analysis, Terri

An in-depth Analysis of your personality from your handwriting.

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Re: answers

Post by terrimaree » Tue Jun 28, 2005 11:53 am

[quote="Abhishek]also was your handwriting always spaced out this way or has it been a recent change?Abhishek[/quote]

I'm not sure about the spacing. I rarely write on blank paper unless it's a "list" for groceries on a scrap of paper. Then it ends up all jammed together as I add things. LOL Are you talking about the spacing between words or between lines?

I'll have to write something more later and scan. Right now I'm going to sleep.

Thanks a bunch. Terri

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Re: answers

Post by Abhishek » Tue Jun 28, 2005 4:05 pm

terrimaree wrote:.....unless it's a "list" for groceries on a scrap of paper. Then it ends up all jammed together as I add things.
you know what that means? i mean graphologically? :D
terrimaree wrote: Are you talking about the spacing between words or between lines?


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Post by Abhishek » Tue Jun 28, 2005 4:34 pm

terrimaree wrote:I am laughing/smiling.
I was hoping you would. and i am happy to have bought a smile on your face.
terrimaree wrote:Probably EXACTLY what I need! So maybe this is my lonliness? That I know it but ignore it?.
i'd say it compromises of several things... but would begins and ends with laziness of sort. ad to this lack of motivatation (like you said), zest, will power, and a healthy dose of emotional unstablity and you'll get a perfect you. but what i do see is willingnes to try new stuff and venture out into the open and unknown which is a very godd thing. and yes you do have this openness and frankness around you which makes people drop thier guard very quick. i dont know dont let me go on this way or your all you will get is half cooked analysis :smt016

but i think i like this style of analysis better than most... and its the first time i am doin it this way. i think i like it a lot infact.
terrimaree wrote:Would you say will power is the same as motivation? I definitely don't feel very motivated at times
i think you got me there... and on second thaught will power after all is not the right choice of words. it is indeed lack of motivation.
terrimaree wrote:and I am always feeling tired.
trust me its all over your handwriting. do you notice how often your pen/pencil just sort of fleetingly touches the page? lack of pressure in the handwriting. now this maybe due to several reasons... 1) being a mother of 4 which i belive takes more energy than one can imagine. and thats saying nothing of looking after the house... 2) i fou are in the USA and you posted your handwriting when you did... i believe it was in the weee hours of the morning and just before goin to bed it just became more pronounced ... since you say yourself that you do indeed feel tired all the time.
terrimaree wrote: I don't quite understand how you get lack of will power and tendency to eaily get tired from my wavey baseline and spacing, etc. though.
i drew this conclusion from various things from your handwriting. the baseline and spcaing just went on to assert the point.

Now lets look at it objectively. like i said and as you admited you are always feeling tired; you are lonely and often feel depressed as seen in the handwriting; also as is apparent from your handwriting is the tendency to think of the past; handwriting shows emotional imbalance.

now how would you preceive such a person to be as an outsider who can see things objectively? so lets just say all the above factors combned with pressure and stuff above... made me conclude that you are always feeling tired. just lets say its basic psychology at work.

terrimaree wrote:Maybe it's because I'm too tired :) Time for sleep!
yes, exactly why i asked for more handwriting sample. and copying stuff from something like a magazine is not always the best thing to submit while trying to get it analyzed.

good night dear. God Bless.


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I don't know what it means..

Post by terrimaree » Thu Jun 30, 2005 12:17 am

-- You asked about my spacing of writing and I said that I rarely right on blank paper without lines other than for a "list" for groceries on a scrap of paper. Then it ends up all jammed together as I add things. You asked if I know what this means graphologically... I don't. What does this mean? I was thinking of the fact that I write things and run out of space so start filling things in somewhere else anywher I can...or kind of next to something that is located in the same section of the store. Maybe I should scan a grocery list!! LOL.

-- About my fleeting pen pressure. I always took it for my half print - half cursive type of writing style and never really thought of it as being lazy or tired easily.

-- It was late hours of the night when I wrote and scanned. It seems that when I get doing something that I enjoy or am interested in that I don't want to stop. Kind of obsessive huh? I really hate to stop something when I'm in the middle of it. Maybe it's that I'm MOTIVATED don't want to stop the process?!! LOL (That's probably more true than I'd like to admit!) Also, when it's quiet and kids aren't bugging makes it easier to do this even if I AM really tired. I have terrible sleep habits.

-- I must say, that copying from a magazine was a bit of a pain. I kind of wonder if my wavey baseline is different than normal because I had to keep looking at what I was copying?? Copying something was definitely easier than coming up with something (call me lazy huh!) to write but made the flow more difficult. It definitely felt "choppy" to write like that in little chunks that I could remember! LOL, I need a personal "reader" to read something for me to write and see how close I am to done so they can continue on!!! Wouldn't that be a hoot! I honestly don't know what to write for analysis now...I don't want to really talk of all my personal life etc. Oh well, what have I been doing in my posts! :)

-- You said that it's apparent from my handwriting is the tendency to think of the past
What writing traits are you referring to that show this?

-- You said that it shows emotional imbalance. You are talking about my wavey baseline right?

