pictures, certificates or such of any member, living or dead, along the stairs.  Serious negative chi is absorbed there.

It would be good too if you can design a feature mixing your partner's love for fish (and talent in making and designing aquarium), your love for feng shui and skill in reiki in your home.  The idea that comes to mind is to set it like some art masterpiece that is displayed for all to see.  The same can be done with your child and your ex- when she goes there that way the bond will be strong and in some way you can still introduce positive chi to his life by imparting much positive chi to your child when she goes there to stay.  Extra chi is usually spread around as our bodies can only contain so much until we are made better to handle more.

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Post by CityHunter » Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:41 pm

Actually, I went into this after the value of our currency dived and my planned business wouldn't take off.  It was also my way of paying back for my previous sins (had been a really bad boy then) and this was one way I can help folks with the special skill I have.  First case I handled was witchcraft, oppression stage (one step away from possession) and bad feng shui rolled into one.  Was down for at least a week after just talking with the subject over the phone :P  Most of the cases I handled are usually tainted with the supernatural which is why I had to write my own book on feng shui (well, not yet literally) just to make things work and remedy situations.  Had to keep revising and updating it too as each encounter seems to be even more difficult than the previous one :P  Ha ha.  Sure wish I can charge those dark ones else I would be filthy rich by now.

Try to find time to study how to make charts.  Those are very important if you want to apply feng shui remedies best.  For only with such can you determine what the main problems are (and will be) and plan ahead how to best get past it (can't avoid it no matter what but you can overcome the problem).  

A real-life example is when 2 students of my late guru friend were forecasted to die in a tragic car accident last year (using jyotish).  They did the remedies and were able to live past that date although they experienced some pain on the part which was said to be the one affected.  My late guru friend though already knew he wouldn't live past the age of 52 (died in the age of 45 if I recall it right) but was betting on his 2nd wife getting rich and him surviving.  Problem was that the wife was uncooperative and a bit of a "nagger" which further aggravated the heart problem of my friend.  I think she was sorry for what she did later on and I do hope she's going to be better as her karma wouldn't be good otherwise - she already suffered 3 strikes (father died, husband died and losses in finances) but per jyotish findings those were just the start not unless she learns from these lessons :P

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Post by PetraVanilla » Thu Oct 29, 2009 6:03 am

Hey once again (lol - can't help it today!). I finally got done changing my kids' room around and was worried about what they thought of that. My son and daughter both liked it a lot... I think the energy in the room changed immediately and I felt really happy, too. I explained to the kids that it should help them to sleep better at night and maybe get better in school. I am glad that they are both perceptive to such things as Feng Shui and Reiki. Reiki was sent to them by a friend at first and they both had claimed to feel a tingle. On a later occasion I was able to literally put my son from a stage of screaming of pain after an accident that made his knee bleed badly (he was 5 at the time I think and I asked him if he wanted me to do Reiki, to which he agreed) into deep sleep. I think I will teach my daughter most all I know about positive energy. She says she wants to know... she's 9.

I know zero about Jyotisha. But I will look into it.

If I understand right, to get back to personal art pieces, they carry a lot of positive chi with them as long as the image pertains to your goals in life, which is strengthened when you carry the intention in your mind while painting. I also understand if you have empty walls it may imply a lack of opportunities in life.

There is an oil painting of a quiet lake shore or possibly a spot by a river on the west wall in my bedroom. An old friend of my great grandfather painted it. I like the picture but it is sort of dark and it doesn't feel right where it's at. Not sure what to do with it. I do know that the bedroom should have something pleasant, something that reminds of a happy relationship, peonies, mandarin ducks, a happy couple, possibly of my bf and me, pinks and whites.

What kind of charts... Flying Star charts? Reading up on that stuff at this moment....

Oh and stairs... none close by...


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Post by CityHunter » Thu Oct 29, 2009 7:29 am

Hi, PetraVanilla :)  Nice to note that your kids are very open to Reiki and are keen in learning it too.  Shows that they also got your gift in energy healing.  

