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Post by CityHunter » Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:46 am

Hi peeps, what about this photograph?  This was shared on a Ghost Stories thread on another forum.  What are your findings on this?


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Post by PetraVanilla » Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:05 pm

Looks like someone's sitting back to back with her... I see a male (?) figure, dark hair, an ear, can't quite make out a face, just a silhouette, but a white shirt... maybe a guardian angel?

I also see 2 crosses, 1 to the right (her left) about at the same height her mouth should be, about an inch over and then another higher up in the green grass section across the walkway, about 2 inches right (her left) from the crown of her head.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:34 pm

Looked a little closer and the 1st cross I mentioned is in a circle while the 2nd one is lying down...
On the first one I found the following when I looked it up:

CIRCLE   (quartered):   The sacred circle filled with a cross, four equal lines pointing from the center to the spirits of the north, east, south, and west -- or to the basic element: earth, water, air (or wind), and fire. In Native American traditions, it forms the basic pattern of the MEDICINE WHEEL  and plays a vital part in major spiritual rituals. Many contemporary pagans consider it their main symbol for transmitting the energy of the goddess.  (See  sun wheel)  Churches have used variations of the same popular shape, usually calling it the  Celtic Cross.

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Post by CityHunter » Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:01 am

Hi, PetraVanilla :)  From what I "felt" from this pix was that there were a lot of the "unusual ones" with her when this was taken.  I'll try to backtrack on the account of this and post it here.  Here are some more other pictures:









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Post by PetraVanilla » Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:30 am

Cityhunter, have you been talking to my spirit guide or something? Cuz I thought earlier today: "I should look at more photos and see if I "get" anything more from them. I don't know if you have looked at any of my recent posts besides this one, but it seems like my itty bitty abilities are rapidly evolving...

That first photo actually creeps me out.. lots of negative energy and that hooded black figure... lots of anger... also 2 faint shadows behind that love seat... and a dark shadow behind the chair on the left...

The second pic... I guess we are talking about the figure on the right... hm... not getting much from that though...

The third pic has something erie about it... like there would be some old spirits there, natives... can't make out much because the pic is blurry in places. There seems to be someone dark and angry up in the shadow of the window, showing his teeth, similar to a wounded animal that doesn't want to get touched. I think I also see something like a shadowy mask, kinda what a shaman would wear on the right hand side of the pic, above the bushes.

On the 4th pic there seems to be a face in the door way and looking at it closer, there is a very light silhouette on the left of the pic by the wall.. could just be a light reflection but I am not sure...

Picture 5 was guesswork... can't see much it's very small

On picture 6 my hair started standing up and I got chills... not sure why, couldn't really see anything... I think I may have seen something on the balcony and somehow that gate looked familiar to me... again not sure why...

Pic 7 - I guess there wasn't supposed to be anyone on the balcony or behind a window....

Last one... do I seriously see some ghost geese here or is that just me? LOL

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Post by CityHunter » Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:50 am

Ha ha.  Been wanting to communicate more with angels so I could help a lot of "gifted" and troubled people.  The first pix on the new set is from one asking for my opinion of it.  He certifies its not photoshopped or anything as he had a photographer friend verify it.  Yup, I do believe and feel there are more in that pix but am not saying anything first as want to get "uninfluenced" replies from others here.

The one with the old rundown home is our ancestral place here in the Philippines.  Sigh.  Don't have updated pix of the big home as its an old file and the one I helped on that has moved to a new one already (they were just renting it out then).  A lot of my files disappeared when my old system went kaput.  

Ha ha.  The last pix involves elementals as that's when my chi was literally being drained.  Had to go back to the sunlight to recharge.  That's in Bataan where the bloody battles were waged between US and Filipinos against the Japanese and Death March happened (well, not at that place exactly but the residual chi is there).

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:50 pm

Can't help it, had to look again...pix 4 and 6 look really familiar, 4 seems like I've been there in a dream... when you walk into that door does it go in, then to the left and then straight again?

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Post by CityHunter » Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:19 am

Is it the pix with the tree in front plus the one with a view of the front of the house?  The one with the tree in front is actually a CR for workers.  Has some showers too.  Its a long one.  You indeed turn left after entering it with a lone commode at the end.  It used to be owned by a well-to-do Chinese-Filipino who runs a hardware business.  The norm by Chinoys running such a business is to keep a good watch on everything thus to the left of that CR (before it) is a sort of warehouse and to the right is a garage that can accomodate with ease six big cars or probably 3 mid-sized delivery trucks.

The house in the pix is that of the neighbors which I wasn't able to go into.  I had a strong hunch that some bad elementals were coming from there and were making problems with the place I was checking on.  

