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Post by govardhanvt » Wed Oct 13, 2010 2:21 am

Moderators replying like this to each other post really deviates from the core issue topic of this thread and there would be no end to it.

Hence ,I would take the lead in posting some useful information  to continue this topic. It should not be construed that the earlier post in this thread is not useful

I feel extensive research has been done on Rahu and ketu.
There quiet  a lot books on this topic. I find apart from the books referred above the book titled "THE RAHU KETU EXPERIENCE (Everything you wanted to know about Rahu and Ketu) by Prakash Trivedi " to  me appears to be quiet exhaustive and informative. B V Raman has touched upon the role played by these grahas , at several places in his various books and in his astrological magzine Book on Rahu Ketu by Dr Shankar Adawal is also worth mentioning here apart from others

Now coming to the core issue

Sri Prakash Trivedi in his books in his first chapter of the book " Through the eyes of the Ancients" makes one to travel to ancient world how the serpent power  was considered  and looked upon. He adds on to say there " we cannot find any direct mention of the lunar nodes anywhere except the Vedic scripture, even though some recent findings show that they were well known in europe, Africa, The Americans and china"  Further he goes on with the discussion the above subject in Egyptian Civilization, Greek Civilization, Biblical View, Chinese Civilisation, Mayan civilization, Native American Indian cultures , Vedic civilizatin covering exhaustively. Later in the second chapter he goes to mention about The present Day perspective , both according to western and Vedic

The Third chapter of the book with the heading "Let's Get to Know them" he exahaustive covers the appearance,Attributes signification, rulership , exaltation , debitatin ad Moolatrikona, aspects, Motion and mode of functioning, timing, symbols of both the planets.

The fourth chapter of the book covers on Nakhastra and Navamsha of both the planet

Numerology of the Nodes is covered in the fifth chapter of the book

Esoteric and cosmologicla significance is also covered in Chapter 6 of the book

Association with other planets is covered in chapter 7

Special combinations and various yoga are touched upon in chapter 8

one can get information on Periods and timing in chapter 9

Role of Rahu and ketu in synastry is exhaustively discussed in chapter 10

Proj query though was specific to Libra Rahu, one can find the more elaborate and informative discussison  on the Nodal axis in different signs in Chapter 11

The chapter 12 covers the various placement of both Rahu and Ketu in diferent houses

Taking the example of the chart of B Surinarayana Rao, he discuss the Role of the generational planet in Genetics and reincarnation

I would appreciate both the moderators take this topic further by giving  certain live example and discussing further . I am eagerly waiting for Rishiji  exhaustive  post in this regard so that  many in the forum could get benefitted

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Role of Rahu & Ketu in a horoscope.

Post by prasanna » Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:26 am

Dear  Rishi ji and  all ,

       Let us  all keep this forum active thru posting  use full  infos here for the benefit of all of us,  like  our previous posts in this thread .  U ,  me and all our friends  are  always  co learners here. I  trust every one has the same thinking here.  Let me add some more infos regarding rahu ketu .Thanks Dhan ji for your elaborate post on rahu ketu .

Role of Rahu & Ketu in a horoscope

In Indian astrology Ketu is pronounced as Kaytu, and the other one as Raahu. These are two nodes of Moon taken into consideration by The Vedic seers because they have specific effects in humane affairs. They are called as ‘Chhaya Graha’ or shadowy planets. So to say their shadow alone affects an individual. They always move in the opposite direction to other planets movement as such they are shown as retrograde planets in Horoscope.

They are at 180 degrees to each other and move in circular fashion. They are seen as two parts of a serpent with head alone as Raahu and the body with tail as Kaytu. Raahu is credited with Saturn like qualities and shares Aquarius as his house. Kaytu is like Mars and shares Scorpio.

Of the two Raahu is a pure malefic representing baser qualities and Kaytu is a loner and a thinker in new lines on any subject. Kaytu in 5th House of a horoscope gives research tendencies.

Both these are powerful in the night.

My personal observation is that the bhavas occupied by the nodes in a horoscope come under maximum tension area in the life of the individual take the 1st and 7th bhava .First house is self and 7th in a horoscope denotes life partner and business partners. When Rahu and Ketu are posited in 1/7 axis then there is a problem between the husband and wife even though other factors are favorable.  Astrologers generally lay emphasis on blemish of mars for marriage matching. This is not correct. The combined blemish of Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu and Sun has to be worked out to balance the blemish of horoscopes of the couple.

Similarly when the Nodes occupy 5/11 axis with Ketu in 5th and Rahu in 11th then there is every chance of marital discord even though other favorable factors exist in a horoscope.

http://www.soothsayers-india.com/Role-o ... scope.html

.  I hope this article has more sense and few  answers are  there for Proj , ascendant  Rahu  & 7 th house ketu. ( but here it is given common to all the houses regarding the placement of Nodes., not in a specific way as he has asked me . . .

Kaytu in 5th House of a horoscope gives research tendencies., Yes it is true . I agree fully to this , I always have the tendency of doing researches. I never blindly accept anything , I do deep analysis before accepting a thing .

Rahu in 11th then there is every chance of marital discord even though other favorable factors exist in a horoscope.

         Fortunately I have a bliss full  marital life though I have 11 th house rahu , due to the finer( Benefic )  aspect of Shani . I wish and expect from  all  others, they  should  also post few examples,  realistic ones,   to this  thread like me .


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Signification of Rahu/Ketu in our Life:

Post by prasanna » Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:07 am

Signification of Rahu/Ketu in our Life:

Rahu is supposed to be a powerful but naughty manifestation of  (the illusions of nature). Rahu manifests the dualities of nature in all i;s intensities and their subsequent fusion. It can operate in all three Gunas as defined in Bhagavat Gita . It can function in Rajasik (active) mode when it gives material prosperity, It can function in Satvik (harmony) mode when it gives knowledge and wisdom and can boost a person spiritually. It also functions in Tamasik (passive) mode when it is associated with all kinds of criminal, violent, dark and destructive forces in nature.

