Will there be more contests in future?

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Will there be more contests in future?

Post by scarabcameo » Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:23 pm

Is there interest in more mystic competitions in the future? Often mystic pursuits are a very inner goal and I think it lightens the search a little to be able to participate in contests.

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Post by Kimmee » Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:13 pm

I want to win something for making interesting threads... but no one posts on my threads that I try really hard to make quality :smt017

What defines something as an "interesting thread" can someone tell me?

I can tell people visit my threads but no one replies to them :smt102 I think it's the "I'm still new" stigmata. Oh well.

I want to found a contest, if you'd let me!

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:12 am

lol. Kimmee.. Im soo sorry I haven't responded to any except your introduction thread..
Heres the honest of why.
I think your learning tarot text book suggestion was awesome.. I found a sort of preview of the book
The amulets you found on Amazon were amazing.. If I had spare cash to spend Im sure I would have ordered one, they are beautiful, artistic and very reasonably priced.
I'm not sure on the actual forum rules of providing links to purchasable and did not want to draw attention to it, "just in case" and have your posts scrutinized.
For a moment there I did wonder if these were affiliates of yours.
If not I have an idea for a web site for you..lol. well you inspired an idea for a site that Id love if I had the time to make sites that are not paid for...lool. I get too many ideas and need to fix up my own sites before jumping into another.
You have a great eye for interesting shop items.
I tossed up if a couple of your posts were boarder lining on business promotion or not.. not in a spammy way, in fact it it was Id way well done, as someone that does seo work on the side you would be one of the few that could get it right without spamming a forum.

I like you a whole lot.

I believe you have something very valuable that working readers can learn from you. When I have time to focus myself in a discussion Id was going to start a thread that would investigate the ethics of reading for people who are in an unstable state , that should be talking to their doctors instead of psychics.
I know I often refer seekers to professional help when I am aware that they have a condition that isnt managed to stability, but I have too often seen peers take on seekers and play pseudo therapist, or worse still milk them as business by playing on their fears or phobias ( the second ones I refuse to call peers )
Your experiences and personal knowledge of this would be a valuable teaching tool.
Another topic similar worth discussing would be reading for a suicidal seeker.. I dont, and its not because I dont care or understand, its because I do care, I do understand, I know the subject too well..  but I have seen peers who mean well take it on.
I guess the question there would be how deep of a depression should someone be in before a working reader draws the line and recommends a trained professional
If you wanted to host these discussions I know I would love to follow them. I cant speak for others.. but Im sure these would be something that would be appreciated by working readers..
lol. I know they would be time consuming and mentally draining.. is why I haven't gotten around to it myself.

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misty sur
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Post by misty sur » Fri Oct 29, 2010 10:59 am

i have the same questions. will there be any more competitions in the future?

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