Crystal Balls

Discuss how to use crystals and gemstones as a form of spiritual healing, and for harnessing spiritual energy.

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Post by purplewiccakitty » Wed Nov 07, 2007 5:54 am

What do you guys think about man made stones? I have 3 acorn sized spheres, tigers eye, oplite, and goldstone. I was hoping to get some opinions as to if they were sutable for scrying. Thanks!

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Post by Gem » Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:54 am


For scrying anything will work, synthetic, man made or natural. But with the natural crystals there is a input from the crystal itself. Many people scry with a mirror or water and candle wax, or tea leaves, or oil and water, lots of ways, so, try your acorns and let us know :)

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Crystallomancy: Scrying With a Crystal Ball -

Post by crystalhealer1 » Sun Jun 08, 2008 10:06 pm

Crystallomancy is a form of scrying divination that utilizes crystals (most commonly those shaped into spheres [i.e. crystal balls]).

Scry into a crystal ball takes patience and practice.  One needs to form a relationship with his or her crystal ball before any meaningful images appear.  One should always treat the crystal ball with respect as it is a powerful divinatory tool.

It is best not to use the crystal if your energy is not clear.  One should always intend the reading to be for the highest good of all beings, with the love and light of the universe.

To begin scrying, place your light source (preferably a candle) off to the side (so that the light
does not interfere with the image you see when you scry) and gaze into your ball. The crystal may begin to go out of focus as you stare into it, then after a time, images may begin to appear within the sphere.

Most commonly, one will observe symbolic images, although as one becomes more advanced, the images may become more literal.  Symbolic visions should always be interpreted according to one's current life situation.

It is best to keep a scrying journal so that you are able to track your skills as a crystallomancer.  It also aids in tracking a more complete interpretation of the images you obtain while gazing.

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:53 am

Hi Gem,

I have several cyrstal balls and I love them. One is made like yours is of Austrailian Crystal, and it is very heavy at almost 35 pounds! I have a smaller one that is crystal quartz, one made out of rose quartz, and one out of rainbow obsidian. I also have a rainbow obsidian scrying mirror. I have found over time that you can really scry using about anything. I use candles flames, water in a black bowl with a small crystal at the bottom so your eyes can rest and well there are just so many ways. I like my crystal balls though. I really like my obsidian mirror too, but I have also found it is easier to scry in the balls you and I have if I place a square of black silk material behind the ball. I then take a small voltive and place it where it cannot reflect on the ball. I've seen all kinds of things. The first thing I feel is important though before you use anything to scry with is to cleanse it. I use mugwort and benzoin resin to clean the balls and then rinse it with pure rose water to put loving vibrations in to the ball. I kick out any unwelcomes and then I keep my ball covered. I never let anyone els gaze into my ball/balls. Thank you for making this forum!

Gentle Hugs,


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Crystallomancy - The Art of Scrying with a Crystal Ball

Post by crystalhealer1 » Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:26 am

Humans have been practicing the art of divination for thousands of years.  The art of divination allows one to communicate with and to receive guidance from the divine.  Be it from spirit guides, angels, totems, ancestors, or some other higher power, these insights actually come from within the self.  Divinatory tools are just means by which one is able to access this inner knowledge

From the Ancient Egyptians, to the Elizabethans, and even modern psychics, crystals have played an enormous role in many divinatory techniques.  There are several divination methods in which one can utilize the power of crystals for guidance.  Crystallomancy, Lithomancy, and Dowsing are just a few of these powerful divinatory methods.

There are a number of steps to performing a reading using crystals as divinatory tools.  These steps may be utilized for any type of crystal divination.  

First, one must formulate a general question about a particular issue in which he/she needs guidance.  The question should be open-ended (i.e. it should not have a yes or no answer).  Then, the diviner must focus on the question at hand.  It may help to write the question on a sheet of paper and/or to ask it aloud at least three times.

Next, the diviner must prepare himself or herself for the reading.  He or she must select the crystal(s) to be used while focusing on the question at hand.  He or she should then clear his or her mind and become attuned to the energy of the crystals.  

The, one needs to clear and cleanse all of the crystals that will be used.  There are a variety of ways one can clear a crystal.  One way to cleanse a crystal is by soaking it in a solution of sea salt and distilled water (lavender oil is also often added to the solution due to its purification properties).  Another method involves holding the stone under running water or in a stream to be purified.  Yet another method to cleanse a stone is by smudging it.  To smudge a stone, one must pass the stone through the smoke of an herb or incense (white sage, juniper, palo santo, sweetgrass, cedar, and sandalwood are all commonly used smudging herbs).  Also, one may choose to bury a stone in the soil of the earth for a length of time in order to cleanse it.  The clearing process should be carried out until one intuitively feels that the stone has been cleansed, or by feeling the stone’s energy.  Then, after the reading, the diviner should always cleanse and clear the crystals to remove any energy that may have been transferred during the session.  Now, one is ready to begin crystal divination.

Crystallomancy is a form of scrying divination that utilizes crystals (most commonly those shaped into spheres [i.e. crystal balls]).

