Eldest Heard A Spirit

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Eldest Heard A Spirit

Post by Crow » Wed Jun 30, 2010 4:34 am

Tonight while driving home I heard "mom?".  I asked my youngest daughter what she wanted.  She said that she didn't say anything.  She usually calls me mommy so that was odd. Then my eldest daughter said that  she heard it too.  I have heard this spirit in my house on a privious occassion and I became alarmed because my daughter was at school at the time. And I thought something was wrong.

My question is how do I proceed with this?  My daughter said that this is the first time she had heard spirits. She used to all the time as a little girl then it went away.  Her dad is against it. And has said that if she says anything like that he will have her commited in the hospital.  All because of the fear of my psychosis.

She was so excited. And asking all kinds of questions about spirits.  I tried my best to answer them.  What should I do for the young medium?  What help you as a child?

I'm very eager to hear everyone's input.

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Post by nighthawk » Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:00 am

This is a difficult area for certain!! We have a very strong family history of both severe mental illness and also various psychic abilities. I think sometimes one can be confused as the other, and sometimes I think one can cause the other. Where do we draw the lines?? I want to encourage their natural psychic abilities, and get treatment for the mental illness, is what I do. My own determination of which is what is from my experience in working in mental wards, knowing what truely ill people present as and also are the voices or visions causing harm or fear? I explain my beliefs to my children when they ask. That everything is made of energy and vibration is an expression of that which we can hear/see/feel. I also tell them that different people believe different things and that's fine. They are given the task of deciding for themselves what to believe or not, with guidance about what I believe and why I believe it. It is also my responsibility as their mother to make sure that no negative energies are allowed to bother them. It's my house and no 'nasties' are allowed. Thus they can explore and grow safely.
"Mom! there's a monster under my bed/ in my closet!"  I say, "Oh REAAAAALLLLY? Did you tell the monster that your mother will eat it up if it doesn't go away? CHOMP! CHOMP! CHOMP!"   usually works on the mundane fantasy monsters, but if they say the monster persists, I will 'clean house' and re-ward without the children's knowledge.  and I do tell them the truth, monsters can't stay if you do not allow them to.
It's all about balance, the mundane life, a child's natural fantasy life and then the spiritual realms.

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Post by Crow » Wed Jun 30, 2010 12:39 pm


I'm so thrilled that someone replied. :) I'm a medium dealing with psychosis.  It wasn't until recent that I had this development of psychosis.  Where as with the mediumship I have been since I was a child.  So I can usually tell the differance.  There is hope for those who suffer from both.  I take medication, and still hear spirits.   Medication does not take away the gift. My psych is awesome and asked me if this was part of my spiritality, I replied yes, and he wasn't too concerned.  When I go psychosis, It is like I am a forienger in this land. That is what my line is.  To remain grounded and not cross.

I agree, balance, mondane life, childhood fantasy, and spirituality.

I loved the boogie man trick. Chomp, Chomp!!  My children do not complain of monsters.  But when they do I will definately use this trick!  

Thank you for your replie.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:24 pm

A child will ask for only what they want an answer to.  The voice that you heard and your daughter as well, was real and a spirit presence.  She obviously will be opening to these things gradually and perhaps regularly.  Be patient and take it one incident at a time.  Do not over whelm her with too much information.

I got the sense that you or someone close in your family had a miscarriage.  It is definitely a child spirit seeking its mother.  Given you have some time, you may want to answer to help them along their journey.

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Post by nighthawk » Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:59 pm

You are most welcome Crow! It's a hard place to be, dealing with both. But you are not alone! You seem to have a good handle on the situation and I congratulate your success! pm me anytime if you need to talk. :)

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Post by Crow » Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:58 am


Already she has stopped asking about it.  Thank you for your advice. I made sure not to overload her with information.  That night she asked alot of questions then the next day it was like it was out of her mind. I agree with you perhaps she will gradually open up. I will take one incedient at a time as recomended.

As to the miscarriage, I'm not sure.  My mom had one prior to my birth.

This spirit is someone that I have heard for a while.  I think it might be "Angel", a spirit that used to keep me comany when I was locked up in the basement.  She is a little girl around 7 years old, who comes to me holding flowers.  One time she was holding a baby bunny and was humming.  She is in and out of my life.  I'm not sure on how to help them on their journey.  Angel seems happy when she is around.

