Weird pisces

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Weird pisces

Post by pisces316 » Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:30 am

I feel like I am weird with my thoughts sometimes. I think about things that not a lot of people think about (from who I have been told) I'm interested to hear different perspectives.

Do any of you ever try to communicate with other human beings, like telepathically? When I am driving in a car I try to make eye contact with other drivers, then I break the eye contact and start to focus on them and when I think about them I can see changes in their driving, like one would read body language. Just something I do to test my mind everyday on the way to work.

Another way I test my mind is, when I'm sitting in the backseat of a car and there is no conversation, I try to focus on the driver and what radio station he is listening to. In my mind I concentrate on the driver and I try to make him change the radio station. As crazy as it may sound, I have actually succeeded a couple of times. It might have been coincidence but in my mind it felt right.

Well, sorry for rambling, I just wanted to see if anyone else has ever thought this way. I know I am not a crazy person, just different. And there is nothing wrong with that :)

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Post by pisces316 » Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:01 am

Well, I guess I am different. That is nice to know. I've noticed whenever I post I never get the answer I am looking for. I think I am just misunderstood. Sounds good to me.

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Post by Crow » Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:45 am


I'm sorry never seen this post. I only check new posts and when they update that new post search to where all the new posts are not new posts anymore I may never see the posts posted. HA!  I make no sense.

Okay so it sounds like you have a form of telepathy, which is not uncommon for Pisces. But it is not limited to this sun sign eighter. There are many like you and you are not the odd ball.  :smt002

Now it sounds that you are suggesting things to them.  I don't know where this falls.  In my heart I see it as bending their will to satisfy our own need or fancy.  Is there a fine line we cross when we do this?  I don't know.  I just think like this, how would I like someone to make these suggestions to my subconsious mind without my concent?  Just because we can does it mean we should?

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Post by pisces316 » Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:38 pm

Thanks for responding :).

I guess I just do it to get some kind of approval that I am actually doing it and it is not all in my head. Do you experience telepathy as well? I'll probably be judged for this but when I smoke marijuana I can feel it way more than when I am sober. I've told people this before and they say "you are hearing things because you are high" and stuff like that, but I know that it is not the marijuana. When I use drugs I try to learn what their meaning is for and build off of that. Eh, sorry for rambling, lol.

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Post by Crow » Fri Sep 19, 2008 12:19 am


No you are not nuts.  :smt003 In the begining I felt that way too. Yes I do experience telepathy to a degree.  Later these things would be confirmed through a conversation overheard, etc.  Friends of mine thought that I was being hard on myself when I said so and so didn't like me, I would not only get the feelings, I would hear the words screaming out at times.  It was so hard not to feel hurt inside.  Later I would hear what I heard in my mind confirmed Being a skeptic, it was the details that kinda were hard to explain.   Sorry it is hard to explain.  Empathy so strong that I do pick up thoughts.  But not as you think, I do not hear all conversations of the mind, perhaps with more training I could, but honestly with that part I would rather put on mute, and not hear them.  I have learned to turn down the volume, and shut off the recieving. Maybe when I feel strong enough I can grow in this area more.  But honestly it hurt alot.  To hear all the thoughts.  Not all the time directed at me, many times it is at others.  I am a peaceful person by nature.

Smoking weed or using other drugs has been known to add to the experience.  Not that I am for drugs. I myself am clean after many years.  After some time I figured out a way to achieve this without the aid of drugs, where as some people are still using for this reason. To become aware...hmmm. I ramble too!! :smt003 In time you will be able to do more than you think.  The drugs only help us to relax, to get our mind to a certain state.  I still cannot meditate, lol I get SOOOO bored!!!  So I had to find methods that worked for me.

Give it time and you'll get there too. ;)  Curious to know if you had this in your chart too.  My Astro chart has shown that I do carry this ability.  Although I don't know how it all works exactly.  (Astrology) I'm still learning.

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Post by pisces316 » Sun Sep 21, 2008 10:13 pm

I totally know how you feel. I have heard words screamed at me in my own head. I thought I was just going crazy. It seems to be more intense when I am high, that is why I stopped smoking. I could never smoke with people because I always felt like I could hear their thoughts and it was a very uncomfortable feeling. I felt like they knew that I knew, it was just weird. I know it's hard to explain. I understand what you mean, but it is also hard for me to explain, lol. I have turned down the volume as well. I wonder how this can be used positively. I think it will take a lot of practice and understanding, but I'm not sure I want to go through that again. I am a very peaceful person, if anything negative is said about me, I just feel horrible about myself. I am definitely too hard on myself.

