Dream interpretation

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Dream interpretation

Post by MarjoryKeek » Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:40 am

Hi, I would really appreciate it if someone could help me interpret this dream.

My parents and I, along with my sister (who lives in Australia) are visiting an old courthouse which has been knocked down, but the foundations are still there (like you can see from the bricks in the ground the general layout of the place). We approach a huge stone in the ground and some guy says to us that beyond this, we may experience some strange things. My dad and sister stay behind, but my mum and I decide to go further. Beyond the stone, I can feel small pieces of my teeth begin to crumble in my mouth, and I am crunching the pieces and then occasionally spit them out into little piles on the ground. I leave these all over the place as we wander about. At the same time, black and white border collies start to follow my mum around and a small black and white cat approaches me and tries to jump up at me. It seems to want to be picked up, but when I pick it up, it gets angry so I put it down but then it continues to follow me and tries to jump up on me. As we complete our tour of the area, we approach another huge stone in the ground and a girl standing there tells us that this is us leaving. The animals around us start to get excited. I ask the girl what they are doing and she says that they are preparing to change form. I ask her why and she says so that they can come with us. I ask again, why, and she says 'To help you. To school'. We leave the area and go back to my dad and sister. As I approach my dad, I spit out one final pile of ground teeth and he asks what it is. At this point, I wake up. This dream was so vivid and strange and I keep thinking about it. Any thoughts would be appreciated :)

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Re: Dream interpretation

Post by Celestial » Tue Feb 14, 2012 3:59 pm

MarjoryKeek wrote:Hi, I would really appreciate it if someone could help me interpret this dream.

My parents and I, along with my sister (who lives in Australia) are visiting an old courthouse which has been knocked down, but the foundations are still there (like you can see from the bricks in the ground the general layout of the place). We approach a huge stone in the ground and some guy says to us that beyond this, we may experience some strange things. My dad and sister stay behind, but my mum and I decide to go further. Beyond the stone, I can feel small pieces of my teeth begin to crumble in my mouth, and I am crunching the pieces and then occasionally spit them out into little piles on the ground. I leave these all over the place as we wander about. At the same time, black and white border collies start to follow my mum around and a small black and white cat approaches me and tries to jump up at me. It seems to want to be picked up, but when I pick it up, it gets angry so I put it down but then it continues to follow me and tries to jump up on me. As we complete our tour of the area, we approach another huge stone in the ground and a girl standing there tells us that this is us leaving. The animals around us start to get excited. I ask the girl what they are doing and she says that they are preparing to change form. I ask her why and she says so that they can come with us. I ask again, why, and she says 'To help you. To school'. We leave the area and go back to my dad and sister. As I approach my dad, I spit out one final pile of ground teeth and he asks what it is. At this point, I wake up. This dream was so vivid and strange and I keep thinking about it. Any thoughts would be appreciated :)

Hello Marjory! In attempting to psychically and intuitively analyze and interpret your dream, I sense that you may have well been in an aspect of the Afterlife where you were shown that the difference in vibrations can cause some of the things that you reported seeing and experiencing. The teeth crumbling, for one, appears to be a strong sign. You see, when one is in the Afterlife dimension one no longer needs any teeth or even a mouth in order to communicate. Communication takes places solely by thought, through telepathy in that realm.

The old courthouse being knocked down is the place of being a person possesses and the foundation of it speaks well for itself that that is the foundation one's life is based upon.

As to the animals that appeared, cats are known to be sensitive animals that do not generally behave as dogs do. They are much different in that if they choose to be petted they will let you know. If they don't then it's best not to ruffle their turf, so to speak. But they are friendly and loving nevertheless so this appears to be letting you know that there are certainly pets in the Afterlife whom one can communicate with when you reach their level of vibration but that until then you cannot fully interact with them because they vibrate at a much higher rate than we do in physical body hence, the feeling that they wanted to be petted yet they didn't.

The changing form of the pets and the words you heard that they were there to help you appears to mean that in their present form they are not distinguishable because of the difference in their vibration rate vs. yours. But "changing" means lowering their vibration to meet your physical vibration and then guiding you in some way since we are all here to learn in this world and will continue learning in the next when we cross over. Many pets are learned animals even here in this world and have accomplished many feats worthy of notice such as saving others in time of need that have made others stand up to take notice! Over there, they reach a heightened sense of ability to communicate and do things which can certainly be of help in continuing to teach others in a more profound way.

Hope this helps in some way!

May you be happy and blessed always and your days filled with bright sunshine!

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:11 am

You are traveling with family that makes you feel safe and protected, as in when a child leaving all decisions to others and just playing to find your solutions.

A building that is a courthouse would indicate the rule and law of things.  Your world does not have any structure at present.  It seems to have crumbled up and gone away.

Crumbling teeth is about not being able to 'get your teeth into it' as in making a plan for your life and playing it out in real time.  Your plans all seem to crumble and you spit them out and try again.

You remain in a protected sense with family as a unit.  Perhaps you feel there is protection in forming a family dynamic for your life.

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Post by Lugus » Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:43 am

In most of our dreams, the things that we see are derived from the dreamer.  For example, most people do not, as a general rule, have countless dream visits from deceased relatives.  So it is in this dream.

This is a positive dream.

A courthouse is a place where legal issues are resolved.  There is an evaluation of the relevant facts and then a judgment is announced.  In this dream, the courthouse had a similar function.  It was probably used to evaluate the dreamer or it could have been used to evaluate others.

To make these kinds of judgment is a good thing; therefore, a visit to the old courthouse is also good.  It means that the courthouse will be once more in use.

The people in the dream are symbols and represent parts of the dreamer.

The “huge stone” is the symbolic entrance to the lower realms.  Although the stone is not lifted to permit entrance, I believe that the dreamer may have symbolically entered when they walk past it.  (As a little side note – hard stone such as granite is a symbol of the spiritual while softer stone such as sandstone would be a symbol of the secular.)  

The guy that you see is the gatekeeper or guardian.  He may be the lord of the underworld.  He has no problem with your being in the area.  This is also good.  It means that you are ready for this journey.

However, there is a price for increased knowledge of the spiritual.  It is the loss of your teeth.  I sure that this must have been upsetting to the dreamer but remember that these are your dream teeth and are unlikely to represent the loss of your real teeth.  The symbolism for the loss of teeth is seen in many preindustrial societies where a person in initiated into the next stage of his development through the loss of some of his teeth.  Thus, in this dream, the loss of many teeth is a good sign.

You encounter some black and white border collies.  This is also good.  The white color is a sign of their spirituality as well as the ability to travel in the upper realms.  The black is also good.  It is symbol of their being able to travel in the lower realms.  And, as you may know, dogs have a long history as companions when a person travels into the lower world. Even their breed, “border” might be significant.  You are at the border between this world and the next.

The cat is probably a symbol of the third chakra and the third chakra is one of the chakras that is associated with OBE.  

The second huge stone and the girl who is standing on it are at the exit of this shaman-like journey.  she may be the queen of the underworld.

The animals are excited because they are going to change forms and come with you.  That is, they are going to become parts of the dreamer.  This is another very good sign.  The animals are apparently going to help with the education of the dreamer.  This is the school that we all attend.  It is the school of life.

All in all -- a positive dream.
Thanks for posting.

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