books will never fade

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books will never fade

Post by Dr.sedlak » Tue Dec 21, 2010 1:27 pm

Computers Can Replace Books
Computers are now seen in each and every house. Compare books with computers; computers are a high-technology which one can access to internet to find information and so on, while books are something written by an author to pass on knowledge or facts and so on. In this essay I am going to discuss about the beneficial of computers and books, and is computers really a replacement for books? And we shall find out.

Indeed computers are convenience to carry around nowadays but does it mean books will be replaced? People from all walks of life are arguing about this. Books are convenience to bring around and till today books are l not replaced by computers in schools. Even though Ministry of Education (MOE) tries to imply computers to schools, experiments are done. However, it seems to be not working, the reason being is that the system did not continue or is spread to any other schools.

In addition, unlike computers that gives out radiation. To add on, scientists have given a statement that radiationIs this Essay helpful? Join OPPapers to read more and access more than 325,000 just like it!

get better grades can cause diseases to human and it harms male’s reproductive cells. Therefore they think that books are healthier than computers. I agree with what the scientists have stated, no matter what health is still the first priority.

Despite what I have stated in the first few paragraphs, there are people who disagree with it. Books have their usage so do the computers. Since the technology nowadays is so wonderful. Anyone can easily access to internet to find information etc. therefore, it brings convenience to people around.

However, when computers are able to access to internet, one can arrive at any social circles like ‘Facebook’, ‘Twitter’, ‘ICQ’ and etc. which aids in expanding one’s social circle. And books are not able to do this. To add on, computers have the ability to identify criminals using software, or to match DNA. And books do not have these ability.

Therefore, I disagree with the statement where it stated that, computers will

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Post by RasAlgethi » Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:46 pm

I prefer the feel of old leather and real paper to that of a computer anyday.

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Post by swetha » Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:35 am

me too.. the smell itself is amazing!

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Post by passthehotsauce » Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:28 am

i guess the upside is less trees have to be cut....but millions of electrons will be misplaced ;)

and computers can malfunction and crash, as books cannot but take up more space....

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Post by peredhil31 » Tue May 01, 2012 2:26 am

In a power outage, books still work.  In 1000 years, the artifacts of books will reveal our existence in a way that computers may not, if they no longer function.  Books never crash, catch malware.  They can't be tracked by their electronic signatures, and can be given away at will once purchased without fear of law-suit.
Computers are a very quick tool, a delight when they work, a tyrant when they don't.

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Post by Rhaxma » Mon May 14, 2012 8:35 am

Well, I can sympathize with both sides of the issue. Many books I own are not yet ebooks and I have a fondness for boundbooks and beautiful illustrations.
On the other hand I own a nook and it is a breath of a fresh air to carry around a thin piece of technology with 20 books on it compared to when I was reading The Chronicles of Narnia and the Harry Potter series at the same time. I had lug those thick babies with me to classes all day long just to read them.

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Post by GeminiGirl » Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:23 pm

I love my ereader, it's easy to pop in my purse and I always have options.
However, there is nothing like curling up with a good book - the feel of the pages, the whole experience.
I don't think technology will ever totally replace that.

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Post by Duchess1964 » Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:20 pm

I have a computer through which I will sometimes read a good book ... NOOK or KINDLE is downloaded on my laptop.  I also find it easier to reference things without leaving my home and making a trip to a library.

I would say much depends on a person's situation.  While I love the feel of a good book ... I enjoy the convenience of an electronic copy.

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Post by symulhaque » Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:10 am

Both books and computer are helpful for us and i love to read books.

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Post by vertika-faujdar » Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:16 am

yes i agree that computer van replace a book, because when we van read all the books online on the authenticate sites and can get more information instead of that so whats the need of buying ....

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Post by symulhaque » Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:32 pm

From the beginning of literature, books are men's best friend. nowadays computer has come but computer can never take the place of book.

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Post by Duchess1964 » Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:25 pm

I have ONE actual book.  It's leather and very soft, worn.  It was written and bound in 1896.  I found it actually and read it when I'm on long flights or doing something that has much down time.

However, I have the rest of my considerable collection on a small, thin Android tablet.  I find that while I have to agree that computers will not replace the actual feel of a book, my tablet comes close and I can take my entire library with me and not be bound by the choice of one or two to read.

Nough said

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