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Post by TarotModerator » Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:39 am


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Everything in life has a cycle, a clearly defined beginning and an end. With the Aces, they are the initial idea which hasn’t come to fruition yet. You can almost say they are the seed planted in the fertile soil. The raw power of nature is now starting its magick, to germinate the seed and bring it into this world. We can also look at the birth of a child, enormous amounts of energy is used by both the mother and the baby, leaving both exhausted. The experience, life threatening. Look at natural disasters, landslides or glaciers. The root force may have been inconspicuous, but the resultant power exuded, untamed, unstoppable.

It’s almost befitting to say “life is a rollercoaster- enjoy the ride” only here, you better make sure you hold on and tight as well, because the forces operating here are in the mundane world as well as in the spiritual world. In taming these forces, you take hold of your future and can steer yourself to success as never before.

Your ideas are clear and motivated, it hasn’t yet been influenced by any positive or negative circumstances, in other words you are looking forward with a clinical attitude, and your planning is done in the purest form.

We can also relate the Ace to the Magician, he is the centre of the universe, and he has control over the beginning, creative power. When we look at the cards we can see that all of them is surrounded or underlined with fertile ground from which new growth is sprouting.

The significance of these cards as the beginning of which nothing can exist without an end being portrayed by the Yods. Here movement from above to below, mirroring the Magician, therefore as above so below. Boaz and Jachin. The beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning.

Aces are therefore a contradictory statement. In essence they are the spark, the start of something not yet manifested; Yod is translated to ten in Cabalistic literature and Aleph being one. Yet ten is reduced to one in numerology. Numerology is sometimes seen as being the alternative to Tarot. One is timeless and limitless, whereas ten is the manifestation of the spark and therefore limited.

In the Quabalah, the Ace, represents Aleph.

Aleph, no. 1, is the unthinkable life-death, abstract principle of all that is and all that is not. Aleph is the supreme energy, subtle, alive, but not existing as itself in the space-time world we know, because it is relative. It is the primal energy, it is in all and all is in Aleph. It is beyond definition, incapable of being defined or limited. It can be seen to move at infinite speed and thus evades time. It can be viewed as primal consciousness unknown to itself.  Aleph is the basic principal of creation, on all the forms or levels in the Universe.

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