It is discontent incarnate and a person can never be content or satisfied under it�s influence. It very easily takes the form of the planet with which it is associated in the chart either through conjunction or lordship or aspect, and can display and intensify either the positive aspects of the planet or the negative aspects of the planet. When associated with Sun, it can manifest the positive aspects of self confidence and creativity or it can manifest the negative aspects of extreme ego, pride and selfishness.
With Moon it can intensify the lunar energies either in positive fashion or in the negative fashion. It can create hallucination, illusion, paranoia and other mental imbalances and dependencies. Or in rare cases it can induce a pure state of spiritual trance when the mind and ego get completely dissolved in divine consciousness. With Mars, it can boost the Martian energy and make a person highly proactive and focused in his goal. But in the negative sense it can make the person highly aggressive and make him prone to violence.

With Mercury, Rahu can supply an intuitive dimension to the analytical intellect of Mercury in positive sense. But in negative sense, it can make the person totally calculative and manipulative for narrow personal gain.

Rahu can enhance the expansive and positive energy and wisdom of Jupiter. Jupiter is justice and law and signifies conventional wisdom. Bur Rahu is lawlessness incarnate and is the Robinhood among planets. The merging of these two energies can sometimes create a good balance and can be very positive but in the negative sense it can cause disaster, delusion through overexpansion especially on the material plane.

Rahu in conjunction with Venus will either make a relationship or it will break relationship. With Saturn it can cause extreme pessimism and negative energies. It can intensify all the base instincts of Saturn of greed, avarice and selfishness But it can create the highest level of material success and can accelerate the process of Saturn which gives success very slowly and after a lot of grinding and struggle.

In conclusion Rahu is the Drago;s head, it is always looking ahead and it signifies the future. It is the force that detaches us from the past and in the process it attaches us to the future. Rahu signifies the eternal hope and optimism in our life. We can put its energy to work constructively for us or we can succumb to its delusions and Tamasik nature.

http://www.cyberastro.com/articles/rahu ... eries2.asp

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Post by govardhanvt » Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:16 am

Notable horoscope of various placement of Rahu and ketu
                                                              NAME                         DOB                  TOB               LOG & LAT
Rahu in First house and ketu in 7th house  J KRISHNAMURTHY  = 11TH MAY 1895  00:56AM  LMT   12N12 79E07
                                                             NIETZSCHE               15TH Oct 1844   10:00 Am LMT   51N15 12e08

RAHU IN 2ND AND KETU IN 8TH HOUSE     B V RAMAN               08TH AUG 1912   07:35 PM  LMT  13N04 80E17
                                                            EDGAR CAYCE           18TH MAR 1877   03;00PM   LMT 36N50 87W30


                                                            PARMAHAMSA             18th feb 1836      05:30AM LMT  22N55 87E58
                                                            JOHN F KENNEDY         29TH MAY 1917   2:51PM LMT     43N2271W08
KETU IN 4TH AND RAHU IN 10TH              CHENGIZ KHAN           15TH AUG 1186   1:30AM LMT    37N00 65E00
                                                            M K GANDHI                02ND OCT1869   8:30AM LMT    21N37 69E49
                                                            S C BOSE                    23RD JAN 1897  12:00PM LMT  20N38 85E44

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The signification of Ketu:

Post by prasanna » Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:57 am

The signification of Ketu:

Ketu also has the same duality as Rahu, one which grants material prosperity and the other which causes material adversity. Ketu is a force which is identified with surprises, exceptions, confusions, strangeness and any other bizarre events in our life. It is also identified with intuitive awareness and all other states beyond the realms of rational perception. Ketu is the planet which signifies sudden gain and sudden losses in extremes. Kings becoming paupers overnight and paupers becoming kings overnight are the events in the realm of Ketu. In this Ketu is similar to Saturn but the process of Saturn is not sudden, it is always a slow painful affair, or success after great struggle.

This extreme nature of Ketu personality can be best exemplified with two examples. Hitler the aggressive and cruel person as well as Mother Teresa the embodiment of self less service is both examples of strong Ketu personalities in their respective charts. Like Rahu, Ketu in association with other planets alter or enhance their both and negative qualities to the extreme. Ketu can enhance the qualities of Sun in both constructive and destructive manner. It can internalize the positive energy of Sun giving clear and deep insight. The opposite is also true, with negative energies of Sun it can create extreme confusion which can make the person�s existence in present and in real world impossible in form of serious mental affliction like severe depression and suicidal.

With Moon it can intensify the lunar energies either in positive fashion or in the negative fashion. It can create hallucination, illusion, paranoia and other mental imbalances and dependencies. Or in rare cases it can induce a pure state of spiritual trance when the mind and ego get completely dissolved in divine consciousness. With Mars, it can boost the Martian energy and make a person highly proactive and focused in his goal. But in the negative sense it can make the person highly aggressive and make him prone to violence.

With Mercury, Rahu can supply an intuitive dimension to the analytical intellect of Mercury in positive sense. But in negative sense, it can make the person totally calculative and manipulative for narrow personal gain.

Rahu can enhance the expansive and positive energy and wisdom of Jupiter. Jupiter is justice and law and signifies conventional wisdom. Bur Rahu is lawlessness incarnate and is the Robinhood among planets. The merging of these two energies can sometimes create a good balance and can be very positive but in the negative sense it can cause disaster, delusion through overexpansion especially on the material plane.

Rahu in conjunction with Venus will either make a relationship or it will break relationship. With Saturn it can cause extreme pessimism and negative energies. It can intensify all the base instincts of Saturn of greed, avarice and selfishness But it can create the highest level of material success and can accelerate the process of Saturn which gives success very slowly and after a lot of grinding and struggle.

