Lesson 20: Naabhasa Yogas, the Astral sphere.

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Lesson 20: Naabhasa Yogas, the Astral sphere.

Post by vivekvshetty » Sat Mar 23, 2013 4:24 pm

Naabhasa yogas.
In almost all important texts of Jyotish a chapter is devoted exclusively to Naabhasa yogas. Many learners of Jyotish rarely takes them seriously. But if it were not so important then why did great Jyotish authorities, right from Paraashara, Varahamihira and many others, mention them? These Yogas are the foundation on which many other yogas are derived and a understanding of the Naabhasa yoga helps to build a foundation for understanding many other yogas. Rishi Paraashara in the last shloka of the chapter preceding the chapter on Naabhasa yoga says - “Till now, I have explained the methods to judge the auspicious and inauspicious results of the planets based on the twin principles: firstly based on the Lagna and secondly based on the lordship of the houses. However, there are different perspectives to view a horoscope like the Naabhasa Yoga etc., which are to be considered before arriving on the final prediction of any horoscope”.

Let us understand the term Naabhasa yoga first.
Nabha means Sky and Naabhasa means pertaining to the sky, celestial and we would add Astral also to the meaning. Also remember Naabhi (navel, umbilical cord)
Yoga means to unite or add it also means yoke. To add two or more things is yoga.
In Naabhasa yoga the seven Grahas (the nodes are excluded) take part. Their various placements in the bhaavas of the horoscope as also from each other are categorised. Some Naabhasa yogas are always found in any horoscope and deciphering them forms the base of understanding the horoscope.
Rishi Paraashara starts the chapter on Naabhasa yoga with the word Adhunaa. Adhunaa means ‘Now’. All time is conceptual and time is really the ever present NOW. This gives us a clue that the Naabhasa yogas present in a horoscope are ever active and give their result throughout the lifetime of a native independent of the Dashaas.  The dashaa of the grahas involved will ofcourse accentuate the result more, hence also the importance of Naabhasa yogas. Naabhasa yogas are like a bird’s eye view of the horoscope as all seven Grahas simultaneously participate in the yoga.
There are 32 Naabhasa Yogas, which, according to the classical texts and depending upon the different permutations of the planets and Bhaavas, have a total of 1,800 variants. We will study only the main 32 yogas as to understand the basic concept behind each so that all the variants can be studied with ease when encountered in a horoscope.
The number 32 and 1800 are said to be mystical numbers, But we will not go into mysticism though this is a mystic board.

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Post by vivekvshetty » Sun Mar 24, 2013 2:42 pm

The Naabhasa yogas outlined in the texts are:
Aashraya yoga- 3 in number
Dala yoga- 2 in number
Aakruti yoga- 20 in number
Sankhyaa yoga- 7 in number
The four fold classification of Naabhasa yogas gives us a hint as to the importance given to Kendra sthaanas. The concept of Kendra is derived from the diurnal motion of Surya as also the Soli-lunar motion - the four daily Sandhyaas (sunrise, Noon, Sunset and Midnight) as well as the waxing and waning phases of Chandra with its two intermediate points.
The names given to these yogas are very important to understand the deeper significance of these yogas. Let us understand them.

Aashraya: Shelter, Protection, refuge, asylum a place of rest. This shows how restless or restful life will be.

Dala: Team, group, petals.

AakrtI: Form, shape.

Sankhyaa: Number, count.
We will take each of these separately in the subsequent posts.
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Aashraya Yogas.

Post by vivekvshetty » Tue Mar 26, 2013 2:11 pm

Aashraya yogas are three, Rajju, Musala and Nala.

Rajju yoga:Meaning - Rajju means a rope.
Condition - All Grahas in movable sign.
Effect: Native with this yoga in her/his horoscope will be restless, keeping still is a problem, flexible and adjusting as per situation and hence adaptable, Will like to travel. Traditional texts speak of such natives settling abroad (places far from home). it is also said to give a cruel and envious nature.

