Advanced Chakra Dynamics

Know your chakras, and learn more about chakra healing.

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Advanced Chakra Dynamics

Post by DragonKnight » Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:52 am

Chakra Healing:
There are several ways to diagnose and heal Chakras. The Chakra is an energy system which defines its self in specific graduations and accomplishments. Although being an energy system the Chakra can be thought of as a physical manifestation of energy. That does not say that the Chakra are physical it just means that their existence is on another plane.

Chakra ailments similar to physical ailments need to be diagnosed correctly. My point of view is that of resonance and energetic substance. We know the basic shape and form of the Chakra, being in the form of a wagon wheel, with central sphere an d usually we just leave our understanding there and operate with opening, alining and activating Chakra.

More acute diagnosis take a closer look at the Chakra Structure. The Chakra are an energy system present in varying degrees sustainability depending on the person, it is a achievement to progress from visualization of energy and energy systems to the actual manipulation of energy and what that entails.

So when it come to healing of Chakra, it is the structure that is important, rather than colour therapy and basic Chakra meditations. The three main components that build a Chakra are the blades of the Chakra, it central sphere and the casing that surrounds Chakra itself.

When it comes to diagnosis of these structures it is the physical warping and damage that needs to be healed, restoring the Chakra to physical completeness. The sphere of the Chakra can be dented, indented and instead of being circular being oval. The blades can be bent, have holes and even the filaments can be damaged. The casing similar to the central sphere can be dented, warped, even cracked.

Tuning Chakra:
The Chakra System is a conduit to transmute energy and they retain, produce and refine energy. The Chakra system is general latent except when in meditation, passive or active. Visualization is the beginning to understanding the Chakra, an in course leads to a good and general understanding of energy. The purpose of Chakra is to store and record in a sense the energetic and spiritual strength and health of an entity. The reason i use the work entity, is because more so than just humanity the Chakra are present in many lifeforms.

The Chakra operate upon raw energy and finite energies. The finite energies are those that come from the auric and subtle energy of the body. The purity of this energy is represented by the Chakra and the state of Chakra health is dependent upon these raw sub-astral physical energies. As the subtle bodies harden or become more sensitive and allowing of energy the Chakra develop and begin to absorb and transmute rawer energy.

Raw energy is healthy for spiritual and energetic development. As the Chakra evolve, and the phases of regression, acceptance and forgiveness have passed, the Chakra and it's behavior begin to develop spiritual virtue, kinda like the release of ego and the acceptance of higher self and higher purpose. Individually the development of Chakra with raw energy or other energy resonances, fortify and progress spiritual gift.

I am clairaudient but for me the practice of energy manipulation, (visualization) is, i find to be good practice as energy work can be practiced even if the visualizations skills aren't so pronounced. The practice of energy with Chakra helps to keep a healthy balance between my physical life and my spiritual health. Chakra gives me a system to be able to check that my energy is healthy.

Energy is constant. The practice of Chakra alone is not the only way to develop spiritual health, but in an energy sense it is a robust reliable system to develop energy, understanding, and fortify metaphysical gifts, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and spiritual health.

Open Chakra:
Most people struggle with the perception of open and closed Chakra, and it really is a hit and miss game when first trying to develop understating of Chakra. There is a very clear difference between visualization, and the actual operation of the Chakra. Visualization is the process of holding an image or an imagination of what the mind wants the Chakra to be doing. everyone has to go though this phase, its healthy as it teaches about the staying power of the mind and it is also a integral part of meditation itself. The ability of being able to hold the concentration of the mind on a single purpose, is even more critical at higher meditation, but it does get easy. Too easy really.

The beginning of true meditation, and the true concept of energy is where the Chakra really take off. Passing from uncertainty to understanding and courage in the operation of Chakra, it get easy. The requirement for good operation of the Chakra is this understanding. Entering a meditation the primary purpose is to find an operational state of, perhaps in another form of work a trance, with this achieved activation and operation is a fairly simple task, the mind being able to control the spirit and energy.

The general concept is here, the Chakra is a system, present, latent, in meditation active, open.

The meditation of Chakra, is simple as you would expect, being in the physical sub-astral, when working with the Chakra, they can be felt. Its this sensitivity to energy that cause these sensations, feelings of fuzziness, pulsations and other mild but pleasant physical reactions, that elude to the presence of Chakra.

I think that it is overcomplicated when statements such as what order should i open my Chakra, are they closed, are they open, how do i know. The reality is that is a system and should be developed as a whole. If you are finding it hard to maintain concentration on the act of operating Chakra then don't be discouraged, make an effort to pay attention to all the Chakra, one day meditating on Root, and Scaral, then the next day move on Solar, and Heart. As you work through the Chakra working over the whole system you will develop quickly, as only working one or two Chakra at time with the whole system, each Chakra will respond in its own appropriate method, and you will learn more. And as a note don't be overly concerned with Chakra closing techniques, but as a part of meditation and operation, understand that is is a healthy practice.

I don't personally practice closing Chakra, though i do recognize that after a particularly strenuous energy meditation it is healthy as you would after a workout warm down. Its also a good practice to use as the exit of a meditation session.

Thank you if you have taken the time to read this and i hope my observations assist you in any of you Chakra or energetic pursuits.


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