"The Nature Of Personal Reality"

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"The Nature Of Personal Reality"

Post by mrkiii » Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:33 am

I read this book when I was just starting college, around 1977. That that point, most of the New Age-type stuff I had seen had been along the lines of Cayce/predictions, van Daaniken oddity/archeological/Pyramid Power, etc. Bach had given us "Seagull", that was like, the vision-opener around then.

And then, I read this book. It starts out claiming to be a non-fiction dictation from some other-dimensional being, and I'm going, yeah, right. I probably kept reading so that I could make fun of whoever told me to read it.

And then comes this long, technical, precise, mind-blowing fusion of the Universe, as it is, as we experience it, as we impact it. I finished it, and read it again, which, considering its length and complexity, is saying alot.

To be truthful? I'm not sure that I have read anything since that book, that isn't more or less already addressed in it, and usually, better explained by it.

I would love to discuss this further, if anyone else has experience of this book.

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