Can we change our destiny?

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Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:17 pm


I wish you a very Happy Birthday. Without astrology free will is not understood so I remain blissfully unaware and try my best to motivate all those who come to me for guidance. Some do improve for others I can only wish Best of Luck.

Pravin Kumar

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Post by prasanna » Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:12 pm

Hi Rajat Ji,

A humble request from your friend Prasanna. I would like u to take part in the  on going discussion of year 1976. U can very well  share  your life experiences if  u like there please., as u are born  in the same year .  It would be useful to all . A simple suggestion  and a request from me . Thanks in advance. ... hp?t=75441


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Post by govardhanvt » Mon May 02, 2011 2:39 am

Interesting story from Journal of Astrology

In Srimad Bhagavatam there is a nice past time, a sparrow comes to know that his death is nearby, while he inside a village collecting some grains, he saw Yama Dharma Raja, seeing him the sparrow got scared, Yama Dharama Raj also looked at him with bewilderment. The sparrow hurriedly went back home, he called out his friend Garuda Dev and mentioned to him that he was really scared, the only way he would feel relief is when goes to the top of Meru mountain, but he being small cannot fly. Garuda dev being his friend gladly offered to help him to fly to the top of Mount Meru. Being on the top of Meru sparrow felt secure, as Garuda left him, Yama Dharma Raj appeared to him to take him, the sparrow asked him why did not take him when he was in the town and why he stared at him. Yama Raj said when I looked at you in the town I was surprised because I was supposed to meet you on the top of mount Meru in the next hour, see you so small and in this town I was surprised how you would get here. If God wants to kill you no one can protect you and if God wants to protect you no one can kill you. This is the mantra of Bhakti Yoga, if we do not surrender to God then the same God appears to us as death! For a devotee death is only a transition to higher state or the original state of the Self, for him there is no anxiety of death.

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Post by prasanna » Mon May 02, 2011 3:04 am

Death ! - This is the only subject on which we have to deeply contemplate ! This is the only thing that about which every person has to know !

What did all Spiritual Masters throughout the various times, various countries, teach Humanity?

They taught things like
You cannot die ...
Death happens to the physical system, but not to you !...
You are not just the physical system !
You are the Energy-Knowledge-Consciousness system that has become a physical system.

In the Upanishads, one of the MahaVakyas is Tatvamasi Swethakethu !

It means, O Swethakethu ! You are that, not this ! You are not the entity that meets the eye in the mirror ! You are not this physical system alone ! You are an Energy- Knowledge-Consciousness system, that is now an unique physical system. You are that O Swethakethu !

Similarly, when Buddha became enlightened, he had plenty of third eye and astral travel experiences, through which he had seen so many of his previous life-times, where so many times he was born into a human physical system, so many times he had departed from the human physical system. Again born and again vacated ! Having seen so many entries into the physical systems and so many departures through his own activated third eye, Gautama The Siddhartha, became Gautama The Buddha ! Now, he could see that there was no Death !

Being afraid of... Death... is such a laughable proposition ! People fear death because they don't know what death exactly is ! If and when they do come to know about death, it will be celebrated ! No death can ever be mourned !

Death would only become the death of a particular experience in a physical system ! The Energy-Knowledge-Consciousness Entity which got itself integrated with a physical system, thus far, gets separated and goes on its own grand onward journey into various other frequency universes ! That is Death !

Having tasted a little physicality, having experienced a certain physical life, the Entity... the Soul...the Jeeva...whatsoever name may it be called by...leaves the physical system and moves on.
We are all Eternal Verities, we are Deathless Souls ! Occasionally, we take a dip into a particular physical system. Now, this is done for various reasons... may be to learn certain lessons... may be to enjoy the physicality... may be for the company of other Souls who are in the same physical system. For various reasons, we dip into a physical system. Birth is a dip into a physical system and Death means we exit from the system ! Birth is a dip-in and Death is a
dip-out !

The Great Master Shakespeare said,

All the world is a stage, we are all mere actors; we strut and fume, do our part, and then depart !

So, we are here to enact our specific part, enact our specific role. And, sooner than later, we have to depart ! Death is just a departure ! It is not the annihilation of the Self !... This is the most important thing that we have to understand ! This is what is actually involved in Spirituality ! We have to understand that we are not annihilated when the physical body is getting annihilated !
In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says...

Na Jayathe Mriyathe Vaa Kadachin naayam ! Bhuthwa Bhavitha Vaa Na Bhuyah !

Ajoh ! Nithya Shashvathoyam ! Purano ! Na Hanyathe Hanyamane Sharire ! "

This entity, this self, is unborn ! It cannot die ! It is a witness to all times ! It has been coming from time immemorial. When the body is dying, it cannot die ! This had been the constant refrain of Krishna to Arjuna throughout the Geetha !

Now, this simple truth is experienced by every Master through Meditation. In fact, every night we are vacating our physical system and travelling with our astral systems. Invariably, every it a plant... be it an animal... be it a human being... all these souls need to get out of their physical systems, periodically, so that their physical system is given a certain amount of vital rest. This Vital Rest is called as Sleep !

