Karmic Astrology and Sexuality

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Karmic Astrology and Sexuality

Post by Zetascair20086 » Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:09 am

I'm wondering if it's possible to compare two lives astrologically if you have the necessary birth and death data. I know the exact time and place of my birth and death in my last life. In my last life I was female and died violently at a young age. In my current life I am male but transgendered. This issues started in this life at the same chronological age I died in my last life. I'm wondering if astrology can shed light on connections between these two lives particularly in regards to sexuality? Does anyone here know anything about it?

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Post by Cascade of Light » Sun Apr 03, 2011 5:22 pm

I wonder who told you about the previous life? I think that you are putting too much emphasis and energy into what you want to believe is true.  I don't beleive the astro reading will  help, I think it will only give more confusion as you try to make these things fit your current agenda. Don't look for reasons, take respnsibility for this life.
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Post by caithiggs » Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:24 pm

I find this an extremely intriguing question and concept. I don't know anything about this though. I feel there would not really be an abundance of literature on it at this point in time.

I imagine you could mess around with something like a synastry reading just for fun though, even if you're not sure how it fits. It would be an interesting line of study.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Apr 04, 2011 2:29 pm

I am with COL make the most of this life.  Taking responsibility for our lives is one of the hardest lessons we ever learn.  And yet it is the most effective in all our experiences.
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Post by enumero123 » Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:05 pm

reference  http://www.cafeastrology.com/sexualastrologyeros.html

How can we interpret a person's sexual nature using their natal chart? Because sexuality is complex, there isn't a simple formula for determining an individual's sexual preferences, fantasies, and styles of sexual expression. Although instinct certainly plays a role, human sexuality is made complex by our intelligence and the role of society, as sexuality is primarily a social behavior. Reproduction is certainly a function of our sexuality, but humans do not engage in sexual behavior to reproduce alone.

A major element of our sexuality comes under the domain of Mars. The sign and house position of Mars in our natal charts, as well as the aspects Mars makes with other planets and points, gives us some insight into our personal sexual style. However, Venus, the planet of love, romance, and pleasure, plays a role as well. The Moon, representing our emotional nature, affects our sexuality. In fact, as sexuality is a powerful motivator and is part of our identities, we can safely say that all of our planets and points have something to do with our sexuality in some way.

When exploring the astrology of sexuality, I keep in mind that the entire chart of an individual is involved, but there are some factors that tend to play a larger role than others. Namely:

Mars. The sign of Mars shows us the style in which we express our sexual nature.

Venus. The sign of Venus shows us some of the important "trappings" and foreplay that helps us get in the mood for sex.

Moon. The sign of our Moon shows us some of our underlying emotional needs  that may express themselves as sexual fantasies and needs.

Eros. The sign position of the Asteroid, Eros, can reveal some of our erotic turn-ons, as well as the level of our erotic nature.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:08 pm

I wonder if you gave Enumero the birth dates of both they might be kind enough to look at this for you?
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Post by cedars » Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:32 pm

Enumero, that was quite enlightening :)

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Post by Zetascair20086 » Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:38 am

Here is the birth data if you want to look at it. I'm not sure of the exact birth time though.
My data
-Born December 4th, 1983 at 2:20pm in Seaford, New York
Jill's data (Past life)
-Born April 9th, 1965 at Waxahachie, Texas. I'm not sure of the birth time so just go with 6am. I just have a gut feeling I was born early in the morning.
Death date (if that tells anything): July 13th, 1982 at Waco, Texas around 8pm.
Other dates of interest (not sure if they tell anything either but I feel they are worth mentioning).
September 15th, 2000-Around when I met one of the people associated with that life and when I remembered much of it.
March 9th, 2001-Date in this life when I was the exact same age I was at death and when a lot of my gender dysphoria was acknowledged.
March 15th-March 18th, 2001-When I met another person I feel was associated with that life.
April 2002-When I identified this life's actual identity. (I was able to actually find myself in the records.)

