demon dog

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demon dog

Post by alise » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:06 am

I was hoping to get advice for a new friend of mine, she has had a big black ,what she describes as a demon dog with red eyes and a split tong following her sence she was a kid. she feels cold and goes paralyzed when she sees it. And it usually attacks her and it feels like chocking. It only leaves after she calls on Jessus. She says that she sees it the most and it seems the most angry when she is involved in church. she has stopped going to church and she hasnt seen anything in hear new house.

Me and her just recently met and she has not had any one to talk to about this stuff and has been on her own. Yesterday i had been talking to hear about grounding and white light protection. Then lastnight she woke up to the dog standing outside of her bedroom door. But this time it was white. But still breathing heavy and threatening with red eyes. But it didnt attack or even come in the room.

What do you think, what can she do?Why was it a different color? Why did it come back all of asudden? Was it because i was trying to help her? How can she protect herself?

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Re: demon dog

Post by Celestial » Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:12 pm

alise wrote:I was hoping to get advice for a new friend of mine, she has had a big black ,what she describes as a demon dog with red eyes and a split tong following her sence she was a kid. she feels cold and goes paralyzed when she sees it. And it usually attacks her and it feels like chocking. It only leaves after she calls on Jessus. She says that she sees it the most and it seems the most angry when she is involved in church. she has stopped going to church and she hasnt seen anything in hear new house.

Warmest greetings, Alise! Thank you for your question on behalf of your friend.

The first strong clue as to how one might possibly help her is when you mention that it leaves only when she calls on Jesus (Christ).

Obviously, this dog is something quite malevolent that is there for no good purpose to her. A further clue is in that this "demon dog" becomes angered by her going to Church. That, in itself, is the prime clue or key that this animal is being brought forth by the adversary, the anti-Christ. She must be made aware that that is exactly what the devil would want for her to do, that is, to leave the church that she was going to. Also, the fear that is instilled in her by this dog to force her to leave the church is most prevalent in this case.

Me and her just recently met and she has not had any one to talk to about this stuff and has been on her own. Yesterday i had been talking to hear about grounding and white light protection. Then lastnight she woke up to the dog standing outside of her bedroom door. But this time it was white. But still breathing heavy and threatening with red eyes. But it didnt attack or even come in the room.

Intuitively speaking, it appears that the grounding technique and white light protection are working inasmuch as it is keeping this horrible monster outside her bedroom door. The fact that this time it appeared in white, shows that something demonic can appear as something good, thus, in the color white. Even that is Biblical! But she must know and understand that that is nothing but deception! She must be made aware of that. There is nothing good from this demonic creature and it has no place anywhere near her or around her! She should consider continuing to pray to and invoking Jesus Christ in her daily prayers. Jesus obviously keeps this monster away from her and that is what she wants.

She should pray to Jesus often. Upon arising in the morning and again at night time before retiring. Prayers during the day should also be said for added protection. One can never say enough prayers for protection during these days when Satan runs amok trying to ruin souls that belong to God. It is very important that she must also be made aware of that! Praying The Lord's Prayer along with the Twenty-Third Psalm can be very helpful!

What do you think, what can she do?Why was it a different color? Why did it come back all of asudden? Was it because i was trying to help her? How can she protect herself?

You ask what I think, IMHO, I feel she should also consider going to a Christian minister and speak to him about this matter. If she cannot get out of the house for some reason, she could call him on the telephone. They are there to provide spiritual help to the many! She can also have a Catholic priest bless several crosses for her to place on her doorway as well as collect some Holy Water while there to bring back home and place near all entrances into her house as well as the windows. Also of consideration is for her to have a Holy Bible in her home that is blessed by ordained Christian clergy and for her to consider reading God's word daily for inspiration, guidance, and connection to God, the Source that is most high.

The difference in color in the dog, again, may be due to the protection she is invoking and her prayers to Jesus. But the color should not fool her as a wolf can also dress in sheep's clothing, one must not forget!

Something that is that attached, especially over a period of years as you have indicated, is hard to get rid of without proper help and the determination to do so. It comes back because it literally feeds on her fear! If she, on the other hand, Prays Strongly To Jesus and believes in Him, that negative creature could be rendered powerless and I would not be surprised if it left a short time afterward.

May God soon bring her the peace and protection she is wanting.

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