I don't use drugs very often. I'm still young and I like to experiment I guess. I won't do anything that is man made or that will kill your brain. I have tried meditation but it is hard for me. I have too many thoughts going through my head. It has only worked for me once. I wait until I am very tired and I lay in bed and try to relax my mind. It seems when I am tired, my mind isn't in overdrive. What methods did you find for yourself?

Yes, It is in my chart as well. I don't know how it works either, lol. What is your rising sign and moon sign? My rising is Leo and moon is Virgo.

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Post by Crow » Mon Sep 22, 2008 3:47 am

I too wonder how this could be used for the good.  If you believe what is written of long ago, I guess we were all interconnected via telepathy.  Now where did I see that?  I forgot.

I am rather strange.  I listen to my favorite hard, heavy, fast music.  Dunno, like I can hit that vibration easier than if I listened to the typical relax music.  Although I will listen to slow music for different needs, such as when I feel stressed, etc.  But when I wish to tap in, I use this fast beat music. Perhaps it is because my mind moves quickly too, always thinking...finding a beat that keeps in synch.  Hard to explain.  Have you tried this method? I was curious, since it appears that your mind is going like mine..which is nonstop.  Wonder if that is why certain music will help others meditate, while others it will not.  

My Moon is Pisces, My Asc. is Sag.  

Thanks for sharing your experience with telepathy.  I know how you feel that somehow they know.  That part I am not sure, perhaps in our inexperience while others can tippy toe, and I still know! Anyways we might be moving around like elephants, bringing notice that we are reading them...since we haven't learned to control it fully.  Have you researched this?  Might help you feel more comfortable the next time you choose to turn the volume up.  It sounds like yours is a bit more intune than mine.  Mine isn't as often as what you described.  And has more empathy linked with telepathy.  This is very interesting! :smt003

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Post by pisces316 » Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:24 pm

I do believe that we are all interconnected via telepathy. I think maybe some people don't know what to make of it or just don't understand it. I have also seen that, I forgot as well, lol. I have read somewhere that tribes often use telepathy to communicate, that's where I heard it.

I am very strange as well, I am strange when it comes to being around people. I am so socially awkward, It's like I don't know how to be a social human being. I am more intuitive and speak through actions. I also like hard, heavy music. My favorite band is Tool. I like songs that sing about life but make it kind of hard to decipher. I like songs that make me think about their meaning. I have tried music to meditate but it just gives my mind something else to wander about, lol. I'd rather do it in silence.

Well, thanks for responding. It is nice to know that there is someone that can relate :). I haven't researched it, but I will now, hehe. Do you ever think you may be psychic? I have that feeling sometimes.

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Post by Crow » Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:42 am

I believe we are all psychic.  Some more intune with areas than others. History was the subject I was naturally gifted in. I had to struggle to comprehend Math.  Dowsing and Empathy are my natural first nature gifts, while I am struggling with other fields.  Does that make any sense?

So yes you are psychic.  Which field comes more natural will vary from the next.  

And I like Tool. ;) Although not the best for meditation! haha.  Oh heavens no.  I was talking about music like that without the lyrics. I get distracted by the lyrics too.

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Post by pisces316 » Tue Sep 23, 2008 4:02 am

I struggled very much with math as well, I am still not very good at it, lol. History was also a subject that I liked. It just depended on what history it was. Makes perfect sense, no worries, haha :)

Tool is not the music you want for meditation at all, lol. I didn't know you meant music without lyrics. In that case, I love music that starts slow and gradually picks up. As if the emotion starts out sorrow like and comes on with some real emotion, when it becomes loud. That is my favorite kind of music. It has to have emotion to it.

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Post by carrotcake » Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:23 pm

wow that is very interesting. I'm a pisces and may try that, i'm kind of hesitant though i don't want to think that i am godlike if it works!

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Post by fantasy » Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:41 pm

im always like this and its ridiculous. GOOD POST FIRST POSTER

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