In conclusion Rahu is the Dragon�s head, it is always looking ahead and it signifies the future. It is the force that detaches us from the past and in the process it attaches us to the future. Rahu signifies the eternal hope and optimism in our life. We can put its energy to work constructively for us or we can succumb to its delusions and Tamasik nature.

The signification of Ketu: Ketu also has the same duality as Rahu, one which grants material prosperity and the other which causes material adversity. Ketu is a force which is identified with surprises, exceptions, confusions, strangeness and any other bizarre events in our life. It is also identified with intuitive awareness and all other states beyond the realms of rational perception. Ketu is the planet which signifies sudden gain and sudden losses in extremes. Kings becoming paupers overnight and paupers becoming kings overnight are the events in the realm of Ketu. In this Ketu is similar to Saturn but the process of Saturn is not sudden, it is always a slow painful affair, or success after great struggle.

This extreme nature of Ketu personality can be best exemplified with two examples. Hitler the aggressive and cruel person as well as Mother Teresa the embodiment of self less service is both examples of strong Ketu personalities in their respective charts. Like Rahu, Ketu in association with other planets alter or enhance their both and negative qualities to the extreme. Ketu can enhance the qualities of Sun in both constructive and destructive manner. It can internalize the positive energy of Sun giving clear and deep insight. The opposite is also true, with negative energies of Sun it can create extreme confusion which can make the person�s existence in present and in real world impossible in form of serious mental affliction like severe depression and suicidal.

Ketu in association with Moon can make a person very psychic which can be used to heal others, but it can also prompt the person to practice dark forces of nature like black magic and other unholy occult practices. It can make a person an extreme paranoid and can even make him a mass murderer (like Hitler) Ketu in association with Mars, will intensify the Martian energy either in positive or in negative ways. This is the most fiery and combustible combination between two planets. In the mundane level it had led to world war in the past. This combination shows that the person had been working with the Martian energy in previous lives. In the positive aspect the person has Martian talent and potential which he must apply in his present life for constructive purposes. It gives piercing instinct and power of intense concentration. The Key characteristic of Mars is logic and that of Ketu is intensity.

But usually this is a difficult and challenging combination in the chart. The person experiences an extreme swing between high energy and complete lack of energy. It creates extreme characteristics like intolerance, aggression, vengeance. The person can be both victim of atrocity, torture and other abnormal behaviors or aggressor and torturer himself. The key word of Ketu is unusual and the key word of Mercury is intellect. At the positive level the person can have unusual intellect that of a genius. But at the negative level, the person can suffer from extreme confusion and he can be scattered brain.

The combination of Jupiter and Ketu is the most fortunate combination in the chart. It shows good Karma from past lives, the fruits of which will be experienced in this life. Jupiter is the only planet which can control and neutralize the negative aspects of Ketu. The keyword of Jupiter is expansion and that of Ketu is constriction. This can cause a rare balance and harmony in an individuals life. But usually this causes some ups and downs and struggle in a persons life. But if the person has perseverance and patience, this combination will usually ensure success at the end.

However some ancient seers consider this combination as an extreme negative combination. According to them instead of Jupiter harmonizing the negative energy of Ketu, It is Ketu which completely negates all Jupiters energy. They belong to the school, which believes Rahu and Ketu are always out and out negative and evil. However it is also possible that Ketu while magnifying the energy of Jupiter , it can cause a persons downfall through over expansion and illusion of grandeur.

The combination of Ketu with Venus will certainly create out of ordinary behavior in matters of love, passion, and in relationship. Ketu can refine Venus energy or it can pervert Venusians energy which can lead to abnormal sexual behavior, like homo sexuality and lesbianism. Usually with this combination person can experience great and intense love and passion as well as great disappointments in love and marriage.

The combination of Saturn and Ketu is also the most challenging combination between planets. It suggests that the person is bringing deeply ingrained Saturnine detachment and pessimism from past lives which in combination with Ketu in this life gets further intensified and such a person can be innately pessimistic from the very beginning. But if both these planets are working in their highest level of positive qualities, then this combination can create Saints and prophets as well as great revolutionaries. Prophet Mohammad had this combination in his 10th house Scorpio. Cheguevara had this combination in the Ascendant.

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Re: Role of Rahu & Ketu in a horoscope.

Post by RishiRahul » Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:41 pm

prasanna wrote:Dear  Rishi ji and  all ,

       Let us  all keep this forum active thru posting  use full  infos here for the benefit of all of us,  like  our previous posts in this thread .  U ,  me and all our friends  are  always  co learners here. I  trust every one has the same thinking here.  Let me add some more infos regarding rahu ketu .Thanks Dhan ji for your elaborate post on rahu ketu .
RishiRahul=Yes, I, am I am sure we, do appreciate your efforts in posting web materials, and others who are interested too.. it is informative.     I would rather like to post, as usual,not such general literature,  but more definitive literature which are typical to individual charts, as general Literature can be confusing many times.
Of course, if I had more free time I "could" have probably indulged in the privileged to do so too.

Role of Rahu & Ketu in a horoscope

In Indian astrology Ketu is pronounced as Kaytu, and the other one as Raahu. These are two nodes of Moon taken into consideration by The Vedic seers because they have specific effects in humane affairs. They are called as ‘Chhaya Graha’ or shadowy planets. So to say their shadow alone affects an individual. They always move in the opposite direction to other planets movement as such they are shown as retrograde planets in Horoscope.

They are at 180 degrees to each other and move in circular fashion. They are seen as two parts of a serpent with head alone as Raahu and the body with tail as Kaytu. Raahu is credited with Saturn like qualities and shares Aquarius as his house. Kaytu is like Mars and shares Scorpio.

Of the two Raahu is a pure malefic representing baser qualities and Kaytu is a loner and a thinker in new lines on any subject. Kaytu in 5th House of a horoscope gives research tendencies.

Both these are powerful in the night.

