
Know your chakras, and learn more about chakra healing.

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Post by Ramesses » Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:47 am

A little background. I began just by meditating on my third eye. Just to try to see if I could feel it. Mainly because I did not really believe such things existed. I had success with my third eye in a short period of time, but no progress with any other chakras. I ended up stumbling upon that chakra test and it pretty much told me my third eye was doing all the work of the other chakra and my others were pretty much inactive. With the exception of very low activity in my throat and crown.

From what I understand the energy should come from the root and move up from there. In my experience though it seems like my third eye is radiating enough energy to open up other chakras. Now my throat chakra is active and gaining strength if I focus on it. And what I think are minor chakras on either temple of my head have opened up on their own without any effort on my part. So I am working my way from my third eye down towards my root. Is that do-able? Because it feels like my root chakra isn't even there.

I have read that physical activity will strengthen your connection to your root chakra, but I am probably more active than 99.99% of people. I really don't get it.

Also I don't even think what I am doing can be called meditation. After I first felt my third eye I just focus on that point and try to intensify the feeling with my intent alone. Now it feels pretty strong and I do not even have to focus on it any more. I can pretty much think anything. Even as I am typing this I can feel the chakras in my temples pulsing. It feels like I'm getting a massage.

I still have to focus on my throat chakra. In fact I have to focus more because I have to try to focus past the intense feelings coming from my head. I have read that some people feel them as headaches. I would say that there is certainly a dull feeling like a headache, but it isn't painful at all.

So can any one help me out? Is this normal? Are there certain things I should being doing because of my specific situation? I can't see auras even though I have read that is the realm of the third eye. Although I have not really done any exercises to try to see them. Is it okay for me to have my third eye so active without any concentration on it? Because I can lay in bed for 2 hours and it will just keep getting stronger without me doing anything.

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:54 am

It is normal beings who have spiritual developed before this life time but had hard family lives to have strong higher chakras and weak lower ones.

I have a similar experience as this with a highly active third eye. Only my root quite active too.

Energy can come from the cosmos through the higher chakras. The star of David represents the higher spiritual energies merging with the lower physicals as the physical is represented by the upward ascending triangle and the spiritual by the downward facing one.

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Post by Ramesses » Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:46 pm

I suppose that makes sense.

Have you had any luck opening your other chakras? Do you mind telling me how you go about doing that?

I pretty much just focus on where they are located and try to put all of my intent in that one spot.

This is a little off topic, but why would people experience new lives? I ask because I get the distinct impression that it was not my choice to do so.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:17 pm

You might consider reincarnation is not a very progressive theory.  And to use it as the answer (or excuse) for all things is getting a little boring.  We have this life to live, regardless of the belief in past or future lives on earth.

Meditation is actually a concentration on a thought.  Letting the mind wander willy, nilly doesn't get it done.

And meditation can be done with the flow of energy all through the body - the concentration on one chakra or another is just not indicated as the only way to go.  

Try seeing an opening at the crown - just above the head.  Out of this opening you send light to the source you want to connect with (God), and watch it flow with light, color and energy down through your whole body.  Be aware of the whole body in a connection - not isolated chakra points.

Out of that energy will come your own peace and contentment.  That is the purpose of meditation.

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Post by Ramesses » Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:22 pm

What if I don't really believe in god?

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:04 pm

If you don't believe in god then you probably have a limiting definition of God. I prefer the words source and spirit.

People come into new lives because something was not working at in their previous life so they come to have another shot at finding the balance they are looking for. When that balance is found it can be kept. How ever people have become so accustomed to things not working out that they come to expect every life to end.

Spiritalk, you may find the concept of past lives boring, but I find it fascinating among other things. Not only this but I find it the only adequate way of explaining many things. I can't fathom an explanation for how things are which excludes past lives.

The higher energies come through the crown chakra and the lower are generated through the root chakra as sexual energy. Developing the root is all about coming to terms with ones sexuality. The two energies are balanced in the heart chakra.

I find success with the root and third eye through focusing on them, and even the heart chakra. Spiritalk raised a good point about energy flowing and moving.

There are food and crystals and activities which help with various chakras. For example singing is good for the throat chakra.