It is difficult if not impossible to find a perfect Rajju yoga in horoscopes and usually a majority of Garhas in Chara Raashis will give some of the effects mentioned.
We are reminded of the proverb for Rajju yoga - Give someone enough rope and he'll hang himself.

Musala Yoga: meaning – a pestle.
Condition – All Grahas in fixed (Sthira) Raashis.
Effect - Native born in this Yoga are endowed with honour, wisdom, knowledge and whether, will be dear to people in authority, will be famous, will have money, children and be of firm disposition.

Like the pestle they are tough and persevering, slow but steady. They dislike change and need some force (many a knock of the pestle to the head) to get them moving.
Just like the Rajju yoga it may be difficult to encounter a perfect Musala yoga horoscope. A majority of Grahas in Sthira Raashis will give some of the effects of Musala Yoga.

Nala yoga: Meaning - Nala means Hollow pipe, Tube,even a Tap.
Condition – All Grahas in common (dwishabhaava) Raashis.
Effect: Natives born in Nala Yoga will have some physical deformity, or somehow be disabled. They will be interested in accumulating money, shrewd, clever and intelligent; will be of a helpful nature, and with few children. One has a medium span of life, is attractive in appearance, and charming, intent upon doing acts beneficial to others, rich, celebrated, and attracts everyone.
Like the hollow pipe they act as conduits between the two types of people (the Rajju type and the Musala type) and are hence of a helpful nature which in turn makes them attract everyone. The other effect given like- a malformed body, few children and medium lifespan is beyond our present understanding.

Shri Sanjay Prabhakaran ji – a respected teacher gives the following analogy:
Aashraya Yoga: Rajju,Mussala,Nala (Rope, Rod and Tube). This yoga is like understanding the stalk of the lotus. There are many lotuses in a pond. Some drift a lot some stay stationary etc. This depends on the way the stalk of the lotus is bound in the pond. Hence the 3 types of signs represent how the lotus moves about in the pond. It also indicates how the Lotus takes its nourishments. The stalk is like the Legs of Dharma which always protects the individual and keeps one standing.
For example if the person has more number of planets in Moveable signs the person will move to many places and get the nourishments. If a person has more number of planets in dual sign the person is both moving and non-moving. In the sense the person will always keep one place as his home and then move around. Thus this yoga indicates the Support one gets.

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Post by vivekvshetty » Fri Mar 29, 2013 1:10 pm

Aashraya Yogas can be formed when all the seven Grahas are placed in Kendra houses (1, 4, 7 & 10). One, two, three or all four kendras are occupied. Although it is difficult for all four to be occupied as Shukra and Budha will always be with Surya in such cases.
Same way Aashraya yogas can be formed in Phanaphara (2, 5, 8 &11) houses or Apoklima (3, 6, 9 & 12) houses.
When Aashraya yogas are formed in Phanaphara or Apoklima houses, the results will be mild and may be felt in the later part of the life. This is the opinion of some Jyotishas.
You may have observed that in Nala yoga all seven Grahas influence each other either by yuti (conjunctiuon) or Dristhi (RaashiDristhi). This may not be the case in the other two Aashraya yogas. Also remember that Grahas in mutual kendras to each other become paraspara kaarakas of each other. Paraspara Kaaraka means that they will help promote each other’s agenda.

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Dala Yogas.