As long as an entity is in the physical body, the physical body is under tremendous pressure, tremendous dynamism, tremendous special activity... so the physical system absolutely needs to replenish itself, periodically.

Sleep is rather a state of lesser body/soul activity and greater restfulness. It is not a state of body/soul unconsciousness at all ! The physical body can never be in a state of unconsciousness ! Nor the Energy-Knowledge-Consciousness Soul-System can be unconscious ! Relatively speaking, the physical body which is highly active, because the entity is thrashing within, becomes rather immobile only for an outside view. None of its cells become immobile, the cellular activity is only at a lesser that is called as ' sleep '.

Now, if you observe yourself keenly, if you can be a witness to your own dreaming state, then you can be aware of your own real nature, which is that of being energy, being consciousness, being knowledge.

If one becomes aware in dream-time, one can achieve Enlightenment very very easily ! One can easily know that I am not the physical body. That is Enlightenment !

Through Meditation, or by being aware in Dream-State, one immediately begins to become a Knower !

What does he begin to know? He begins to know that he is not the physical body. He knows that he is an energy system. He understands that he is a consciousness system. Every Soul is quite apart, quite separate, quite independent of the physical system !

When this kind of knowledge sinks, sinks, and sinks... then a person is called as Enlightened !

With this understanding he goes about his day-to-day normal routine life, without any fear of Death, of either oneself or all the people around him. Not that one invites Death, not that one commits suicide, but he lives totally, perfectly understanding that there is no Death !

We are here not necessarily to be physically immortal ! However, neither are we here to invite Death in the first place ! We are here in the physical system by perfect choice ! We are here to learn... to acquire spiritual develop so many right qualities in ourselves. However , it takes so many dips into physicalities; it takes many life-times.

This Earth is such a wonderful school to so many astral worlds !

For all the astral worlds, which are infinite in number, the Earth seems to be one of the best convent schools that offers rich experiences for every person. The point is that... the kind of rich experiences that Mother Earth offers are not readily available in other situations !

There is a big rush. There is a big queue in the astral worlds, for a seat in the human physical body ! Only the most needy... or the truly meritorious... students get a seat to be born as a human being ! So, having got the seat on the basis of absolute need or absolute merit, it is incumbent on us, it behoves us, to fulfill our obligations towards our own selves, and become soul- fulfilled ! Then only invite Death ! Definitely not until then !

If I am in Tirupati for some work, I can't just come to Tirupati this moment and go away the next moment !

If I am in Tirupati, I must have come to Tirupati on certain specific work ! And, I have to finish that work and then only I can leave Tirupati.

As I have a specific purpose to come to Tirupati, similarly, every soul has to have a specific purpose to come to the physical world !

As I have to stay in some room of some hotel, some place in Tirupati, every soul has to reside in some physical body or the other. I can't stay at all places in Tirupati at the same time ! I can only stay in one part of Tirupati. Similarly, you cannot stay in all the physical bodies at the same time ! You have to pick up, select one particular physical body to have the physical experience of this physical world.

When I complete my specific work in Tirupati to my total satisfaction, then I say good-bye to Tirupati. Suppose I am very pleased with my work in Tirupati, and now I have got some other work in some other Village, some other Town, some other Dimension, then I will be off to that particular Village, that particular Town, back to Kurnool, or to that particular Dimension !

After having our particular stints in this physical world... all we souls... go further on, to our own various other destinations depending upon our own specific growth-needs, and depending upon what we have harvested here in this Earth-School.

If I don't properly attend to my work in Tirupati and just waste away my time in some activity that is less important, personally less significant, less meaningful, then I am the person to suffer ! Just because somebody else has said something, or insisted upon something else, and I want to fulfill his desires, his needs, then I forget my own specific desires, my own specific needs and my own purpose of coming here. I become deviated from my sole-purpose ! And when the time comes for me to depart from Tirupati, since my booking is already done, since another booking is quite impossible at the last moment, I have to go away from Tirupati, so I go personally totally Unsatisfied !

If you do go away from Tirupati unsatisfied, then you choose to come back to fulfill yourself, to become satisfied ! You come back once again ! Of our own choice ! When one particular incarnation is wasted away, when that particular soul vacates the physical system and goes to astral worlds, when you see your Life- Review, then you are dejected, dissatisfied, with what you have done; and you ask for another chance ! You plead for another chance ! You fall on your knees and plead of the Masters there...the Reincarnation Managers there...for another chance to rectify yourself !

And it is not so easy to give you another chance, just like that ! Proper parents have to be selected ! Proper conditions have to be waited for, because your particular requirements have to be catered to ! It takes lots of research work, and perhaps you may have to wait long until the proper situation arises ! Then only you will be given permission to enter back !

So, what is the Truth ? The Truth is that we are not the physical system alone. We are astral systems, and causal systems, presently co-existing with the physical system ! During Sleep-Time we get separated temporarily. During Meditation-Time, again we get separated temporarily ! But in Death, the separation is permanent !

Please understand one thing... Meditation, ...or Sleep... or Death... all are simply out-of-body experiences ! They are called OBE's !