Try to check the section about Vedic or India astrology.  Its the other term for jyotish.  

Yup, art pieces made with heart and good intentions impart positive chi to a place.  The opposite can be said for items or works which had been done with ill-intention - note that infamous large diamond that is said to be cursed although I forgot the name of it though.

The oil painting of your in your bedroom shouldn't be there.  Keeps your luck down.  Best find a different spot for it.  Its good for trapping stress or negative chi though.

As for charts, the best so far are the Jyotish ones as they have computer programs already.  I do my feng shui ones by long hand :P  You'll need to know at least 2 ways to do charts so that you can cover most angles.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Thu Oct 29, 2009 8:08 am

Maybe I should put the painting in the bathroom lol - just kidding! Took it down for now. I think I will start making my own artwork and pin it on the wall unless I find something that really captures me! =)

Hey guess what a while back I found this book at the thrift store and had totally forgotten about it. It just hit me when I was putting the kids to bed and praying with them.... "The Practical Encyclopedia Of Feng Shui" ...  am so silly... buy books and then don't read them haha... I will now!!

Also found that my little green jade statue of 2 carps crossing the dragon gate may help with my relationship... so guess where I put it?!

The flying stars predictions for this year worry me, but I put a metal wind chime at my front entrance (in the north) to help with some of that. Not much but at least something... I guess I will keep an eye out for other affordable cures...

Charts seem complicated... is there any easy method to the craziness?

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Post by CityHunter » Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:13 am

Ha ha.  Same here.  Got some books but barely get to read the yet.  Sigh.  Lots of things to do but have to really sked so that I can finish more in the end.  As of present stumped with creating an idea what my website should look like.  LOL.  Last time I made one was when there weren't much pictures or sounds yet.

Your little green jade carp couple with Dragon gate piece is best placed either in the Southeast of your room or home if you require more finance luck or in the East where it'll help in general family affairs - I strongly recommend the East.  We cannot use it in the Southwest where Marriage and Relationships are as it'll exhaust the Earth energy.  Best put something Red or of the Fire element there - something small and made of natural material not plastic - but don't overdo it.  Remember, Ox year means relationship tests.

As for Flying Stars, if you are to study it you will note that there will be subtle changes per month and day.  Thus, the best remedy is still constant cleansing of your home (could be done for one's office too) using strong prayers.

Ha ha.  The only shortcut that I do know that works is using angel cards but you have to attune yourself too to that and takes good interpretation skills to get the readings right.  Chart making is easy as long as you have complete references and know the basics.  What is difficult is interpreting the numbers and/or signs.  Different approach but same results.  I do charts while my wife does cards and we still come up with the same.  I though need to work on lots of computations and such while she doesn't but has to attune herself and limit the questions as it exhausts her chi more faster - you maintain that constant field of protection, connection and cleansing on the subject that he may think and understand coherently.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Thu Oct 29, 2009 8:18 pm

Oh my gosh you won't believe this!!! I had so many things happening today, blessings just raining down! I was late getting up today because my alarm didn't go off, brought the kids to school late and decided because it was late enough in the morning for the store to open to go to my favorite thrift store in town. I spent a lot of time there, just relaxing. While I was there I got a text from someone who ended up buying an item from me I had posted on Craigslist. Then I got a call from a guy that wants to come look at my motorcycle I've been desperately trying to sell for months on Saturday. Then I go to meet with the lady who did buy my item and on the way there I get a call from a lady I am selling half a beef to. I was not even expecting her to call until after my rent payment was due and I need the money bad for that purpose. She will meet me today, we'll get our beef and I get the money. After I get the beef and money I can take my kids out to the local haunted house - I didn't think I'd be able to afford the $4 for them to have a little fun since they will be with their dad on Halloween night.

