Chakra and Kundalini

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Chakra and Kundalini

Post by googolplex » Fri Dec 05, 2008 3:35 am


Have been having oobes in past but now mainly deal with lucid dreams, able to walk into lucid dreams but unable to find that connecting thing that's is in all dreams.
My question is that the other night, I had a purple energy charge up my spine, I could see it and also feel it, was trying to work with it, was quite intense. While trying to work with it faded away. I'm just trying to under stand what this was, it  was purple in color, was coming in pulses like alternating current. It was on both side of spine seemed to end around throat, was much stronger in lower spine. Just looking for input. Is different from what I thought, if this was Kundalini

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Post by googolplex » Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:55 pm

I am still unable to find any referance to purple color, I know it the two median-nerves run along side of spine, but rap around spine. I checked for indigo, voilet. Only thing found was should be redish in color for kundalini. I know thrid eye is purple, see this all the time in oobe. I did Chakra test said Sacral was only one under-active, but this is the orgin of energy Sacral, was not Root at least not as I could tell.
Four fingers below the navel phychic center, would that be the Sacral Chakra, says is the hidden abode of the sleeping Goddess Kundalini, the personification of the Serpent Power, or the latent mystic fire-force of the body. The color should be reddish brown.
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Post by Rev_Vesta » Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:09 am

Hi.... what an experience?

It is important when working with Chakras to also understand yes the normal Chakra colours stimuate each Chakra.........
and then you have the opposite colours that calm that Chakra down.............

Normally if working with Chakras and you have started with the Root Chakra moving up to Sacral, then Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat chakras.., third eye and crown you also have feet, hands ears, higher heart ad higher crown chakras........ (there are other Minor Chakras )..........there are seven levels  within each Chakra related to personal issues...............

There are three  main Meridians within the body connecting the Chakras on three main levels but there aremany smaller meridians connecting the  many minor Chakras....

"Have been having oobes in past but now mainly deal with lucid dreams, able to walk into lucid dreams but unable to find that connecting thing that's is in all dreams.
My question is that the other night, I had a purple energy charge up my spine, I could see it and also feel it, was trying to work with it, was quite intense. While trying to work with it faded away. I'm just trying to under stand what this was, it  was purple in color, was coming in pulses like alternating current. It was on both side of spine seemed to end around throat, was much stronger in lower spine. Just looking for input. Is different from what I thought, if this was Kundalini"

what do you mean by Oobes?

No this purple energy was not Kundalini..............Kundalini starts at Root Chakra and moves up to the Higher Crown when suddenly a feeling of WOW is reached within... enlightment.... true pure Bliss..........

This purple energy sounds like a connecting energy to calm down your lower Chakras.. that were  too open....... the reason why it seemed so intense was the openess of the Chakras ......alot of purple energy was needed............maybe someone was sending you healing?   or working with your Chakras, Spirit realized your lower Chakras were too open........and that you needed to  balance out ...........depends how open you are to this.......

this is a feeling I get...... meditate on it and see whag you get....

hope brings you some clarity...

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Post by Crow » Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:01 pm

Purple= Crown Chakra...looks like your working on another area.  
:smt003 I am just a bit confussed. Perhaps your awakening happened without real notice.  Or you are clearing something in your crown to get ready for the awakening so you can have a better experience.  I sure hope so.  The snake is nothing to take lightly.  It will take a lot from you if you are not ready.  The way you are describing seems that the crown is trying to connect to your throat.  Are you holding something in?  This I am not sure of but it seems like Rev Vesta said there is some kind of healing.  Would explain the pusling downward, is spirit, higher self trying to reach you?  Trying to remove blockage?  I suggest looking into the throat chakra as well.

Throat Chakra is where I am curently working at.  

First Chakra=Red-Root Chakra
Second Chakra=Orange-Lower Abdomon to navel
Third Chakra= Yellow-Solar Plex/ Above Belly Button
Fourth Chakra= Green-Center of Chest/Heart
Fifth Chakra=Blue-Throat
Sixth Chakra=Indigo-3rd Eye
Seventh Chakra=Purple-Crown

Here is a link that is explains a little about the purple.  Not too much in detail though.  That I suggest you go and seek out.  :smt002 So now you know purple/violet deals with the Crown Chakra, hope it narrows your search a bit.  I understand we are all pushed for time. Not like it used to be reguarding our studies.  Best wishes to you.

