How long ?

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How long ?

Post by fensi88 » Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:48 pm

My daughter recently get new job. Untill now she change jobs very quick, but now it seams she likes this firm so I would like to know how long will she stay at that job? Here is the chart:

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Post by Airgon » Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:04 pm

Here is the chart with my software ...
fensi88 20110808 192900 How long will my daughter stay on the new job.jpg
fensi88 20110808 192900 How long will my daughter stay on the new job.jpg (47.47 KiB) Viewed 8648 times

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Post by Airgon » Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:15 pm

Daughter is represented by the 5th House so we actually
would use the 5th House as the ascendant by turning the
chart house by house until the 5th is on the ascendant as
given below...
fensi88 20110808 192900 How long will my daughter stay in the new job - turned chart for daughter.jpg
fensi88 20110808 192900 How long will my daughter stay in the new job - turned chart for daughter.jpg (50.45 KiB) Viewed 8644 times

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Post by Airgon » Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:20 pm

Note that we know have the original Ascendant on the turned
charts 9th House of 8 degrees and 5 minutes Aquarius and the
turned charts ascendant of 8 degrees 29 minutes Gemini
is from the original charts 5th House.

This presents the question from the daughters perspective.

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Post by fensi88 » Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:38 pm

Nice, your software can deliver turned chart?!! Very usefull for questions regarding someother person!

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Post by Airgon » Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:30 pm

Working from the derived chart for ease of explanation...
which is the third chart above.

Your daughter is represented by the first house by Mercury as
Gemini is on the cusp and Mars is co-ruler as its in the first house.
The job is represented by the 10th House represented by
Jupiter as Pisces is on the Cusp and Uranus is intercepted in Aries
as the jobs co-ruler. Mars and Uranus are maleafics.

The 4th house - the end of the matter - is ruled by Mercury
with Saturn intercepted in Libra as the co-ruler. The end of
the matter being a disciplining evaluation ( Jupiter in Libra )
with Saturn disposed by Venus. Venus also rules the
11th House of company profits.

Jupiter is in the 11th House ruled by Venus in the third. The
job is looking for a direct way to make profit ( Jupiter in the
second from the 10th disposed by Venus ).

Mars represents your daughter as co-ruler and is disposed by
the Moon in the sixth house ( showing her attention on being able to do the
techniques and day-to-day procedures ). The applying trine from the Moon
to the Sun ( in the third ) indicating that "chatter" or asking about
the aspects of the job with another plus the available literature
( Mercury in the same house as the Sun and widely applying ). These
details should go well as the Moon is disposed by Jupiter
which rules the 10th house job.

Moon makes an applying trine to the Sun only which rules the third
house of chatter and local discussion. So we cannot use the Moon
as a timing indicator. Uranus, although a modern ruler or more
appropriately a "group ruler", is in the 10th of the job - for all
intents and purposes the job is a "group" - intercepted in Aries in the 10th
but expressed by Jupiter ( Pisces on the 10th Cusp ). Jupiter has
an applying sextile to Mars of 6 degrees.... Mars is in a Cardinal
sign ( Cancer ) and Jupiter is in a Fixed sign Taurus...

Uranus is an indicator of short unusual experiences - and in the 10th
an indicator that the job could easily to short lived projects as Uranus
is in Aries ruled by Mars - Uranus has an applying exact square to Mars
indicating that if the procedures are expressed personally ( due to Mars
in the 1st square Uranus ) then the short lived action will be in place. If the
experiences can be seen as money making for the company ( the
intercepted sign Aries, expressing its energy through the ruler of the
10th House which is Jupiter - Jupiter in the 11th of the company
making profit ) then things will last longer.

The influence of Uranus short term gains and skills should be avoided...
is - rather go for the long term rewards which as Jupiter is in a Fixed
sign ( Taurus ) and will take longer than Uranus in a Cardinal sign.

Lastly, the end of the matter is the 4th House ruled by Mercury
with Libra intercepting Saturn. The job has hidden difficulties due
to the applying square of Mars to Saturn. This is confirmed by
the part of fortune in the 12th - in that house its the part
of mis-fortune
In conclusion, your question was on timing... the 6 degree exact square

[correction... this phrase "6 degree exact square" should read as
"6 degrees to an exact sextile" ]

from Mars to Jupiter gives the rule and weeks or months. As the
chart has so many relevant interceptions and maleafics squares the
appropriate time would be shorter rather than longer giving a
better accuracy to 6 weeks.

There is more to this - an interesting chart - but all of the same
vein... but these are not directly related to your initial question.
Like Saturn rules the 9th ( Aquarius on cusp ) with Neptune
of confusion at 29 degrees Aquarius - Saturn intercepted in the
4th - multiple instructions that oppose each other and are confusing...[/u]
Last edited by Airgon on Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by fensi88 » Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:49 pm

Jupiter is in the 11th House ruled by Venus in the third. The
job is looking for a direct way to make profit ( Jupiter in the
second from the 10th disposed by Venus ).
This is apsolutely true! She accept that job at first place because of good selary (4x more then average)
The applying trine from the Moon
to the Sun ( in the third ) indicating that "chatter" or asking about
the aspects of the job with another plus the available literature
( Mercury in the same house as the Sun and widely applying ).
This is also true, right now she is "bury" with literature and must read it before she will work something practically.