My personal observation is that the bhavas occupied by the nodes in a horoscope come under maximum tension area in the life of the individual take the 1st and 7th bhava .First house is self and 7th in a horoscope denotes life partner and business partners. When Rahu and Ketu are posited in 1/7 axis then there is a problem between the husband and wife even though other factors are favorable.  Astrologers generally lay emphasis on blemish of mars for marriage matching. This is not correct. The combined blemish of Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu and Sun has to be worked out to balance the blemish of horoscopes of the couple.

Similarly when the Nodes occupy 5/11 axis with Ketu in 5th and Rahu in 11th then there is every chance of marital discord even though other favorable factors exist in a horoscope.

http://www.soothsayers-india.com/Role-o ... scope.html

.  I hope this article has more sense and few  answers are  there for Proj , ascendant  Rahu  & 7 th house ketu. ( but here it is given common to all the houses regarding the placement of Nodes., not in a specific way as he has asked me . . .

Kaytu in 5th House of a horoscope gives research tendencies., Yes it is true . I agree fully to this , I always have the tendency of doing researches. I never blindly accept anything , I do deep analysis before accepting a thing .

Rahu in 11th then there is every chance of marital discord even though other favorable factors exist in a horoscope.

         Fortunately I have a bliss full  marital life though I have 11 th house rahu , due to the finer( Benefic )  aspect of Shani . I wish and expect from  all  others, they  should  also post few examples,  realistic ones,   to this  thread like me .



Raman Deep Singh
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Post by Raman Deep Singh » Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:56 pm

Hey Everyone,
Just got out of time so not able to write much in this definetely interesting topic :)
I was just wondering after reading the article relates to Sayan charts or Nirayan charts?
The material in the blogspot is a copy of some Western astrology literature, I think.   I wonder where I read it earlier?
Rishi rahul ji,this is definetely a nice approach towards understanding nodes in more detail or shud i say from different angle, from western astrology point of view..We may get more answers...
Hi Prasanna,

If you read my posting you will read that I had mentioned........."I was just wondering after reading the article relates to Sayan charts or Nirayan charts?

The material in the BLOGSPOT is a copy of some Western astrology literature, I think.   I wonder where I read it earlier?

Being a moderator, I had to form the habit of reading posts in details.

I did read the blog... and what i meant was that the blogger copied it from Western. I have read it.

I have seen that western senses are applied to Eastern works... like in Western Venus in the 12th house, may be in the 12house in Eastern or 11th. depending on the degrees, which are about 23 degrees apart.

But still the senses hold quite accurately.

I have a book by Manik Chand Jain on this sense of Rahu and Ketu, which explains this sense so very well, is not so elaborately explanative, but concise and lucid like Dr. B.V.Raman.

The westerners have a wonderful habit of being very elaborate in explanations!

Yeah,I think Prasanna ji you didnt get the point here.Rishirahul ji was making a separate point here , which does make a sense to me, coz line which we hae drawn between western and Vedic/Indian does not necessarily to be there or even exist..

I have also read Manik Chand Jain.I have liked him and yess he is good in his approach.
But if i remember correctly, He has got a slight touch of Western in his approach for nodes.I don't remember exactly wats the reason behind this assumption but i think his way of approach makes me feel this.

Dear Rishi,

I do appreciate your dedicatory  services U are rendering to this forum . U have every liberty to analyze and re send it to the appropriate forum. At the same time let me express myself please. I fee  this author Mr Madusan has basic   and good knowledge of vedic as well as western, I can relate this as    fusion in Music field, where we are enjoying both  , western and Estern together. Any how my understanding is  western  Astrology is  a branch of vedic Astrology only. Vedic is the Mother of  all Astrologies. . All western Astrologers are taking basics from  Eastern world only . So this blogger might have tried it  in a  new way which could be appreciated too. I dont want to speak anything against western or Eastern  as,Iam a person who used to  enjoy everything  under the earth without any disparities.  I like to enjoy the nectar  all the sciences  like , Western, Eastern,  Numerology   , Chines etc etc. Hope U will take my views in rite sense too.

Thanks and regards,
Prasanna ji, there something which you missing in rishirahul ji message.
He didnt even mention about distinction betwen western/ vedic astrology ..Right or wrong... moving the thread ... or even about the blogger..nothing about the knowledge of the author....

There is no comment regarding your message or even the blogger..
His point of view was simple.. he thinks we can take it further and use sayana and niryana system both to understand more about nodes.. Simple....And this is how can take it further...
It is not required that some one has to be RIGHT or WRONG..... There is no coment about watever  blogger has wrote but there is a possibility that h must have used his skills to mix both side of astrology ... so let US also try doing the same .
That was the point of view ....

I hope i am able to clarify this...
Dear Rishi ji,

U know my nature  well from past three years. I would be very happy if we all do this researches combine together  as u have suggested, Iam ready to take part in this too. I already wrote in Atmakaraka thread  itself,  my favorite second best planet is Rahu , as I always quote Shani Bhagwan my first . I need others co operation in this .  I am always thinking of doing researches about Thula rahu Aries ketu"s placement in 1976  born native's chart as well as  1979 born natives chart too ,because I find specially some connection to all  charts. A common  thing  I found in them (1976 born people) have some marital problems like late marriage or few charts I see no marital bliss. In our board itself I have few members with this problems  , I dont know whether they will be ready to co operate with us   or not. let me hear from all please. Thanks Rishi ji for your nice suggestion, but  as moderators  ( Iam one of the Moderators  of Mysitc board, though not vedic  forum ), I do appreciate the real concern of our friend Govardhanvt ji) we cant do this in this thread itself . Rahu ketu's signification s  in vedic   are not easily understandable, , it needs to learn in  volumes.

Prasanna ji AND Gvardhan ji,
I think there is quite a bit misunderstanding going on here.
Again, No one said that it has to be done here or not done here ..
You have end up assuming  AGAIN that it is suppose to be discussed here ..

