please could u look and give me some advise as what this is....

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please could u look and give me some advise as what this is....

Post by wow » Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:05 am

hi guys... first of all merry xmas. I hope everyone has had a lovely time with loved ones.

Next my son seems to always have pictures taken and there seems to be orbs, but today there was a picture taken and there does seem to a really birght orb, though im not sure if it is dust or what ever. I have posted before about these kind of pictures, but it just seems odd that where ever we go there is these orb shapes, and this seems so bright, what is everyone views... orb or dust??


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Post by spiritalk » Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:20 am

some of the orbs you have shared actually contain people, places or things.  I can see something in the orb.  That goes beyond dust.
God bless, J

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Post by wow » Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:04 pm

Hi, thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my post.

So would you defo say its more then just dust? This picture was taken on xmas day when he was unwrapping his pressies and ive looked at all of the pictures taken again of that morning and ive noticed there is a few more pictures that also seem to have these orbs, though they are not this bright at all but enough to see them.

When you say you see somthing in the middle, what do you mean. I am sorry im not 100% sure what this means? Since having my son we have moved to 3 different houses and there just always seems to be orbs around him in pictures and esp with its a celebration time, though this is defo the brightest orb i have ever seen in a photo.

Thank you once again :)

Speak soon


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Post by fruffle » Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:28 am

just a question - do these orbs show up no matter what kind of camera you use?  or have you been using the same camera every time one of these shows up?  i remember reading about what kind of cameras etc can produce effects like that orb.. i'd try to rule out your equipment as being the cause...

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Post by wow » Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:21 pm

Hi, sorry for the late reply.

Bacially it doesnt matter what camera I use, There always seems some kind of "orbs" around him. It may be dust, however I have so many pictures with orbs around him in different houses, places etc. another interesting thing is I was once at my mother in laws and she was recording him on her phone and then when it was played back there was some kind of tiny white light that kind of danced around him and the floated down the screen. Any ideas?

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Post by Celestial » Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:01 am

Hi wow! I am an Intuitive/Psychic reader from the Psychic forum.

From what I can see, the orb appears to be transparent as I can see something reflected from behind the orb which is indeed very bright. So, it is hard to tell at the moment if it is truly an orb or just an odd reflection of light.

But given the fact that you say they are always appearing when you take pictures of your son, one just has to wonder about this, not having seen the other pictures for comparison.

It is good that you have brought this forward for opinions, however, and keep those pictures coming! They make great conversation pieces!

Before I conclude, I will send out ♥ and great wishes for a beautiful day to you!
With God's blessings of Compassion, Peace, Joy, and Love,

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