Post by vivekvshetty » Sat Mar 30, 2013 4:54 pm

Dala yoga: Maalaa and Sarpa yogas (also called Bhujanga yoga) are the two Dala yogas.
Maalaa Yoga: Meaning – Garland, rosary, series – one following the other.
Condition – kendras occupied by benefics.
Effect: Maalaa Yoga will make the native ever happy, endowed with conveyance, robes, food and other article to enjoy. Such natives will prove as good husband and will company of females of good character.
The Kendras from Lagna should be occupied by benefic Grahas for the native to enjoy the effects of the yoga. Some people also take it to be operational if kendras from other reference points like Chandra, Surya, Paaka Lagna, Aaroodha Lagna and even kaaraka Lagna are occupied by Benefics.
Benefics here mean Guru, Shukra, Chandra (it is better if it is endowed with paksha bala), Budha (better unafflicted). Few Jyotishas also add Surya to the list but we are not much inclined to this view point.
More the kendras occupied by benefics better the result. Malefics should not conjoin for the yoga to fully bloom.
Sarpa/Bhujanga Yoga: Meaning Serpent.
Condition: Kendras occupied by Malefics.
Effect: One born in Sarpa Yoga will be crooked in behaviour, cruel; he/she will be miserable, having a pitiless heart, and suffer miseries. Will suffer poverty, will be dependent on others for food and drink, will not have own house. Longevity is affected, will be given to too much useless banter, be a source of trouble and derive sadistic pleasure thereby. Will wander around aimlessly and be away from home.
The Kendras from Lagna should be occupied by Malefics, although some people also take the yoga to be present if Kendras from other reference points are also afflicted as given above in the Maalaa yoga effects.
Malefics mean Shani, Mangal. Surya may also be taken to be a malefic. Although the nodes are technically not considered in the Naabhasa yogas they also play a contributing part and if occupy Kendra sthaanas they will surely accentuate the effects of Sarpa yoga.

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Post by vivekvshetty » Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:02 pm

Sanjay Prabhakaran ji gives ther following explanation.

Dala Yoga: are 2 type: Maalaa and Sarpa, Garland or Snake. These are like 2 amrita and poison. These two extremes are given as example the inbetween can be deduced. The grahas are classified in 2 categories malefic and benefic. Depending on more of them coming on quadrant the overal experience can be good or bad. This yoga indicates the malefic or benfic experience, malefic and benfic path taken, Understanding destruction and creation etc. The prime focus is on Malefics and Benifics. The malefics gets more power in Krishna Paksha (Waning) and Benefics in Shukla Paksha (Waxing moon). Thus this indicates the two paths taken by the individual. One towards Creation and the other towards Renunciation. Many malefics in quadrant can give a very difficult life and can make the person see the world like "Snake".

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Two groups?

Post by vivekvshetty » Tue Apr 02, 2013 2:17 pm

The name of the two yogas reminds us of the two main deities of the Satya Sanaatana, Shri Vishnu and Shiva. Shri Vishnu is depicted in his various images wearing a Maala (garland) called the Vaijayanti maala made up of fragrant flowers; Vaijayanti Maalaa is translated as the garland of victory. Lord Shiva is depicted wearing a snake (a cobra) as a garland.
The seemingly two contrasting dieties of vedic mythology are actually the two sides of the same coin and hence inseparable. The real victor like lord Vishnu is not carried away by victory and remains ever egoless as shown by the story where Maharishi Brighu kicks him on the chest and still Vishnu is not angered. And only Lord Shiva can wear a cobra as a garland and still be so calm and fearless.
Although not explicitly mentioned anywhere in Jyotish texts, the hint hidden in the names of the two Dala yogas is too strong to ignore.

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Post by mysbcrs » Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:08 am

Namaskaar Vivekji, Rahulji,

That is an excellent analogy and immense food for thought. It also reminded me of Samudra Manthan where Lord Shiva had to deal with Vish and Lord Vishnu with Amrith.

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Post by vivekvshetty » Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:16 pm

Namaskaar crs ji,
Indeed immense food for thought.

RishiRahul and vivek.
mysbcrs wrote:Namaskaar Vivekji, Rahulji,

That is an excellent analogy and immense food for thought. It also reminded me of Samudra Manthan where Lord Shiva had to deal with Vish and Lord Vishnu with Amrith.