And finally I thought, let's check the local grocery store which also carries flowers for maybe a plant - they were "clearancing" a bunch out for $1-$1.99 a piece!!! I got an broad leaf agave (cactus) plant, which I think will keep in the bathroom, if you think that's ok, a large white cyclamen I wonder if I should keep it in the kitchen area due to the color, and a small colorful (red yellow and green) Croton "Luna" I put close to the balcony door in the South of the house for more light. Plus I found one of those heart shape leaf Nephthytis plants that I think I read can be used in Feng Shui (to attract wealth or love??), too. I put it in the wealth corner to the left of my balcony door. Then there is a quite known pink color flowering plant (I can't remember it's name), with oval shape leaves, which might go on an open shelf by the balcony/living room window, too. Would an open shelf with plants on it, in front of the back window/balcony door be ok? I don't have a shelf there now... I had been concerned whether it would keep good chi from going into my front door through the hallway, through the living room and straight out the back, since it would have plants on it, or whether it may block light from entering. It would be good for the plants to get some extra light, but I could try and see about getting a plant stand instead. Either way, I am ecstatic about having some plants in my house now besides all the other blessings!!!
I wonder if all of that happened because I put three Chinese coins bound with red thread and a few crystal beads in my purse last night... I am impressed!!!

I had the carps in the SW corner of my SE room which is the bedroom... put them simply on my night stand in the SE corner... ok?

What significance can a red paper fan with plastic handle have in the relationship corner... I happen to have one...?

And I heard that white tigers go well with kids but don't remember the meaning... have a picture of a white Tiger in green grass...

Then, I picked up two small square mirrors I was hoping to hang at different heights next to each other on the hallway wall, on the left, when you enter, since its somewhat narrow and the walls empty. I'd like to know if that sounds like something good and whether I should hang them so they look like diamonds or rather the regular way. plus the frames are brown wood. Would it be better to paint them black since they will be in the North section of my home? All my walls are plain white...

On the right site, when entering, but not directly across from the mirrors I thought putting a picture related to my career wishes in a black frame, might be good...

Another thing I would like to hang is a small black cubby type shelf deal on the wall left/diagonally across from the front door, when you enter. I think it would make the entrance look more welcoming if I place a few auspicious items in it and maybe a small plant on top, for lack of room and not being able to put plants elsewhere in that area. What do you think? On second thought, while I have no room for an altar that cubby could serve as a sacred island close to the door. I have a clay angel statue from my grandma, a red new testament, a small black bible and some protective gems I could place there... based on your previous suggestion.

I must be quite a challenge to you with all my questions  :smt003  :smt004

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Post by CityHunter » Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:59 pm

Hi, PetraVanilla :)  Nice that things are turning for the better for you :D  Ha ha.  No problem in trying to answer your questions as it helps to keep me up and alert.  Not familiar yet with plants - ha ha, fooled around when I was in the Boy Scouts and knew only a handful.  Ha, we kept labeling things with whatever names we could remember even if we have no idea if its correct for that plant or not :P

Basically, you are correct that depending on the shape of the leaf spells much on how it'll influence the chi of the place.  A blade-like one will destroy chi.  A broad leaf will enhance stress relief while a round one is usually connected with money luck.  

Colors are easier as you just need to connect them to the element they are associated to.  

With regards to your Chinese coins and crystals they do enhance your positive chi but remember that it is all because of your positive outlook and connection to Him.  One shouldn't forget to say thanks for blessings received.  From experience, even if you load yourself with all the charms in the world it wouldn't work not unless you trigger it.

Mirrors are items that have very special uses in feng shui.  I have some small square ones placed over our bedroom windows and columns as within that space is our bed.  Still weak though thus had to enhance it before with special bags containing small bits of mixed semi-precious stones, sutra and mineral salt (a friend gave me some which is said to come from the Himalayas) to ward of evil chi - remember that my job takes me to solve unusual cases.  One time my wife and our dog woke up with unusual scratches which I connect to those that want to harm us.  Hence had to remedy our old wards with enhanced new ones.