Gazing into a crystal ball takes patience and practice.  One most often needs to form a relationship with his or her crystal ball before any meaningful images appear.  One should always treat the crystal ball with respect as it is a powerful divinatory tool.  Also, one’s crystal ball is a very personal object, so one should not allow others to handle it (or even to view it when it is not necessary).  One should safely store the ball in a silk cloth when it is not in use.  This will help to keep its energetic vibrations clear and radiant.

It is best not to use the crystal ball if your energy is not clear.  If one is not serious about the reading, or if one is in a negative state of mind, he or she should not use his or her crystal ball.  One should always intend the reading to be for the highest good of all beings, with the love and light of the universe.

To begin scrying, place your light source (preferably a candle) off to the side (so that the light does not interfere with the image you see when you are scrying) and gaze into your ball. The crystal may begin to go out of focus or become blurry to your eyes as you stare into it, then, after a time, images may begin to appear within the sphere.

Most commonly, one will observe symbolic images, although as one becomes more advanced, the images may become more literal.  Symbolic visions should always be interpreted according to one's current life situation.

It is best for one to keep a scrying journal so that he or she is able to track his or her skills as a crystallomancer.  It also aids in tracking a more complete interpretation of the images you obtain while gazing.  A journal can also be helpful if one is performing readings for others.

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Post by nighthawk » Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:37 am

Well now I've gone & done it!
I started reading on here today, and being a witch and all I've often thought about getting a crystal ball, stereotype or not. Well, something just got me to go look on ebay and there it was! I have put off getting a crystal ball due to the expense because I wanted a natural crystal, not man made glass. I looked at several there, but one really got my attention and wouldn't let go. So that's the one I bought. I usually do not order things from overseas, but I did this time. I feel I got the right crystal, now I just have to wait to get it. I am excited. anyway, it's all your fault. lol Thanks! :)

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Post by nighthawk » Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:53 am

Got my crystal in after nearly a month of waiting! It's cleaned & charged, now what? It's a quartz crystal. Currently residing in my sock drawer. lol

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Post by Aegeus » Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:28 am

Its nice to hear your enthusiasm. makes me feel like giving more attention to mt crystal ball.

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Crystal healing

Post by srimathi29 » Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:29 pm

I have heard about crystal healing and gone through many articles bu have not tried.So can any one suggest healing for my BLOOD PRESSURE,AND DIABETIC.

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Post by peaceandkarma » Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:55 pm

I've got a Selenite Crystal Ball, but I haven't seen anything in it as of yet. One thing about it is that when I am using it I feel really really relaxed and calm like I am meditating, which is really nice.

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Post by Likes 2 Read » Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:07 am

I'm a major fan of quartz spheres, though I've also been able to scry using other tools like a clear acrylic sphere, glass marbles (yes, you can do it! lol) and lead crystal spheres. I have a few natural quartz spheres of varying sizes (mostly small, with some medium), all of which have inclusions. And I have a few medium-to-large lab-grown quartz spheres that are optically clear.

I love quartz energy. If you look around, especially online, you might be able to find some affordable pieces to add to your collection.

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Post by Brahma Mihira » Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:28 pm

Can we try with glass of water and candle light? Is there need to chant mantras or use prayer for crystal grazing?

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:21 am

Brahma Mihira wrote:Can we try with glass of water and candle light? Is there need to chant mantras or use prayer for crystal grazing?

There is something called an 'Eidetic Imagery'. Many individuals have that faculty but ignore or suppress it. Best demonstrated when one is in a dark room or puts on light-blocking eye-wear. Think of these as the visual counterparts of auditary noise-cancelling headphones or hearing-protective devices worn when operating noisy machinery (including lawn-mowers!).

There is no absolute dark! When the external light is shut out, mind starts projecting its images and inner light! Scrying is the ability to do that without the eyes closed! But it is easier to do in darkness (real or created with the devices I spoke of above.

Even the glass of water or bowl of water is not needed!

Love and Light!

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Post by Brahma Mihira » Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:11 am

Rohiniranjan wrote:
Brahma Mihira wrote:Can we try with glass of water and candle light? Is there need to chant mantras or use prayer for crystal grazing?

There is something called an 'Eidetic Imagery'. Many individuals have that faculty but ignore or suppress it. Best demonstrated when one is in a dark room or puts on light-blocking eye-wear. Think of these as the visual counterparts of auditary noise-cancelling headphones or hearing-protective devices worn when operating noisy machinery (including lawn-mowers!).

There is no absolute dark! When the external light is shut out, mind starts projecting its images and inner light! Scrying is the ability to do that without the eyes closed! But it is easier to do in darkness (real or created with the devices I spoke of above.

Even the glass of water or bowl of water is not needed!

Love and Light!
Dear RR ji

Happy to see you in this forum, in my country readers use glass of water with light of the candle or lamp, I accept what you say. Some of them can say planet positions of our horoscope without seen horoscope but via glass of water. But I had seen lot of one use mantra or herbal medicine applied in bottom of glass, for activate this ability.

Thanks for your suggestion, I will try...


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