Safe Journey

Came back to add- Sometimes it isn't quite what we think at first.  One of the things that does trip me up at times when I look into what I think, only to be guided by that inner voice.  So when it stopped at the throat that signaled to me that there is a blockage there.  Also add that not always do I see colors with energy.  Perhaps a bit color blind myself.  So not to get discouraged for others who may read this.  In time, with practice, and patience the mystery starts to unravel.  Clarity will be found.

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Post by googolplex » Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:15 am

Rev_Vesta wrote:Hi.... what an experience?

what do you mean by Oobes?

hope brings you some clarity...
Oobe, Out of Body experience.
And that thing I was looking for in dream is thing that is supose to be in every dream if you can find it it easier to get back to same state.
Not sure of what am doing, know working in dream state, veiwing some of akasic records, relize somethings but forget most.
Am at the most happy point in life, nothing is much of burden anymore, only burdens of others, but see past those for most part.

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Post by googolplex » Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:57 am

Thanks Crow

Checked out that color site, and this is what I was getting,  I have always seen purple or voliet, and it was always pleasent. I can visualize other colors but, the purple or violet was always the one especially with third eye.
I have been doing some yoga pratices for some 35 years which are suppose to open the Crown Chakra, or as they call the Aperture of Brahma. This exercise would all so cause lucid dream , and out of body experience.

I was't sure what to expect from, kundalina but from what I undrstood it was the transmuting of sexural energy , I don't pratice trantric but I don't chase that either. What ever this was it seemed to be total sexural energy, I just don't under stand the purple, I pray to the Devine Mother to help me everyday, and I don't fool around in my lucid dreams, though I could . But just about everynight I gain that knowing only to for get most of in morning.

I read most of Kundalini Rising , but that seemed like levels of awarness as you traveled thru the different level of the Chakra.
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Post by Crow » Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:29 am


I do not understand most of those texts written.  Yet here I am slowly progressing.  So don't be discouraged by thinking it will or should go according to what it says in a book.  We all have our own seperate experiences.  Each will have their own version of how it feels.  But usually there is something that links it all together.  Something found in all people.  

More than anything I believe that the knowledge is inside us all, while we look outward for the confirmations....the answer is inside us.  The more we practice linking up with our spirit, the more we become alined. The more we practice the balance, the more we become aware in the waking state.  Meaning not so dependent on the dreams. Although they still come.  Even if we do not remember exactly what we had dreamed about, our spirit and subconsious made contact.  There is that seed waiting to bloom.  Deep within.  Slowly there will be the feeling as if all is as it should be.  A peace I cannot describe.  Now when this gets distubed, we re-aline, re-balance...and then continue on our path.  Again I cannot find the words to really describe it since I do not retain the proper names for all this.  

As to if the kundalina transmitting sexual energy...that I am not sure about.  But I do know that it can be awoken during a certain ritual practice. Since this is a Family Friendly site I will not go further. ;)

Perhaps you are caught up in the purple. You stated it was running down your spine, but stopped at the throat.  Why do you think it stopped there?  Why was it moving freely about in the lower chakras?   For 35 years you try to open your crown chakra...what if that crown was already opened but not able to connect to other parts?  Are they ever really closed?  

These are questions I asked myself.

And what if our Guardian is just our higher self?  That if we were our own teacher in the end....sorry I got carried away.  Just a deep thinker like that.

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Post by googolplex » Tue Dec 16, 2008 6:11 am


What I was refering to was the transmuting of the sexural energy into Kundalini, in the Tantric is the White, Gray and Black. From what I have read work in any other than the White would be self serving. The Black Magicians, use the transmuting effect of the sexual of the Kundalini in a more self serving way, in turn cause them self to plunge into the lower levels of the Chakra's. From my reading there is at least three lower levels than the root. Working in these levels are not on the correct path, but those that master this can seem to be quite powerful, and perform miracles or to seem to.

