Sun and Moon Pisces

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Sun and Moon Pisces

Post by Crow » Tue Jul 22, 2008 4:04 am

Crow needs a job. Okay I am researching this.  Trying to lighten my heart right now.  This always makes me feel good.  Yeah I know...just another distraction.  

Sun and Moon Pisces...and why peeps freak out when they hear it mentioned.  Googled it and found the same words over and over.  I know there must be something else.  I came back to add that I still haven't found it, but will add here when I do.

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Post by astrologer50 » Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:44 pm

You should try posting your natal chart with progressions and transits in the Western reading forum

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Post by Arcana » Tue Apr 06, 2010 10:31 pm

If I may give my 2 cents here...
This is all very tentative and uncertain but... I’ve heard that Pisces moon can give more of a predisposition for melancholy than Sun in Pisces can. Also, you tend to soak up energy around you like a sponge with this moon. Having both the sun and moon in this sign can be seen as more challenging. I have a friend who is a double Pisces and I think this is true for him. I also have a friend who despite being a Gemini and having all of her personal planets in that sign, tends to be melancholic. (Moon in Pisces)  Also double Pisces would be a lot less grounded and there’s more of that mystical energy that can make you feel at odds with reality. And you would have a double dual sign...

I think kurt cobain was a double Pisces. No worries though. I for one think that there’s nothing wrong with being a bit sullen every now and then/deeply fantasy oriented, so long as it doesn’t disrupt your life. And even if it does, it can still be very beautiful and even enlightening.  
Aside from that I haven’t a clue! If you find out, don't forget to share!

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Post by astrologer50 » Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:20 pm

Pisces, Gemini and libra are all rather similar insomuch as they are all restless, procrastinating and indecisive, but usally all the world and it's wife takes their problems to a pisces looking for 'tea and sympathy' cos there are very caring people and tend to make lots of sacrifices and want to give 'part of themselves' to other people for some reason....

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Post by AriesJupiter » Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:48 am

Well Pisces is the most sensitive & perceptive in the zodiac. I think with Sun & Moon in Pisces you are very unique, in that you can see everything in a different way than most people. They say that Pisces has "a little bit of every sign in them" or "understands every sign in the zodiac" because they are the last sign and take with them all the previous signs... So, it seems that you can really see things in a way that most of us can't. I would think you have a very interesting outlook. Something that most people may not understand but surely that could help others "see the light" or something of that sort. It seems like you would make a very good friend or counselor.

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Angel Ariel
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Post by Angel Ariel » Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:45 pm

One think that seems to insist its presence when i read this is the Tarot card, The  Moon, which is ruled by pisces. The moon is about the world of the wild under the the moon, the raw creation and manifestation, as well as the chaos and fear. I believe that your being double pisces makes you struggle to be true to yourself, and thus you look for answers. I think, more can be told based upon your ascendant, venus, and mars (and maybe even mercury), as these can help to determine a little more what instinctively orients you.

Specifically, though, i feel like because you are a double pisces, you are prone to feeling what cant be described normally to people, so with this alone, this would imply that you are extremely talented withe eihter art, music, writing, and occult sciences.  You are probably heavily influenced by your surroundings, being like a supersponge for the emotions of other people.

Something else to keep in mind is that early signs are different than later signs. For example Kurt Cobain is an early pisces (feb 20th birth), i am a late pisces (march 19th birth). Also to take into consideration,  Kurt Cobain has a moon in Cancer, not pisces (his cancerian feelings is in part PROBABLY what made him famous...).

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