Meditation and Sleep are temporary out-of-body experiences ! Sleep is unconscious out-of-body experience ! Meditation is conscious out-of-body experience ! Death is permanent out-of-body experience ! For Non-Masters, death is an unconscious out-of-body experience. However, for Masters, it is conscious out-of-body experience !

In Death, the connection between the astral body and the physical body, which is called as the silver cord, gets severed ; it gets snapped. During Meditation and during Sleep, the silver cord doesn't get snapped. It remains intact. Therefore, the Definition of Death is when the silver cord gets snapped, when the physical bowl gets broken. Disintegration of the silver cord brings out a disintegration of the physical system into its component parts and the separation of the Energy-Knowledge-Consciousness entity, so that the entity starts its own onward journey into higher frequency worlds.

If this is Death, then Death can never be mourned ! This is what Krishna said, Jaatasyahi Dhruvo Mruthyurdhruvam Janma Mruthasya Cha; Thasmath Apariharyerthe Na Twam Sochithumarhasi !

Every person who is born must die ! I come to Tirupati, I have to depart from Tirupati ! There is no other way, since I am a denizen of various places ! Every Soul is a Multi-Dimensional Soul ! It cannot stay forever in one particular dimension; it has to move on ! Death is inevitable ! It is not something morbid ! It is not something which is incorrect !.

It is not something which is meaningless ! Or a waste of natural resources ! No ! All these conclusions are logical only for non-spiritual people, or non-yogis, or for purely materialistic persons who cannot understand what Spirituality is... who never make any effort to understand Spirituality. However, for Yogis, for Spiritual Scientists, the Truth is really so very simple ! We move that which is Death ! We move on... to our own unfinished tasks elsewhere ! Or, we move on...take up fresh assignments in other places. We move on... with our experiences in the non-physical systems. We go on ! There is nothing whatsoever to be lamented ! And, if our overall lessons on Earth are yet to be learnt, then we keep coming back again, and again.

We are never annihilated ! Our personality is ever intact ! Our individuality is ever intact ! In this knowledge of our own eternal life, we become for the first time happy and peaceful ! We stop getting worried unnecessarily, since we have got eternal time on our hands !

So, when one understands Death, one is freed from all miseries ; one comes out of all suffering ; one comes out of all sorrows and all mental tensions.

When you come out of your mental tensions... then... naturally your physical body becomes healthy, robust, energetic, and you enjoy your life to the full !

As long as you are under the grip of the fear of Death then there will naturally be tremendous mental tension ! And under that great impact, your physical body naturally withers ! It becomes old and it becomes wrinkled, and the silver cord gets snapped sooner than it is planned for.

If there are no mental tensions, because you have understood Death, there is no need for the physical body to get wrinkles ! There is no need for it to become old ! There is no reason for the silver cord ever to snap ! There is no need ! There is no necessity ! Death can't happen unless you specifically...or by default... will it !

As you understand Death, as you practice the wisdom that oozes out of the contemplation of Death, your own physical body becomes more and more robust. And it becomes so robust that you become physically immortal and you would be able to leave the physical body at will. That is the natural outcome of constant contemplation on the fact that... there is no death !

This is what all Great Masters have done ! And they have become Chiranjeevees. How did they become immortal ? First of all they have come to know what Death exactly is. Then they constantly put the concept before themselves... every single second... and so strengthen themselves emotionally and intellectually ; that their physical bodies have become immortal. We also can choose to stay in the physical body as long as we want to ! Nobody else decides our departure date !

I decide my own departure date from Tirupati !

Now, we have to go on to other aspects, or more technical aspects of Death. Now, we can go on in a little more detail into our after-death state. Now, we go into a rather " mega picture ", we can call it The Story of the Soul.


Supposing you have to describe a plant's life..., then, somewhere you have to start. Either you start from the tree stage or from the seed's stage. Somewhere you have got to start. If I want to see Tirupati Town, somewhere I have to enter Tirupati Town. I cannot enter Tirupati Town from all the points simultaneously ! Somewhere I have to enter...either in the bus-station, or in the airport, or in the railway-station... then move on to other places in Tirupati Town.

Similarly, for the Story of the Soul, let me start at a point, which is called as a Perfect Master. When a Soul completes its own school-life totally, its own lessons on the Mother Earth, and becomes a Perfect Master, the Soul moves on to Supra-Causal Worlds, which are very, very high frequency universes. In Hindu philosophy, we can call it as the Sathya Loka, or as Jesus said, my Father who art in Heaven.

So, a Perfect Master who has completed his course perfectly on the Mother Earth, reaches after his physical death a very, very, very high state of being... in so-called Sathya Loka ! Any name can be given ! Names do not matter ! When a Soul reaches such heights it is said to be an Overself. Now what happens ? On Earth, when a particular human body becomes mature it becomes capable of reproduction ; it mates, and it reproduces, to create new offspring; and it raises its offspring so that they too can become similar to the Mature Adults.

Now, the same thing happens at the Soul level also ! As below so above ! The Mature Master, the Perfected Master, who is called the Overself, creates his own underlings ! There is no his, or her, over there ; its all neuter gender. Only in the physical body do we have the two genders. Once the physical body is ripped, and one is in the astral world, there is no specific gender whatsoever, other than that which is in the mind !

