I want to stay on Earth!

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I want to stay on Earth!

Post by Ravenswood » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:23 am

Alright I know this may sound incredibly insane, but I don't want to ascend! Ascending means coming that much closer to completing your journey on Earth and ascending to the after life. I don't want to do this. I honestly prefer Earth. It's beautiful with it's vast cities, tall mountains, lovely country side and beautiful oceans. I don't know what the after life is like for those who ascend and I honestly don't want to know! Prancing about on a cloud and everyone being goody goody to me sounds rather boring! I need variety! I need spice! I'd rather not ascend and just stay here forever! Is there anyway that I can possibly do that? Sinning? Gambling? Committing atrocious mean spirited acts towards my fellow humans? What?! How do I stay? While I'm at it I honestly don't want to be reincarnated after death! I don't want to become somebody else! I may not be perfect and sometimes I wish I was more beautiful, more popular and more talented. However I love the family I have now and I don't want to forget them, lose them or move on to another one. Even if I find a way to stay here and not ascend I'll keep being reincarnated. Is there anywa y that I can be reincarnated into the same family? It's not that I hate change. Some changes are good. I would just hate these. I want to stay on Earth and stay with the family I have now. Can any of you honestly tell me that you've never been scared?

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:19 pm

After you finished grade 1 in school, you went on to grade 2.  Remember the excitement of a whole new year of learning and growing in this new adventure.  That is life!  

To remain is to be stuck and stagnant.  Growth requires change.  And life is all about change.  

You grow, you move, you become.  See the adventure, enter into its message of hope and love.  Ideas of the afterlife will help you see life is progressive even beyond death.

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Post by Ravenswood » Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:10 pm

Which might be fine for you, but I prefer to stay. I don't want growth if it means losing my current family. I don't want growth if it means losing who I currently am. I don't want growth if it means leaving this plane. I've also read that you have a choice of if you come back to Earth. If you do have a choice then I will continue to come back. If this means that I am perpetually stuck in "grade 1" then so be it.

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Post by Ravenswood » Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:17 pm

Furthermore what kind of idiot would honestly want to be reincarnated? To ascend? To "grow"? Especially if it means losing the essence of who you currently are or losing the wonderful family that you currently possess?! Doesn't it scare anyone in the least that you won't remember? That your family will no longer be your family? That you will no longer be you? I hate change. I always have and I always will. I'm not your standard Sagittarius. I know. So my question is do you think there is a way to stop "growing" and simply remain yourself?[/list]

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Post by Ravenswood » Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:07 pm

I view those who accept it as simply lambs who follow blindly. Most everyone says the same of Christians, but what the religions who believe in reincarnation don't realize is that it is as bad as the Hell that the Christians believe in. You don't lose your soul to the fiery depths of eternal torture, no. But you do lose yourself as you "ascend". You forget who and what you are and were! You forget your family, your friends, your likes, dislikes and everything that simply makes you you! And you follow along blindly, knowing what's coming but just accepting it! Just because a religion states something doesn't make it right or moral! The Christians stated that thou shall not suffer a witch to live, but that did not make it right! What they put those people through is torture and that is precisely what this is! Torture of the soul and the mind! When I did practice Christianity I never was this scared, not even of Hell! I did what I wanted to do because that was simply who I was! But religions with reincarnation scare me, because what I fear most is losing myself! Everything that makes me me! You call it a fear of change, but I call it sensible and normal! You should want to remain as you are! Yes, you can work on bettering yourself but your quirks, your actions, your personality, your likes and dislikes are what make you unique! They are what make you you and without your family you would have never been shaped into the you that you are now! So losing them... losing yourself... it's just unthinkable..

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:47 pm

But my dear how can you possibly lose yourself, when that is what is growing?  You need each and every experience to make you who and what you are.  Change is the only constant in life.  The fact is that your physical body loses cells and gains cells all the time you are living.  Change is the constant.  

You lose NOTHING by change.  Even your relationship with those you claim to love are changing all the time.  They find ways to change themselves and by that alone, your relationship with them would change.  Change is the constant.  You cannot change the inevitable in life.

Memory is a wonderful thing.  You remember through love.  Love is a glue that binds us all in the universe.  You can NEVER lose anyone you love.  

