Qigong and Reiki

Know more about this Japanese form of energy healing.

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Qigong and Reiki

Post by dblmagus » Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:17 pm

I've recently been working on learning multiple methodologies of healing techniques and currently I'm working within qigong and reiki modalities. It seems like they cover much of the same techniques, but my teacher for qigong pointed out something I hadn't thought of. Reiki seems to be more of a religious technique (channeling the divine) and qigong is directing the qi through your own efforts. I was wondering if anyone else had studied both and had insights to share.

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Lady of Avalon
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Post by Lady of Avalon » Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:44 pm

Well.... Qi Gong is Chinese and Reiki Japanese.... so perhaps completely different takes on the same idea?

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Post by dblmagus » Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:43 pm

Well Qigong is able to be separated into Martial, Scholar, Medical, and Religious Qigong. It quite literally is just putting effort to your qi. I think Reiki is able to be classified under religious qigong as its goals are related to divine energies being utilized, but i could almost think it might be medical since its related to healing, just healing in a more generic sense.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:02 pm

Usui 'discovered' reiki in the late 1800's. Qi Gong is thousands of years old.  I also think that reiki is full of dogma and red tape which is sad when the idea is that we can all heal.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:39 pm

Lady of Avalon wrote:Well.... Qi Gong is Chinese and Reiki Japanese.... so perhaps completely different takes on the same idea?
No, I don't think so, the ideas are different. QiGong is all about the breath and improving the circulation of chi by movement and breathing, which in turn increass health and vitality. Reiki is more about self healing and sending reiki or ki to heal, and symbols of course.

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Post by cedars » Wed Jul 22, 2009 9:18 pm

Although I do use the sacred Reiki symbols, but I also believe we would still be able to heal - recipient willing - to heal someone with or without the symbols.

As I have been taught and attuned with the symbols, I will never abandon them. I dont need to know or ask why; I just do.

I am not sure about Reiki being religious or a religion. Why do we immediately classify anything with the word 'divine' as being religious. Would the word 'Universal' make any less divine?

I always pray to the Divine Spirit before I start Reiki treatment.

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Post by o0wabi-sabi0o » Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:04 pm

Reiki is in no way, shape, or form, a religion or even related to one. It has NOTHING to do with religion. It is a technique for applying Universal Life Force Energy. Qigong is another technique that makes use of this energy. Universal Life Force Energy = ki/qi/chi = prana = "Divine Energy" etc. "Divine" also means "supremely good" and "god-LIKE." Some people feel ki comes from a god or some higher power, and that's their prerogative, but in the end, we're all talking about the same thing. :)

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Post by PetraVanilla » Wed Oct 28, 2009 4:44 am

Reiki translates as "Life Force Energy" and Qi Gong as "Energy Manipulation". Reiki mainly serves healing and Chakra balancing as well as relaxation,while Qi Gong is used for traditional Chinese medicinal purposes almost as much as Western medicine in China, in Martial Arts and displays of inner life force strength. Qi Gong masters are able to efficiently heal, propel people and items away from themselves and start fires by energy manipulation. Reiki simply channels energy from the universe through the practitioner into the recipient to heal, it's not used to manipulate or move things. Reiki was re-discovered in the 1800s by Dr. Mikao Usui, but has been in existence for thousands of years just like Qi Gong. It seems as if Qi Gong is an extension of what can be achieved with Reiki. Check out some of the Qi Gong demonstrations on Youtube. You will see what I mean!

Also, Reiki works even if you don't "believe" in it. So it has nothing to do with being religious. Yes I do pray because I am Christian and I pray for the ability to channel healing energy before I start a session. I also work with the Reiki symbols. I think of Reiki on a quantum physics level too, though. Your cells are made from atoms: electrons, neutrons, protons - energy! You got it! They constantly move and produce an electric current. That's why Reiki can help the energy flow correctly again, kind of like you can use a magnet (composed of polarized iron atoms) to magnetize a regular piece of iron (i.e. straighten or polarize the atoms within the piece of iron)...

