Trying to open up intuition, but new fear that a negative energy is following me.

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Trying to open up intuition, but new fear that a negative energy is following me.

Post by Rikis152 » Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:05 pm

SO lately ive develed into a nack for any new age hobby. And stumbling along from astrology to tarot i came upon the need to open up the intuition before continuing on my journey.
Im having a hard time visualizing. I was scared my whole life that i was just 'evil' or would never amount out to any good. Bads always come up in my life, and i push away any good i have.. Besides the point.
MY mom was fighting on the phone with my step dad and it sets me into anxiety. I ran upstairs and while sitting in the dark living room i got this deep chill more like my lungs shrank(congested feeling, hard to breath) and just had a image of this dark figure behind me when i was looking through the glass door...
Was i just imagining it? Or would there be a possiblity that this spirit is following me. My step dad passed away awhile ago when i was 8 and he never treated me right im afraid he might be lingering here around me.
Can anyone give me insight

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:44 pm

Intuition can be closely connected to our emotions.  It would appear you need to get a handle on your emotions.  And in particular the death of your step dad.  

When someone dies, people left tend to make a fuss over who they truly were.  You are perhaps having trouble coming to terms with the fact that you just didn't like one another.  Its ok not to like the person.  But its not ok to dwell on them as evil or negative.  Send love to your stepdad as he may need it to handle his next adventure of spirit.

The opening of any intuition or spirituality comes through meditation (that is the tool) and you need to regularly get in touch with yourself through meditation.  The side effects of meditation are usually clairvoyance (sensitivities) that open and express.  So grounding and protection are important parts of the process.

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