help: how do i know what i am suppose to do

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help: how do i know what i am suppose to do

Post by JAKL22 » Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:01 pm

my name is jordan alexander i have two last names as well which spell the initials JaKL i am born january 10th 1991 at 11:11 am. since a very young age i have known i was destined for something great. after my first day of pre school i came home and asked my mother why i wasnt like any of the other kids. she obviously didnt know what i ment by this  and assured me i was no different.  as it turns out i am a 22 and i feel a weight constantly that theres something i should be doing that i am not. i was into drugs and alcohol for about 8 years and have now been clean for 4 months trying to get back on track. i wake up at 8:22 every morning never fails. i see the time at 9:22 10:22 11:11 11:22 12:22 never do i look at the time and its not a 22 except 11:11 which is in theory a 22 and i know this is common but its everyday every hour i know it means something but i dont know what im just looking for some ideas and insight on how to fulfill my path/destiny.

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:02 pm

"i dont know what im just looking for some ideas and insight on how to fulfill my path/destiny." know they self'

january 10th 1991   shows a 4 life path

You are practical, down to earth with strong ideas about right and wrong. You are orderly and organized, systematic and controlled. You are decisive and methodical employing a step by step rational approach to problems solving. Once committed you do not give up easily!

You are not one for "get rich quick" schemes. Rather you use hard work and long hours to build a business or career - you seek to establish a solid foundation. Precise, tenacious and persevering, you have great potential for success, but only after putting out effort and overcoming the limitations you so often encounter. Justice and honesty are sacred to you. You are reliable and dependable, a cornerstone in the community.

Though not an idealist, you are willing to work for a better world in a realistic way. However, you can be rigid in your ideas and sometimes too quick in judging your fellow man. You are loyal to those you love and work well with others. It is important that while being part of a team you have your own responsibility and well-defined task. You perform better when your responsibilities are not overlapping with those of others. You have to be careful not to be bossy and rude. You possess rare discipline and perseverance and not everyone can keep up with you.

You can handle money carefully and like the security of a nest egg.

Your love of work often leads you into a career early in life. Because of your methodical nature you can easily become rigid and stuck in convention. You can also be overly cautious when changes are necessary. This can cause you to miss opportunities that present themselves. You must cultivate flexibility in your character. You are well suited for marriage and often become a responsible loving parent. However, anything that violates your profound sense of order, such as separation or divorce can be a shattering experience for you. You easily become obsessed and even vengeful, seeking your own definition of justice.

You are courageous and a true survivor. You are a builder and the foundation of any enterprise. Your hard work and practical, traditional values pay off to provide you with the rewards you seek and deserve.

birthday number 10

You are highly ambitious and yearn for independence. You possess leadership abilities, and a strong drive for success. Your test in life is to live according to your dream - that is, to have the courage and the stamina to overcome obstacles and win the independence you so deeply want.

You possess a sharp mind and fine analytical skills. You have excellent managerial skills. You plan well and can organize people to carry out your plan.

You are often frustrated by routine activities. You can become dull and even depressed if you are bound too tightly to the smaller details of life.

In order to rescue yourself from such a fate, it will be necessary to take prudent risks. You must learn to assert yourself. You are a pioneer at heart. You must live up to such a charge.

You can be stubborn and rigid when it comes to ideas that you feel strongly about. Yet, you are a loyal and devoted friend and can be demonstrative of your affections.

Conversely, you are highly competitive and can suffer from jealousy when it comes to the success of others, especially colleagues or friends.

By using the determination and creativity you possess, you can achieve much success.

being i to  have had my share of problems with addictions over the years i can tell you its a life long challenge  it doesnt get any easier .....but one can put it behind  and move on    

the 11.11 is common  i always see it as a message  to stop and look, insight ,illumination see things as they really are ...the 11 and 22 are known as master level energy hard to handle and live up too  ....

