why protection?

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why protection?

Post by alise » Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:44 pm

I have a question? so i have read repeatedly that you should ask your protector guide for protection before doing past live regretion/ meditation, but what is it that you need protection from? Seeing something to hard to handle? Are you any more open to negative energies than with regular meditation? I just like to have a full understanding:)

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:14 pm

It is always good to ask for psychic protection when doing any kind of energy work, including past life visits or readings or any kind of spiritual work. The protection does actually help us to see clearly and to remain grounded and safe in this physical world with our mind and body intact rather than lost wandering in another age. Of course this is extremely unlikely to happen.

If you are planning a full regression then you should only conisder this in the company of an experienced person. Readings on past lives do not have the same access, the seeker is not actually taken back to the past time, only the reader who looks.

Our minds are infinitely more clever than we and using psychic protection does by it's intent help to keep other lower or darker energies away from us. The protection seals any holes and can shield us and block energies we don't want.

It doesn't always mean demons or devils or anything like that, I personally do not beleive in these myths, and sometimes protection just helps us to feel strong and safe and secure in the knowledge that we are protected. :)

What are you specifically thinking and what kind of protection?


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