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Post by SeekingHelp » Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:22 pm

Zestar... your story is very interesting. how did u get to see your previous birth? how did u realize it was ur previous birth?
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Post by Zetascair20086 » Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:33 am

I started having memories of the life in around 2000 but didn't compile the memories until around April 2002 when I posted the details of my life and death on a reincarnation forum. Someone read the details and had managed to identify the person whose life I remembered. A book was written about the murders. In reading the book I was able to verify my memories and later found both the birth data and a picture of my own grave. I made some comparative collages. I think I look pretty similar despite a change of sex.
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Post by enumero123 » Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:43 pm

some very interesting posts Stephen  .as i look and continue to  search for answers .one thing is clear  the presence of  karmic debt within your numerology chart  in various locations  i will post my finding at a later time.   13/4 14/5 16/7 19/1 all show themselves within your chart  i am using various tolls  to help in the search so do bare with me .

but mean while i am posting some general references and questions referring to past life/karma  that i came across  hope you dont mind

What is Karma and the Karmic debt?
Things important to your soul growth that have been left undone in a previous existence, past lives, or a hurt or damage that you have inflicted on another and must be resolved before further soul growth can take place.  This is referred to as Karma which implies the karmic debts we have incurred over the many ages we have walked upon this earth.

What is the general characteristics of Karma?
(13/4)  Karma comes about by frittering away your talents and opportunities in a previous life and not getting the important things accomplished, or by placing un-necessary burdens on others, such as pain and suffering. Also, shifting your responsibilities of work or activity onto another's shoulders and sidestepping work.

(14/5)  This debt would also come about by misusing your freedom from a past life, by taking your freedoms at someone else's expense, entering into excessive activities on a regular basis, both physical and otherwise, that proved distructive to your own ends and accomplishments thereby undermining your own soul development.

(16/7)  This Karmic Debt comes from also wasting your life but by a different method. Unusual or Illicit love affairs that caused another a lot of pain in your past life, Acting irresponsible in the face of danger involved in these situations and going to excesses with alcohol and drugs.

(19/1)  The abuse of power in a past life, or if you in some way acted mostly for self with inconsideration towards others, and/or possibly harming someone in the physical sense.   In the readings you are shown how to overcome the various aspects of your karmic debt in this life and what you can do to help yourself resolve these obstacles to a more rewarding life and faster soul growth.

Frequently Asked Questions about Past Life Exploration

Q: What is Past Life Exploration?
A: Past Life Exploration is a spiritual journey, one of reaching back into a life you lived before and discovering its significant components.

Q: Why even bother recalling a past life?
A: While some people are merely curious about reincarnation, the main purpose of recalling past life experiences is to help you resolve issues that are preventing you from living your life fully in the present.

Q: How can past lives affect my current life?
A: People carry with them the residue of previous life episodes. If pain from the past is not recognized, processed, and ultimately released, the wound continues to infect the current life until healed. Do you feel stuck in life, beset by some suffering, confused or hurt but you can’t figure out why? It often helps to revisit the originating experience to get insight into the chain of events that developed into the problem. And to look honestly at the lessons you weren’t ready to learn at the time. Then, use this fresh perspective to wrap up unfinished business and get on with your life.

Q: What are some indicators of unprocessed past life trauma carried over to the present?
A: Some common past life indicators are:
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders:  This can be traced back to a time when a person felt environment or circumstances were out of his or her control.
Suicidal Thoughts: Foremost, suicide is never the answer.  For some, the pain of a past life comes back so intensely, they start to manifest dark thoughts.
Chronic Fatigue: The body in this life is still weighed down by bodily burdens from the past.
Multiple Personalities and Schizophrenia: Uncontrolled past life personalities arise and seep into the present personality.
Weight Problems: Continued suffering from a past life when the body was malnourished. Determined never to starve again, unneeded weight is gained for times of famine.
Unexplained Pains: If a particular ache is resistant to diagnosis, the source may originate from a past life injury.
Unexplained Phobias: When the reaction is out of proportion to the potential threat, this can be caused by a past life incident.
Recurring Nightmares: Dreams can provide a particularly intense recall into raw feelings from past life episodes.