22... big ideals  lots of frustration  i am a little confused  your birthdate puts you at the age 20  but you posted that you were 22 which will bring you  to the end of a 9 year cycle  

8:22  can be seen as a angelic message  :the more you stay optimistic .the better your financial situation gets  

..the number  8   linked to transformation " the 8th house ruled by Scorpio"  the planet saturn is also linked to the number 8  limitations ,restrictions  

your date of birth   jan 10 1991   has a large number of 1s present   the potential fro real achievement ,frustration develops if their lives do not offer possibilities for using their power of expression or their ability to lead ,they can push themselves too hard and can be careless over their choice of food -under or over eating  .if they allow themselves time to rest high achievement is possible

the number 822  is linked to the story and a man known as Arnold Schoenberg 1874-1951

Schoenberg's music does not appeal to everyone ,but he is one of the most notable modern composers of symphonic music .he wrote an interesting biblical opera ,Moses and Aaron ,with particularly interesting music in the scene of the Israelites worshiping the Golden calf

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Post by JAKL22 » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:47 pm

so your saying i am not a 22? maybe i didnt calculate properly lol

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Post by JAKL22 » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:50 pm

im sorry i said i was a 22 not 22 years old i am 20 years old

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:04 pm

i see... you have yourself as a 22 my fought ..... interesting there are many ways to calculate personal numbers within the science of numerology...  may i asked the source of your knowing

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:47 pm

if one uses the fadic system of adding the date of birth  ,in your case  1-10-1991  we indeed can come up with the number 22  but in the case of  any master level energy  we may have it in us  ,but we must progress to that level  22 can and does reduce to 4 so the four path is permeate for success  these higher level energies can produce extremes the date of birth can be found other indications  and are sited as challenges,pentacles ....  cycles  within cycles   use the tools we have been given  to help map the journey home .......  you are the allower   you and no one else sets your destiny  again you and your higher power what ever that may be...... no doubts,no worries ,no fears

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Post by JAKL22 » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:27 pm

yes the numerology calculator on this site as well as every other numerology calculator i have tried says 22

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:09 pm

jan 10 1991 there are 3 noted forms of finding your   lifepath number  

 1) Some numerologists simply add the numbers as they appear in the date of birth. Applying this technique, the birth date of May 15, 1949 would be calculated as follows: 5 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 4 + 9 = 34. The resulting double-digit number 34 is then further reduced by adding the two digits 3 and 4 to arrive at 7. Most numerologists will note the double-digit number behind the single digit as well and would write down 34/7 as the Life Path. The reason we include the double-digit number “behind” the single digit is that it influences the nature of the single digit it produces.

2) A second method sometimes used is adding the three units of the date of birth together and then reducing the result to a single digit. Using the same date of birth of May 15, 1949, we add the 5 month to the 15 day and then add the result to the year 1949.
The results is 1969, which then reduces to (1 + 9 + 6 + 9) = 25, which in turn breaks down to (2 + 5) = 7. Notice that this time the double-digit number behind the 7 is different from the first method we used. The Life Path now appears to be 25/7.

3) The most commonly used method breaks each unit of your date of birth down to a single digit, and then adds the resulting single digits together to find the Life Path. in your case  jan10 1991 becomes  1/1/2 +4

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:21 pm

The 22 is the most powerful of all numbers. It is often called the Master Builder. The 22 can turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality. It is potentially the most successful of all numbers. It has many of the inspirational insights of the 11......,( combined with the practicality and methodical nature of the 4.)........ It is unlimited, yet disciplined. It sees the archetype, and brings it down to earth in some material form. It has big ideas, great plans, idealism, leadership, and enormous self-confidence. If not practical, the 22s waste their potential. Like the 11, the 22 can easily shrink from its own ambition, causing difficult interior pressures. Both the 11 and the 22 experience the pressure-cooker effect very strongly, particularly at an early age. It must work toward the realization of goals that are larger than personal ambition. The 22 serves the world in a practical way.

The Master Builder; this Master number is demanding and obsessive, it can push you to the edge. Much progress is possible. A need to devote yourself to something larger than life.

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:32 pm

we can see this life path as a long term cycle ,  life lesson, the path one walks...  were your name vibrations show more of the person walking the path   this life path can be broken down into small cycles    the lifepath by most western numerologist  is the most important of a 100 percent  lifepath makes up about  40 percent  factor in birthday number the percent is raised to 50 percent

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