Clairaudience? Too many voices to understand!

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Clairaudience? Too many voices to understand!

Post by DivaS » Fri Dec 18, 2009 9:41 pm

Good afternoon everyone. :)

I hope it's ok that I post this here. I checked through the forum and didn't see anything quite about what I'm asking but just in case I apologize if something like this has already been discussed.

First off, as a child/young teen I started developing Clairaudience I think (I had been sensitive in many ways since childhood - for a detailed explanation of my background everything is explained in my post in the "Introduce yourself" section of the forum) . I started hearing thousands upon thousands of whispers and had some negative experiences all in the same time frame and basically got freaked out.

Now years later I am working on reawakening that ability and have found that I can turn on the whispers almost at will but still can't get any to be quiet so I can hear one or two clearly. It's almost ear-shattering how loud it is.

From what I've read, most people seem to here the voices or a voice inside their mind. I can hear my guide sometimes in my mind (usually in quick images or short phrases of warning, etc... I also hear him with my right ear if it's really important which is accompanied by a quick pain in that same ear - probably to get me to pay attention lol) but these voices are not internal. I hear them as loudly as if thousands of people were yelling at me and it's not particularly pleasant as it gives me a headache.

At least I can turn it off at will (most of the time) but would really like to figure out how to tune into a few at a time if possible. Whoever they are, they must really want or need something to be talking so loudly!

I'd appreciate any suggestions.  :)

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Dec 18, 2009 11:15 pm

TAKE CHARGE!  The voices want a voice in the material, earth world.  To have that they need to learn to work WITH you not disturb you.  

Begin with some meditation exercises that keep you balanced in body, mind, spirit.  Then when you meet your spirit guide and commune with your guide ONLY you will find the voices having to go through the proper channels as it were.  Your spirit guide is like a door keeper and he will put things in order.  But you have to attune and get to know him/her before this can happen.  

Psychic/mediumship abilities open on you but are not up to someone else to take over the whole process.  It is for you to take charge and direct the energies to when and if you are availalbe, and opening to that communication on your time.

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Post by DivaS » Sun Dec 20, 2009 1:01 am

Thanks a lot for the advice spiritalk. :)

I'll try as you suggest for sure.

My poor guide probably got frustrated with me not having had the courage to try talking to him for so long (especially since I know that he's stayed with me all along - I've always acknowledged his presence and been thankful for his help but I also know that he has been very patient in not pushing me to communicate until I felt ready to do so again).  I think I must have thrown a wrench in my own development though after breaking off contact as a teen (not the best idea but I was young and scared) as I remember communicating used to be so much easier before.

Thanks again! I'll work on my meditation and building stronger communication with my guide so we can work together to get this voice thing under control!

I will take charge! *starts to charge off to victory....remembers she should be meditating....sits down instead* xD

I'll let you know how things develop in time. :)

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Post by Barbarian » Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:58 pm

great advise  ive had a somewhat sililar issue and this advise sounds good ill try it :)

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