Negative Bathroom energy

The Chinese way to improve your work and home environments to promote health, happiness, and prosperity.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:55 am

CityHunter, the links appear incomplete in the posts and that's why I can access the sites they came from by clicking on them, but not the downloads themselves. The link in the pm came through just fine and I only have the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra (108x) so far... I let it go through all 108 repetitions and it is quite relaxing =) I also have been checking some other mantras on youtube (like the Durga Mantra (Om Dum Durgayei Namaha) - 54 Reps x2), just to learn and hear more.

The Jasmine incense helped, too, I think... if nothing else it gave me some peace ;), but don't worry, I am not intending to rest on my laurels...

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Post by CityHunter » Sun Nov 01, 2009 9:21 am

I'll see if I can find the links where one whom I shared the set to got to upload them.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sun Nov 01, 2009 9:24 am

Thank you, I appreciate that!

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:41 pm

Hey CityHunter, not much new here but one of the light bulbs in my bathroom blew overnight, I think. Must have happened after 3am. It didn't shatter, just burnt out. Not sure how old it was, I replaced 3 that were dead, a while back, but didn't keep track which ones.

I think I am starting to see a pattern with my bf. Whenever I leave the home for an extended period of time, or he leaves by himself, he either does not feel good or I catch him trying to solve some problems with someone on the phone, that didn't seem to exist before him or I spent time out of the house alone.
So last night I came home and same thing happened - first he had problems to solve and later at night felt kinda sick. I walked around the house with Jasmin incense as I told you, then played the Mantra 108 times and repeated it this morning. Today with me having been there all night and playing mantras he feels better. Coincidence, I wonder

Oh and I don't know if it matters much, but we had to relocate one big goldfish (had him for a while) into a bucket for a few days. That's not the best condition for a goldfish, obviously, but it's been just fine. 2 days ago my daughter looked at it and it had a bunch of bloody spots like bruises, seemingly overnight which can be a sign of septicemia, though either a bacterial infection or too much ammonia and nitrites/nitrates in the water. I changed the water and put some balancing chemical in there that also reduces ammonia which can kill fish, but today the goldfish turned up dead, anyway. A week or so before all that, before we even started talking, a bunch of guppies died for no apparent reason. But none of those fish were in the bathroom or my kids' room. Still, I wonder if there's a (spirit) reason for all that, too, especially after we talked about bad chi can look for "victims" such as animals. In the meantime, Sushiyoshi the goldfish in the bathroom is fine next to the Agave cactus plant =). Actually he started "talking" to me again... lol... he "blows bubbles" and opens and closes his mouth while swimming around in an excited fashion while looking at me and "asking" for food. LOL

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sun Nov 01, 2009 9:58 pm

I made a point a bit earlier to tell my bf how much I loved him and how lonely I feel even with him next to me, the way acts very absent, lately. I think I made my point pretty clear that I don't even are approach him with love much and that in order for all of this to work we need to stick together in love. Then I got a call that I won't meet with the person who wanted to buy my motorcycle... evidently funds got delayed. I have internally attracted a delay, though, because I feared that leaving today would not be a good thing and I wanted to clean and bless my house... for some reason I also felt that something about this would distract me from my bf, but I am determined to stay on task about my love , my kids and my home.

I went and put up the rosary with crucifix next to the tiger picture and the mirrors high up, opposite the door, reflecting both. While I was getting ready to put up the mirrors, after hanging the rosary, my bf called me over. It looks like he might be able to get an office space and address for his dream business. Good news for him, but it also means he might be leaving for his current home state again. As I was getting ready to hang the mirrors, in every move praying for protection from all the arch angels, especially Michael, he walked past the kids room door to go outside, and seeing him out of the corner of my eye almost made me fall. I told him he scared the crap out of me and he proceeded to say: "this is not stable, you are GONNA fall!" I replied "No - because when I do things like this I make sure to pray for protection!" He said "If you're gonna fall, I told you so!" I replied "No, I won't!" and continued my task after lighting some more jasmine incense walking through the apartment blessing every room in Latin in the name of the Holy Trinity and calling all arch angels again to protect me. I completed hanging the mirrors while the jasmine incense is still burning.
I am also cleaning up now, taking a break here and there to keep reading, thinking, learning about things that may benefit us...

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Post by CityHunter » Sun Nov 01, 2009 11:48 pm

Hi, PetraVanilla.  Yup.  There is a strong possibility that the strong negative chi present in your home is caused by "spirits" - we have to narrow down it yet if they are indeed ordinary spirits, elemental, demons and, heaven forbid, devils.

With a lot of your fish getting sick and/or dying that is a sure sign something isn''t good is feeding off on them.  Try to do Reiki on them.  I always have people whom I help to practice it with either small animals or small plants not only to gain that skill but also to fortify their home's defenses.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Mon Nov 02, 2009 12:27 am

That is an interesting thought. Should I wait though until umm maybe a few days have passed... ? You know why... remember, we said I should not attempt any healings right at the moment ;) ... Btw, it was definitely worse before we started to remedy the situation...

