Is Breakfast, Important.

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Is Breakfast, Important.

Post by Dillan » Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:16 am

Every morning, i am going to my work without having breakfast. I just have launch, and dinner most of the time. I am asking is breakfast important despite that i feel not hungry, to the launch time?

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Post by caithiggs » Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:31 am

I think a lot of people don't feel hungry in the morning when they wake up. One of the reasons is that your body is not accustomed to eating first thing in the morning, and it maintains a pattern. You tend to feel hungry at the times you normally eat. I think it's just your body's way of regulating meal times.

Another reason that people don't feel hungry in the morning is that they eat late at night right before bed, and feel full still upon waking. This is really not good for you, as sleep slows everything down and your metabolism and digestion is not doing its regular work during sleep. It is not healthy to eat before bedtime, but easy to get into the pattern if your body has become accustomed to doing it because you begin to go to sleep hungry if you don't continue eating on that schedule.

Sometimes you just have to use the will power to break these cycles.

Breakfast starts your body up in the morning. I consider it the most important meal of the day! But everyone is unique, and I believe some people have a harder time digesting heavy meals and different times of the day. If you find it difficult to digest a heavy meal first thing in the morning, it probably is an indication that a large breakfast is not your thing. Try something light like fruits or veggies. As for me, I've gotta eat a big protein rich breakfast when I get up! But I have a harder time with my evening meal, and prefer smaller portions later in the day.

It's important to charge your immune system and metabolism in the morning for the rest of your day, but I think how you are charging it (what you are eating) is not the same for everyone. Find out what makes you feel the best.

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Post by katherine22 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:31 pm

I agree with the previous post... breakfast is very important... even if it is just something light like some green tea and a small serving of fruit and/or oatmeal.  It will balance your blood sugar for the morning and help you think more clearly and be more productive.

I also agree that eating a large meal before bedtime or eating too late at night is not good for the digestion and tends to throw the body's biorhythms off.

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Post by Kate_Oranum » Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:00 pm

They usually say it is / should be the most important meal of the day -

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Post by baltazra » Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:05 am

Breakfast provides a significant proportion of the day's total nutrient intake and offers the opportunity to eat foods fortified with nutrients such as foliate, iron, vitamins and fiber. Essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients can only be gained from food..

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Post by jackalan996 » Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:47 pm

breakfast is very must important for the health of body. it provide energy to the body till lunch. in breakfast you need to eat a glass of milk and one egg and 2 slice of bread.

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Post by Heathcliff » Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:07 am

Hi Dillan,
Daily breakfast helps us in maintaining healthy lifestyle and provide us essential nutrients for all day physical activities.
Breakfast lowers cholesterol level and prevent us from stroke and heart disease. Breakfast boost metabolic system and helps in weight loss.

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Post by Vivek Trivedi » Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:35 am

Research tidies indicate that children who eat breakfast perform better on cognitive tests and in school. Maybe it works that way for adults too since our brains need fuel to work properly. If that's the case, skipping breakfast may be a bad idea.

Skipping breakfast is a common strategy for people who are trying to lose weight, but unfortunately, it's usually not a successful strategy. Your body (or more likely, your brain) expects to be refueled a few times each day. When you don't eat breakfast you

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Post by Vivek Trivedi » Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:35 am

may feel so hungry by lunch time that you eat more foods than you normally would, which cancels out the calories you cut by skipping breakfast. You may also be tempted to choose foods that are not the healthiest choices when you feel like you're starving.

For many people, eating breakfast may is an important part of a weight loss diet. Research studies tell us that people who eat breakfast are more likely to maintain a healthy weight. Some experts believe eating breakfast keeps your metabolism running higher because skipping meals causes the body to kick into 'starvation' mode. This sounds impressive, but it really isn't what happens -- it takes three or for days of eating nothing before the body starts gearing down your metabolism. It's more likely that people who regularly eat breakfast also make good dietary choices the rest of the day.

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Post by Jakobe » Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:36 pm

He guys
we must do the breakfast daily and it is the start of the day when you do your breakfast and go to their works so it is necessary to do it and we never skip it and Healthy breakfast helps you in refuels your body, and benefit your overall health. Breakfast gives you a chance to start your day with a healthy and nutritious meal.

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Post by srimathi29 » Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:07 pm

One should not skip breakfast,it should be little heavy with good nutrients, normally 200to 300 calories to be taken.

Broken peace
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Post by Broken peace » Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:22 pm

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day but I know some people just are not hungry in the am. My 7 yr old son never wants to eat breakfast and after completing a Nutrition class this past semester I learned the importance of eating breakfast even more. He still doesn't want to eat but we found common ground with him drinking smoothies with added protein or milk with instant breakfast added to it. Ideally you would get about 15 grams of protein for breakfast and less if it's a child but protein is an important part of your intake. Sugary breakfast just sets you up for a spike in loud sugar and then a crash so the less sugar the better. :-)

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Post by Broken peace » Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:22 pm

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day but I know some people just are not hungry in the am. My 7 yr old son never wants to eat breakfast and after completing a Nutrition class this past semester I learned the importance of eating breakfast even more. He still doesn't want to eat but we found common ground with him drinking smoothies with added protein or milk with instant breakfast added to it. Ideally you would get about 15 grams of protein for breakfast and less if it's a child but protein is an important part of your intake. Sugary breakfast just sets you up for a spike in loud sugar and then a crash so the less sugar the better. :-)

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Post by Shown » Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:13 pm

Breakfast is important for everyone. It is the need of us. Morning is the starting of the day and we need lot of energy to do lot of tasks during a day so we should eat breakfast and never skip it.

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Re: Is Breakfast, Important.

Post by hangbi » Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:57 pm

Hi dillan,I think breakfast is too much important instead lunch or breakfast just use light food like bread,juice, not go to office without eating lunch because your body in morning time is in lazy mood if you done breakfast you are feeling your body is more comfortable before breakfast......  :smt008

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