I do not believe in reincarnation because, like you, I am a little possessive of those I have loved and lost.  That is a part of human nature we all possess.  I would not appreciate my father coming back as someone else's relative.  And my proofs of the afterlife have taught me that those loved ones will be there to meet/greet me when I arrive in the afterlife.  We can continue to grow and be in another relationship....spirit.  

Life's changes are not about losing anything.  They are about growing and enhancing that which you become through each and every life experience.

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Re: I want to stay on Earth!

Post by Celestial » Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:42 pm

Ravenswood wrote:Alright I know this may sound incredibly insane, but I don't want to ascend! Ascending means coming that much closer to completing your journey on Earth and ascending to the after life. I don't want to do this. I honestly prefer Earth. It's beautiful with it's vast cities, tall mountains, lovely country side and beautiful oceans. I don't know what the after life is like for those who ascend and I honestly don't want to know!

Warm greetings to you! First of all, let me introduce myself by letting you know that I have done extensive research and studies into the Afterlife and there is literally nothing that you need to be worried about. Indeed, some higher dimensions in the Afterlife are far more beautiful than those here! I would also like to point out that ascending is much better than descending, you must agree! Having said that, everyone must complete their Earthly journey regardless of who they are. Even Kings, Queens, Presidents, Movie Stars, Billionaires, etc. must pass on when God is ready for them at their appointed time. So, it is not something you can prevent. There is no one in this world who can prevent moving on into the world of Spirit, so be thankful for the experiences that you have here on Earth, if they are good ones and free from sin and evil, that will actually help you when you move on into the Afterlife.

Prancing about on a cloud and everyone being goody goody to me sounds rather boring! I need variety! I need spice! I'd rather not ascend and just stay here forever!

That is not at all what the next life in spirit is all about, my dear. You will need to ascend from this life when you time is up, just like the rest of humanity. But you need not worry about being in a place of Light and Love with God if that is not what you desire, for you will not be forced into anything as that all depends on what you do here on Earth and to whom.

Is there anyway that I can possibly do that? Sinning? Gambling? Committing atrocious mean spirited acts towards my fellow humans? What?! How do I stay?

The short answer to that is that you can't stay! The things you have listed will only bring you grave misery, sorrow, and pain  in the Afterlife! Just because you go into the world of spirit does not mean you are automatically free of reaping from the seeds that you have sown on Earth, so get rid of such horrible thoughts! Besides, there are serious man-made laws here in this dimension to severely punish those who would commit criminal acts! You see the Law of Cause and Effect is always recording one's thoughts, deeds, and actions in this world. Many do not realize that that is what will actually determine in what dimension you will gravitate to and be placed in when you get to the Afterlife. If you are a good, decent person with good morals who have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will arrive in the great spiritual dimension of Heaven where there is great Joy, Happiness, Light, Love, Peace, and Tranquility. Even non-Believers who have made accounts of their experiences in this have found this to be so. In the afterlife's higher dimensions, there is no more hurting, pain, sorrow, dis-ease, envy, anger, etc. and all of the things that are negative in this world.

But since God has created everyone, He gave everyone Free Will choice. That means that if you so *choose* to be mean, wicked, sinful, and God forbid, the other things that you list, if you do not seek forgiveness and punishment for those crimes before you pass-on, you will literally contribute to placing yourself in a world where people of like mind who committed acts much like those will be in. We are told by those who had a NDE (near-death experience) that in the lower dimensions of spirit it is a dark, cold, sad, musky, horrible place where people walk around endlessly searching for something but never seem to find it. The atmosphere is always gray and there is little to no light. People there will be self-absorbed, uncaring about others and will care only about thinking about the things you mention so that they will not stop to see any other being. Is that truly where you want to spend all of ETERNITY at? Because your wish may just come true, and remember, once there, it may be eons of time before your soul realizes the grave mistake it made in order to move into a higher, more comfortable sphere or dimension.

While I'm at it I honestly don't want to be reincarnated after death! I don't want to become somebody else! I may not be perfect and sometimes I wish I was more beautiful, more popular and more talented. However I love the family I have now and I don't want to forget them, lose them or move on to another one.

