Like Abraham and Sarah...

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Like Abraham and Sarah...

Post by smacleod16 » Wed Jan 04, 2012 3:55 am

A couple nights ago, I had a very vivid dream about my Grandparents. My Poppy is 64, and my Nanny is 56. We were sitting at their dining room table, having coffee or tea, and Nanny told me she was pregnant. She said she used a pregnancy test and it came back positive. Now, Nanny has already gone through menopause and, even before she did, she and Poppy never had any kids. They married late (I was their flower girl at the age of seven) and they both have kids from other marriages. It seems strange to me to have such a dream, and especially for it to stick with me for so long, since I never remember my dreams. Could this possibly mean anything?

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