What is a human soul and where is it located?

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What is a human soul and where is it located?

Post by Tat » Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:37 am

I would love to learn about the human soul ,
what we define as a human "soul"  
and also where is it located in the human body.
Thank you in advance!

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:34 pm

I like to see the soul as a seed planted within the spirit functions of our being - body, mind, spirit.  Each experience we encounter in life that we handle with dignity, love and peace tends to help the seed grow.  Sometimes we are a bonzai tree trimming and growing in many directions.  And sometimes we are a blossom of the orchid within.  

We are all human nature after all.

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Post by Vivek Trivedi » Mon Mar 19, 2012 5:31 am

here is no location in the human body where you can find your soul, it has been said that it is in the heart but there is record of heart surgeons finding a soul inside one's heart when operating.

You are your soul. If I get some nails and wood, using a hammer I can make a box. If someone asks where is the box located...well it's right there. It's the same with you. A body made out of flesh, bones, etc. PLUS breathe or oxygen makes a living soul.

Also I must bring up that the definition of soul is quite gray - it can sometimes mean your character or personality which is located in your brain so to speak because your brain controls what you do, what you say, how you say it, thus building your character and personality. But this isn't your soul, your soul is you.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:31 am

Just as the brain is the vehicle for the mind, so the spirit is the vehicle for the soul.  Some of this we can not actually see with a surgeons knife, but we sure know it exists when we have attuned with the soul/spirit connection that is location in the finer vibrations of the spirit realms (everyone's beliefs come into play of course).

Some spiritual authors have said that the spirit and the soul are one and the same.  Also that the mind is a part of this manifestation.  Perhaps it is just the close connection among all these consciousness effects that are hard to define in their operation within the spirit.

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Post by biltu » Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:42 pm

You can not differ soul by saying like Human Soul, Animal Soul, Insect Soul. From definition of Soul all are the same and those soul are created from Universal Energy, created by THE GOD. That's mean all soul are created by THE GOD. That is why GOD has so much affection on all leaving creature on this planet. Soul occupied different kind of body because of the KARMA.

Where Soul is located on body I don't know yet.

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Post by Lunesoleil » Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:50 pm

The soul is not palpable it is the divine source that flows through every living being. The soul is immortal and is the only to cross the centuries of history that repeats indefinitely. The soul is greater than the spirit which is a service to the touch, without being able to feel his presence except perhaps when the spirit has risen to a level of concentration and may at that time then see her reflection

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Post by shen » Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:26 pm

Based on the study of Shan Hai Jing artifact, human soul is your psyche (essences of your subconscious). And your Soul "lives" or I would rather say "communicates with the material world" through your Nervous system. That is if you are looking for it within your body :)

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Post by srivijai » Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:17 pm

It is located in the heart , as love, as god   when it stops it leaves the heart Take care of it Concentrate on it  Request your obligation at heart It will full fill everything

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Post by BHunter » Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:53 am

Your consciousness is the soul, that is one of the major realizations you have to make for your to become enlightened. Asking where is your soul is the same as asking, "Where is my inner voice coming from" its impossible to answer. But your question leads me to believe that your consciousness is grounded in your body, when you have to realize that your consciousness, your sense of self is your soul, your body is nothing but a shell.

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Post by TawnyVale » Sun May 19, 2013 12:32 am

I read all of Michael Newton's books on past life regression, and I had a past life regression session.  I have other books that I have read on the soul.

I believe that we have what is called a human personality, and we also have a soul, which is made up of energy.

In my college science book, the first sentence is, "Energy never dies."  So that is a scientific fact that we have a soul.

Michael Newton is a psychiatrist that does hypnosis, which is another scientific fact (meaning it can be proven to be true).  Over 7 thousand case studies of people from all over the world, he came to the conclusion that each of us has a soul. :)

His books explain that when you are developing as a fetus, in the spirit world, you, in spirit, and your spirit guides are helping you pick the earth body and the earth personality in which you , your spirit will be able to learn and gain the most knowledge to then progress in the spirit world.

It's your soul that is always trying to mesh with your personality.  When you are happy, and doing something that you most enjoy, is when your soul and personality is connected.

I hope this helps.  Reading the books, and hopefully having a session would benefit you greatly.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun May 19, 2013 3:03 am

Many sources, many ideas.  The soul uses the spirit to express and grow.  All the experiences of your human, physical life will bring lessons to the soul.  As we grow and use those lessons, we find more come to challenge our complacency.  

In the heart, the soul is love.  In the mind, the soul is consciousness.  In the body, it is balance to bring health and wellness.  Just some thoughts to consider.......

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