RishiRahul Ji need advice from you at this tough time.

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RishiRahul Ji need advice from you at this tough time.

Post by dreamingboy » Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:59 pm

Respected Sir,
              Today I am writing to get advice regarding the problems I am facing now.I posted my queries regarding when I will get job. That time you told me that May/June will be the time for that.But I am facing tough time in deciding which offer to opt for.
              I would like to tell you what all happened in the couple of months ago.

28 June 2010 - I completed my B.E ( Computer Science and Engineering) after much difficulties.But the last year was awesome leading me to score 70% in that year.In my college days I came to know about the weaknesses in the field (i.e development and coding). Even my faculty advised me not to opt for such a career.

August 2010 - I joined a computer course ( ORACLE database administration) at a training institute after 1 month of painful research and consulting with concerned people.

End October 2010 - I got a call for job interview from the training institute.But I couldnt attend it as it was my cousins marriage that time.Later got to know that the interview was for development and coding.

Mid November 2010 - I applied to many companies for the post in the course that I was doing.

26 November 2010 - I got a call which I misjudged was for the course I was doing. I went for the interview but was eliminated in the 1st round.

29 November 2010 - I got a call for a low profile job. I went for that but was eliminated in the last round.

4 December 2010 - Finally got the 1st call for the course I was doing. I reached the final round.Suddenly I was asked about my overall percentage in engineering which was low than they needed.SO I was eliminated.It was like I landed in no man's land.

31 December 2010 - My course got over.

Mid January 2011 - Got another call for a mediocre job. As there was a misunderstanding about the job profile between me and the recruiters I didnt go for the interview.

Mid Januray 2011 to  End february 2011 - I prepared for my International Certification Exam. Finally passed it with 95% on 25 February 2011.

Mid March 2011 - Got the 2nd call for the interview for the course I have done. I had to travel very far from my home.On the 1st day of the interview the company scheduled other rounds on some other days.Each round on difefrnet days.Just 1 day costed me Rs.1500. So I didnt go for other rounds.Also it was tough to get accomodation if I got selected.

24 march 2011 - Got the 3rd call for the interview for the course I have done.The interviewer was harsh and asked me extremely tough questions. Even he didnt accept the right answers from me.I got eliminated.

March end to May end - Two months no calls for any job interview.

27 May 2011 - I got a call for an interview.later that was cancelled by the company saying that the interview wasnt for me.

1 June 2011 - I got a call for an interview.But I am confused whether to accept it or not.

             The problem here is that the offer is for development and coding which is never going to be my cup of tea.I am terribly weak in development and coding and getting into it will be a nightmare for me.

             I got some offers that I turned down and later was contented to know that I was right in turning them down.The real fact is that the scope for a job offer is less for the course I have done but I was lucky to get 3 chances.

             Sir, I am not worried about the getting low paid job in the course I have done.I am just waiting for a start. There are companies offering such low paid job.But dont know when I will get a call from them.I wish the job to be the one where I can offer full dedication and can explore and experiment.

             Sir, I am in a total confusion now. I am not getting how to start my career now as after June 2011 I wont be considered as a fresher.Sir, Please suggest what has to be done now ? Please provide me a direction to advance.

My details :

Name : Sanjay
Date of birth : 18/02/1987
Time of birth : 6:57 pm
Place of birth : taliparamba ( 12 N 03, 75 E 21)

                                 Waiting for your valuable reply. Thanks in advance.

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Post by RishiRahul » Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:19 pm


Firstly you have posted in the wrong forum, and it shhould be posted in the vedic astrology reading forum.

Secondly I do not remember which predictions I made to you and when, previously.   But, I feel it was posted in a thread in this forum/vedic reading forum.
So please post these details and your questions in continuation of the old post.
Bring out the old post and mentioned these details there... making it easy for me to respond.



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