You can be whatever you want ! It's all a question of what you hold for yourself in your mind and you instantly become that ! If you hold for yourself a female shape you will become that. If you hold for yourself a male shape, you will become that. If you hold for yourself the image of an electron, you will become that. If you hold for yourself the image of a proton, you will become that.

In those high stages, you become whatever you want to become ! So, when a Perfected Master reaches those kinds of heights, the natural desire is to procreate, to create Under-Selves ! This he does, by an act of INTENT and the under-selves thus created are then placed in certain frequency regions known as the " Causal Worlds " .

" Overself " is in the Supra-Causal Worlds and the new offspring, the " new entities " ... of rather empty shells of consciousness... are produced and placed in the Causal Worlds.

These " Baby Causal Entites " now start their own journey in the incarnational cycle of
" Humanity ". From the causal worlds, from the empty - consciousness - self, a Tentacle comes into the Earth to enter into a physical body for the first time ! That would be the " first life-time " of a New Entity !

When the Tentacle gathers certain amount of physical experience, when the physical body disintegrates because of natural reasons, for the first time an astral entity... an " astral egg "... is formed which stores the experiences of the first incarnation.

Now, this astral egg has certain astral experiences in the Astral Worlds, which are slightly higher frequency worlds compared to the Physical Universe. After sometime, the empty shell of the astral egg is left in the astral worlds and the causal essence is drawn back to the causal body or the empty causal shell in the causal worlds. There the Baby Causal Entity ruminates upon what happened. It ruminates upon the physical experiences and consequences thereof, in the astral worlds. It plans for one more dip in the physical body. This process goes on, and on, and on !

So, there is causal body in the causal worlds; there is the astral body in the astral worlds; there is physical body in the physical worlds. With every incarnation the Causal Entity in the Causal Worlds gets a little more strengthened, becomes a little more colourful, becomes a little more rich in experiences.

All the various types of human experiences...such as being a Woman, being a Man, being an Indian, being an American, being a Negro, being a White, being Poor, being in various kinds of economic levels, social levels...all are Must Required lessons for the Baby Soul.

After a fair number of incarnations, a very Senior Tentacle begins the search for self- knowledge. The quest " who am I ? " begins in the final stages of incarnations for such a Causal Entity.


So, when a Baby-Causal Entity first takes a dip into the physical system, it is called as Infant Soul. After a few incarnations, it is called as the Baby Soul. After a few more incarnations, it is called as Young Soul. Then it becomes Mature Soul. Then an Old Soul !

When an Old Soul is at the end of incarnations, then it wants to transcend. It wants to know the Final Truth ! It wants to become a Master ! It knows that it was originally born as an image of the overself and it wants to regain its Birth Place ! Now the Spiritual Sadhana starts ! Now the Meditation starts ! Now the Third Eye is awakened ! Now the knowledge of previous incarnations happens.

When all this happens, this Old Soul becomes a Transcendental Soul and transcends the chain of Birth and Death and The original Baby Causal Entity is promoted from the Causal Worlds to the Supra Causal Worlds ! For a brief while it stays in the lower reaches of the supra- causal worlds. However,every Transcendental Soul, which has transcended for itself, has to come back again to help other Souls, to be an example of Spiritual Mastery to other Younger Souls !

When an Old Soul transcends, when it becomes a Transcendental Soul, it is called an Arihanth. When it comes back as a Transcendental Soul, as a helper of mankind, as a Spiritual Teacher, it is called as the Bodhisattva. When that stage is also over and a number of teaching assignments have been completed, finally, as a Perfect Master, the last life is lived... to go on to become finally as an overself... that particular stage is called as Buddhahood stage.

When, as a Perfected Master, you live the final life as a Buddha, that is called as
Infinite Soul stage ! When you reach your own Infinite stage, you die as an Infinite Body.

All Overselves are Infinite Souls. They have encompassed within themselves Infinity ! They have become Paramatmas. They have become Fathers who art in the Heavens.

When a Soul is Infant, no spiritual knowledge is really necessary. Neither can it understand, nor is it incumbent. An Infant Soul just exists, works for its livelihood and that is it.

A Baby Soul acquires a rudimentary personality and tries to consolidate its personality in various particular patterns. A Young Soul is a leader of so many worldly parochial movements, so many castes, so many religious moulds. The Young Souls are the leaders of particular sects that the world is witnessing !

A Mature Soul does not bother about sects or differences in people. A Mature Soul is bent upon developing itself in terms of Arts, Sports, Crafts and Sciences ! An Old Soul begins the spiritual quest and when it is ended, it becomes a Transcendental Soul ! As a Transcendental Soul, it practices teaching over a long period of time, it becomes an Infinite Soul. A Jesus, a Krishna, a Buddha, a Mahavir... all have become Infinite Souls !

This Journey of the Soul from being an Infant Soul to that of an Infinite Soul... it can take any number of incarnations ! The number of incarnations can run into hundreds, or thousands, depending upon one's understanding.

Apart from these Souls, which are produced from a particular Overself, there are any number of Infant Souls, which have graduated from an Animal Group Soul. A very great number of infant souls get individualized from the Animal Group Souls.