Putting then mirrors in a place is a way of trapping bad chi.  Just make sure they are above the height of the tallest person in your home and place them not in diamond-like form not unless you want to kill the chi of the area.  You do the latter if that sector's influence is currently bad for your life.  Having their frame colored black is okay but would rather it be white as it'll be able to contain the energies better.  I have my clients use white ceramic bowls for their salt solution as white cleanses the trapped chi.  However, as your walls are painted white having the frames painted black should be okay as you will be keeping the balance in that room.  Black sucks in equally all bad chi.  Just make sure no personal items directly related to someone like paintings or pictures is near those mirrors.

Going back to the plants.   There is nothing wrong with placing plants near your entrance as those act as filters.  Not sure if there are a lot of Chinese folks in your area but here in the Philippines those who practice feng shui don't use much of the New Age stuff but instead focus on plants, mirrors, strategic placement of items, materials and colors.  The common thing that you usually see that may be associated with the New Age stuff are Fu Dogs.  Plants especially the cacti are secrets which not a lot share.  Yes, they are a no-no in homes for the living BUT depending on the room and circumstances.  They are very much seen in comfort rooms/toilet/water closet of the successful families/companies and to kill the negative chi if there's a nearby power transformer, drainage and other negative feature such as an unfriendly neighbor or one who even practices the occult.

There is nothing wrong with using New Age stuff provided they are made correctly and one fully understand their limitations.  Take for example your red fan.  The paper material is okay as its natural material but having a plastic handle is bad.  Plastic is associated with the Fire element which is very hard to control.  Thus, paper being of the Wood property will just feed the Fire element and further its unstable chi contribution factor.  Thus, the influence of this to your relationship - as its in the relationship corner - is that it'll fan your desires too much then it'll fizzle out.  Something which isn't good for a relationship that you want to last forever.

Open shelves are okay PROVIDED there are contents on them.  In feng shui, they are said to be like blades chopping us if they have nothing on them.  Thus, place something on them especially if its inspirational.    But as you are to use it for plants my advice is best not to do so for now.  Our focus is to first fix your finances thus that means we have to be practical in our spending.  Best use that instead to buy food for your family or other items needed for everyday use or put it in the bank.  

What I usually advice folks on when they take the plant option is to get two of them.  One will be placed outside and the other inside where it'll be needed.  Once a week they are to be rotated so that the other will be able to recover and get all the sunshine it needs.  

Yup.  Place the carps in the SE for money luck and E for general family luck.  Since you are addressing the money luck by other measures I strongly suggest you place it in the East so that your relationship issues will also be addressed.

The Tiger is associated as a mighty protector.  White Tigers which are rare in real life and are associated to mythical creatures that either come from the heavens or has heaven's mandate to do some serious work.  The best that I can recall why its connected to protecting children is the way real tigers protect its cubs.  

As for the religious objects you are to use they are best indeed placed as near and as directly seen from the main door.  Just make sure you use them often and not just display them though.  As for the protective gems, they can be used to enhance the energy brought about by your religious items but as I've said previously they need to be triggered to work.  In this case by prayers of thanks and/or assistance.

Update me too on how your relationship is progressing.  Financial problems are the easiest to solve in feng shui.  Its the personal ones that are quite challenging and tricky to solve.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:54 am

