Visiting middle realm in dreams

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Visiting middle realm in dreams

Post by magicmoon86 » Thu May 19, 2011 3:02 pm

Yesterday I took a nap and I full heartedly believe that I visited the middle realm/in between space during this time.  My dream felt much much different than other dreams I have had.. very eerie, sort of familiar in a way.  I got to this place by train or bus, I can't quite remember.. it seemed as if it were in the clouds lol.  The main place that I went to (with my sister) was called Park Row.  Everyone was just wandering, no body had homes.. they all just walked around with backpacks on.. their clothes looked worn down and weathered. I remember people passing me by just staring at me as if I didn't belong there.  There was also this couple who kept popping up everywhere.. and kept telling me the same thing again and again.. it was odd because the lady smelled of mothballs.  
Has anyone else ever had a dream like this? :smt015

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Post by spiritalk » Sat May 21, 2011 1:47 pm

It would appear you have accessed the astral plane - the least educated of all the spirit realms and the one closest to the earth plane.  It means that it is time to raise your own consciousness, and learn more about the afterlife to raise you to a more educated level.  Even in dreams we can be impressed with the lowest before we raise our consciousness to a higher level.  


I often see articles and comments referring to the astral plane and using this term synonymous with ‘dreaming’, ‘O.B.E.’, and ‘spiritual’ plane.  This is very misleading and incorrect.  

The main difference between any of the dimensions is the vibration frequency.  The highest frequency there is: the Eternal Unconditional Love and Light of the First Source and Centre: The Creator of All That Is.  Although all is one, the farther one gets from the Central Source, frequency drops until eventually you encounter the lowest frequency of energy – dense physical matter.

The astral plane is the lowest frequency non-physical plane.  It is where all the low vibration frequency thought forms, energies, entities exist, because they can literally only rise to the level that matches their vibration frequency.  This is also why it is relatively easy to astral travel.  

One does not need to raise their vibration frequency of Love and Light to do it, although it does help.  The problem is, the astral plane is basically the lowest of humanities negative thought forms, emotions, discarnate beings who passed away in an unconscious mindset.  This is why so many people report having problems there.  Yes, you can learn how to protect yourself, but then again, why play at this level?

Wise men throughout the ages have diligently raised their Love and Light quotients through a worldwide variety of disciplines in order to leap right over the top of this plane for the exact reasons mentioned.  Once you do this, you can and will begin to consciously work with the higher beings of Light on a personal basis.  I can guarantee you the higher dimensions are where the beings of Love, Light and Divine Wisdom reside, not the astral plane.

For all those people who have become adept at astral travel, I promise you, there is so much more beautiful ‘stuff’ in the higher dimensions awaiting you – with open arms.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat May 21, 2011 1:50 pm

You raise a couple of good points about the astral plane in which you were travelling:  

In a peaceful, progressive afterlife there are no vagabonds without homes or unkempt clothing and back packs.  There is only peace and progress.  Through progress we can learn and continue our journey of growth of spirit.

There had to be physical means of transport.  That is not the spirit way

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