I have been called a...........can't be,can I?

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I have been called a...........can't be,can I?

Post by Mr.Kr0w » Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:56 am

The other day I was just talking to a group of people(and I always avoid huge groups of people)about themselves.
I was telling them about there past pains in life and future goals as well as what they personally enjoy and how they prefer things.  They all said I had "Hit the nail on the Head"  They seemed shocked.  Some even teared up.
Then there was like 3 or 4 that came to me later individually and asked if I was a Prophet,of course I could only answer no.
They also asked if I was Psychic which I beileve I am not.

Can someone please tell me why...me cody porchie,Mr.scrub,the one everyone has always ignored or made fun of, is now being asked if he is a Prophet.....

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Post by Evard » Fri Aug 12, 2011 8:06 am

Some societies ask if the prophecy with "accord to regard biblical"
thought about the reason we become 'activist regarded prophetic'
and the absence of Prophetic will in fact be the humor about their
setting as allot{ing} tax exempt {charitebl} organization as Anew
"non-profit" with regard to problems the free trust to form profit~
less organizations such as "environmental organizations" or the ::
Obama for America regard to say we organize with grassroots en
the ways we may be tax-exempt and so-called charitible if when:
We Form The Ideal To Be Activist , We Are Not Supressed With A
Sense The Non-Profit Organized Domain and Faith Based .,. allow
a sense to not be regarded as wanting anything in return with the
organized thought .,. other thn the example to organize ecology .
Faith Based Organizations such as small churches also keep Anew
non profit status and are "charitable" . Are Faiths "Prophetic" .|. :)     When you understand my thought :-D OK .  Evard

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Post by Evard » Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:11 am

Also . free trust organization insurance can be dangerous .

I am not trying to worry you .  I have been in a non-profit
organization which I continue to have tax exempt benefits ,
in term of the organization allowing not any taxation if I am
not required to work outside of non-profit allotted "ecology"
in way if I want to take up paid vocation the income tax-ing
system would ask I pay my percent to government until the
law changes about income tax and free trust allotted virtue.

What I am "getting at" is : the free trust system had it's own
benefits unless you don't pay "the piper" .  .  .  so I will try :
Recommending the term on non-profit appeal known to be :
Anew Free Trust .,. available with Green Grant property and allotted coding system such as "Non Prophet" thought .  Evard

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Cascade of Light
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Re: I have been called a...........can't be,can I?

Post by Cascade of Light » Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:38 am

Mr.Kr0w wrote:The other day I was just talking to a group of people(and I always avoid huge groups of people)about themselves.
I was telling them about there past pains in life and future goals as well as what they personally enjoy and how they prefer things.  They all said I had "Hit the nail on the Head"  They seemed shocked.  Some even teared up.
Then there was like 3 or 4 that came to me later individually and asked if I was a Prophet,of course I could only answer no.
They also asked if I was Psychic which I beileve I am not.

Can someone please tell me why...me cody porchie,Mr.scrub,the one everyone has always ignored or made fun of, is now being asked if he is a Prophet.....

I can understand why they think that. People do take on a strange attitude to the reader/psychic/witch/prophet/ add your name here sometimes. A reading (which is what I tend to call what you seem to be giving) can have a profound affect on people. 'How to win friends and influence people' should've been written about readers lol! Except it can also cause you to lose as many friends as you gain when they suddenly realise the implications.
With the information comes a strict responsibility. It sounds like you are at the beginning of your journey and filled with questions and wondering what is going on. Can it really be true? Can I really do this? How? Why? What For? Was it a fluke? Am I mad?

You need to get things in perspective before you carry on.

There will be bad times, readings that people throw back at you screaming you are wrong. Other timess when you feel blank and even worse when you can se so clearly that you wish you really couldn't!

I am not sure I believe in prophets, in the sense that the scriptures report. But then again back then I think someone that had the sight would stand out a lot more than today.

Try and find a good mentor that you trust and that can be there for you.

Take it easy


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Re: I have been called a...........can't be,can I?

Post by Mr.Kr0w » Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:13 pm

Cascade of Light wrote: Try and find a good mentor that you trust and that can be there for you.

How would I find a mentor?
I have problems finding friends let alone a mentor.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:00 pm

Cascade there were many sensitive people in the Jewish community - you might read the bible from that perspective and gain some real insight.  Were they all called prophet?  No that was reserved for those that had specific talents with the spirit.

When the student is ready, the teacher is found.  I suggest if you are not sure where to go, you might try Spiritualism Centres as they do a lot with mediumship/psychic development for anyone who asks.  A lot of answers may be found there.

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Post by Evard » Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:58 pm

Huh .  The duality of meditation and visualization would be a kind uh example to show .,.
there is a difference in the setting of Free Will and mind to be
enlightened as affect ed about the role of Peace ,
clear thought , and a term about good and evil . .

I won't rant about what seems to be sort of a glisten of peace by the term of moderation .

Are you peaceful meditation about the good tidings at assured humankind .|. or affected :
to the biblical devout sense of showing the way the debate on ethic would be affective on
a premise of lesser mind and mastery of the background thought on "thought of domain".

This isn't a musing debate of siding who you prefer .,. it's kinda my way of saying Good *
or Evil . . . . . and the comment about bible set me off .,. as the King James is a travesty
of David bemused by a low esteem power of jealousy affecting him and then Jesus began    affected 'crucify' by Roman .

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