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Post by vivekvshetty » Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:19 pm

The two Yoga categories of Aashraya and Dala yogas are more Kendra based, especially the Dala yoga. Kendras are more of external in nature whereas the Trikonas are more personal or internal. Kendras show the influence of the world on a native and how it affects her/him. Having Beneficial Grahas in kendras is like the world welcoming you with a garland of flowers, whereas malefic grahas in Kendras is like an albatross around the neck of the native always trying to bring the native down. Sarpa yoga Natives also by nature are bit difficult for other people to handle.
The thing about Naabhasa yogas is that rarely a perfect yoga will be formed in the horoscope, except the Sankhyaa yogas, but the yogas that are almost near to the definition of a particular yoga, it will show some effect of the yoga. Examples can be taken up in the Lesson no: 18. If any leaner has a horoscope in their collection confirming to any of the yogas discussed here, they may post it in the lesson no: 18. We have some, but we want the learners to take some initiative. Celebrity and politician horoscope are always suspect of the time and sometimes even the dates so it is better avoided. And of course Shri Raam’s horoscope is always there for learning. We won’t discuss his chart here but we want all learners to see it from the perspective of the Naabhasa  yogas.
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Post by vivekvshetty » Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:05 am

Taking the lesson forward we come to the 20 Aakruti yogas.
The word Aakruti means a shape or a form. The root ‘Kru’ in it implies doership. So in a sense it shows how the native shapes up her/his life. The names of the 20 yogas are the names of weapons; man made implements, natural bodies etc. which were used every day in ancient times.
Gadaa (गदा) meaning Mace
Sakata (सकट) means a cart (pulled by animals like bulls)
Shrunghaataka श्रृंगाटक
Vihanga विहंग
Hala हल
Vajra वज्र
Yava यव
Kamala कमल
Vaapi वापि
Yoopa यूप
Shara शर
Shakthi शक्ति
Danda दण्ड
Naukaa नैका
Koota कूट
Chatra छत्र
Dhanus धनुष
Ardha Chandra अर्ध चन्द्र
Chakra चक्र
Samudra समुद्र

Some say these images are formed in the sky due to the pattern of placement of Grahas in the sky, but we believe there is much more to this.
These images are very important. Images have a great power in them as they trigger some thought form in us which we associate with the image and these thought forms in turn makes us react in a certain way. The association of the images with certain actions are universal. Psychology gives great importance to images and images form a very important basis to understand the mind of patients.  For example, interpreting doodles drawn by a patient helps the psychiatrist to gauge the current state of mind of the patient. Likewise some pictures are shown to patients and s/he is asked to describe the feeling that particular picture invokes in her/him or even any past incident which may be triggered by the picture. The psychiatrics also have what is called the Rorscach test. In this the patient is shown a series of ink blot kind of thing. Google it to know more about it.
Also western astrology has what they call ‘patterns’. And they also have given fanciful names to these, like locomotive pattern, see-saw pattern, bucket pattern etc.
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Gadaa, Sakata and Vihaga.

Post by vivekvshetty » Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:15 pm

Gadaa “mace” Yoga: All planets in two successive angles. Successive Kendra means all Grahas in either 1&4 or 4&7or 7&10 or 10&1.
Native having Gadaa Yoga in the chart will always make efforts to gain wealth, will perform religious sacrifices, know shastras, spells, skilled, and be endowed with wealth, gold and gems.
You will observe that the yoga overlaps with Aashraya (refuge yogas already dealt in previous posts) as well as Shankhya yoga (Number of raashis occupied by grahas yoga). Many authorities say that when Aakruti yoga is formed the effect of sankhyaa yoga should be ignored (with one exception) as it will not manifest, others disagree.
Gadaa is a weapon used by warriors who are very physically strong and the names associated with the Gadaa are Hanumaan and Bheema. Even Vishnu is depicted holding a Mace.
Here we see that the Grahas placed in the immediate Kendra give Sukha Argala to the 1st occupied kendra playing a major part in giving happiness and also the Grahas become mutual temporary (Taatkaalika) friends with the Grahas in the other Kendra.  