Again thank you for your suggestions. They came in handy for me. :)

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Post by Crow » Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:04 am


Thank you for the reminder.  And to where I am.  I still have so much to learn. It is because of many people here that post that have given me my voice back.  Courage because of their courage.  Strength because of their kindness.  A month ago I was doubting my abilities, and thought that I was loosing doubt in my spiritality.  Then comes encouragement!  Just wanted to say that, since it seems that I didn't prior. :)  Thanks again for your advice, CHOMP! CHOMP! Love it!

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Post by nighthawk » Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:15 pm

Crow, I like you so much already! We all have a long way to go, with many more mistakes to make. I used to be a spiritual teacher, much studied and applauded for my work in helping others find their own way. And even then, I forgot my way, forgot who I was, got lost for a while. Drownding in depression and stagnation. It happens. It's not how many times you get knocked down, or fall down, it's how many times you get back up and get moving again. No one knows it all, or can do it all. We're all fighting our own battles against ourselves and the crap we sometimes get handed in life. Love is what gets us through. I have always said that If we don't help each other, then there's no help for any of us. Remember that you are strong and you are beautiful. Look at what you've gotten through already! You have already won! Keep going!  (((HUGS)))

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:46 pm

Well put, Nighthawk.

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Helping the child medium.

Post by mojomind » Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:20 pm

Psychic children face many issues surrounding their abilities.  They are often left with coping with these issues on their own due to the belief systems of their parents and/or guardians.  They also find that they are unable to confide in their friends for fear of being shut out, teased, and bullied. So they often keep their 'secret' to themselves.

It is especially hurtful when members of your own family members tease, bully, or threaten you with mental institutions.  The impact of not being able to trust those closest to you with your 'truths' can cause emotional problems that can last a lifetime.  Psychic children tend to be loners, with very few friends.  They often prefer the company of those much older than themselves.  They are often misdiagnosed with mental illness, usually schizophrenia.  There is a danger of depression, although it usually goes unnoticed.  Their grades usually start off good until around the 4-6 grade levels, (If psychic from birth) or within 1-2 years after coming into their abilities, if older.  Unless, and until they learn to harness their abilities and learn to control them, they will learn to fear and resent them, and they will be handicapped by them.

Your daughter is lucky, in the fact that she has at least one parent who understands her special needs, and will be fine, more or less, as long as you acknowledge her experiences as 'real' and not simply side-effects of mental illness.  While I'm not suggesting you give up on your mental health professional, I do recommend you seek the advice of a Metaphysician or Spiritual Counselor, in addition to your medical doctor.  You might get some insight and help on your special issues.

Have you ever had an abortion, or miscarriage that you're aware of?  The experience of both your daughter and yourself both hearing a call of 'mom' leads me to think there's a family connection here.  Do you ever hear your name when there's no one near?  You could be experiencing the development of clairaudience as an addition to list of abilities.  You did say that you've had ability for some time.  Anyone who is aware and accepting of their own natural ability can suddenly experience ability in other areas, even without trying.  This is completely natural.

OK, at the risk of this post turning into a book, let me wind down with some tips for helping your psychic child.

1-empower her with education - If she is visited by 'spirits' and she's scared by this, ask her how they appear to her.  If she describes them as monster looking in appearance, explain to her that she is the boss in this situation.  She's the one in control, after all, they're in her dimension, so they must be good, or be gone! it's as simple as that. You can also explain that they probably don't like scaring her, but find it's the only way that works to get her attention, she can insist that they show themselves as they were when they were before the event that caused the event.
2 - A younger child can benefit from the use of a 'ghost-buster'.  make or purchase a dream-catcher to act like a vacuum and trap. or a special blanket-shield that repels, or a special crystal.  
3 - Explain to them about their higher power, or the power of a great, great grandparent (why do you think they're called great-greats?) who no ghost in their right mind would mess with, is always there to protect them, if needed.
4 - Explain that people with psychic ability are usually more intelligent, and tend to use more of their brain naturally.
5 - Teach her the theme song to the Ghostbuster movie. Have fun with it!

Helping psychic children and their families deal with their special issues is a passion of mine.  These tips have worked with other children, giving them a control of their abilities, so they can take a break from phenomena, and be more like everybody else for awhile.

Peace, Love, and Miracles!

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Post by symulhaque » Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:23 pm

It is very difficult to handle such matter with children as they will scare about it.So you have to answer very smartly.

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