So, while souls are created from the above, souls are also created from the below. Vast numbers of... hoards of... souls are created from the below.

There are three Deaths ! First Death is of physical body ; that is when you put away the physical garment and take on astral garment ! After living your life in the astral worlds, you set away your astral garment too.

When you set away the physical garment, the left out physical body is called the corpse. When you set away the astral garment the left out astral garment is called as the scoop !

Then you get back to your causal worlds. The third and final Death is when you give up your causal body too, and promote yourself to supra-causal worlds. That happens only when you are enlightened ! Enlightenment means that the ' I ' gets vanquished ! Your `I' ceases to be when your mind ceases to be ! As long as you hold on to your " I " ness and " My " ness, you would be only a causal denizen and you can never raise yourself to supra-causal worlds !

One has to dissolve one's self-importance totally ! There should be no self-pity whatsoever ! When you dissolve your self-pity to zero, when you dissolve your self- importance to zero, in that moment you are promoting yourself from the causal worlds to the supra- causal worlds ! So, this is the Story of the Soul !

When one understands and comprehends all these personally, one becomes a Knower, one becomes a Seer !

There are any number of books by Great Masters, who have written on their own personal Soul Experiences. Please read the great book A Soul's Journey by Peter Rechelieu !

Or read Leadbeater's books on Death, on Devachanic Plane, Astral Plane, Causal Plane ! Or read Annie Besants books on Reincarnation and Karma ! Or read Jane Robert's books like the " Nature of Psyche " , " Nature of Personal Reality " , " Unknown Reality ". There are so many books !

Apart from reading, you please Meditate ! Concentrate upon being in a wakeful state in your own dreams ! Then all that has been the lot of a Perfect Master will be your lot too ! It is all so simple and so straight forward !

Fix up the Goal, work towards it with steadfastness and you will achieve everything in no time !

If you don't fix up a Goal, if you don't know the right methodology to go about it and if you do not work it out incessantly... can you achieve it ? Its all very simple ! Fix up the Goal and go about it methodically, steadfastly, and coolly ! Spend a few hours, earmark a few hours, a couple of hours... for intense Meditation.

Keep reading the right books ; keep meeting right people ! Then you automatically start this journey of becoming a Perfect Master and you will overcome the Final Death that is the Third Death ! And you will go away free into the supra-causal worlds, which is the basic intent of the overself for all its underselves.

So, go on contemplating Death and all these things ! Then you will be in bliss ! You will be tension-free ! You will be in a joyous state forever !

Now you know that your loved ones cannot be lost. When your wife dies, you will meet your wife again ! When your children die, you meet your children again ! When your father dies, you will meet him again ! It is only a temporary gap, which all the more enhances the joy of meeting when you meet them again in the astral worlds. This is all that is there to Death.

So, everyone should be happy that there is no Death whatsoever ! The very idea of Annihilation is such a laughable proposition ! Death is a promotion, an onward journey with a brighter vehicle that is the Astral Body.

On that score, please don't invite death, don't commit suicide. Try to live as long as possible, until you are satisfied with your own innings !

The Physical Death, the Astral Death and the Causal Death...that is the Technical Knowledge that is required for every person on the Earth. Everybody need not be a Yogi, but everybody has to be benefited from the knowledge of Knowers ! Everybody need not be a Scientist but everybody must reap the Benefits of Science !

Yogis are Spiritual Scientists ! The whole mankind should be benefited from their spiritual knowledge. If people base their lives on the expertise available with the Spiritual Scientists, such as Jesus, Krishna, Ramana Maharshi, Aurobindo, Mahavir, Peter Rechelieu, Richard Bach, Carlos Castaneda, AnnieBesant, Leadbeater, Jina rajadasa, Blavatsky, Kahlil Gibran, Barbara Marciniak, etc.... then their spiritual lives will be totally complete.

Everybody need not become a Spiritual Scientist, but everybody must be benefited from the Spiritual Science !

An Infant Soul, or a Baby Soul, or a Young Soul, or even a Mature Soul...they cannot obviously be Spiritual Scientists ! But they can certainly be benefited by the Spiritual Science. Then the number of incarnations that they need to take up in every given cycle...being Infant Soul, Baby Soul, Mature Soul...the number of incarnations gets drastically reduced ! That is a very, very great benefit indeed !

For an Old Soul, when it becomes a Spiritual Scientist, it becomes its final incarnation. For other souls, when they are benefited, when they try to use the Spiritual Knowledge in whatever capacity that they can muster in their respective lives, they will be able to reduce the number of visits to this Earth drastically !

Brahmarshi Patriji

" Death is a great illusion, for what has been created can never be destroyed. Death is of the body only. The essence that inhabits and operates the body will soon come back and integrate with another embodiment, if it wishes to, for the life force that lives within the walls of flesh is on-going. Remember that " -Ramtha ... e=activity

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Post by ranger » Fri May 20, 2011 4:31 pm

Permit me to add my two cents. When we talk about destiny we cannot talk about it without mentioning religion/s for astrology may not be as old as religion.

We now dismiss adam/eva theory since science proves that we come from evaluation process, that so us from monkeys to man.