Since we write i a forum.We do end up writting our minds when the thread/topic cross pass the closest link in our mind sitting there for some time.
Similar thing must have happened here that when topic related to nodes started and when touch of Western Astrolgy was there .. Rishirahul ji said something is definitely unconventional but yet makes sense (or may not make sense to few but that is fine since we can do things our way :) )

Govardhan ji, this is not exactly a deviation from topic..Just a mis understanding of Prasnna ji regarding Rishirahul ji's ADVISE/SUGGESTION (thus not forceful).

Moreover, topic is about RAHU/KETU- karma balance..
Now this karma balance can be undestood more from indian astrolgy OR placng nodes in Western astrolgy .. We yet have to find this out. :)
Thats y it is still i the periphery of topic, RAHU/KETU- Karma control.

Raman Deep Singh

Raman Deep Singh
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Re: rahu/ketu

Post by Raman Deep Singh » Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:40 pm

govardhanvt wrote:
kirby! wrote:From what i've gathered and can see in my own life with rahu and ketu is that it is where we need balance, is this correct? Ketu being the qualities we leaned to most and rahu the least.

so trying to get and even keel would be the goal or is rahu suppose to be where one should direct their energy and leave ketu's attributes behind completely.

rahu and ketu are very fascinating to me, so really any information is appreciated.

thank you.
It appears to me kirby is seeking information and not asking for conducting a research on Rahu and ketu.  It appears to me that he wishes to know the real RAHU KETU EXPERIENCE.  It would be more appropriate if the thread is confined to the topic rather than using this thread for research. Hence , it would be appropriate if the research is carried out on a different thread

I fully agree with the other moderator

thank you all so much for your input.

I do have another question about this subject:

so, if rahu and ketu, being placements we must learn to balance, would the houses square to it (4 houses down) be the means to help balance it e.g. I have rahu in pisces/ketu in virgo, so would looking to the house 4 down(taurus/sagg) be helpful in finding the balance needed to level rahu and ketu?
Hi Govardhan ji ,
I apologise if i am being more critical or explicitly clear but i m doing it coz i think this thread is pushed to totally different direction coz of mis undestanding, that also series of it.

Firstly and foremostly, Noone has ever asked to start the Research here.It was a SUGGESTION or shud i say simply a thought which will come to our mind.. Simply like KBC will bring pic of Amitabh Bachchan in our mind(to mine atleast)this does not mean we are going to change the topic to Amitabh Bachchan from KBC.. nope..

Secondly, Kirby is askig for INFORMATION and since i am from technical background let me say in my way :)
INFORMATION comes from DATA which we get from Research and DEVELOPMENT...
In astrology i dont know many who have got DISTINCTLY CLEAR idea about every question,also when the question asked by kirby needs deeper understanding then normal thus Research is required, MAY not be here and leme repeat -NOONE has asked for the research here - right here , right now :)

I hope i am able to make it more UNambiguous here .

Dear Rishi ,
   Ok I understood what u are saying now. But  I request U to write  little clearer means elaborate  because Iam not able to understand exactly what U are saying. Is it ok?  I pre assume U dont want me or Govardhan ji to say sorry for  this little mis understanding . your one liners always confuses as I already quoted many times too. kindly take the corrective actions to my earlier request of repetitive posts please. . Iam ready for anything regarding the researches. Thanks dear friend.
Dear Prasanna ji,
This one sentence CANNOT be misinterpreted in any manner(unless you have some presumption while reading)

I was just wondering after reading the article relates to Sayan charts or Nirayan charts?
The material in the blogspot is a copy of some Western astrology literature, I think.   I wonder where I read it earlier?
there is nothing to clarify here but still if there was misinterpretation then writter cannot be held responsible.Simply coz there is not enough scope in the sentence to think otherwise..I will say same for later message of Rishirahul ji.I hav read that too..
I pre assume U dont want me or Govardhan ji to say sorry for  this little mis understanding .
Prasanna ji,Though this little misunderstandinghas got cleared(since you say so :) )it has costed quite a bit of time and energy of all of us.Though Apology cannot be asked for :) and definitely not from someone like Rishirahul ji, i hope u know/understand that since you know him for a while. But as it is said Action speaks lounder than words ..So let them speak. :)
We got better issues to discuss and understand rather than arguing over mis understanding and mis interpretations.

I hope Govardhan ji, you and Rishirahul ji would not have mind me jumping in between and clarifying things or shud i say making them more apparent.

Raman Deep Singh

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Post by govardhanvt » Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:03 am

Dear Raman

At the outset I regret to participate in this sort of discussion in this thread, but I am constrained to do so

Again this thread getting deviated from the core topic and your intervention has added fuel to the fire.  Now you can see it for yourself that constructive  discussion on this topic itself is getting deviated with people like you joining the chorus finding out who is right or wrong. May I request , all to stick to the topic alone .  I am not a moderator or adminstrator of the forum , hence I would not like and have no right to comment of the present discussion that is going whether it is right or wrong. I leave this to best judgement of readers. All that I see , this thread is getting deviated from  the topic mentioned in this thread


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Re: Role of Rahu & Ketu in a horoscope.

Post by prasanna » Thu Oct 14, 2010 7:26 am

RishiRahul wrote:
prasanna wrote:Dear  Rishi ji and  all ,

       Let us  all keep this forum active thru posting  use full  infos here for the benefit of all of us,  like  our previous posts in this thread .  U ,  me and all our friends  are  always  co learners here. I  trust every one has the same thinking here.  Let me add some more infos regarding rahu ketu .Thanks Dhan ji for your elaborate post on rahu ketu .
RishiRahul=Yes, I, am I am sure we, do appreciate your efforts in posting web materials, and others who are interested too.. it is informative.     I would rather like to post, as usual,not such general literature,  but more definitive literature which are typical to individual charts, as general Literature can be confusing many times.
Of course, if I had more free time I "could" have probably indulged in the privileged to do so too.

