Taurean Significance

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Taurean Significance

Post by wishfulthinking641 » Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:29 pm

OK so heres my story it really freakes me out from time to time. My cousin has the same EXACT birth month,day, but a different year My best friend in the whole world has the same birthday on the same year in the early AM and her cousin has the same birthday, my uncle is a taurus also. I think me and my friend have definate ESP. When I made a wish upon love(in seventh grade), I didn't end up going to the school where he belonged but all of a sudden (miraculously) she did. I was so jealous before and I think at the time I was in a whirlwind of magical activity, possibly taken over by an evil spirit and like I feel her spirit/aura(whatever) is neutral and it made me just satisfyed that I got over him and wanted to hang out with my friend more(like I was taken over by a curse/hex/love spell.) I feel so crazy now .
but anyways.. Ive been diagnosed with ADD and she has ADHD we always thought before that we were just opposites and it all seemed magical, now it seems merrily just scientific like I learned a valuable moral ...but Im completely crazy and all over the place

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Post by astrologer50 » Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:00 am

ADH has nothing to do with taurus per se that will be something else in the natal chart, probably 6th house of health.

Basic astrology
Now basically your sun sign is your 'core beliefs, values, ego' and Asc is your physical body, mode of expression and mask and persona that we all wear and hide behind, but definitely not what's going on underneath. What's going on underneath is your Sun sign. Moon sign, house placements and aspects describe your emotional and intuitive responses, also describes your view of your mother, as saturn describes your father by sign and house position.

So, think of a glass milk bottle the bottle is your Asc and your sun the milk, but the milk still has to 'come out' through the glass neck of the milk bottle....

Now aspects within a natal chart represent 'facets' of our personality, because we are all multifaceted beings. What these do is 'break down and compartmentalise' these facets into smaller bite size chunks. This does take quite a lot of self analysis and objectivity to 'see yourself' and why you do certain things and behave in certain ways. Actually it can be quite good therapy...

Remember back to your school days an opposition is 180', square 90', trine 120', and sextile 60' Now challenged aspects are conj (depending on the planets, cos some like each other and some really don't) squares and oppositions. Easy aspects are conj (if the planets get along) eg: Jupiter conj Moon, sextile and trine. Quincunx is inbetween (depending on the planets) causes health strains and unresolved or hard to balance planets/energies.

Medical astrology

So even if somene was born same day 3minutes apart (like twins) they may well have a different Ascendent, moon and aspects

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