Sakata*: Cart or a vehicle pulled by animals.
All Grahas are occupying the Lagna and the 7th.
Native born in Sakata Yoga will be diseased, have ugly or deformed nails, wives will be mean and ugly, will be devoid of friends and relatives. Eking out a day to day existence will live by pulling a cart or trade in carts or animal drawn carriages. S/He will be moving like a cart (which we think means that he will be a transporter or worst a porter).
*There is another yoga similarly named but formed differently and falls under Chandra yogas (lunar yogas) and both should not be confused with each other.
Here the two houses involved are very important houses, the first represents the very personal and the seventh represents the associates with whom the native interacts very closely or has some sort of partnership with the native. All Grahas become mutual temporary enemies (Taatkaalika Shatru). Also see the Argalas and Virodhaargalas being given to the 4th (home)and 10th (profession) houses by these Grahas in the 1st and 7th.
Vihaga yoga: Bird, Sky goer.
All Grahas in 4th and 10th.
Native born in Vihaga Yoga roams about aimlessly, will work as a messenger, will be shameless and mean. Always interested in quarrels, ekes out a living by sexual dealings.
Others add the following effects - one does not enjoy any pleasures and has the ability of glib talk.

4th is terra firma and the 10th is the sky and so just as a bird always flying high but has to come down to earth to rest every once in a while so is the native inclined, Here also all Grahas become Taatkaalika Shatru to each other.

These three yogas show three contrasting way of life. Carrying a mace around all the time is tiring although other people tend to be respectful but it is a freer kind of life in the sense that the person is not bogged down as in Sakata yoga native nor always living in the ‘troposphere’ so to say, as in Vihaga yoga.
The Sakata yoga native is always left to deal with other people’s weight and is always tied down or pushed down to earth.
The Vihaga yoga native is always flying high unable to decide where to alight and hence is alone and this manifests as dislike for company. The native comes down to earth only to fulfil the bodily needs like food, rest and pleasure of the body.
Last edited by vivekvshetty on Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by vivekvshetty » Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:34 pm

Shringataka: Mountain peak (especially a mountain having three peaks), horn (as in animals and not as in cars), crossroad, Also the name of a herb, a marma point- the Philtrum.
Formed when all Grahas are placed in the three trines (Trikonas)of the Lagna i.e. all grahas occupy all three dharma Trkona Raashis.
One born in Sringataka Yoga will be fond of quarrels and battles. One is a warrior, dear to the king, happy throughout their lives, hates the fairer sex (in modern terms it should be opposite sex) but has a fortunate spouse.
The Dharma Trikonas are involved here and these are also called as the Laxmi Sthaanaas (Place of the goddess of wealth) and by themselves without the support of Kendra are said to be ineffective in bringing lasting wealth.
Why are they said to be fond of battles? See the three Natural Dharma Trikona Raashis – Mesha, Simha and Dhanu, there is a strong martial influence seen in these Raashis. The fifth is the throne (natural fifth house is Simha). Being close to power centres does bring affluence. One thing that comes to mind when this yoga is present in a chart is that all Grahas are influenced by Guru Graha either by conjunction (Yuti) or aspect (Graha Dristhi) and this is very good. Also remember that a Graha in the 5th from any Graha is a temporary enemy but one who was a friend  (temporary) before and Grahas in the 9th are enmies (temporary)having the potential of becoming a friend in the future.
All the three houses involved are very personal Bhaavas as the first is the ‘beingness’ of the person, fifth is his heartfelt liking and ninth is the Dharma s/he follows. In that sense it is a very important yoga to understand.
RishiRahul and vivek.
Last edited by vivekvshetty on Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by mysbcrs » Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:40 pm

Namaskaar Rishiji, Vivekji

Are these four yogas (Gadaa, Sakata, Vihanga, Shrunghaataka) linked to placement in relation to lagna or to each other? For e.g, is Gadaa yoga formed when grahas are in 2 and 5?

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Post by vivekvshetty » Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:07 pm

Namaskaar crs ji,
From the lagna only.
Rishiraahul and vivek.
mysbcrs wrote:Namaskaar Rishiji, Vivekji

Are these four yogas (Gadaa, Sakata, Vihanga, Shrunghaataka) linked to placement in relation to lagna or to each other? For e.g, is Gadaa yoga formed when grahas are in 2 and 5?

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