Obviously to this date, I have not heard about an ape religion. So it was the sapiens that first invented religions. Why?

May be some of these sapiens were missed badly by the community or for other reasons, so the sapiens worshiped there dead. Beside they worshiped stones and trees, simply put, they worshiped everything including fire, wind… because they couldn’t comprehend the nature.

With civilizations life getting complex the need for spirituality became increasing, so organized religions came into existence.

Astrology was always there. People so relationship between stars and man. Moon and tide. Moon and…

People had time to think. They had no roofs or slept on open areas and exposed themselves to night sky’s. They gazed at night sky’s and so patterns. The sky’s guided In there traveling etc. Mathematics involved, astrology takes ground as it become part of more learnt and elite.

There was all so something that slowly culminated great thinkers that enriched the societies, they changed the lives. The likes of Aristotal’s or Galelio’s contributed paradigm shifts to how people so world.

They ignited a whole new set of realities that set in motion, that so us to this modern era. [Of course one can argue that is what earth was destined to be.]

In evolution process of sapiens didn’t give the same outputs evenly every where. Example in the primitive African, or the mysterious Mayans , the Red Indians, or the Eskimos.

Even in civilizations clan/cast and slavery continued. people were diversified like always similar people got together. But preference first to there cast/religion etc.

In this modern era where world is becoming smaller the challenges and competition we face both individually and collectively are far greater than it might have been any time before, yet it is not over is it, we are just in our few seconds of electronic age and god know what more is to follow.

The world is no longer the world it used to be. Example FB these are channels for ordinary you and me to express ourselves. Results are amazing look at the amount of creativity. And looking at all this the positives are more than the negatives.

So when my child ask me what is fate? “I say ooo that, its a collection of paths someone take in future at end of which he/she suppose to arrive at a point X.

Is destiny pre-written? now using packet switching I say “if it could not meet first target then an alternative route thus find its way to X.

And then add. “Of course ask your self which one you prefer? the one that I prefer you to go? or the your mother prefer you to go? or the one  your teacher prefer you go?” and if he she is lucky he/she will know with even 100% freedom the way 'preferred' is a myth”

Then is there a God? Dad has to know his limits and he has already exceeded those. so inherits dosha for getting to spheres so delicate and sensitive so thus “God is the reflection of your inner self” , if you don’t believe you are missing something very important. After all everything is not within our comprehension and I do not believe logic has more than may be 20% max.

Is Karma changeable? It’s all psychological we cannot change lot of things but we can change how we think about them, and when we do, we change the outcome.

So back to astrology basics
He will become rich
He will be successful
He will be educated/or intelligent
Then only at minute level we most likely get screwed. May be not by all but I haven’t come up against that person as yet.

If astrology was half successful predictor I am sure NASA would have pumped at least half their budget on astrology.

I now do not call myself an astrologer. The other day my Mother asked me look Buddha’s chart on paper look at it. It stuck me like kind of a joke, but I knew she was serious. Its one of those movements you wouldn’t know which way to react. But later I so that too is in dhamma he thought. I am lucky I have access to such dhamma.
Destiny – Yes
God – Yes
Karma – Yes
Astrology –
Yes as long as people ask for example:- when can I get married? (Anything and everything about our mundane daily life)
Alter Karma Alter destiny –
Yes (Nirwana) for those of us who ask when can I end suffering. (Suffering is the result of our mundane life). So Buddhist way is an out of box solution to all out of box questions.

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Post by ranger » Thu May 26, 2011 7:50 am

Pravin Kumar wrote:Goverdhanji,

I have not properly understood your point. If everything is destined then why should a man work to perfect himself? That is the question which the Saints say. It is because a person will then never work and say: I am destined to live like this and I will like this. There are only a few who would like to rise up in life or avoid pitfalls.

Saints always motivateyou to come up in life just like our Parents, Teachers and well wishers. It is another matter that few come up in life from their difficult situation as a person finds difficult to change habits.

As for Rajatji, Your explanation and mine is same. After the penance has been done by the person he is all clear and come up. Nice to know that at this young age you take so much interest in all this.

Pravin Kumar
Pravin Kumar wrote:Goverdhanji,
I have not properly understood your point. If everything is destined then why should a man work to perfect himself?
Pravin Kumar
Very valid Previn Kumar Ji.
If you look at devote God believer.  Well except for the priests themselves (some ), no benefit to rest, they just stagnate.

But if you turn and try to perfect yourself Irrespective of what you believe, you are the more successful. (Professionally, worldly or in spiritual matters).

When Marx said “Religion is the opium of masses” it had its reasons isn’t it.

If you look around you will find plenty of hooks that you can hook yourself into. But there is one to the very left you can always try to hook into. All other hooks are hooks to sansara, the one on left (I put it that way it’s easier to configure)
that hook is the hook of wisdom and control.

So astrology is just only one hook. People demand, somebody supplies. it’s just the general trend.

Astrologers need to reform. Be honest with, and then, you wouldn’t need to preach factoids, or go by trends.  At the end you stood for right thing and that can never be measured.

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Post by RishiRahul » Thu May 26, 2011 3:17 pm

Hi ranger,

Very good thinking from your side and thought provoking posts!!