Besides, the only thing, that I think is questionable about Reiki, is the process of attunement. Most traditional Reiki masters claim that you are only ready to practice Reiki after a physical attunement in person, while others claim that long-distance and self-attunement is possible. As for myself, I believe Dr. Mikao Usui had nobody to attune him into level 1,2 and 3 and make him a master. No, he meditated and received the gift.
I have practiced regular level one (one-on-one) Reiki and level two Reiki (long-distance) with much success - without ever having been physically or long-distance attuned. I did have 2 Reiki sessions with a local master who helped to open my chakras for optimal energy flow, which really enhanced my ability to channel Reiki, but that was all. It is a gift in my opinion, you CAN self-attune with some guidance, and I know it because it works!

That's my 2 cents =)

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reiki and qigong

Post by jeangray369 » Thu Feb 11, 2010 11:16 pm

I have studied both of these modalities.  

In Reiki, universal energy is channelled through the practitioner and into the recipient.  This energy is always used for the highest good of the individual.  Reiki is a very gentle, loving energy.  While some permutations of Reiki are dogmatic, the original line remains free of these trappings.

Qigong is also a healing modality, but the techniques tend to be more specific and are intent on removing energy blockages which cause disease.  One of the most simple techniques to understand is Spring Forest Qigong.

Neither of these is a religion and can be practiced in conjunction with any religion or in its absence.


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Post by Cascade of Light » Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:37 pm

I am working on QiGong dreaming at the moment, but have never heard of Spring Forest Qigong? Can you explain more please :)


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Post by Javant » Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:18 pm

Just started practicing Spring Forest Qigong and I'm enjoying the exercises. I find it very calming.  I've also done a Reiki level one attunement which I'd also recomend.

Do a search on Youtube for more info on SFQ

What is Qigong dreaming ?

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Dec 16, 2012 1:19 am

Back in 1995, after spending my preparatory years for several years in observing NEWAGE MOVEMENT, and the effulgence that Internet brings to us all and so on and so forth--

I was called to Reiki (I believe that is what the beckoning is called?) and it was wonderful and the right opening at the right time!

Then at some point more recent, I was called, I suppose (?), to further expand my understanding?

I asked a simple question to my teacher: Must I give up what I learned and seen to work, or may I combine those?

The answer was not clear at all or if at all an answer!

So I let the Healing Universe guide me! The very one that in a very different setting back in the early 70's showed me my path ahead without any baggage etc...!

I suppose I have been lucky, after all!

In some healing circles there is a belief: Humans prescribe -- GOD heals!

It remains ever SO TRUE, even if many healers may have forgotten that simple TRUTH!

Love, Light, Simplicity!

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Post by Javant » Mon Dec 17, 2012 12:09 am

I like both.  Reiki seems very simple to learn, while qigong is more complex.  Qigong seems to be something you have to practice regularly.  While Reiki is something you are attuned to so is always with you.
So I let the Healing Universe guide me! The very one that in a very different setting back in the early 70's showed me my path ahead without any baggage etc...!
How did it guide you ? How do you know that this was the right choice ?
What path did you take ?


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:17 pm

Javant wrote:I like both.  Reiki seems very simple to learn, while qigong is more complex.  Qigong seems to be something you have to practice regularly.  While Reiki is something you are attuned to so is always with you.
So I let the Healing Universe guide me! The very one that in a very different setting back in the early 70's showed me my path ahead without any baggage etc...!
How did it guide you ? How do you know that this was the right choice ?
What path did you take ?


The path one follows differs from one person to another. Mine involved getting attuned to Jyotish and then to modalities for healing.

Your path could be different from mine. There are no cook-book or cookie-cutter formulae on these paths; finding the path takes lots of personal meditation, contemplations, some right turns, some wrong turns (wasted time), but if one perseveres -- one manages to figure out what is right.

Love, Light and Peace!

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