Dear Rishi ji,

  Thanks a lot for your kind words and reply. I do  feel  and post Web Materials  knowing its real values in learning here. .   I feel,   it saves  the time of all  learners reading thru the posters here.,  with the thinking in mind  all cant get to know where the relative points are stored .It is a real service, and while  posting Iam also learning new things. I do appreciate our Govardhan ji, U ,  and the interested persons like our CRS ji , Proj, ChanDubai,  Astro scholr here.  Any one who are regular visitors to this forum can hardly get to count  the above names only. . We miss here, now Avam ji, Cerain Ji Rajeev ji, Sandhu ji. Thanks to Milindi ji as he adds some infos thru  his posts here . Sorry had I omitted any one in, this list. Omission is not with intention  here.

    I see Raman mostly raising topics than giving replies here. Of course  for raising topics  too , we do  need some youngster like Raman rite?   we cant ignore his part in this forum . At the same time I  dont want to miss  the  golden opportunity of  appreciating him for his wonderful patience and  his  valuable  devotion of time towards his reference to the context exercise  he has  very wonderfully done , thinking that he is saving the time of all others (  readers ) from our  simple misunderstanding of mine and  Dhan ji's  with  our Moderator cum friend Rishi ji' s  quick views .or as usually I call them one liners here.

  WOW!  Raman!  Awesome  He is ! .  I bet he  might have got  Cent percent in his Academics in English Grammar   papers. ( I really mean it, as  Iam a person who always used to appreciate real talents)

Last but not the least, I must thank every one here who are all contributing  in this thread. Because , I know  every one is busy having their own personal work pressures just like our Rishi ji. ( I can very well Understand Rishi ji's real  time constraints too) . Why I stress this here is, except me all the other contributors  are Male Members and have their   own official working  hours.  I know Iam the only female  here , posting,  few things , some time very elaborate Web Materials ,  as I am blessed  in   enjoying  the status of  being a House wife . (I do utilize my free time for learning ). Really now I thank My husband  Sankaran ji and God for letting me do these sorts a small service to the  group of learners.

Thanks to all the readers  for their patient reading  of my post now.

P. S. Rishi ji a simple request to U . Kindly go thru  the last Para  of my above quoted post and notice there ,   I have  not only posted Web Article but at the same time   I requested my readers as well  as other contributors to share  their personal experiences too .  I also shared my views over my Rahu ketu position in my chart simultaneously there . Once again thanks  to U .

Role of Rahu & Ketu in a horoscope

In Indian astrology Ketu is pronounced as Kaytu, and the other one as Raahu. These are two nodes of Moon taken into consideration by The Vedic seers because they have specific effects in humane affairs. They are called as ‘Chhaya Graha’ or shadowy planets. So to say their shadow alone affects an individual. They always move in the opposite direction to other planets movement as such they are shown as retrograde planets in Horoscope.

They are at 180 degrees to each other and move in circular fashion. They are seen as two parts of a serpent with head alone as Raahu and the body with tail as Kaytu. Raahu is credited with Saturn like qualities and shares Aquarius as his house. Kaytu is like Mars and shares Scorpio.

Of the two Raahu is a pure malefic representing baser qualities and Kaytu is a loner and a thinker in new lines on any subject. Kaytu in 5th House of a horoscope gives research tendencies.

Both these are powerful in the night.

My personal observation is that the bhavas occupied by the nodes in a horoscope come under maximum tension area in the life of the individual take the 1st and 7th bhava .First house is self and 7th in a horoscope denotes life partner and business partners. When Rahu and Ketu are posited in 1/7 axis then there is a problem between the husband and wife even though other factors are favorable.  Astrologers generally lay emphasis on blemish of mars for marriage matching. This is not correct. The combined blemish of Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu and Sun has to be worked out to balance the blemish of horoscopes of the couple.

Similarly when the Nodes occupy 5/11 axis with Ketu in 5th and Rahu in 11th then there is every chance of marital discord even though other favorable factors exist in a horoscope.

http://www.soothsayers-india.com/Role-o ... scope.html

.  I hope this article has more sense and few  answers are  there for Proj , ascendant  Rahu  & 7 th house ketu. ( but here it is given common to all the houses regarding the placement of Nodes., not in a specific way as he has asked me . . .

Kaytu in 5th House of a horoscope gives research tendencies., Yes it is true . I agree fully to this , I always have the tendency of doing researches. I never blindly accept anything , I do deep analysis before accepting a thing .

Rahu in 11th then there is every chance of marital discord even though other favorable factors exist in a horoscope.

         Fortunately I have a bliss full  marital life though I have 11 th house rahu , due to the finer( Benefic )  aspect of Shani . I wish and expect from  all  others, they  should  also post few examples,  realistic ones,   to this  thread like me .



Raman Deep Singh
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Post by Raman Deep Singh » Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:44 am

Hi Govardhan ji,
Again this thread getting deviated from the core topic and your intervention has added fuel to the fire
with people like you joining the chorus finding out who is right or wrong
If a simple Misinterpretation can cost few pages of the thread and a lot of energy then if wasting half more page can clarify some misunderstandings then Govardhan ji..I think it worth an effort.
And since m singing alone here,I m more of solo and not chorus.Chorus is where there is more misunderstanding.

Lastly as i always said Action Speaks louder than words thus let me try to bring this topic back to where it belong.

Rahu and Ketu- Karma Balance

Kirby , they are also called Karmic control planets... Though this term may sound alien to you but this is very simple.. Planets which can control Karma..
Though results cant change MUCH or altered but yes few things can be controled...This is more of theoretical and practical mix here.

What i feel about Rahu-Ketu is here:-
I have seen rahu's effect on native's life to be very apparent atleast to the native himself and very much visible. Also I have seen aspect of rahu speaks more louder than its placement... Effect of these aspects does not (generally)make native feel uncomfortable but others who are looking at native
may feel more bad looking at native's circumstances. but still native needs to rectify this trait where rahu is aspecting..
Now practical example:-
Rahu z aspect on 4th house may make native have regular house changes for different reasons also followed by regular change in emotions (especially if moon is also aspected by rahu).Native may find this to be normal but in reality he has to and really has to rethink about his emotional stability and has to try to get more consistency in his feelings and emotional reactions.. Coz after a while this will start causing him some indirect frustration/irritation.