I am hoping things will quiet down, I didn't eat any red meat yesterday, pretty much fasted all day, almost forgot to eat until like 30 mins ago, prayed a lot, cleansed my house using the prayers you sent me, my bell, Jasmine and soothing music on and off today.  

I did also hang up a picture of a beautiful blue waterfall with some of my writing which happens to also be about how water is like writing, in my career section in the hallway several feet in from the door (in the North of my apartment, on the west wall of the hallway). Hopefully I will be able to find some more than just freelance work in the area of writing...

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Post by CityHunter » Mon Nov 02, 2009 12:00 pm

Hi, PetraVanilla :)  I strongly recommend that you wait for a few days for now as you do the mantras and basic cleansing and blessings for your place.  Focus on doing that circle of light and asking that you and your partner be blessed with much opportunities in the near future.  

Track 1 or the Ganesh mantra (the proper name of the mantra is in the downloadable file) is for the removal of ALL obstacles.  This is why I ask that those who are open to it to not only use it as a background music while they meditate but also place their altar as near and as direct to the main door as much as possible.  By doing such not only do you destroy the negative chi but also give yourself fresh opportunites.  I'm trying to make a record of those who got to use it and how fast it works but there is no concrete formula yet.  Some have an immediate effect and some takes quite a while but there is a gradual improvement - such as that friend of mine which took a year before I was satisfied that things were back to normal.

Track 6 is for blessings which is why Track 1 and 6 is a good combo.  Track 6 or Om Namahe Shivaya (again, I keep forgetting the proper title of it) is also effective in countering most black magic spells.  For the really serious ones its the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra that you have to resort to using.  

There is nothing wrong with using mantras as this not only uses sound as a way to do feng shui but also connects you to God and cleanse yourself and renew your chi.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:13 pm

Please try an send me the links to tracks 1 and 6 separately in a pm, as I still have not been able to access those.  I am glad to have the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra - it seems to help! Things have been somewhat quite, but I am getting sick again, having sinus issues and a sore throat.

In talking to others about various topics I discovered a few more things that I had not realized. Just so you learn more about my history, please take a look at ... hp?t=66199 and ... 633#256633. These things may be random, but are also related to the things we've been talking about.

I also posted a request for a palm reading last night and it disappeared...(why does that stuff keep happening... posts disappear, can't get through to links,... grrrr!) I found "croix mystique" and "healer lines" in both of my hands... pretty interesting, considering my Reiki experiences. Now I want to see what else my hands tell about me. But I'll try and re-post that in palmistry again.

Edit: Oh nevermind - it re-appeared... just never showed in New Posts... ... hp?t=66677 ... not sure if I like the topic number ... LOL

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Post by CityHunter » Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:35 am

For Track 1 or Ganpati Beej Mantra: ... a.mp3.html

For Track 6 or Om Namah Shivaya Dhun: ... _.mp3.html

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Post by PetraVanilla » Tue Nov 03, 2009 3:06 am

More updates for you, Cityhunter. Actually all good things. Visited a great friend of mine who I missed much and had a wonderful conversation about Feng Shui and other things of that nature, and her husband is going to buy something from me, which will help a lot with my finances. Also made my heart a lot lighter because we are very close in thought and I'll be able to help her decorate her home the Feng Shui way and hang out more and have our kids play together. She also offered help with something that will likely help with my bf's business plans. Also got something else finance/job related taken care of. Seems like my financial sector and helping friends sector are well maintained. My azalea plant by the (south) balcony door is not doing so well even though I am following care instructions to a "t". The white cyclamen plant is holding up ok but some of the leaves turned yellow. It sits on my kitchen counter right across from the bathroom door... the cactus inside is doing perfectly fine and so is the goldfish though I wonder if the cyclamen is getting too much fast chi when the door is left open (I keep having to close it...  :smt013 !)

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Post by CityHunter » Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:27 am

Yup.  Ordinary plants cannot be as hardy as the cacti variety per experience.  This is why cacti are very special tools but require expert care in proper utilization.  

For Track 2 or Shiva Prarthana Invocation - its a welcoming prayer: ... _.mp3.html

For Track 3 or Namaskar mantra - another welcoming prayer: ... a.mp3.html

For Track 4 or Introductory Commentary on Maha Mrityunjaya mantra: ... y.mp3.html

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Post by PetraVanilla » Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:12 am

Thank you, got them!
Things seem better overall, but my kids' room still doesn't feel quite right. I put up a post on how to enhance their room on a new thread. Maybe you can answer there, because I have a feeling that I should focus on their room at this point. I think I may add a crystal to add some light and I am wondering about moving a flowering plant in there, too. Do you think that would be a good idea,considering the history so far?

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Post by PetraVanilla » Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:08 pm

Someone suggested that "Indigo" children might be responsible for spiritual happenings in a home and now that I've done some research I believe that also may play a role... I wouldn't be surprised if my daughter was an Indigo child. Not only that, but myself and my son have the characteristics and well, my bf always seems to know the truth of everything and has medical stigmata in his hands just like me... could it be that we have 4 indigo children "waking up" in my home and attracting spiritual activity?

Also see my other post at ... 760#256760


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