Q: Why do we carry unresolved issues from life to life?
A: Our physical lives are limited, but our spiritual lives are not. We carry our unfinished business, unlearned lessons, and unresolved thoughts with us from previous lives to the next, until our work on ourselves is complete.

Q: What if I cannot recall my past life?  Am I doomed to repeat the same mistakes?
A: Whatever is lost can be found, if sought. Your past life impressions may not reside in active memory, but they still exist. You may remember them in dreams but not carry the memories forward during waking hours. Just the same, you are the summary of your total past experiences; they inform your character, temperament, skills, intelligence, and relationships. A MostGifted Psychic can help you bridge the past, present, and future.

Q: How can I know how many past lives I’ve had?
A: We live in deeds, not years. The ultimate answer depends on how you lived and what you learned.  A better question to ask yourself might be, “How much have I advanced in awareness and compassion?”
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Post by enumero123 » Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:40 pm

as i attempt too look for answers  you too can look deeper into who and what you are as well  . if you have not yet examined your natal and numerology charts in there fullness  i can provide you with interpretations for both in full, for your viewing  upon request  .as you await answers from this forum .... others please help this soul on its journey home

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Post by cedars » Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:04 pm

quite informative enumero. Thank you.

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Post by Zetascair20086 » Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:33 am

Thank you for taking a look at my charts. What you posted so far sounds pretty accurate. Did you obtain those debt numbers from my current life, from Jill or both combined? As Jill I definitely was lazy (same now), ran away from home, was troubled, hung with a dangerous crowd and engaged in sex, drugs and alcohol (though not to a really extreme degree IMO).

In the life before that I was a mentally ill black man in 1950s America (not exactly a great position to be in). I compounded the problem through drug use and ultimately committed suicide through drugs after nearly being killed in a major car accident that I feel killed others.

The lives before that mostly ended young through violence and warfare. In many cases I nursed a death wish and did recklessly kill myself and others. I've had numerous lives as an assassin, terrorist and revolutionary and most of those lives ended quite violently.

I did have many affairs in other lives and didn't really form close bonds to others. In a few lives I just abandoned my family to pursue other interests. I didn't like being tied down or burdened with a family. To be fair though in most of the lives where I did have a wife or children it was an arranged marriage I didn't want to begin with. In the lives where I had a choice of spouse I fared better or simply stayed single.

I did have plenty of lives in positions of very high power although not recently and with varying results. I abused it in some lives but used it fairly justly in others. But in a lot of those lives I did kill (all rulers do though, to be fair) and ended up killed or deposed myself.

My current life is in some ways a continuance and in other ways a reversal. I still have anger issues, thoughts of violence, extreme and unusual views and sexual interests, gender dysphoria, suicidal thoughts and depressions and am not well functioning. I feel that perhaps the fact I haven't lived to adulthood in many lives recently is one reason why I'm having a hard time adapting to being an adult. Also is probably why I never thought I'd live past my teens in this life.

In contrast however in this life I'm a real homebody, mild agoraphobic even. I don't go off traveling, don't drive and don't live dangerously by any means. I'm a pacifist in spite of my violent thoughts and anger. I get along well with my family but have no desire for one of my own and really don't relate well to others. It's possible my dependency now is to counteract my tendency towards excessive independence in other lives.

I've never done drugs and alcohol in this life which is probably due to bad experiences in other lives. I am however on legal drugs for my health problems. Several of my friends do drugs or alcohol although none to the point where I'd call it a problem. I have a family history of alcoholism though (both grandfathers, and one grandmother who died of it before I was born). I also have severe acid reflux disease that has left me chronically ill. The doctor said my stomach looked like that of an 85 year old alcoholic despite not drinking. Another carryover perhaps. I do recall lives where I was an alcoholic and one where I think I died of liver failure or alcohol poisoning.

Sex wise I'm a total virgin and have never been in a relationship of any kind. I was totally asexual until my 20s but now it is a source of frustration as I have unusual sexual interests and preferences in addition to the gender dysphoria. My issues in this area have become all consuming at times and I'm very pessimistic in regards to this area of my life.

I would be interested in hearing your other findings when you get around to posting them. Thank you again for looking at my charts.

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