I also do not like that Ur in 10th and that SNode in 1st and that POf in 12 house. Problem is that job reguires programming in old program language (C) which does not she like but they promise that later she will work in Java which she likes, so if they do not keep promise she will sure leave them.
I will update when she will leave this job.
In conclusion, your question was on timing... the 6 degree exact square from Mars to Jupiter gives the rule and weeks or months. As the
chart has so many relevant interceptions and maleafics squares the
appropriate time would be shorter rather than longer giving a
better accuracy to 6 weeks.
Ma is in sextile with Ju? How will you explain then that aspect?

Airgon thank you so much for this detailed analyse, you are master!

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Post by Airgon » Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:14 pm

You are quite correct fensi - my silly typing error - this phrase is incorrect
"6 degree exact square from Mars to Jupiter"

What I was trying to say was
" 6 degrees to an exact sextile from Mars to Jupiter"

my silly ... I am going to correct the original to avoid anyone
else following the error...

but the calculation is correct so to speak - the number of degrees
to allow for the exact sextile is "6" so the rest of the statement
reflects the chart correctly...

Thanks for the kind words....

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Post by Airgon » Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:12 pm

This chart has so much in it.... following from your statement

"I also do not like that Ur in 10th and that SNode in 1st and that POf in 12 house. Problem is that job reguires programming in old program language (C) which does not she like but they promise that later she will work in Java which she likes, so if they do not keep promise she will sure leave them."

observe that in the turned chart - the third one shown - it is of value
to note that in addition to the South Node being in the first House
and the part of fortune in the twelfth ( which then becomes the part of
misfortune )

Gemini not only ruling your daughter but is also on the cusp of the 12th...
the 12th being the house of self undoing - and Mercury Rx ( except for the very
wide applying aspect to the Sun of 14 degrees ) has no applying aspect.... as in
the role your daughter is occuping is seen as not to require assistance, no
assistance except that it is in its own sign of Virgo. Virgo being strongly
associated with details but as the Sun ( representing her identity
as granted by her hire ) is applying at 14 degrees there is only distant
and limited help...  Sun interpreted as being the traditional natural
ruler of perceived identity by others.

Mercury being retrograde, focused on resolving the situation through
undoing the details of the work ( computer coding in C language )
does not help the situation. Lots of time spinning her wheels trying
to resolve the code.

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Post by fensi88 » Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:43 am

Airgon, thanks for this additional explanation. Excellent notice, that Me is also ruler of her 12 house, that is probably because of althought she do not like that programming language she decide to accept job because she need money to resolved her residental situation. I also do not like that aplaying square between Ma and Ur; all in all this is not so promising chart regarding staying on that job...

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Post by Airgon » Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:02 am

Hi fensi,

That Mars Uranus square is very troubling....

Except ! did you notice that Mars is her co-ruler
and in an exact square to Uranus which is intercepted
in the 10th BUT that interception is ruled by Jupiter...

Now lets see what Jupiter rules - as Jupiter is the firm
or company she is going to work for - perhaps there is
another approach ? Jupiter rules the 10th as we said
but also the 6th and 7th houses. The sixth House is
the house of contracting and the 7th of a person in
direct help and assistance given to your daughter.
Observe the Moon - not only co-ruler of your daughter
but also dispositor of Mars - also a co-ruler of your daughter -
her action ( Mars ) is being defined by the Moon in the 6th
of contracting - or sub-contracting.  Moon also rules
the second house of her values in doing the job, what
she is trying to gain.

Its as if Jupiter ruler of the company is trying to say with the
applying sextile to Mars ( her co-ruler ) that there needs
to be an additional subcontract - only between your daughter and
the sub-contractor without involving the company; essentially getting someone
in on the side to provide assistance in analyzing the code
and possibly giving code assistance. As the Moon rules the
second house - this will cost something - but better slightly
less end profit and a job functionally done leading to a permanent
position than take all the money and the job ends....

All the squares represent difficulty but not impossibility as the
intercepted signs provide a way out.

The end of the matter house is the 4th house and that is ruled
by Mercury - also your daughters significator. In the 4th House is
Saturn intercepted in Libra.... Saturn has a wide square to Mars ( 9 degrees
applying ) indicating some hidden method ( intercepted sign ) for
organizing ( Saturn ) your daughters work ( Mars square Saturn )
can provide the link to the companies required profits ( Saturn disposed
by Venus, Venus rules 11th House AND Jupiter - the companies

This may present a path - to take some of the potential funds and
get an outside contractor to provide assistance - a Jupiterian person
as Moon is in Sagittarius ...

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Post by fensi88 » Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:55 am

Thanks again for you detailed analyse!
This may present a path - to take some of the potential funds and
get an outside contractor to provide assistance - a Jupiterian person
as Moon is in Sagittarius ...
Yes, again you are right! This company has 2 owners, one in our country and one from America!!! Actually here (in Serbia) they do software for bank systems in America.

Interesting, her ruler Merx is on Regulus fixed star (nature Mars/ Jupiter/ Uranus)!

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Post by fensi88 » Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:16 am

After 11 months on this job she will move to another company. Where we can see that in this chart (11 months?)?

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