Constantly being touched by please

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:48 pm

lovewizard wrote:
spiritalk wrote:Yes, you certainly have had some interesting and enlightening experiences.  But my suggestions you may not like - Cease and Desist!  The reason is that we are not intended to keep 'House Pets' of spirit entities.  And this has been your life long practice.  

Any spirit that can manifest in the earth energies is 'stuck'.  They have not and are not progressing and progressive.  They have nothing to enlighten you as they are not further along in spirit energies than you may be yourself.  

Your interests in all things paranormal is probably what keeps the window open and will continue to do so.  But in all fairness to spirit energies it is wisest to close that window of opportunity for measurement and poking - you are doing more harm than good to the soul that is stuck.

Yes, you are psychic - we all are - but to what degree can not be measured in this particular activity.  When you learn to discern and leave spirit alone that is stuck, then you will be using the sensitivities to their fullest.

Your reply is interesting but your accusations are confusing and i wonder how you can judge my character or intentions when you do not really know me,

J:  I am not making accusations merely observatioons.  This is not about character asasination, but about spirit input.

For example i am not keeping spirits as house pets and i never play with Ouija boards but after having paranormal activity at my home i think it normal and fair i investigate.

J:  Yes, you are very interested in the paranormal - they measure and record - they do nothing progressive where spirit is concerned.  All life is energy and progression - what is progressive about measuring, recording or helping spirit remain stuck?

I sometimes wonder if the spirits are attracted to me for reasons unknown to me but nothing negative has ever happened so it cannot be a bad thing.

J:  Yes, it can be a bad thing.  If spirit entities attentions are the earth plane they have not even realized they are in a different energy realm - spirit.  They are 'stuck' in what they knew rather than take the adventure to progress.

And the reason spirit is attracted and stays is because you invite and allow.  Just because they seem benevolent, you will still find an energy drain occurring on you.

I never open any windows with the spirits so i cannot see how i am responsible for them not moving on because the spirits make themselves known to me.
J:  The window we open is the interest we have in all things metaphysical, paranormal, spirit, spirituality, psychic, etc.  That interest can invite spirit to attend our thoughts.  The more we allow them the access, the more response we get.  And this is just not the highest level from which to learn and grow.

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