About Ketu , this has more silent or inward impact on the native unlike  rahu.Its effect will be very difficult to segregate from normal life as its effect gona be silent yet effective. Its effects are more on the house it is placed in as compare to its aspect (now there can be an argument that ketu does not aspect but I feel it does have an aspect,I picked this from JN Bhasin and tested and found to be bit true though i have not exploited it well)

Ketu is know for its sprituality but how ?? In short,it does it by breaking the native away from the place it is aspectig/placed.

Let me put something here which i think CAN MAKES SENSE .....i have just realised it  :)
4 Trikonas exist in astrology(read about them on board or internet)
Dharma, Artha, Kaama and Moksha

Ketu does aspect on 5 and 9 from its placement.

I feel when Ketu is place in house the trikona it fells in gets eradicated from native's life ..Now don't take eradication to be LITERAL..Since it is ketu its going to be very quiet and will make u bit away from that trikona thus making that trikona to be less important in your life, also you can say that dependency upon that trikona start reducing in your life .. Thus one more thread tying native to this world loosens up.
But only till this trikona is NOT Moksha..I wont comment about Moksha Trikona since LOGICALLY ketu if in Moksha trikona shud get native more closer to Moksha instead, so i feel when in moksha trikona native slowly starts taking more initiative to get away from worldly things..

This is what i feel about nodes and their impact on native.

Raman Deep Singh

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Post by prasanna » Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:11 pm

Dear Raman,

 WOW!  Raman!  Awesome  He is ! .  I bet he  might have got  Cent percent in his Academics in English Grammar   papers. ( I really mean it, as  Iam a person who always used to appreciate real talents)

Now I feel u might have scored more in English  grammar only but not in understanding ,  First paper which deals with prose and poetry , your above post is the proof  of it . Sorry I dont mean to hurt U or make fun of U . Pl understand, once again  go thru the words of our Dhanji with more concentration then U could understand his nice praising  words about  U , which u mistook now.  Sorry this thread is now becoming more of English class THAN Vedic Astro discussion thread.

warm wishes,

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Post by kandhan.t » Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:15 pm

Raman ji,

your last post has approached this subject from a uniquely different perspective.  Wish you could elaborate more on the 4 trikonas more.

Wish to hear more of your/other learned members' practical experiences in respect of specific charts.

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Post by govardhanvt » Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:37 pm

Lalkitab remedies - extracted elsewhere from web

Rahu in 1st House
1st house is influenced by Mars and Sun, which is like a throne. The planet in 1st house is considered to be the king of all planets.

The native will achieve a position higher than indicated by his qualification and will obtain good results from government. Rahu in this house would give the result of exalted Sun, but it will spoil the fruits of the house in which Sun is placed. If Mars, Saturn and Ketu are weak only then Rahu would give bad results, otherwise it will give good results in 1st house. If Rahu is malefic the native should never take any electric equipments or blue/black clothes from his in-laws, else his son could be affected adversely. its malefic result too could last till the age of 42 years.

(1) Offer 400 gm lead in running water .
(2) Wear silver in the neck.
(3) Mix barley in milk in ratio of 1:4 and offer in running
(4) Offer coconut in running water.

Rahu in 2nd House
If Rahu is in benefic form in 2nd house one gets money, prestige and lives like a king. He will have a long life. 2nd house is influenced by Jupiter and Venus. If Jupiter is benefic then the native will live the early years of his life in wealth and comfort. If Rahu is malefic the native will be poor and have a bad family life, suffer from intestinal disorders. The native is killed by a weapon and is unable to save money. In the 10th, 21st to 42nd years of his life, he loses wealth by theft etc.

(1) Keep a solid silver ball in the pocket.
(2) Wear things associated with Jupiter, like gold, yellow cloth, saffron etc.
(3) Keep cordial relations with ones mother.
(4) After marriage do not take any electric equipment from in-laws.

Rahu in 3rd House
It is the 'Pukka Ghar' of Rahu. 3rd house belongs to Mercury and is influenced by Mars. When Rahu is benefic the native will enjoy great wealth and a long life. He will be fearless and a loyal friend. He would be a clairvoyant for seeing future in his dreams. He will never be issueless. He will be victorious over his enemies; can never be a debtor. He would leave behind property. 22nd year of his life would be of progress. However if Rahu is malefic in 3rd house then his brothers and relatives would waste his money. His money once borrowed would never be returned. He would have defective speech and would be an atheist. If Sun and Mercury are also there (in 3rd house) with Rahu then his sister would become a widow in 22nd or 32nd year of his life.

(1) Never keep ivory or things of ivory in the house.

Rahu in 4th House
This house belongs to Moon, which is an enemy of Rahu. When Rahu is benefic in this house the native would be intelligent, wealthy and will spend money on good things. Going on pilgrimage would be beneficial for him. If Venus is also benefic then after marriage the native's in-laws could also become rich and the native would also benefit from them.

When Moon is exalted the native would become very rich and would benefit from the works or relatives associated with Mercury. If Rahu is malefic and the Moon is also weak then the native will suffer from poverty and native's mother would also suffer. Collecting char coal, altering toilet, installing oven in the ground and alteration of the roof in the house would be indicative of malefic.

(1) Wear silver.
(2) Offer 400 gm coriander or almonds, or both in flowing water.

Rahu in 5th House
5th house belongs to Sun, which signifies male offspring. If Rahu is benefic native will be rich, wise, enjoy good health. He would enjoy good income and good progress. The native would be a devout or philosopher. If Rahu is malefic it leads to abortions. After the birth of a son, wife's health will suffer for twelve years. If Jupiter is also in 5th house father of native will be in trouble.