Paramahansa Yogananda was said to have been kept from becoming, Bodhisattva because he failed to attain what ever Tantric levels were said he did not. In the Tantric it takes two, to complete each other, for me I plan this to be my last trip, I can already see far beyond this place. It would be my wish to become Bodhisattva, but as you said something is holding me back, and that is probably giving up the last vestige of materalism.

In saying I would like to attain Bodhisattva, that is not saying I would want to return.
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Post by Crow » Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:35 pm


Handsdown your intellectual level is further than mine. But I will try to converse. :smt003 Thank you for humoring me with your patience.

Tantric-Is that like when you are drunk without a drop of liqour, yet alert to all around...floating above, feeling whole and at home?  Not aware of time, or things around you...just two spirits intwined?  Or is it like those times where you feel like you have been slingshot, kiss of heaven, energized, seeing things through the shrowd, returning refreshed and renewed?  Sorry-Just do not read things like this.  All this I just do, again without knowing why.  I do not retain terms.  But I have found that one can do this without a partner.  While one lasts for a short while, the other's effect will last much longer.  Is this what you mean by transmitting that type of energy into the Kundalini?

Is there a differance between dark and light?  Always thought it was the way it was to applied by the magician.  Not sure if they work with the lower chakras alone.  Seeing that they can achieve so much in their growth, yet sometimes they get lost within.  The power is intense.

I thought that in order to know the all, we must know both.  Walk the middle so to speak...the balance.  That way not limiting our selves.  I am good while I am very evil. Having to learn that I am both, embracing my true spirit.  The good, as well as the bad.  Forgiveness started with self.  Love started with me.  Once I figured this lesson, things started to improve greatly.  How I choose to apply it deepens on my own free will.

As to giving up materalism, what do you mean?  Is that when you know all will provide?  Or do we join a convent and donate all our possessions?  In that I am a bit confused.  In my heart I think it is take what we need, give what we can.  There is no need to worry about material, all is as it should be.  When I need something, it materilizes.  Sometimes when I think I need something, and I don' will not.  At first that upset me, until later when I found out the reasons.  In everything there was a lesson.  My last trip is that of a very spiritual journey.  I do not know of this Bodhisattva that you speak of.  I'll go and read up on it when I have more time.  And then again not sure if I will understand or retain anything I read on it.  I was and always will be just another scatter brain.

It sounds like you are very close to achieving what you want. That this will be your last trip.  How exciting is that?  I am very happy for you!!! :)

Sometimes when we look too closly at the forest we do not see the tree.  Lost within what we expect, instead of just letting ourselves move about freely.  Pushing at a door when all we need to do is let it automaticly open.  I only say that because that always tripped me up.   I was so disheartened by those intellectual fellows such as yourself.  Feeling I would never achieve such feats.  Yet here I am.  Knowing stuff I should not know, affermations that spirit retains.  So have you tried to talk to your spirit while awake?  Instead of just in dreams?  Letting it guide you to your truth...maybe you have. I wouldn't be surprised.  You are really advanced Googleplex.  A couple of years ago I would've been too shy to even write to such a person.  Thank you for sharing all the terms and giving definitions to what I couldn't explain.  And for your patience with this youngin'.  I still have so much to learn.  

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Post by googolplex » Tue Dec 16, 2008 5:01 pm


I am not any different am also on path, I have been gifted with seeing first hand some of the real magic in the world, but alas I am like the prodigal son.

In the book Kundalini Rising they speak of if attaining the level of relization of working in highest Chakra it would be hard to even cogitate this existance.

I was once  accidentally thurst into what I call the center of the cyclone, while in this place my mind, if that is what you would call it was so far from earth, I thought, I would never be able to return. Some how their were other people there, they must of been on a higer level than I, and were able to bring me back to the earth plane.

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Post by sweetsunray » Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:29 pm

The first kundalini at least in my experience is an orgastic experience... but the word orgastic seems but a shade of the sensation. So, yes, it has definitely a sexual feel, and sexual rituals can start it when that person is internally ready for it. It doesn't have to be tantric though.

