A question about orbs....

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Post by DavidL » Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:20 pm

Really? That's interesting.. anything paranormal happen? or just bad vibes? when I was very young I lived in a house with bad spirit and a lot of little odd things happened over the 8 months or so we lived there... it just had a ton of bad energy and everyone was always 'on edge' and fighting in that house. Apparently (I don't remember any of it, was told to me later on) I had an invisible friend for awhile that I would describe to my mom often and would talk to a lot when I was in the house, but one day I ran out of my room crying hysterically and for the next couple of days I stopped talking about him and I guess stopped seeing him.

Again, according to my mom, things got a lot worse to the point where even my father was convinced something wasn't right there (and that I know was a tough sell) and we moved out shortly after. My mom said she had asked around and looked up articles at the library and found a picture of a man who had committed suicide in the house and he matched the way I described my invisible friend to my mom. I got curious when I heard the story and drove by the house a couple of times, and every single time I did when people were home I heard yelling and screaming... never had the nerve to go to the door and see if I could feel anything, though. I always wondered if in that moment he terrified me my mind closed off whatever it was that allowed me to see him in order to protect itself and if that's why I can't see/feel anything now... when I hear stories of these 'bad' spirits and such, I sometimes feel like it might be a good thing.. lol.

But I also wonder if there are really 'bad spirits' or just ones that are frustrated that no one is listening to them.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Mon Nov 02, 2009 6:15 pm

David I appreciate your interest... maybe go to "new Posts" where I happen to have an ongoing conversation with a new friend who is a Feng Shui consultant. It all happen to come about based on "negative bathroom energy", which is the topic, too. But it sort of escalated into the whole house and the fact that more is needed to bring my place back to normal than just regular Feng Shui. (We try to get back to the "bathroom" theme every so often to be able to continue the thread, but in Feng Shui all is somewhere connected, anyway- you can't always just fix one room...) you can read there what's been happening. Cityhunter has a lot of experience with bad spirits and demons he encountered trying to help someone with Feng Shui consultations and in turn acquired a lot of "outside" knowledge. Yes, they are real! But so are good spirits and guardian angels!
Besides, Cityhunter agrees that the orbs might be spiritual phenomena based on what we talked about on the thread history...

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 02, 2009 6:57 pm

We are all here on the material world to gain experiences of a spiritual nature.  The purpose of life is mainly to spiritualize our individualized soul.  

Each and every one of us is unique and different.  And that is the measure of what we will take with us on death of the body into the spirit realms.  These experiences are all recorded as a sum total of our being.

That being said, there are realms in the spirit existence for all manner of souls.  From the uneducated to the downright nasty, they still exist - they are an accumulation of their earth plane existence and experiences.  

If we believe in higher spirit, we have to believe in lower spirit.  It just makes sense.  And a suicide would be really confused because it takes a confused mind to commit suicide in the first place.  Perhaps the relationship in the house at the time was a part of the cause or he has made it such and that is why he encourages bad thoughts in his spirit form.

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Post by DavidL » Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:31 pm

Hi Spiritalk,

That makes a lot of sense, I guess I always looked at it as us being the ground level and all spirit planes being a bit beyond us - which made it difficult to understand a 'bad' spirit as being anything more than frustration or misunderstanding. But I suppose that's a bit of wishful thinking on my part, or a way to try to not have that scared tingly adrenaline rush feeling whenever something seems paranormal.

The confusion makes sense too, but that leads back to the wanting to help them feeling. Does it ever work that way? Are you able to help a confused or 'bad' spirit realize they are dead and find some sense of peace? or are they just trapped repeating the emotions, feelings, and events of the time of their death? All I ever really hear about it seem very cruel and barbaric ways of dealing with it... 'driving the spirit out', exorcising the spirit, warding your house to keep it away... you don't really ever hear about anyone helping them, you only ever hear about the good ones helping us... does it not work both ways?

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:13 pm

The reason we can help from the earth plane is because their vibration is actually lower than most spiritual people on the earth plane.  They can hear and address us - where the spirit is kind of beyond their ken.  

They are frightened (for so many reasons) to actually go into the light.  Consider a dark soul thinking of itself no worthy to be in the light.  And light is the measure of the spirituality of the soul.

Those that know what they are doing do not just dismiss or exorcise the spirit entities.  They actually talk them into the light because their loved ones are waiting to greet them.  It is merely our fears that hold us in this stuck state - not really evil but confusion and lack of education.

Spiritualism always consider life progressive and will aid that with all stuck spirit.

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Post by DavidL » Tue Nov 03, 2009 3:00 am

Hrmm that's interesting, most if it makes sense but I do have to look up what ken means there :)

I'm curious, do you know of or believe in the existence of souls that have never been on earth or taken a living form before?

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Nov 03, 2009 6:41 pm

Well I do believe our soul comes from God.  He has a garden from which he plucks the seed (soul) that will be implanted in a human form.  And I do know from mediumship experience that those that have been born to the earth plane and died young do grow up in spirit.  

But I do not see a place for spirit to grow up without the experience an earth life offers.  I frequently hear that someone who passed as a baby is with an adult to help them learn the lessons they missed.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Tue Nov 03, 2009 7:54 pm

There has got to be a soul holding space for brand new souls to be released to go to earth in my mind, unless the creator just makes them one at a time =)

My mom once brought up the theory that the spirit of a baby that dies may be able to choose a new body shortly after passing. She also wondered whether a baby or child that was just starting to develop their gifts would be able to pass their gifts on to another person upon passing, to be fully developed. Wonder what you guys think about that?

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Nov 04, 2009 3:54 pm

I see the soul like a seed planted in our material body to learn the earth lessons.  With each and every experience the seed is nurtured, watered, fertilized and blossoms eventually to be who and what we are as individualized soul.

Having said that, I do not believe in reincarnation in any of its ideas.  The reason...individualized soul.  We are all such unique and individual people here to learn and grow into what we will become in the fullness of our spiritual lessons.  This growth continues as we go into spirit form and we learn and grow in spirituality.

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