'Bangungot', Out-of-body Experiences, or Something Else?

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'Bangungot', Out-of-body Experiences, or Something Else?

Post by Kai_H » Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:10 am

Here in the Philippines, we have a term for someone dying in their sleep, and it's called 'bangungot'. Usually what happens is, the deceased had had a nightmare and couldn't get up from it, allowing an evil spirit to take their soul.

Sometime in November of last year, something akin to 'bangungot' happened to me. I was trying to fall asleep, going through some meditation exercises in order to calm myself and get some rest. One moment, I'm on my bed in my apartment; the next moment, I'm not. I found myself in someone else's room, floating somewhere near the ceiling. I didn't know what was going on, but one of the three girls in that room was hysterical, almost in tears. Curiosity got the better of me, and I wanted to see what would happen next. A few minutes later, I realized I couldn't move, and I panicked. After trying to move even just my head, to look to the side, I 'woke up', finding myself back on my bed.  

I thought that I was a 'bangungot' survivor, until I read that most, if not all of those who died from it were male. Also, I came across an article detailing things that one heard, saw, or felt during an out-of-body experience, and most matched up to what I'd gone through.

One thing didn't match up, however. I'm no longer a teenager, and the article stated that it's usually teens who have out-of-body experiences. What's more, it's happened three times now, the most recent one being just last week. The last two times it happened, I was also more aware, rather than just trying to fall asleep; and I'd found myself in places I actually could identify (outside the apartment building my sister's staying in, and then inside a close friend's house), as opposed to the first time where I didn't know whose room I was in.

So now I'm a little confused, but definitely interested. This isn't the first time something 'strange' (or unexplained) happened to me; I'm a little sensitive, particularly to malicious or lonely spirits. In fact, my sister, who has an open third eye, has suggested that I'd tapped into an ability I never knew I had, all because of my openness towards the supernatural and paranormal.

Any thoughts?

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:01 pm

When we are in that state of half awake/half asleep (alpha) we are no longer in charge of our conscious mind.  All those mind controls we normally have are now quieted and our spirit comes to the fore.  

You are not having out of body so much as astral travelling - they are two different things.  They can happen at any age.  Sometimes at our bidding and sometimes as a result of lack of controls on our own body, mind, spirit.  Sleep time is usually the forerunner to this activity.


I often see articles and comments referring to the astral plane and using this term synonymous with ‘dreaming’, ‘O.B.E.’, and ‘spiritual’ plane.  This is very misleading and incorrect.  

The main difference between any of the dimensions is the vibration frequency.  The highest frequency there is: the Eternal Unconditional Love and Light of the First Source and Centre: The Creator of All That Is.  Although all is one, the farther one gets from the Central Source, frequency drops until eventually you encounter the lowest frequency of energy – dense physical matter.

The astral plane is the lowest frequency non-physical plane.  It is where all the low vibration frequency thought forms, energies, entities exist, because they can literally only rise to the level that matches their vibration frequency.  This is also why it is relatively easy to astral travel.  

One does not need to raise their vibration frequency of Love and Light to do it, although it does help.  The problem is, the astral plane is basically the lowest of humanities negative thought forms, emotions, discarnate beings who passed away in an unconscious mindset.  This is why so many people report having problems there.  Yes, you can learn how to protect yourself, but then again, why play at this level?

Wise men throughout the ages have diligently raised their Love and Light quotients through a worldwide variety of disciplines in order to leap right over the top of this plane for the exact reasons mentioned.  Once you do this, you can and will begin to consciously work with the higher beings of Light on a personal basis.  I can guarantee you the higher dimensions are where the beings of Love, Light and Divine Wisdom reside, not the astral plane.

For all those people who have become adept at astral travel, I promise you, there is so much more beautiful ‘stuff’ in the higher dimensions awaiting you – with open arms.
God bless, J

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Post by caithiggs » Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:47 pm

Start looking up info on "sleep paralysis" online and even "old hag syndrome". Though, for me, my episodes began as a teen, I don't think this has anything to do with being a teenager. Anyway, it makes me angry about the info floating around about dying in your sleep if a. you dream about dying, or b. you have an out of body experience while asleep. To me its ridiculous and just spreads fear and paranoia where it doesn't belong. MANY people have "survived" this phenomenon because, frankly, there is nothing about it you need to "survive". It's merely an experience you can have while you sleep! How can anybody know what happens to a person in their sleep when they die? Were they being interviewed at the time"? "Hello, sleepinng person. I understand you are dying right now, could you explain to me what it is happening to your body and mind right now?" That does not happen!

Though I am sure you can have this OOBE experience while you die, it is certainly not the cause of death! Merely the fact that your consciousness goes to this state in death and in sleep. But the experience itself certainly will not kill you.

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Post by Kai_H » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:09 am

Thanks for the input and your thoughts, spiritalk, caithiggs; I'll keep them in mind - that notion on astral travel in particular. My sister also hinted at it, when I told her about my third experience.

I'm having a little difficulty understanding the term "vibration frequency of Love and Light", however. Could you explain this further, spiritalk? I must admit, I'm very interested in what you've put forth, and would like to learn astral travel, since I seem to have just 'stumbled' on it.

caithiggs, the idea of 'bangungot' is one that has prevailed in Filipino culture for some time now, as a way to explain people dying in their sleep. This was fueled by local shamans and the like when they'd tell relatives "a spirit or a creature of darkness took this person's soul while he/she was vulnerable and asleep," or some similar statement. Now we know, of course, that there are many plausible causes of such deaths, and that sleep paralysis is possible, as is astral travel. But, I do agree that there are those who will try and induce paranoia in others regarding potential experiences while one is asleep.

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