-- More things to scan/analyze? I have old journal type pages that maybe I could scan? They are all on lined paper though I think. Maybe I can find some that are not. I find that my handwriting has not changed much overall. I should go back and look at some of it. Now I'm curious. I hadn't thought of pulling out my old journal pages. That could be kind of fun. I do remember when I first learned about graphology a long time ago that I was really shy and my o's had loops. I decided I didn't want to be a secretive type of person I started making myself leave the loops out of right side of the o's. I don't even know if I had heard of graphotherapy at the time. But hey, I didn't want people looking at my writing and feeling like I was hiding something. My latest studying has showed that loops on the left side of o's and a's mean "self-deceit" Is this true?. Anyway, when I look at my a's they have such a long tail from the previous letter that carries into that I'm thinking this is probably actually a self-deceit loop in my a's ??? Any thoughts? Looking at my writing I wouldn't have even noticed it really but when I look closely I see that I have actually retraced the right side of the a, and d's from the tail of the previous letter. Do you see any of that in my sample? Like the "a's" in the words "okay" -the first word-, "cake", "replace", "had", "heavy"). I don't seem to notice this in any o's so far. It' all makes me curious from someone who's been at this for so much longer. I'm really curious now to look at my old journal pages from way back and see if I notice a difference in any of these over the years.

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More samples written from my mind, not from copied text.

Post by terrimaree » Thu Jun 30, 2005 1:27 am

Here's some more about some things that have happened recently with our house. Two pages:
I haven't studied this yet. What's does my funky margin tell about me other than I can't keep a verticle line either!? LOL



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Post by Abhishek » Thu Jun 30, 2005 7:13 am

now this is something to go on. i'll look at it more carefully. but i really must jump in the shower and get ready for an appointment meeting. the guy should be arriving anytime now.

i'll answer all your questions one by one a little later if that ok with you.


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Post by terrimaree » Thu Jun 30, 2005 7:53 am

That's great. I'm going to sleep now anyway.

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Re: I don't know what it means..

Post by Abhishek » Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:30 am

terrimaree wrote:-- You asked about my spacing of writing and I said that I rarely right on blank paper without lines other than for a "list" for groceries on a scrap of paper. Then it ends up all jammed together as I add things. You asked if I know what this means graphologically... I don't. What does this mean?
it mean lack of planning.
terrimaree wrote: -- About my fleeting pen pressure. I always took it for my half print - half cursive type of writing style and never really thought of it as being lazy or tired easily.
well, i hope you see it now for what it is :smt002

terrimaree wrote:-- It was late hours of the night when I wrote and scanned. It seems that when I get doing something that I enjoy or am interested in that I don't want to stop. Kind of obsessive huh? I really hate to stop something when I'm in the middle of it. Maybe it's that I'm MOTIVATED don't want to stop the process?!! LOL (That's probably more true than I'd like to admit!)
i see one hell lot of difference in this smaple and the last. i dont think its about motivation but what just being you, which is - extremely excitable and emotional unstablity and lack of planning. thou it is less pronounced in the latest sample. perhaps its like a kid let loose in a candy store?

terrimaree wrote:Also, when it's quiet and kids aren't bugging makes it easier to do this even if I AM really tired. I have terrible sleep habits.
that makes the two of us. my sleep habits are even worse than yours.

terrimaree wrote:-- I must say, that copying from a magazine was a bit of a pain. I kind of wonder if my wavey baseline is different than normal because I had to keep looking at what I was copying??
1) its never a good idea to get people to copy something from someplace... it can get your analysis all wrong at times (to the best of my knowledge)
2) if a person cant write a few lines ... doesnt that also say he/she isnt spontaneous? :smt001
terrimaree wrote:I don't want to really talk of all my personal life etc.
i can take an educated guess why you dont wanna be talking about it. but i will leave it at that. you have to first get comfortable before you can share more. which i am sure most fo here undersatnd.
terrimaree wrote:-- You said that it's apparent from my handwriting is the tendency to think of the past
look at your dots on the "i's" ... like i said this writing sample is a lot different than the one you submitted before. and thou the main "you" doesnt show much differnce there are things that are still a lot different. maybe due to lack of sleep while you wrote the last time and tiredness.

terrimaree wrote:What writing traits are you referring to that show this?

-- You said that it shows emotional imbalance. You are talking about my wavey baseline right?
yes, for most but also "slightly" varying slants too.
terrimaree wrote:I hadn't thought of pulling out my old journal pages.
maybe you still wanna pull it out... maybe not for analysis or something but just just so you see how different things were, is and could have been. and sometimes it is plain simple nice to feel and recall the old days. :smt004
terrimaree wrote:My latest studying has showed that loops on the left side of o's and a's mean "self-deceit" Is this true?.
o's and a's open on the left side show a person who lies and is generally not trsutworthy. but i dont see this in your handwriting. i am not sure what loops on the left side mean... but the way you connect you o's with the next letter does show you desire to get attention / love from others.

terrimaree wrote:Anyway, when I look at my a's they have such a long tail from the previous letter that carries into that I'm thinking this is probably actually a self-deceit loop in my a's ??? Any thoughts? Looking at my writing I wouldn't have even noticed it really but when I look closely I see that I have actually retraced the right side of the a, and d's from the tail of the previous letter. Do you see any of that in my sample? Like the "a's" in the words "okay" -the first word-, "cake", "replace", "had", "heavy").

i honestly dont know what to make of it. but i see that you tend to prolong things (to the point of making the subject boring). but more than that i cant say much more on this subject.


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I am not amelia eirhart

Post by avaiyak » Fri May 02, 2008 10:49 am

I love you man!

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