Crystal Power Devices

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Crystal Power Devices

Post by starmaster » Sat May 24, 2008 11:33 pm

Atlantean Power Rod:
It is simple to make. You take a copper pipe (a foot long), put a copper pipe
cap on one and, and epoxy a quartz crystal point to the other end. The point
should be intact and facing away from the pipe.  You then wrap leather into it
in a flat spiral.  But before you do, wrap double sided tape onto the pipe in
the opposite direction the leather will go.  This creates a stronger bond and
keeps the leather from unraveling.  The leather should be 1 inch wide and three
feet long.  That is the length that will cover one foot, if put on properly.  
When the leather is on, tape it on with electrician’s tape.  This device acts as
a miniature linear accelerator. The pipe accumulates (funnels) psychic energy
into the crystal. The leather insulates it, and the quartz crystal acts as a
transducer, capacitor, and transmitter. It sends energy in all directions, but
you could send it out in a beam of energy by focusing your thoughts on turning
the energy into a laser-like beam. Anyways, the Atlantean Power Rod is a
valuable tool for healing. You just program it for the purpose you intend, and
you have an instant healing tool.  Many other things can be done.  You can
control computer systems, electrical systems (such as a LONG traffic light), or
even the weather.
 Try putting double terminated quartz on both ends.  This variation is
particularly useful for healing, because it creates a feedback loop between you
and the patient.    
 You can place a copper wire coil underneath the leather.  The coil will
greatly enhance the power of the rod.  Try putting coils in some way on other
devices as well.
  Fill the chamber inside with a mixture of metal filings and resin.  The
filings from a key-making machine work particularly well I hear.  
  Put quartz dust in the chamber with the metal filings and resin.  


Atlantean Crystal Headband:
This device is easy to make, like the Atlantean Power Rod. What you do is you
take a copper sheet and cut it into a band that goes around your head. Then take
a silver disc (a silver coin, or a bead pounded flat, works well), epoxy it to
center of the copper band, then epoxy a quartz crystal point to the silver disc
(point facing upwards). Next, take two leather strips, and punch holes for them
at the ends of the headband.  Tie the strips on, which will be used for tying
the headband back.  What is this thing good for?  You can focus your thoughts
into a laser-like beam of energy when you use it.  If you don't have epoxy, use
Goop, which works much better. The Atlantean Crystal Headband is VERY good for
Telepathy. Just don't wear it for too long at first.  Until one is attuned with
it, you may experience dizziness, disorientation, confusion, or in some rare
cases, nausea or headaches.
 On the underside of the copper sheet, place a circle of aluminum on the
part that rests over your third eye.  This will act as a contact plate for
thoughts, vastly improving the effectiveness of the device.
  Use a DT quartz.
 For this variation, which I call the Atlantean Scholar's Headband, you use
a record-keeper crystal.  Theory is, the device may help one to reach the
knowledge contained within the crystal.

Crystal Space/Time Communications Generator:
This device is easy to make, but the right size quartz crystal can be a little
expensive.  First, you need a copper dish or disc, one foot across.  Then take a
copper cup three inches in diameter, and bend it to shape the crystal.  The
crystal should be three inches in diameter and six inches tall.  Once the cup is
in a shape that will accept the crystal, epoxy the crystal to the cup so that it
won’t come loose.  Then epoxy the cup to the center of the copper dish/disc.  
Make sure that the crystal is pointing as close to 90° upwards as you can get
it.  Sit in front of the device, your hands on either side of it, and close your
eyes and meditate.  Then telepathically send out a thought, to ANYWHERE.  Yes,
you can use this to communicate with aliens, and responses arrive
instantaneously (if the receiver wishes to communicate).  Multiple people can work with this device, and that is how it is usually used.  Make sure it is an even number of people.  You
all sit around the device in a circle, holding hands.  You all meditate to focus
the telepathic signal.  One member should be designated as the director of the
group’s communication, and he/she will be in charge of sending out the
telepathic signals.

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Post by Aegeus » Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:46 am

I think the vibration of the materials going into a crystals device are very important as quartz especially will amplify vibrations. I'm not sure how epoxy is made or what energies go into it in the process but I'm not sure it's a harmonious earth vibration so I avoid putting it into a healing device. I make jewelery by wrapping wire usually copper since I have plenty of it and it is easy to work with and various crystals that I would like to combine. Those devices sound nice and simple which is often, but I would consider using a natural resin, melting a meta base for a crystal, or wiring it in place, the later which I have experience doing.

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Post by Likes 2 Read » Wed Oct 24, 2012 9:48 pm

I make wands, but I do it a bit differently. I use a laser quartz jewelry point on one end, a glass rod, and on the other end I use either another laser point or else a quartz sphere. I use wire wrapping to hold them all together; I don't drill or glue. Depending on what kind of wire I use, the metaphysical properties can vary a bit, but any of the wands is capable of directing energy and intention.

You might be surprised to think of glass as a transmitter of energy, but it is. Think of fiber optic cables... that's glass, or even plastic, transmitting information via beams of light. Since what we are pouring through the wand is our light or our intention, glass is a perfectly good transmitter of those vibrations.

I'm particularly fond of using clear materials, for this reason. When they are filled with physical light, they're pleasant to look at, and when they are filled with our inner light, they're remarkably effective at focusing and directing.

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spirits love earthen jewels...

Post by TheToadMan » Tue May 14, 2013 2:11 pm

I made a staff with tumbler stones before and I noticed that I really did not get any love for making it.  I have a concept in progress where it is just the silicon content of the crystals that the spirits love so much.  Computers yay!

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Me again....

Post by TheToadMan » Tue May 14, 2013 8:16 pm

I used to build computers.

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