CityHunter wrote: Hi, PetraVanilla :)  
With regards to your Chinese coins and crystals they do enhance your positive chi but remember that it is all because of your positive outlook and connection to Him.  One shouldn't forget to say thanks for blessings received.  From experience, even if you load yourself with all the charms in the world it wouldn't work not unless you trigger it.
I am very well are of that and pray a lot, He made Crystals and everything else after all. The Creator makes all the difference in the world not the "created"! And yes I know the effects of being thankful for every little bit of abundance you receive... it tells Him and the universe: "I deserve more to be thankful for!" and there is more to come for sure! I don't do it just to get more - I do it because I am SINCERELY THANKFUL!!!
CityHunter wrote:
Putting then mirrors in a place is a way of trapping bad chi.  Just make sure they are above the height of the tallest person in your home and place them not in diamond-like form not unless you want to kill the chi of the area.  You do the latter if that sector's influence is currently bad for your life.  Having their frame colored black is okay but would rather it be white as it'll be able to contain the energies better.  I have my clients use white ceramic bowls for their salt solution as white cleanses the trapped chi.  However, as your walls are painted white having the frames painted black should be okay as you will be keeping the balance in that room.  Black sucks in equally all bad chi.  Just make sure no personal items directly related to someone like paintings or pictures is near those mirrors.
Since blue also signifies the water element in the north, should I paint the frames of the mirrors dark blue, maybe, and avoid black and white altogether?
CityHunter wrote:  Plants especially the cacti are secrets which not a lot share.  Yes, they are a no-no in homes for the living BUT depending on the room and circumstances.  They are very much seen in comfort rooms/toilet/water closet of the successful families/companies and to kill the negative chi if there's a nearby power transformer, drainage and other negative feature such as an unfriendly neighbor or one who even practices the occult.
Very interesting!! You know one thing I've been hating about what should be my comfort room, is the smell. My downstairs neighbor is ok and sees me as a friend. But he smokes like a freight train and is Wiccan, even though he does not practice any more. The odor of cigarettes drifts into my bathroom, even though I close the drain plugs and keep the toilet closed...

Yes I will not invest any more on extra plants for the moment as I am very happy with what I have at this time.

Carps in the East is a bit difficult... that's my walk in closet lol... but i see if I can work on that closet a bit more and maybe find a place for putting items like that...

The tiger picture I think I might put over the kids' door frame into their room then. Sounds like the right place for protective chi!

As for the updates... absolutely!!

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Post by CityHunter » Fri Oct 30, 2009 2:57 am

Hi again, PetraVanilla :)  He he, posted that remark not to forget Him for your blessings as other members might be reading these posts but I do know you do that as you've mentioned previously you do prayers.

Dark blue is okay as the color for the frame.  I went with your black suggestion as its the best to combo with white.  

If you've recharged your chi try to do some energy healing for your Wiccan neighbor.  What I do is to ask my angels (and those that He would lend to me for the task) to course that positive chi from me to the subject's angel and that angel will in turn transfer that to his ward.  This is the approach to help someone whom you think really needs help but is not open to such directly.  The same way one sends messages of warning or greetings.  Black magic uses a different approach and its not something that must be shared.  Learned that just to better combat them.

Wicca and their like is practiced a lot here and they combine it with religion (and even politics!)  Some politicians do not only use guns, guns and gold but also have a black magic practitioner in their stable.  

And one reason why we should be on our toes against such is the name the Roman Catholic Church's pope took, Benedict.  St. Benedict is the patron against such unseen harm and they don't take those name just because they favor or fancy it.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Fri Oct 30, 2009 5:17 am

Now I have to ask something else about the mirrors, you said to place them higher than the tallest person's height... umm my bf is 6'4" lol... that's gonna be a challenge I think I can't quite take lol... I guess I have to come up with something else there...

As for something pointing to my favored type of career, I believe I will frame one of my favorite writings. I indeed would like to write for a living...

As for my neighbor... I have actually treated him with Reiki before and quite successfully - a surgery wound healed double as fast as normal despite the fact that he has diabetes and, while I was treating him, the wheezing in his lungs completely disappeared by the time I finished, to our mutual surprise. He is home-bound, in his sixties, I think, and has quite a few health issues as you can see... recently, his brother moved in and my neighbor told me he likes me. Now I usually smile when an old man finds me cute, but I am almost too uncomfortable to go visit anymore, because the brother gives me the creeps. He's got that dirty old man thing going on lol... i don't know if he practices Wicca but I rather stay away.

