mediumship through dreams

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mediumship through dreams

Post by caithiggs » Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:39 pm

Hey, I wasn't sure if this is considered mediumship, but I had this experience I was wondering if anyone has experienced similar, or knows anything about it.

I have worked a little with my dreams as I have had lucid dreams since childhood, and some OBE work as well which I inherited from my father's side of the family. A friend of mine passed away a couple summers ago in a sudden accident (the only person I've ever really known who's died). A month or two afterward I had a dream where I could see her entirely vividly--and my dreams are never vivid, faces are never vivid, I can't even visualize people's faces in my imagination when I try. But in this dream her face was absolutely vivid as if she were right in front of me physically manifest--every feature there. She was in fact the only thing in the dream that vivid. And I could completely feel her energy and what was going on inside of her. She was extremely sad, extremely confused and disoriented--and had absolutely no clue that she was dead. She was following her friends around, who had no knowledge of her presence (but she was overlooking that fact, wasn't aware they couldn't see her). She was not speaking, merely shadowing them, like attached to them. So I felt her emotions and I pulled her aside to speak with her. I simply asked her how she was--figuring nobody else had asked her. Like when someone goes through something traumatic, you want to ask how they're doing. She didn't answer me, but she knew I was there, making contact with her. There was just this energy of confusions, like this unconsciousness of her surroundings. She was wandering pretty aimlessly. Anyway, I just ended up telling her that life was hard, and change was a really big challenge to deal with, that death is just a very big change. But I basically just gave her my most reassuring energy.

Even though I just pass that off as a very strange dream, I truly think she was there in a state between life and death and hadn't figured out what had happened yet since her accident. Later I had a dream I ran into her on a bus and we hugged really big. I wasn't as sure if that was her or just my dream. But I really hope that she worked out what she was going through and moved on or recognized her situation.

I wonder if anybody has any similar stories. Or if you think this was just an overactive imagination of someone who lost a friend. Do you think she heard and understood what I was telling her? I will add, that although we had a really great connection in life, we were casual friends--more like colleagues, I didn't actually expect to hang out with her again because our lives were going in separate directions, but it was a blow to discover she had died suddenly and so young--she was an amazing person, just couldn't imagine what her family and close friends were going through.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:05 pm

Yes, there is mediumship through dreams.  That is the simple answer.  But there is a lot going on here and I will attempt to explain to my knowledge the process.  

Dreams are about our own unresolved emotions from the conscioius state and the symbols of people, places, things are there for this resolution to happen.  

Having said that there are also some precognitive dreams where mediumship can and does occur on your psychic sensitivities.  It is in two spaces of time during our sleep - one when falling asleep and the other when coming back to consciousness - it is called the alpha state.  Alpha state is also where the consciousness is during meditation - so it co-relates to psychic or mediumship input.

As the dreamer - what was happening in your own life?  And was there some emotional need that was seeking resolution.  

On the mediumship side ..... there is such a thing as rescue work.  And you have given a pretty good description of the dialogue that needs to happen when someone is confused and does not move away from the earth plane.  

Not only do we need to dialogue that she is passed, but it is also important to suggest she turn around and find the light.  It is there waiting for her to progress into it to find her peace in the next adventure - after life.

Yes, there is this state for sudden passings and those who had no idea of what to expect upon death.  So much confusion, so little understanding.  You helped immeasurably to help her move along.

We dream for ourselves, so look to our own life and see the people as a symbol of your own emotions.  At the same time, when the mind is out of consciousness control, as in sleep, is a good time for spirit to impress it.  Personally I see this situation as both happening for you.

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Post by caithiggs » Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:03 am

Thanks for the info spiritalk. I know what you mean about the alpha state. I did not realize that was the same state you go into for meditation. I don't meditate and now I am thinking I should. I always just knew that state of sleep from a psychology perspective--I often will have "hallucinations" in that state. I can definitely tell when my dreams are hopes and fears dreams (sometimes they can be the most interesting, elaborate and symbolic, even though they are not really telling me anything I don't already know). I love interpreting them though. It's funny how mythology has those two gates you go to in dreams, and it's really true! I have had precognitive dreams before, but totally arbitrary things happened in them. Like literally just what was about to happen a little after I woke up. I think that's where dejavu comes from, personally. But this was a dream separate from those two types of dreams, I believe. I never even thought to say those things to her until the dream came around, and I just felt like it was what I knew I was supposed to say.

At the time I was having this dream, I can't really recall what was happening in my life. I actually think I was just on the edge of a spiritual transformation (that hasn't felt transformative because it's been gradual enough to just seem natural). For instance, I had heard about sending people to the light at that time but completely didn't believe that sort of thing, etc. Which is probably why maybe I didn't have anything to do with that process. (now I see it in a whole new "light" so to speak).

I do believe in that dream, as in many "obe" type dreams that I have, I for the most part made up the setting in my own imagination, because I find that physical reality is always a bit wonky and different than in real life. Like I can only ever half dream in that obe state, but one foot is in my own lalaland.

I also was curious because I was just told by a medium that I do have a mediumship through dreams. I wonder if it is something I should be meditating on and working towards.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:08 pm

That which happens in your dreams can happen in a more conscious state through meditation.  We are always more alert to the spirit contact when in meditation and then can consciously control the situation between ourselves and our guides.  As so much has happened in your dreams you would connect to spirit guides readily and with trust to make mediumship very valid.  We all have personal choice in the matter of what we pursue.  But learn all you can before exposing yourself to the public.

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