A question on Swadhisthanna

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A question on Swadhisthanna

Post by Loveandlight » Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:46 pm

I am currently reading up on chakra work and transposing what I read onto myself and family. For example chakra 1 when closed means this etc and I think ah that's me and so forth.
So my question, and a beginner one i'm sure, is, that if swadhisthanna represents emotions and sexuality, can it be both wide open and closed at the same time? I ask this because my wife is overly emotional which leads me to feel swadhisthanna is stuck open or at least over used, but on the other hand sexually impeded due to abuse, which makes me think swadhisthanna is closed. I know both are related. Her emotions are out because of the abuse and the damage done, and sexually uncomfortable with self etc once again for same reason as above. Just trying rap my head around how to picture this... open, closed or somehow both. Or I am reading this wrong which is entirely possible too.
Thank you
Love and light

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Post by Cyrenius » Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:16 pm

The first 6 chakras are polar, that means that they have the Yin (left, lunar , negative(-), receptiv, feminin) aspect and Yang (right, solar, pozitiv(+), emisiv, masculin) aspect.
For a chakra to function well it needs not only to be opend but to be balanced the Yin and Yang.
In your wife case I think that her Yin aspect is biger than the Yang aspect. She should rise her Yang energy. She can do that trou hata yoga, physical excercices( jogging, swiming, ect.) ar throu diet (the food can be also yin or yang).
She also can work to open her Manipura (the 3rd chakra, the fire chakra)

Yin Yang foods:
http://www.netplaces.com/macrobiotics/i ... -foods.htm

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