Angels, I don't quite know what to think of the angel readings and such on this site... how would one know who my guardian angel is? This site says I got Uriel, Adnachiel and Gabriel as my guardian angels. I have reason to believe I have a female spirit guide based on a "second pair of helping hands" appearance during a Reiki treatment I gave a friend, but I am not sure. He has had dreams about a female spirit and had told me about it. When one night I sent long distance Reiki in front of my "inner eye" i saw a 2nd pair of healing hands place on my friends 3rd eye area as I envisioned him while sending energy. I was startled because I suddenly realized that those weren't my hands. I also felt a distinct presence of a being who was very advanced, somewhat authoritative but not threatening. The hands were beautiful, with long fingers and female. I didn't get to see the being's face but was aware of it in a sense. The presence was acting almost like a teacher like "I'm the boss, watch me and do the same"... I thought it might have been his guide due to the fact that he does Reiki, too, actually introduced me to it. But now I read that Gabriel has is described with female properties and Gabriel couldn't possibly just be MY guardian angel alone... maybe I encountered one of my my guardian angels who just happens to be my spirit guide, too...?

And reading about these angels and their gifts is very humbling! It all seems to match me exceedingly!

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Post by CityHunter » Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:19 am

Nice :)  You have much untapped power and potential.  Ha ha.  Am I sounding like Obi Wan.  The mirror needs to be placed high else the one who gets reflected there will absorb all the trapped chi.  Most elementals and such are either tall or hover - the latter more of the spirit type.  And per experience its like some black hole that sucks them in.  If done incorrectly though it becomes their doorway to our world - happens if are after evil intentions.

Hmmm.  With regards to your neighbor's brother the angel and reiki approach should work wonders to make him be really friendly and not "friendly."  

My approach is very different when I want to ask for the help of angels.  I ask Mama Mary first to wrap me in her arms for healing and protection then to pray with me to ask Him (has to be as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit - strong emphasis which is why the Apostles' Creed is a strong prayer to help protect you when you encounter such unusual danger) for assistance and say thanks for blessings.  I usually ask just for the 4 main ones, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel.  

The presence that you felt when you healed your friend is your angel.  I think I mentioned it on another thread that when my late guru friend died his students had a get together and one who was gifted saw a man with the head of a bull behind the one doing the mantra and on another a really pretty lady in white blessing the food when the mom of a friend was the one who did the prayers.

Reading your message on the part where you describe the guru like voice has tremendous chi.  Must've been a really enlightening experience :)  That is good for you are opening your doors to better abilities.  

Its normal that there would be more than one angel who would appear and assist you.  For the really serious ones it'll be Him as the Divine Trinity.  Not sure about those of other religions but a friend who tried to call Eastern angels - I think these are Taoist angels - there were 5 of them and each was riding a dragon.  They just did it out of curiousity hence they were told not to do it again not unless there is a real need.  Ha, I sure wish I could get that formula but the person who shared that is a bit hard to get hold of :P

Yup.  These are things that a lot of modern feng shui practitioners miss.  Real feng shui combines all the teachings to make things happen.  There is also a dark side of feng shui and it can be used for dark purposes.  Take for example the usual advice to display the animal associated for this so-and-so year to draw in luck.  What they do not tell you is that it'll draw in all sorts of luck.  The proper advice would be to display its secret friend so that it'll invite the good luck and block the bad luck.  As the advice is done either intentionally or what the subject will surely experience some problems sooner or later brought about by following that bad advice.  Hence, more "money luck" comes to the so-called feng shui adviser when the subject seeks assistance to solve his problems.

Another aspect of feng shui is history.  Not only about the place's history but also our history as well.  This is why a really complete feng shui audit requires that it studies each and every family member's chart so that the proper remedy is done.

Let me give you an example.  I got the opportunity to meet a really nice and young couple who were planning to build their dream home.  They are very successful already in life despite being young and they did it by hard work and not because they were born with a silver spoon.  I was sorely tempted to ask my full fee from them as I know they can very well afford it - as I mentioned before most of those I help come from the C and D crowds and those who seem from the B class tend to be types who are already in deep trouble hence one cannot ask them much unless he's callous to do so.  What made me hesitate to do that (I tend not to ask for any advance payment and only get it when the task is completely finished and the subject is satisfied) is when I did their charts - had to cross check it with their kids' charts as they don't have birth time in their certificates - they were to meet a tragic end sometime soon.  Now, if I went for my original intention they may back out either thinking its just too much or not worth it.  Forgot to mention that not all areas here in the Philippines know much about feng shui save for what they see and hear in the media.  Most tend to go to the local version of a Wiccan.  

