Money Sources and its energy

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Money Sources and its energy

Post by bhogarmyguru » Tue May 22, 2012 10:07 pm

i have heard that money obtained by different means have different energy.
Does anyone know about money and its karmic value??

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Post by RedMercury » Sat May 26, 2012 8:22 pm

Money - is energy. When a person becomes weaker power - the money goes. What weakens the power? Negative thoughts and emotions. Frustration, stress, resentment turned into our subconscious strata of aggression which, compressing, suppress the power of the person. To get rid of this negative energy of the substrate, the subconscious mind organizes its equivalent to the size of the loss of money. At the same time pressed the negative emotions are removed from the aura, and the loss of money saves a person from illness or even death. Thus, the money, after all, are a measure of the negative energy of man. The more negative energy, the more money utekanie or blocked their entry. Money we pay for conscious and unconscious aggression, as well as bad karma accumulated in past lives.

Imagine the situation: my wife resents her husband. Her thoughts run in circles and she is going through every time the bitter feeling, but can not get rid of it. And then - a sudden loss of money. The woman begins to worry about the loss and injury are not linked to the emotions begin to subside. Unexpected difficulties make it possible for man to adapt to a difficult situation. In physical life when a person can not carry a bag to carry him to give half of it. In the subconscious mind is the opposite: those who do not want to carry a bag - to carry two, does not want to carry two - will be three. So until then, until you understand: I'm doing something wrong.

Sometimes lack of money may be explained by the fact that today's financial problems treating a possible future pride or selfishness. This man can not be assumed, but his soul knows this, and that person does not become worse, carefully preserves it from the money. That is the law life on earth: the possession of any increases pride and aggression. That's why people who want to spiritual advancement, refused all of the material. They wanted to avoid this increase in the subconscious of aggression. But the method of rejection of material breakdowns in the age of Pisces. Now, in the Age of Aquarius - it is not suitable. In the new state of consciousness, man must learn to control aggression without the creature comforts. Therefore, we train the forces of heaven are in the possession. Will everyone be good, but do not have the pride and aggression? By purchasing, we have a train. Losing, we learn detachment. And so it happens as long as man does not become almost indifferent to what he is good or not.

People often complain that they are hard to save money. No sooner had the money to appear as immediately disappeared. And so all the time. And the reason is that as soon as the money is there, unconscious pride and aggression vozrostayut. Like, I'm so smart, Entrepreneurial. (With money a person feels stronger and steeper). And the increased aggression pushes the money. It is advisable to remember that all the money we receive is not due to our strength of mind and power of God. And understanding this can help learn to control unbound. That's when you can get by without a loss. This would mean that we have been able to improve their karma.

Karma is calculated CURRENCY

Often the reason for the lack of money is the karmic debt. And the most severe obstacle to the coming of the money - it is the accumulated effects of past life of crime because of money. If this happens, a person is born into a poor family or poverty on the heels of its intended life. Today's material welfare, as well as many other things - the exact equivalent of the total of all that has been created by us earlier. It is therefore important to remove the envy of others, resentment and a sense of injustice.

It turns out our karma has a strong cash equivalent of gold, and is expressed in how much money we have. In the universe all weighed to a milligram.

If our environment is good and kind people who are not able to improve the financial situation, do not pity them, you just need to help them. Help the people who live in poverty, contributes to the accumulation of positive energy and create good karma.

Very often we encounter people poor, undeveloped, self-centered, but with a lot of money. This fact often causes those who find it difficult to make money, outrage and an insult to God, on fate. From a false sense of justice arises unconscious thought: "Why do they have the money and not me?" And because of this idea, there is a subconscious desire: "The money they have - away! And then give me! "It is important to keep track of this idea and to understand that money from these people came because they were in past lives, worked their bad karma, earning money through hard work or life force spent in the monastery. These people are either translated into a wealthy family, but do not know how to handle money, or are swindlers, to "that money is flowing river." In any case, the money comes from the positive karma of the material in the past. As they say, to each his own.

In most cases, the cause of the problem is money, or unwillingness to work or a man overwhelmed by guilt, or is filled with extreme pessimism, or depression, apathy to everything. But all these external causes are the one and only true - such a person is bad karma. It generates fear and pessimism, apathy and bad tendencies. If we try to "shake" a man, and we begged him to work, he will not budge, and precisely because it keeps the bad karma. The most important thing for him - to begin to deal with negative thoughts and feelings, which he has in abundance. The energy of positive thoughts will accumulate slowly, so do not outweigh the negative baggage immediately. The process can drag on for years, but every effort will zoom to the point where people finally throw the baggage. Thus, the willingness and knowledge of any bad karma can be transformed. To bring this process in motion, you should take the first step, namely, to do anything. And then will you work through the energy of God.

Another subliminal cause problems with money is an implicit human selfishness about money and work. People are busy looking for work, which would require a minimum of effort and would bring up money. Such an approach to work is completely contrary to the law of the universe, which states: "If a person is working for the Lord, it is from the Lord and receive all." If a person does not want to work because he is convinced that the money - it is evil, they had never will be. The accumulation of negative energy prevents the arrival of money. There are other obstacles. When a person has a great desire to get something, it's "scoops" mental and nervous force. And then the subconscious mind protection suits as a sharp repulsive that people want much.

What settings are correct for our subconscious? Contraindicated only desire is too much, and need (food, comfort, education) - is always legitimate in the universe. And first of all performed evolutionary developmental needs. They were Heaven itself allocates funds, and too much will be wisely limited nature. Wrong desires are not true needs, but they performed well, bringing a human pain, disease and problems. The conclusion is that if you want wealth, we are blocked, even the money that you could actually get. If you wish to meet immediate needs, then, on the contrary, the money comes easily and naturally from the universe.

What kind of work will not be good and do not bring money? If someone, as they say, hurts the soul, it is a sure sign that he does not in the business (the soul knows everything about everything), that is not fulfilling their karmic problem. If you are burdened any relationship - easily tear a burden of communication. If you go to work as forced labor - drop this work. If you earn money with great effort, wearing a physically, psychologically and spiritually - a sure sign that you earn the money and not the wrong way.

The law of karma states that the money: "Do what you have obtained easier and better, but do it carefully and with all his might." In this case, money is made easily and happily, they are just human. If it is necessary for the realization of karmic goals - Subtle World will provide prosperity.

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Post by symulhaque » Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:01 pm

All the like object like money also comes from spirit.

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