The simplest analogy for the interplay between the higher energies and the lower is that the divine energies come through and animate the physical. The higher energies are the guidance and the lower energies are the power or motor.

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Post by Ramesses » Fri Jun 25, 2010 12:04 am

Well, any definition of God is limiting. That is the nature of definition. What I should say is I do not believe in an entity I would be drawing energy from/ communicating with. I'll accept an inanimate energy though.

Okay so would it make sense for me to skip my heart chakra until I develop my lower chakras?

It is interesting what you said about singing because I tried chanting for my root chakra. That didn't work but after that my throat chakra became active.

Thanks for all the information.

spiritalk could you elaborate on what you mean by, "And meditation can be done with the flow of energy all through the body" ? I don't really feel a flow of energy through my whole body. Mainly just in my head and neck.

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Post by Aegeus » Fri Jun 25, 2010 5:33 am

Relaxation can be good for the root chakra, but exercise too. I guess both would help balance it.

The heart chakra balances the higher and lower chakras, so it is a good point of focus.

I think of source or god as where we all come from and made up of the same life force which animates us. So it is just as sentient as you or me, only not limited by a human form. But our experience of it is limited in the physical state but what our bodies and our spirits are able handle and open to.

Maybe try focusing on the hands, and feet. This can effect the whole body for energy flow.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:53 pm

Most people believe there is a higher power.  Some see it as a source of energies.  But all in all we are merely connecting with a source of energy as we work through our own body - chakra system.

God is spirit.  And that is the definition that works best here - because we are referencing energy.  It is all about flow and how the energies can and do work throughout the body.  

When we focus on any one chakra or place in the body, that is where the flow ceases and gets stuck.  It is also out of balance then and can cause discomfort.

Meditating is about quieting the mind through a focus on something.  The definition of meditation:  To Think Upon - which indicates to me a refocus not a halting of the mind.  Working with energy we can see the importance of flow.

Going from the head to toe energy is using every aspect of our body.  When you focus on these chakra centres you may be missing another area of importance.  (I often say to students when trying for psychic development - learn to see from your big toe - it is merely indicating that our bodies can be on a flow of energy)

Aegeus:  When you study reincarnation, past lives, etc. you can not get past the fact that other explanations are available.  I have taken the time to look beyond this limiting concept.

God bless, J

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Post by Ramesses » Fri Jun 25, 2010 4:44 pm

Okay so I guess you are saying that when I focus on a specific chakra then I am stopping the flow of energy at that point? So I should focus on the flow of energy throughout my whole body. What if there is no flow of energy below my throat? Should I just imagine there is?

Aegeus, I had some success with the chakras in my hands. Should I somehow use my hands now?

Thanks for your help.

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Post by Aegeus » Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:54 am

Hands connect with the mind, feet connect with the body. Focus on feet when going to sleep, as this brings energy out of the head into the body which calms the mind for sleep. Focusing on the hands connects energy with the mind.

I guess the feet would connect more with the lower three chakras and hands with the upper three.

I am yet to hear an explanation other then past lives which I find adequate. Are you implying the concept of past lives is limiting? I think believing only in one life time more limiting.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jun 26, 2010 3:38 pm

As you will return time and again as an infant the time frame doesn't make sense.  Of course, life is progressive.  There are other learning grounds when you open to spiritually progress.

We are body, mind, spirit while yet encased in a physical body.  Check out the spirit reference and see so much more beyond past life explanations and excuses.

God bless, J

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Post by Aegeus » Sun Jun 27, 2010 3:11 am

I am confused as to your stance on past lives now. Now you are saying the we do reincarnate which also implies we have in the past.

I am also aware of existence other then physical, but this can not explain away past lives.

A past life can be used as an excuse no more or less then ones childhood or past life phases can be used as an excuse.

I don't understand what you mean by time frame not making sense

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jun 27, 2010 1:30 pm

One soul, one progressive extension.  No such thing as past lives - each life has a soul of its own.

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Post by Aegeus » Sun Jun 27, 2010 10:19 pm

You just said I will return again and again as an infant. What do you mean by this. There is either lack of clarity or inconsistency in your statements.

Does not I refer to me as a soul, if not then what do you call the part of me that would be coming back as an infant? I call it a soul.

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