I agree with Crow that self-love is the onset of everything, and having sex is a physical form of love and self-love. Since the snake rises at the root, the chakra of the physical reality and groundedness for me, and rises first to the sacral chakra this suffices to explain the initial sexual feeling of Kundalini. But that is but the onset. As the Kundalini rises more and more, cleans more and more of the lower chakras out, the more it loses its sexual orgastic nature, and loses some of its burning ferocity. By the time it reaches the heart, it remains as overwhelming, but as if all the world is hugging you, and you can lift the world in your arms and hug it back (and that image doesn't do it justice... for me it's more like the smell of fresh baked bread, the world as a big pile of down feathers, weeping tears and seeping blood from the wounds by thorns for the grail, ). Can't say how it feels beyond that, because that is as far as my Kundalini work has gone since my first experience nine years ago - the heart.
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Post by MacLir » Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:03 pm

I have a question--& it's open for discussion. Which one is the highest? the 7th(Sahasrara) Chakra or the 4th(Anhat/Heart) Chakra? In the teachings of Kundalini, it is said that when Kundalini arise, it rises until the 7th Chakra but then it goes to & rests at the 4th Chakra.

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Post by MacLir » Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:39 pm

Here's a thought of mine. Say, I'm a drunkard & trying to quit my drinking habit. Though I want to quit in my mind, but my heart cannot. No matter how hard I tried, I can discard my drinking habit only after my heart is in accord with my mind.
Isn't it the same with Kundalini? You must raise it to the 7th Chakra, but then it must be resided in the 4th Chakra.
    Another thought: If we go to outer space, there's no up, down, east, south, west, north in there. The only thing that exist is what in Arabic term called "Radius", equivalent of "Quadrant" in English--that is the direction based on the position of the person itself, like my right side, or my left side, etc. Because there's no directions, centre becomes important, for directions are determined according to a 'centre'.  
    Based on the above example, to me, Kundalini is as the same as consciousness. The consciousness that we're in is the reality where we live. The reality of a fly is different from human reality. A fly have thousands of eyes; compare that to the way we see things with just 2 eyes. And how about a bat? Today, there is USG(Ultra Sonography) with which the foetus inside the uterus can be seen by means of sound wave. When I first learned that bats cannot see, only hear, I felt pity for them because I compared it to us, humans, if we lose our seeing ability. But after I knew about USG, may be it is us that shall be pitied of.
    So, when a chakra opens, it creates a new reality to the person. And I think the chakras are not 'linear', like it must be opened from the lowest to the highest. I see the chakras as something like the needles of a clock. Any needle(any chakra) that turns, will consequently makes the rest of the needles(chakras) also turn. And just as the needle which determine the hour makes greater movement for the others, so with the chakras. The higher chakras, especially the 7th(Sahasrara) chakra can make greater spiritual development compared to the lower ones.
    For addition, the Sahasrara(7th) Chakra is the Chakra of Change--of creating--while the Anhat(4th) Chakra is Chakra of the Soul--Chakra of subconscious, of automotion. Anyone who ever learned how to drive a car must have known it. The will, the intention must came first, but to make it automatic, spontaneous, it must be made into a habit. When someone learns to drive, if he sees a red light, he will think of the instruction to release the gas, decelerate the gear, and press the brake, but it all still in the mind, not the heart. After he gain proficiency, all the instruction will executed without thinking, only from the heart.
When you activate your Chakra, even just by intending it, the Chakra will open. But after you stop concentrating on it, it's closing back. Let your subconscious takes over, & it will keep the Chakra stays open, just like what it does to your heartbeat.

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Post by wgamer » Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:30 pm


Most yogic traditions consider sahasrara as the highest chakra and raising the kundalini to it as the ultimate aim.

But Sri Ramana Maharishi, the advaitic guru of 20th century says the bringing the kundalini from sahasrara down thru amrita naadi(NOT sukshmana naadi) to the heart centre. the path of the kundalini is an arc ending in  anahat and not a straight line in sahasrara.  Thats something unique that I have heart about kundalini.

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