Had a dream my boyfriend died and 3 months later he did

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Had a dream my boyfriend died and 3 months later he did

Post by krystalkl » Tue Sep 14, 2010 5:29 pm

Not sure if this is the right place to post since it already happened

This is going to be probably really long and I do apologize but also thanks for the help!!

   Me and my boyfriend (Chris) have been together for almost 10 yrs and one night I dreamt that he passed away....cant remember what from but I remember being at the funeral and being upset.....so not to long after that I started receiving text messages from him from heaven but they were hidden in pictures of the galaxy and I would show people and they kept telling me Im crazy and hes dead....then he started to visit me and I would talk to him daily and would tell everyone hes not dead and again they would tell me Im crazy.....so I finally asked him what took him so long to come see me....he said cause he had to go thru heaven oriatation...then I asked how he could come see me...he said that he gets a day pass from god to make sure Im ok....so I asked him when I can come visit him he told I cant cause it not my time then I woke up. I told him about the dream and he just laughed at me and I laughed to......So now he has actually passed away on August 20th 2010 due to a car accident....so you can see why Im asking for any help cause this is driving me crazy!!

   The only other dream that I have were he died before was he was working for a drilling company and got smashed in the drill as I was dreaming this he actual called me and was like you will never guess what happen to me tonight....I was like what and he told he got smashed in the drill but was ok....gave us both goosebumps

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:44 pm

I just want to reach out and hug you right now.

Because other people will be reading this I will begin with explaining that dreams of the death of a loved one are not usually predictive, in fact its very unusual. Usually this would mean changes and a transition on the relationship.. new beginnings.
Krystal I believe this goes for you also, you were shown that his death wasnt the ending of the connection between you, but it has taken on another depth.

Dont over think this one, it will drive you nuts, and extra stress is the last thing you need right now. Its going to take a long long time getting used to living this new life without him being with you physically. Do know that he really is with you.

It seems you got a head start on this realization. Perhaps you got a heads up on it, and the message in advance because you would be so confused at the time of his passing and the months following that it would be too dark to see right then, when you need it the most, maybe someone was a habitual plan aheader. :)

This is saying is dead in the way we shallowly view it from our human perspective. But this doesnt mean hes gone and ceases to exist, this doesnt mean that he is not still with you, and you can communicate with him in your thoughts, and even receive his messages as signs from the universe ( the galaxy ), they wont be exactly as you imagine, ie a verbal communication , or exactly what you thing the answers must be.. but more subtle and encrypted. Messages that you would understand in your heart.. rainbows, feathers, finding little rocks that have pretty patterns.. most importantly, in the form of a memory and a realization that you feel in your heart.

dont over think this. accept it for the gift that it is.
Continue your conversations with Chris.. I would advise to keep these conversations between you and Chris for the peace and quite.. others may fear that you are not coping and accepting or being over the top.. Do be sure to keep on keeping on in your life, go forward.. if you dont feel that you are coping you should consider grief counselling.. going forward is not leaving him behind, have courage, he will be right there with you.

I hope this helps a little.
I know this is not an easy journey, I wish I could wave a magic want and make the pain go away.. remember the laughter.

Love to you..

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Post by SaturninLibra » Sat Sep 25, 2010 2:35 am

sending out a hug to you to.    that was very sad to read.

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Post by krystalkl » Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:33 pm

SaturninLibra.......Thank you

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Post by gryxzl » Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:53 am



Second, I can relate to what you're going through, in a way.  Three times I've dreamed of close friends or relatives dying, and all three dreams came true.  Once, I dreamed I was having a pop test in school, so I woke up early and studied.  I was the only one in the class to score 100% on a supposed pop test.  Some people, like you and I, are naturally more in tune with the cosmos, and can become clairvoyant in our sleep.  It scared the hell out of me at first, but now I use it as a tool, to help possibly prevent such tragedies from befalling the ones I love.  Consider the dream a gift, for I'm sure the last days were memorable for you.  A million tears, a thousand hugs.

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Post by krystalkl » Tue Oct 12, 2010 2:21 pm


I feel like I am more in tune with things around me but again not sure.....Its hard a thing to have to go through specially when you dreamt it and it happens.....I wish I could have done more and just didnt blow it off as just a very strange dream....but Im sure nothing would have changed that fact.....I know now I will take my dreams a little more seriously!!  Thank you for the hugs....I need a lot of them  :)

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Post by finly321 » Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:08 pm

So sorry for your loss.  In your dream he wasn't 'gone' even after he had died so I hope you take some comfort from the dream's message. *hugs*

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Post by krystalkl » Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:24 pm

Thank you so much finly321!!   I hope thats the case.....Im still waiting  lol

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Post by khoos » Thu May 12, 2011 12:41 pm

In the past , I used to know beforehand who would die in my surrounding, because god of death used to communicate with me in my dreams.

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