And the good thing is that you don't have to be! In the Holy Bible it is said that we have but ONE (1) life and that is the present one that we are living here on Earth. There Is No Reincarnation! Jesus Resurrected! He did not reincarnate and neither will we. He is the same always and forever and so will we be! Of course, if your soul has the inner desire to return to Earth to go through the pain, suffering, sorrow, and harsh experiences here as you may have known, then because of your Free Will that may become possible.

As for your family and the love you have for them, that will always remain with you! Have no fear of that. Love is the greatest power and emotion of all and stays with us even after our loved ones ascend and pass-on into the world of spirit. They will always be close to us and we to them as they are a very important part of our soul group. They can still see us and hear us when we call out to them and they will immediately recognize us at our appointed time when we go to our final destination once we depart from Earthly life. They will meet us at the gates (the end of the tunnel) into the Afterlife! That is a wonderful thing about ascending! They are no longer here they are "up there" and so will we be with them! But again, if we differed in what they did in this world and they are not somewhat like us and what we did on Earth (the good things, charity, loving others and God), we may indeed find ourselves in a very different dimension where it will be next to impossible for us to see and go visit them.

Again, we will gravitate to a dimension that will be similar to the kind of people we are today and the things we do here. Those in a higher dimension than we can indeed descend to come and visit us. But we would not be able to ascend any higher than where we would be at, until our soul could be able to integrate with the higher level of vibration of God's Light!

Even if I find a way to stay here and not ascend I'll keep being reincarnated.

There is no way as that would not be possible for you to stay here forever. And no, you won't be automatically reincarnating. That is a great misconception and has already been explained in a previous paragraph.

Is there anywa y that I can be reincarnated into the same family? It's not that I hate change. Some changes are good. I would just hate these. I want to stay on Earth and stay with the family I have now. Can any of you honestly tell me that you've never been scared?

Since there is no reincarnation according to the ONE true God in Heaven, you will be able to retain your original family after you pass on just like Jesus has retained Mary as His one and ONLY Mother and has not reincarnated into anyone else and neither has His Mother Mary!

I can honestly tell you that I have never once felt or been scared, ever, since I learned about the Hereafter or Afterlife. First, through the reading of Scripture and understanding its message and then from the studies into NDEs as well as information that has been coming from those in the Afterlife. There is much credible evidence for this and one should not spend their time worrying about ascending but rather that if they remain complacent in evil doings and malevolence, they will truly Descend into an abyss, a void, dark, cold dimension where we will never be able to see our loved ones again. Personally, I choose to be with God and as a good Christian who is Born Again (Saved), I know that I am, so I know I will ascend into His Divine Light and am most happy about that! But everyone has their choices to make. I hope and pray that yours will be a wise one! Those were excellent questions by the way.

Before I conclude, I will send out ♥ and great wishes for a beautiful day to you!

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Post by srivijai » Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:04 pm

One day everybody have to go back where we have come from or a new place leaving this place  It can't be changed by anyone

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:46 pm

Yes, we are born to die! From the moment of birth, the body ages and decays.  The body is only available for an alloted time.  

We can note that the life expectancy of human beings has changed over the years.  Perhaps this has happened because of the knowledge of health care we have received.  

But inevitably the time is written for our death - only God knows that date for us all.  And what joy when we meet our loved ones again!  

For the computer crowd.....imagine arriving in spirit and being greated by a stranger that you learn was that funny ID name they used and you were acquainted after all!

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Post by srivijai » Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:19 pm

U want to stay on earth since u like all the things u see here  Enjoy as u like  till u live on earth After this life we do not know whether   we are going some other place or   we are not going anywhere  that is the end of life.  If we are going somewhere and that place is better than what we are enjoying now  we do not know   It may be good  or It may be bad  If it is good we should not miss it by simply continuing  life here in the earth  Time is limited to all of them in the earth We should give way for youngsters to come up  we should happily receive what the nature give us as gift   Since u love everything in earth now nature has given u good ones  Be happy till u be in the earth    Have a nice time bye

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Post by Aquo » Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:13 pm

I think that it is totally natural of you to think like that, and it is logical. No one want to leave this world, but no one is immortal, and you know, this is how life goes. Not much you can do about it. My advice would be enjoy your time, every day, every moment, till you can. Because, these kind of thoughts are pessimistic and you should get rid of them. Simple advice, again, enjoy your presence at this present moment, and live a wonderful life, I believe you have :)



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