(1) Keep an elephant made of silver.
(2) Abstain from wine, non-vegetarianism and adultery.
(3) Remarry your wife.

Rahu in 6th House (Exalted)
This house is influenced by Mercury or Ketu. Here Rahu is exalted and gives very good results. The native will be free of all botherations or troubles. The native will spend money on clothes. The native will be intelligent and victorious. When Rahu is malefic he will harm his brothers or friends. When Mercury or Mars is in 12th house Rahu gives bad result. The native suffers from various ailments or loss of wealth. Sneezing while going to work would give bad results.

(1) Keep a black dog.
(2) Keep a lead nail in your pocket.
(3) Never harm ones brothers/sisters.

Rahu in 7th House
Native will be rich, but wife would suffer. He would be victorious over his enemies. If the marriage takes place before twenty one years, it would be inauspicious. He would have good relations with the government. But if he engages in business connected with Rahu, like electrical equipments, then he will have losses. Native would suffer from head ache and if Mercury, Venus or Ketu is in 11th house, then sister, wife or son would destroy the native.

(1) Never marry before 21st year of age.
(2) Offer six coconuts in river.

Rahu in 8th House
8th house is concerned with Saturn and Mars. So Rahu in this house gives malefic effect. The native would spend money uselessly on court cases. Family life would be adversely affected. If Mars is benefic and is placed in 1st or 8th house or Saturn (benefic) is placed in 8th house, the native will be very rich.

(1) Keep a square piece of silver.
(2) While sleeping Saunf should be keep under the pillow.
(3) Do not work in electricity or power department.

Rahu in 9th House
9th house is influenced by Jupiter. If the native has good relation with ones brothers and sisters it is fruitful; else it would adversely affect the native. If the native is not religious minded then his progeny would be useless for him. Professions influenced by Saturn would be profitable.

If Jupiter is in 5th or 11th house then it is useless. If Rahu is inauspicious in 9th house then chances of begetting a son are less, specially if native files court cases against one's blood relation. Rahu is in 9th and 1st house is empty then health could be adversely affected and one gets insulted and mental problems, specially from olders.

(1) Use Tilak of saffron daily.
(2) Wear gold.
(3) Always keep a dog (it saves ones progeny).
(4) Have good relations with your in-laws.

Rahu in 10th House
Keeping ones head uncovered gives the effect of a debilitated Rahu in 10th house. The good or bad result of Rahu would depend upon Saturn's position. If Saturn is auspicious then native would be brave, long lived and rich and get respect from all quarters. If Rahu in 10th house is with Moon it gives Raja Yoga. The native is lucky for ones father. If Rahu in 10th house is malefic then it would adversely affect ones mother or native's health would also be bad. If Moon is alone in 4th house then native's eyes are adversely affected. He suffers from headaches and there is loss of wealth, because of a dark complexioned person.

(1) Use blue or black cap.
(2) Cover ones head.
(3) Offer 4kg. or 400 gms of 'khand' in a temple, or in flowing water.
(4) Feed blind people.

Rahu in 11th House
11th house is influenced by both Saturn and Jupiter. Native could be rich as long as his father is alive. Alternatively, establishing things of Jupiter would help. Native has wicked friends. He gets money from mean people. After the death of ones father he should wear gold in the neck. If Mars is malefic for a native with Rahu in 11th at time of his birth, there is every thing in his house, but every thing gets destroyed later. If Rahu in 11th house is malefic then the native has bad relations with his father or he may even kill him. Planet in 2nd house would act as enemy. If Jupiter/Saturn are in 3rd or 11th house then wear iron on the body and drink water in a silver glass. If ketu is in 5th house then Ketu gives bad results. There may be diseases of ear, spine, urinary problems etc. There may be losses associated with business concerned with Ketu.

(1) Wear iron. Use silver glass for drinking water.
(2) Never take any electric equipment as a gift.
(3) Do not keep blue sapphire, ivory or toys in the shape of an elephant.

Rahu in 12th House
12th house belongs to Jupiter. It signifies bedroom. Rahu here gives mental troubles, insomnia. It also leads to excessive expenditure on sisters and daughters. If Rahu is with its enemies then it becomes next to impossible to make ends meet, despite hard labour. It also leads to false allegations. One may even go to the extreme of contemplating suicide. One has mental worries.

Telling lies, deceiving others etc. may make Rahu even more malefic. If some body sneezes at the start of any new work if gives malefic effect. There may be theft, diseases or false allegations. If mars is with Rahu here, then it gives good results.

(1) Take your meals in the kitchen itself.
(2) Keep Saunf and khand under the pillow for good night's sleep.

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Post by govardhanvt » Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:57 pm

My view is if the Rahu placed in ascendant, not aspected by any planet , or if Rahu is placed along with Moon not asepcted by any other planet, atleast once, the native would have attempted suicide

Similarly Rahu  placed in 12th house either to the ascendant or Moon, unaspected  by any planet will certainly give impisonment or jail term, howsoever big a person is. Fitting example is Sri Jayendra Saraswathi of Kanchipeetam

Ketu in 12th to MOON or Asc  certainly prevents in getting caught in any problematic issues and has no legal problems during the native life time

Rahu in 1st house being Aries or scorpio  makes the native to commit suicide by sharp weapon or fire
Rahu  in the 1st house being Taurus or Libra , a women will be instrument for the native to commit suicide
Rahu in the 1st house being Gemini or Virgo , attempt to suicide would be by way taking poisonous chemicals
Rahu in the 1st house being Cancer, attempt to suicide would be by drowning
Rahu in the 1st house being sagittarious or Pisces  attempt to suicide would be at the places of worship or fall from hills or by hanging
Rahu in the 1st house being Capricorn or Acquarius generally do not attempt  such act, but if at all happens due to malefic placement of dipositor saturn , then it could happen slow posioning and instruments made of iron or locomotives would be the cause
Last edited by govardhanvt on Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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