Even apes had their religion.  

Religion is expressed through the medium of God.  Here, by saying God, I meant what the general We understand as God.  We need to touch him... see him..through stories etc. etc with some our earthly senses.

God is the TRUTH we should believe in.

Jyotish, more than astrology, is the third Eye which can/should help us to see or arrive at that TRUTH.

My two cents.


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Post by ranger » Fri May 27, 2011 7:18 am

Super natural god exist, like Fate you believe although not seen or experienced, but anyway believe. Just that only prayers does not give results. That’s what I was saying.

Human Love/care and sacrifice is another form of divine grace.

We Buddhist believe a mixture of (Buddha, Dhamma and sanga). And (divine gods or deities) . Cos some may have different views.

“Can destiny changed”

But I am asking is there something called fixed destiny in the first place.
I think there is no such fixed destiny.
What ever the left out destiny also can be altered.

As one moderator put it “If it works for you and importantly, you are satisfied then fine.” Stick with it.

Cos some of the things are reiterations what some of the other forum members and moderators expresed. So my view become clear if you also see ... perts.html .

Over to any one who wants to take this batton. I cannot take this any further


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Post by rajat19731 » Fri May 27, 2011 10:42 am

ranger wrote:
So back to astrology basics
He will become rich
He will be successful
He will be educated/or intelligent
Then only at minute level we most likely get screwed. May be not by all but I haven’t come up against that person as yet.

If astrology was half successful predictor I am sure NASA would have pumped at least half their budget on astrology.
Dear Ranger,

If astrology was half successful predictor I am sure NASA would have pumped at least half their budget on astrology.

For this single statement of yours here is my analysis on one of the Nasa's most unsuccessful spacecraft:

The challenger shuttle was finally launched (after various reschedules) on 28th january 1986 at 11:37 am from Cape Canaveral, FL, USA.
Lemme explain now how erratic muhurta was chosen by NASA:

There was Sarpa dosha with Rahu, Ketu and Surya in kendra. Also 8th house had Mars and Saturn, which is known as yama yoga. Yama yoga destroys the house in which it is placed. There was no benefic aspect on this yama yoga. Thus a yoga fully responsible to give early death of Space shuttle. Now see Moon is in Purvaphalguni Nakshatra, which is an adhomukha nakshatra threatening the shuttle could plunge down early. Both Sun and Venus the lords of Rasi and Nakshatra of the Moon were afflicted by Mercury, 3rd and 6th lord in addition to have the baneful aspect of Saturn from 8th house.
The spacecraft disintegrated over the Atlantic Ocean barely 73 seconds after take off.
Now the principle that Spacecraft launch should be done only in Urdhvamukha nakshatra and not in adhomukha and triyaka mukha nakshatra is given some 10000 years ago in Agni Purana, when Nasa was not even in existence.
I am sure that lots of astrologer who say that they are one of the top most astrologers don't even know what is Adhomukha, Urdhvamukha and Tiryaka Mukha nakshatra. So please mind it before questioning astrology. Its the failure of astrologer that certain predictions go wrong, not the failure of astrology.

I also want to tell you that Yuri Gagarine launch was in Adhomukha nakshatra and it was a successful launch.

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Post by ranger » Fri May 27, 2011 11:59 am

rajat19731 wrote:
ranger wrote:
So back to astrology basics
He will become rich
He will be successful
He will be educated/or intelligent
Then only at minute level we most likely get screwed. May be not by all but I haven’t come up against that person as yet.

If astrology was half successful predictor I am sure NASA would have pumped at least half their budget on astrology.
Dear Ranger,

If astrology was half successful predictor I am sure NASA would have pumped at least half their budget on astrology.

For this single statement of yours here is my analysis on one of the Nasa's most unsuccessful spacecraft:

The challenger shuttle was finally launched (after various reschedules) on 28th january 1986 at 11:37 am from Cape Canaveral, FL, USA.
Lemme explain now how erratic muhurta was chosen by NASA:
Dear rajat19731,
Does not this convince what I am saying.
            1. NASA does not use astrology for there events.

So astrologer who interpret the astrolgy has two challenges.
            1. Convince the top
            2. Convince at grass root level

If astrologer can at least convince one level the other level takes notice. There are countless events that were successful in west/East that no astrologer were consulted. Dig them too.
Does the Indian government use it?
Count the Agini failures?
What were there failure attributed to?

Is the consitency missing due to
           1. missing components or
           2. Incompetecy of the astrologer or
           3. Limitations and over use of astrolgy

So convince the top. Thats easy way out.

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Post by rajat19731 » Sat May 28, 2011 5:00 am

Dear Ranger,

Here is my one and only tip if you really want to see what destiny is........

Find any deaf person who is totally deaf and medical science has given the verdict that he can never listen. Talk to any person from his family who is his guardian and tell them to get 'Kreem" chanted by him and in case he can't chant, get back to me. I will give the sankalp and any person on his behalf from his family can do it. A maximum to 1 year depending on the karma in past births, he will start listening. I have made atleast 11 people start listening like this. Few needed just a week and few needed a full year.

Also, you may think that whatever NASA does is correct but i don't think so. If NASA doesn't take the services of astrologers, it doesn't mean that astrology is wrong or astrologers are wrong. It can be your perception.

