Hmmm .. a career? Me?

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Hmmm .. a career? Me?

Post by albertasahm » Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:14 pm

Babies!!! :) I love babies! No matter what I do in life, I always wind up with babies being my main focus, whether it be having babies of my own, or raising babies, or babysitting, or offering comfort at a birth of a family or friends baby. I just love babies!!

I don't know though.. it's like, I just can't see myself getting into a career where my passion is my work. I'm afraid it will kill it for me. Over the years I've often daydreamed about becoming a midwife, or a nurse on the maternity ward. But, I just can't see it long term...

Natural healing..

I was once told at a reiki treatment that I was a natural healer. I was told it was "my calling", and that I should try to get involved more .. take lessons or volunteer. I was told I would meet a lady named "Anna" to help me blossom and grow in this area.. that it would eventually wind up becoming a full time career for me.

Nothing yet.. this was years ago.


I'll be honest.. I'm not looking for a job now, but I'm not getting any younger and I want to have an idea what to do with my life once my children have grown up and moved on. I don't want to be middle aged, under educated, and bored with unsatisfying jobs.

That's all.. rant over! ;)

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a piece of advice

Post by lovepsychic46 » Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:11 pm

No matter what you do, make sure that you enjoy it. Find a job that inspires you to be the best! Only then will a career be worth pursuing!

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Post by blackspring » Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:03 pm

When your passion is your work, it no longer feels like work. Some of the happiest people I know are those who have successfully managed to turn their passion into a career. they are dedicated, hard-working, and rise high in their field because they truly love what they do. My advice is not to resist the direction your life seems to be pointing you in. From the little you have said about yourself, I could see you as a midwife, since it combines your love of babies and your natural healing abilities.

Good luck, whatever path you choose, but don't think that working with your passion necessarily kills that passion. Usually the opposite is true. And if you truly have a talent or skill, then you should share it with others (imho).

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Post by indianastro916 » Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:20 am

Hi  I will strongly recommend everyone to pursue only your dream career, what you love doing just do it, and the success follows.

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