These are pix of that bodega or warehouse I've mentioned that is at the side of that CR:




Pix of the garage area:


Pix of the side which borders between that of the subject's place and that of the neighbor.  The main door is located at the side and not at the front as is usually the norm.  As I said, the owners of this place are Chinoys and must've used feng shui (but didn't do them any good as if my memory serves me right the subject stated that the owner was doing some shady deals then - bad karma).


Let's see if you can "spot" the problems in the following pix:



Here's a hint:


More examples for this topic:



Sorry, the last one is just a scanned photo and I still need to find it to see if it can be re-scanned again for a better image.

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Just my 2 cents

Post by Ishtar » Wed Nov 18, 2009 8:50 am

Hey Lynnnora  :smt006
I am by no means professional just a person that wants to find out what her strong points are...
What i got from the pic with the little girl was, someone older that the little girl (female i think) on her left hand side protecting her.  They have a strong bond and the older one is very protective. A Shield or protection was around the girl that i could not get through but when i came back to view the pic again i could get feelings of happiness flickering through. Not sure but i think there is something sitting on the slide, getting a very cuddly feeling from it...
The second picture you posted, well let s just say i had to look away from it , whatever is behind that person is not very friendly... (Don’t know if it’s just me watching to many horrors)  Does she know about it or was it just a once of thing?
Was the table purposely set for someone? Might be my romantic side  :smt007 ... lol ... although i could not see anything it felt like a elderly couple... i am drawn to the drinks feels like someone is standing there???
3rd pic - I had a flash that reminded me of a Vietnamese boy/man with dark features , not big with sort dark hair, standing in the opening of one of the shutters...  When i looked at the gate the words “don’t go through the gate” popped in my mind. The last picture, just a observation, looked like it had something to do with animals (bulls)   lol i actually had a flash of a man in a cowboy hat riding a bull in the open space on right (it had a old feeling to it)   don’t know if it’s just me feeling very peaceful at the moment but the feeling that i get from looking at the pic is not threatening in the least.

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Post by Ishtar » Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:51 am

Sorry guys, i actually just noticed that CityHunter posted the other pics...

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Post by PetraVanilla » Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:32 pm

Cityhunter, in the 1st pic of the warehouse I just felt that it was cluttered and uncomfortable, a little claustrophobic.
The next pic I for some reason thought of someone being hanged and people either watching or seeing it... did someone die here?
3rd one I think I see some shadows that don't belong here toward the middle and up above the cabinet in the back.
Pic 4 i am not getting much from and the cat seems fine, too =)
That wall on the 5th pic doesn't make me comfortable, it feels like its ready to move in on you and squish you. (On second thought I took the photo, lowered contrast and suddenly that face stood out...)
6th pic - person in the middle, squatting - real, I suppose? I see the shadow that you later point out, but also another in that doorway on the left. Also sort of a face shape on the right in front of the poster picture next and above the silver-gray car (couldn't see that before in the pic with the cat and its not the poster, it's in front of it and slightly below). And was there someone in the window of the pale blue building next door? Lastly the blue car has a lot of reflection, but it almost looks like there's someone in it... (see lower contrast pic)
Pic 7 - I kept looking in the dark region on the left (felt really uncomfortable) and thought I saw something...lowered contrast too and see what I found!)
The 2nd green pic is creepy, wow!!
The last one looks like there's a shadow in one window... Try taking a digital pic of the photo instead of scanning it, then edit/crop it... that helps sometimes...
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Post by PetraVanilla » Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:44 pm

OK, had to look again, because of that claustrophobic feeling (I am usually not claustrophobic)... took some contrast out and lowered highlights a bit because of the glare from the windows... is it just my imagination, or look those things like mad pumpkins? LOL whew..
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Post by CityHunter » Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:21 am

Hi, PetraVanilla.  Not sure if someone died there as all that was reported to me the owner of the place is being hounded by debt collectors and did shady business deals too.  This is for the warehouse place.

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Post by CityHunter » Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:25 am

Yup.  The one with someone squatting is the helper cleaning the cars as the one who was renting that place sells used cars.  As for the last pix, can't take a pix of it as its at another province.  My brother-in-law took a pix of it as they got assigned to do some work in that area.  Lost the other photograph which shows the side view of this.  

Will try if I can scan this better soon.  Need to first finish some tasks and chores :P

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Post by CityHunter » Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:29 am

PetraVanilla and peeps.  Focus on that pix with the bicycle leaning against a wall.  Observe the neighbor's place and adjust a bit your settings when you view in Photoshop or some similar program.  What you see there is what I suspect is crossing over to this place and back after doing some havoc.  Think of it as a hit and run operation.  Those that you spotted in this place aren't really bad ones.  Did an offering to appease them and it did okay.  The problem though returned when the cacti placed alongside that wall separating the two lots kept dying despite the care given to them.

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