I am giving a very simple task. I hope this can change your perception. You can try as many as people who are deaf. One more thing, I really feel sorry for you. But trust me later or sooner, the time will make you change your belief. And remember my words.......... IT WILL HAPPEN.......... The events will change your belief. And the more you will be stubborn, the more will be sufferings.


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Post by prasanna » Sat May 28, 2011 5:04 am

ranger wrote:
rajat19731 wrote:
ranger wrote:
So back to astrology basics
He will become rich
He will be successful
He will be educated/or intelligent
Then only at minute level we most likely get screwed. May be not by all but I haven’t come up against that person as yet.

If astrology was half successful predictor I am sure NASA would have pumped at least half their budget on astrology.
Dear Ranger,

If astrology was half successful predictor I am sure NASA would have pumped at least half their budget on astrology.

For this single statement of yours here is my analysis on one of the Nasa's most unsuccessful spacecraft:

The challenger shuttle was finally launched (after various reschedules) on 28th january 1986 at 11:37 am from Cape Canaveral, FL, USA.
Lemme explain now how erratic muhurta was chosen by NASA:
Dear rajat19731,
Does not this convince what I am saying.
            1. NASA does not use astrology for there events.

So astrologer who interpret the astrolgy has two challenges.
            1. Convince the top
            2. Convince at grass root level

If astrologer can at least convince one level the other level takes notice. There are countless events that were successful in west/East that no astrologer were consulted. Dig them too.
Does the Indian government use it?
Count the Agini failures?
What were there failure attributed to?

Is the consitency missing due to
           1. missing components or
           2. Incompetecy of the astrologer or
           3. Limitations and over use of astrolgy

So convince the top. Thats easy way out.

Can U give evidences  to our Indian Govt  that doesn't consulted Astrologers ? Often we see ISRO chief  praying and vising to Lord Tirumala before any launch of space shuttles  . Do u know he  doesn't believe in Astrology and Astrologers? Failures are the outcome of wrong  predictions or destiny of India , that s all .U cant  blame  OR GENERALIZE anything  as a whole not understanding the practical difficulties (which are prevailing ).PLEASE.  ( about Indian Govt and Astrology and astrologers ) as if U are aware of everything in this earth .  I dont  intend  TO  HURT U OR ANY ONE, BUT  BEFORE TALKING WE SHOULD BE AWARE OF EVERYTHING ..So Astrology never fails, only Astrologers can go wrong.

Being Buddhist , u even found fault with Lord Budha . He  too cant change his destiny so he became   Lord Budha from King Siddhartha. , He is one of the Incarnations of Lord Vishnu I do believe.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sat May 28, 2011 10:21 am

prasanna wrote: Being Buddhist , u even found fault with Lord Budha . He  too cant change his destiny so he became   Lord Budha from King Siddhartha. , He is one of the Incarnations of Lord Vishnu I do believe
(This is in general..not only Prasanna)
That is a very important statement """"I DO BELIEVE""""", and many  need to think about this......""""I DO BELIEVE"""" is it equal to """""I DO OWN THE TRUTH???""""

Many of you feel you "OWN THE TRUTH"", and instead of trying to find out what the intention with any message that goes against your belief, you attack.

I have said it before...discussion is if done right a way to strengthen ones own belief, but only if you listen to what is said....and always ask yourself...."""DO I OWN THE ULTIMATE TRUTH""" (If you do, I congratulate you) or is the Truth a blend of many beliefs...a way to see thing from another enrich oneself?

BUT enrichment can only come when you "discuss" with "YOUR" truth, and not only "DOGMA"....Dogma most of those who discuss know, and is many times the source of discussion....discuss with your own words...your own comprehension of the subject...tell us with your own word why we shall believe what you see as TRUTH!

I shall not discuss Vedic or any Religion.....but maybe some need to open their eyes......if everything was laid out...then there is no need for any prediction tool...there is no need for frustration.....there is no need for personal intiative.....there is in fact no need for anything....because if everything is laid out...our destiny...our fate...our destination....then NOTHING can be changed....because that would collapse the whole order.

When a lot of prediction is done....and common knowledge is taken into account....then almost any prediction tool can hit the nail now and then..because if we believe in it..then we act upon those messages that are given, we try to fulfil them.....but maybe we not always hit the best solutions for our own abilities......we have the weather Prophets....we have the doomsdays Prophets...they all have place or another...
Last edited by Rhutobello on Sat May 28, 2011 3:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by rajat19731 » Sat May 28, 2011 10:38 am

Dear Rhuto ji,
I seriously feel absurd by reading this reply. Its very pathetic that such a statement has came from such an elderly person like you.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sat May 28, 2011 10:49 am

rajat19731 wrote:
Dear Rhuto ji,
I seriously feel absurd by reading this reply. Its very pathetic that such a statement has came from such an elderly person like you.
Regards would have been nice if you with your own words, and pointing to events that confirm them, would enriched my life, and told me where I was wrong....I am open if you should not be hard.

The above statement just confirm my comprehension about some of yours discussion skill...attack....without any real knowledge is used.

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