scared of my spirit guide.

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scared of my spirit guide.

Post by skywalker » Thu Nov 26, 2009 9:38 am

i have a native american/indian man as a spirit guide.  i see the outline of his figure every night in my bedroom and in the day i see the vibrant blue colours he has around him and often see him standing in my hallway.  i've seen him so clear that i've drawn him and my sister freaked out once when she saw him follow me downstairs.

the thing is, he intimidates me.  does that sound daft?  i'm scared of him.  he's so serious, he never smiles and never seems to relax.  his energy is very intense and i can't communicate very comfortably with him because of this intimidation and fear which is frustrating me.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:42 pm

We are having a spirit guide about COMMUNICATION.  Why aren't you communicating and telling him to back off?  It might just be that he is not a real spirit guide and you may need help to move him on into spirit realms.  But the first step is communication.

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Post by skywalker » Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:53 pm

hey spiritalk,  not sure i understand this;  'We are having a spirit guide about COMMUNICATION'.  but how do you suggest i go about communicating with him?

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Nov 26, 2009 9:44 pm

If you are aware he is there (seeing, hearing, etc.) you are using your senses and he is impressing you.  Talk to him.  Ask him if he is your guide.  Or you could ask what does he want.  Exchange a verbal (in your head or out loud) dialogue to get him letting you know what is going on.  As he is disembodied there is not much he can do to you.

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Post by skywalker » Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:22 am

ok, i'll give it a go. thanks for the advice.

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Post by skywalker » Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:56 am

update:  i bought some turquoise gemstone and found communication alot easier.  also i think i was an issue of trust.  he's a very serious spirit guide, never smiles and is always focused on the guidance job in hand.  i thought they were supposed to be friendly and like angels?  from what i've experienced, angels are alot more compassionate and friendly.  there are so many lost souls that its hard to identify between the helpful and needing help.  the turquoise made it alot easier.  also i started pendulum dowsing...which it really awesome.

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Post by Mystic Cadet » Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:39 pm


I can understand why he's serious,  He is an indian.. Talk to him, get to know him, open up to him, develop a relationship with him.  Once this connection is sound, with love, and trust, you will find he will open up.
This will take time

At this moment call it tough love

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Dec 03, 2009 3:40 pm

Angels help us through our rough patches and they are seen as soft, almost cuddly (there are also baby angels, too).

Spirit guides are like our teachers.  Tough Love is a good explanation - they want a good relationship/partnership and they come on love.  Love is not always about warm and cuddly.  Love is also about the lessons we learn - and sometimes we put ourselves through pain to accept them for our own good.  A spirit guide is the best friend, mentor, teacher you will ever have on either side of the veil.

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Post by skywalker » Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:09 am

i dowsed yesterday to find out his name and i got 'big jolon'.  this name made no sense to me what so ever, so i looked it up on the internet and jolon (pronounced holon) is indian for 'valley of the dead oaks', which makes some sense to me as when i stayed in california a few years back, i was meditating and saw a desert like place and i saw him next to a fallen dead black tree (perhaps a dead oak?) with a red and brown big eagle like bird around him.   when i walked downstairs to see my sister, she freaked out and was convinced their was an indian in the house because she saw him follow me down the stairs (shes clairvoyant - but doesn't communicate with them...only sees them).

i'm not sure if big jolon is his name or it means something else, as i think its a really strange name for someone.  maybe i'd be as stoney faced as him if i'd been ignored for a long time too!  i'm beginning to think he's pretty cool though.wearing turquise really helps with the communication too. i'm getting floods of information and answers to questions that i thought i'd never get the answers to. huge questions and lots of understanding.  i guess i believe he knows what he's doing, and if tough love is the way it has to be for now, i'll try to understand that and hope it'll become more comfortable with time.  do you guys know your guides?

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Dec 04, 2009 2:52 pm

Working with guides is all about energy.  We all have an energy pattern - so also spirit form.  

When the energy comes, we can work with it to communicate.  We can commune and listen to the inner voice within ourselves that is being used by our guide.  It is such a different experience with us all.  But it is all about the energy.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sat Dec 05, 2009 7:22 am

Sounds like a spirit that wants something from you, Skywalker... he wants to show you something... find out about the grounds your home is build upon... it's important. This spirit will not move into another realm until his mission is complete. I got some strong vibes from him when I read your post, my mind was suddenly totally focused; it was almost like I had some pressure in my head and a little bit of tunnel vision. He seems intimidating, but he's not trying to threaten you. But it is a proud and strong spirit. Ask the spirit out loud what he wants and ask him to lead you and show you what he wants you to see. Tell him that you are going to help him and do so. That would be my advice.

I don't believe he is your spirit guide, but a spirit that needs your help.

OK an now for over 1 hour and 9 minutes I could not submit this because my computer locked up at 11:11pm and I could not get it to restart by itself... so maybe we want to take this message more seriously *wink*

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Post by skywalker » Sat Dec 05, 2009 11:14 am

hey petravanilla, thanks for the input.  are you a medium?  my mind is only just getting to grips with all this.  i'm still learning the ropes on how to live harmoniously with this energy as a big part of my life. a lack of harmony has seriously screwed with my life.  it feels like i'm constantly running from it.  moving etc.  it runs in most of the women in my family.

so i've recently taken up the challenge of accepting it and started to learn about it, truthfully and genuinely.  i've been learning by experience, but its seriously hard work.  especially when theres very few people who understand or respect it.  it seems theirs a tonne of people out there that do it for the wrong reasons.  

anyway, onto this topic of 'big jolon'.  its so funny how the energy works through us huh?  the other day i bought a song (wild horses).  yesterday, i got the image of when i was in the canary islands on holiday.  i was at this private party, in a marquee type thing, in the middle of the desert, about an hour from any civilisation.  i stepped outside to get some fresh air and heard this thundering sound.  a tan coloured wild horse went galloping past me.  i looked around to out of disbelief of what i'd just seen and their was no one else around.  this image stuck with me, i knew it had meaning,  it was ment to be.  until the other day, (about 15 yrs later!) i only reolzed that it was the indian mans energy.  so i'm pretty sure he's been around for the longest time.  i wouldn't know if he's my guide or needs help. my sister said 'he's around to sprinkle fairy dust around you'  !!?? not sure what to make of that.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:56 pm

Only you can accept (or reject) this spirit around you.  If he has stayed for over 15 years he must have a purpose with you.  (spirit guide?)  It is up to you.  Work with him - communicate - find out what the story is to settle your fears.

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Post by skywalker » Sat Dec 05, 2009 3:19 pm

i hear ya spirtalk.  i'm going to continue dowsing to see if i can get to the bottom of this!  :)

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Post by Barbarian » Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:07 pm

I have atleast 1 Native American guide as well and he also is quite aggressive even seems angry, or maybe thats just a product of my own subconciouss being projected. I also have a main spirit guide who hasnt let me actually SEE him yet and wont tell me his name either. He's quite sterm, serious, and convicting with the things he says to me,  so critical he reminds me of myself somehow. I even argue defensively when he calls me out on stuff sometimes. I reapect him but im mad at him sometimes for asking me to do what is hard for me etc. Anyway  it seems some people say all spirit guides are infinitely patient and never get upset at us but as much as ive wasted my life so far i sometimes wonder if my spirit guide does kick my ass sometimes with the troubles that hit me in ways that make it seem the universe is bending the laws of reality just to make it impossible for me not to fail.  That sounds pretty whinney  sorry ;p

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