Worked out an acceptable fee and described my findings to them.  The husband was a bit shocked and unsettled with the findings but the wife, which was the principal target of the danger and the spouse being a co-victim as he'll be protecting her was very strong and determined to do everything to avert such an event.  Had to do a quick fix for the husband to calm him down as he was really unsettled - he compared it to like having cancer wherein you are given just so-and-so period left to live.

This is why real feng shui must be brought back to the realization of everyone.  Although the dangers are there the fact that you already know that these will be encountered is a plus already.  Most tend to focus on the negative thing and not look on how to use this to one's advantage - which is why I always tell my listeners and readers to study the Art of War by Sun Tzu.

Having realized when and what the danger is one can then take steps to avoid its full effects.  One cannot exactly avoid it but one can survive it.  Its like rolling with the blow during boxing or martial arts.

I first asked them if they are already contented with what they have and they said yes.  This is very important as although they are blessed with youth, money and children these also tend to be a magnet for bad ones.  In designing then their home I told them I have to move to where there original bedroom would be to the sector which will give them long life.  For if I place it in the area that will draw in more luck to them it may speed the events up.  I kept the advice as simple as possible so it can be easily remembered and understood - I live in Manila which is in Luzon and they are in the Visayas which is like driving to another state there in the US.  I don't subscribe to having people use much of the New Age stuff for if one cannot connect to it it'll be just junk.  Instead, art work such as what you are using now, plants and prayers are what I asked them to put and use.

There is a tendency by some to do the bury this and bury that thing.  Worse, local tradition requires that an animal be sacrificed.  I don't subscribe to both as they don't work or worse invite disaster.  On one case someone who did the latter has it that the butcher died before the year ended and those who ate the animal - I know it shouldn't be but some see it as a waste to just let it burn to ash or thrown away or buried as is the proper custom - all got really sick.  And its not because of bad cooking or what.  When I went to that place where they sacrificed the animal it was really bad.  For some reason my chi was being leeched from me by angry spirits - the place was turned into a duck farm which had the sewage pass through areas which "they" took offense.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:16 pm

WOW, that is all quite amazing. You remind me of another thing I had been wondering about. Birth time. How can it be correct if I enter a birth time in astrology readings if it doesn't also ask me my place of birth. Constellations would only be exactly correct if the time zone is correct, right? I was not born in the states, I was born in Germany which is a whole 8 hours difference!

On mirrors: so they can be gateways or reflect and enlarge or duplicate things. My bathroom plant is reflected in the mirror so that means it has double the positive effect (I hope because that would be good)? Or would the negative energy be strengthened by that mirror, too as it is quite large. (I know a mirror should never reflect and therefore duplicate the toilet. The mirror is high enough so it really doesn't unless you make a real effort to be at the right angle to see the toilet.)

When it comes to the hallway, I wish now I had multiple mirrors (3, 6 or 8 are good numbers, right?). Then I could just put them along the wall close to the ceiling, otherwise it just doesn't look that great and I probably won't use them.

I heard of that book the Art of War by Sun Tzu but never read it, so I downloaded the free e-book version from the Gutenberg Project right away and will read it as soon as I find the time. Thank you for the suggestion! seems to be a great resource for e-books, as well... the occult section sounds really interesting =)

I will do some more research on angels, too I think... if there's more talk on angels and spirits on you may see me there, too and we can continue our conversation in that section when it comes to them beings, because I have a lot more to talk about the spirit world and my encounters there, but we've been getting off topic alot on this post =)

Let's keep the Feng Shui here and the other stuff in their own forum sections so others can learn, too, without having to go looking for it... =)

Don't get me wrong though - I thoroughly enjoy talking to you about all of those things. Not often do I find someone as knowledgeable as you to talk to that can also keep up with me haha! You're a great teacher/sifu, you know!

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